Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 965: Xiangwan Presidential Suite


On the large platform on the roof of the InterContinental Hotel.

The helicopter landed.

Ye Yang looked at many girls chasing after him under the building, and shook his head helplessly. Such fanatical fans are too emotional, and their pursuit of stars is too fanatical...

He took his family to the presidential suite at the InterContinental Hotel.

The Golden Week price of 500,000 per night is not expensive.

After all, there are too many rich people now, and there are big brothers everywhere. No one is short of the five hundred thousand, and they all want to show off.

Whether you can get this suite in the end depends on your status.

Obviously, the owner of the Xiangwan Intercontinental Hotel was most in awe of Ye Yang's revealed status and directly sold the presidential suit.

The InterContinental Hotel headquarters is surrounded by the most famous Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong.

Surrounding the suite, there is also a super large balcony. On the balcony, there is an infinity swimming pool, which seems to be completely integrated with the surrounding waters, blending into the sky and sea at high altitude.

Very design.

"It's really good."

The balcony of the suite cannot be called a balcony at all, but a super courtyard surrounding it.

Moreover, it is still a two-story courtyard.

It not only has a sense of space design, but also has a strange feeling of being detached from everyone and blending in with all living beings.

It's dark now, and the neon lights are soaring all around the port. High-rise buildings with flashing lights line up in rows. The sea is colorfully illuminated by the lights. Ships are sailing on it, and there is a bustling scene coming towards you.

This kind of perspective, which is between the bustling city and outside the bustling city, is really worth the price.

Ye Yang held on to the traceless glass stand and watched the ships sailing in all directions on the sea, with lights like rainbows.

The InterContinental Hotel has brought in delicacies carefully prepared by five-star chefs.

"It is indeed beautiful. The night view around the Huangpu River from the flat floor of Linjiang Community is inferior to it."

Ye Xiaozi murmured while holding the dinner plate and eating the delicious food.


Ye Yang nodded.

This place is much higher than the flat floors in Linjiang Community, and you can see more prosperity.

If the flat floor of Linjiang Community were one or two hundred meters higher, the scenery would be almost the same.

"Brother, what are you thinking about..."

Ye Xiaozi felt that there was not only appreciation in Ye Yang's eyes looking into the distance, but also a kind of light that she couldn't describe.

"One day, I want our hometown to be as prosperous and gorgeous as this one."

Ye Yang grabbed the railing and said in a deep voice.

The economy of the three eastern provinces is in decline, talents are leaving, and the prosperity of the cities is no longer what it was at its peak.

The former Spring City was to China what the Magic City, Shencheng and Xiangwan are to China today.

It is a symbol of development and prosperity.


Ye Xiaozi knew that Ye Yang had always had this expectation in his heart. Whether it was the initial investment of 50 billion to support projects in the province or the decision to locate the Huaxia Jiuzhou Academy in his hometown, they were all advance plans for this expectation.

However, there are too many things to consider when revitalizing a region.

It's not just about money.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, let's go back to eat."


Ye Xiaozi nodded obediently.


After eating, Ye Yang clicked on his hot search again.

However, this time my hot search was with another person.

"This person looks familiar."

Ye Yang looked at Liu Minhui.

"Huh!? Isn't this the person on the big poster held by those people when we came out of the airport today?"

Ye Xiaozi murmured doubtfully.

"Oh, it's him."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and scrolled through a few videos: "This is too tragic. I lost all my shoes after being kicked out by the enthusiastic crowd! I also got stuck in a big somersault."

"He deserves it!"

Ye Xiaozi snorted coldly: "Who asked him to make money from us and dare to scold us?"

Ye Yang shook his head and laughed.

I had never even met this man, and I had never even heard of his name before today.

Unexpectedly, he just showed up and broke his defense. As a result, he was outraged, his fans dropped sharply, and his acting career dropped to a freezing point.

"...If you just rely on your face, it's still unreliable."

Ye Yang shook his head.

You still have to be like him, not only relying on your handsome face to make a living, but also relying on your own talent and connotation!


Ye Xiaozi rolled her eyes, showing disgust on the surface, but inwardly she liked her brother's shameless behavior.

Yu Momo has already prepared the general strategy.

Having a caring secretary is so convenient.

Ye Yang didn't bother to plan any further itinerary. Yu Momo's strategy was absolutely reliable.

After eating, I took a shower.

"In front of the hotel is the luxury goods area. People have come here to buy some clothes and jewelry. It's just for a walk after dinner."

Ye Yang stretched and suggested.

Women are very enthusiastic about shopping.

Only Ye Xuanting was not very interested in this.

"You should exercise! You've become so fat!"

Su Shirley scolded from the side.

“It’s hard to get out for a trip, let’s take a walk!”


Finally, Ye Xuanting couldn't withstand Su Shirley's verbal attack, so he had to stand up and accompany him.

After Su Shirley won, she made a "yeah" gesture to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, these two old men were too lively.

New Century Plaza, shopping mall.

Because Xiangwan is a duty-free zone, buying luxury goods is cheaper than in mainland China.

So many wealthy people who come here to travel like to bring something back from here.

It's Golden Week again now.

There are a lot of people in New Century Plaza.

Most of the stores in the shopping mall are very affordable brands, with food and entertainment areas, as well as some light luxury brands.

When it comes to the luxury goods area, the flow of people suddenly decreases.

Although there are many people who come to see the new things, most people know that they can't afford it at all, so there is no need to join in the fun.

"Well, there is also a branch of Vacheron Constantin here."

Ye Yang smiled slightly. It's great to be able to see his own industry no matter where he is.


In front of him, a group of young men embraced beautiful women with enchanting figures, fair skin, beautiful faces and long legs, and muttered as they walked.

"What bad luck! I wanted to book the presidential suite at the InterContinental Hotel and have a party next to the infinity pool. How cool! But someone told me that someone has booked the presidential suite!"

"That's right! What kind of status do we have? Stamp your feet and the harbor will shake! This boss actually thinks someone is better than us!"

"I'm really unhappy today!"

"It doesn't matter. Maybe he is really a big boss. It will be great if we set up our artillery and fire a few shots at night. Don't be so uncomfortable~"

Several long-legged beauties are calming down the emotions of several young masters...

(Second update)

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