Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 971: Reject Mr. Ye, you don’t have to participate

"Mr. Kelly."

Zeng Ningqun cupped his hands and laughed.

"Mr. Zeng."

Kelly also smiled and shook hands with everyone.

He was once the world-famous God of Gamblers in Las Vegas, and there were only three Gods of Gamblers left in the world. With the changes in the general trend of the world, in recent years, he has basically washed up his hands, switched from gambling to business, and started to start a business. Business.

Today, Kelly's industry scale has exceeded 100 billion US dollars.

Although he is still far from the top richest people in the world, but with his reputation as the god of gambling, he is very respected in all walks of life.

Even an overlord like Zeng Ningqun, with assets worth two trillion yuan, would call him a VIP.

"Mr. Kelly's battle on the Pacific ferry that decided the fate of many countries is still a powerful story that is told to this day."

Zeng Ningqun smiled slightly.

"That battle was nothing."

Kelly smiled and shook his head.

It was precisely because of that battle that he was completely established as the god of gambling.

His reputation spreads far and wide, and no one in the gambling world respects him!

"Haha, sure enough, the better you are at something, the more humble you are at it."

Several other top wealthy people in Xiangwan laughed.

"Mr. Kelly wants to invest in a 100 billion project in Xiangwan?"

Zeng Ningqun asked.

"Not bad, but I hope to cooperate with a few."

Kelly nodded.

China's business environment has been getting better and better recently, attracting worldwide attention. Anyone can see that the future of the world lies in the East.

He had to come in advance to make arrangements.

"Haha, easy to talk about."

Li Xuanji smiled and nodded.

"However, in addition to you, I also sincerely invite another old friend from China to join this project."

Kelly said.

"Oh?! I wonder if we know this person?"

Zeng Ningqun asked.

"You must have at least heard of it. After all, Mr. Ye has become famous internationally recently."

Kelly laughed.

"Mr. Ye..."

Several people looked at each other.

"Is it possible that the Mr. Ye you are talking about is..."

"Yes, that's the shareholder of Shentu, now the new emperor of Parrot, Mr. Ye Yang."

Kelly nodded.

"I disagree!!!"

Li Jiazi almost blurted out.

He has no structure to begin with, otherwise he wouldn't have lost trillions because of his vision problems.

More than ten years after entering the 21st century, there are still people who cannot even see the general trend of China's rise.

How big a pattern can it have.

But there is no way, he is Li Laocheng's son, so he can sit here.


Kelly looked at Li Jiazi in surprise.

"Ahem, this only represents Mr. Li's personal opinion."

Several other wealthy businessmen are aware of the tendencies of Zeng Ningqun and Li Xuanji. They will not care whether Li Jiazi agrees with such a project, which can earn at least tens of billions.

To be honest, in the face of such huge benefits.

Is he a piece of shit?


If you dare to hinder us from making money, I will cut your head off!


"Ah, then Mr. Li can give up this project."

Kelly's tone was tactful but decisive.

"...Of course, it's not non-negotiable."

When Li Jiazi saw that Kelly was acting like Ye Yang was not involved and was not going to involve others, he immediately changed his tune.


Li Xuanji glanced at Li Jiazi and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

He is an old fox who sees everything clearly, but he is too lazy to talk.

"I have made an appointment with Mr. Ye to catch up with old friends at the racecourse tonight. If you are interested in this project, you can go over there tonight and get to know Mr. Ye."

Stephen Kelly said.

"Well, I will definitely go."

Zeng Ningqun nodded.

"Old man, I haven't moved my muscles for a long time. Ye Xiaoyou is a young hero. We really should get to know each other."

Li Xuanji said with a smile.

Two of the Big Three have spoken.


Li Jiazi paused for a moment: "I will go too."

"Haha, that's right! What does that little grudge mean?"

Zeng Ningqun thought that Li Jiazi was willing to put aside the past feud and discuss business with Ye Yang, so he smiled and nodded.


Li Jiazi snorted in his heart, he had his own plan.


Meet in the evening.

During the day, Ye Yang took his family to stroll around various famous places in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong Ocean Park, Victoria Peak, and even a trip to the Horror Wax Museum.

Underwater world, cable car.

Played it all over again.

It is estimated that Xiangwan Disneyland will last a whole day, and we have an appointment tonight. Ye Yang plans to take his family there tomorrow.

"Brother, this marshmallow is so delicious!"

Ye Xiaozi twirled the colorful marshmallows in her hand and laughed so hard that her dimples popped out.


Ye Yang nodded, he felt it was a bit too sweet.

"I just finished eating ice cream and sundae, and then I ate marshmallows. Aren't you afraid of getting fat after eating so many sweet things?"

"Tch, I don't get fat no matter what I eat! Envy me! A little bit~"

Ye Xiaozi made a face to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

But thinking about it, it’s true that my sister is quite greedy, but she doesn’t gain weight no matter what she eats, which really pisses off people trying to lose weight.


Father Ye and Mother Ye were filled with emotion after walking around today.

Compared with the northeastern provincial capitals, the gap between Hainan and Hainan is not very obvious.

But as soon as I arrived in Xiangwan, I felt what prosperity was all of a sudden.

This kind of impact was huge for the old couple who rarely left the province and had never been to a first-tier city in their lives.

Ye Yang also hoped to subtly change his parents' ideas.

Maybe he could convince them to live in Shanghai in the future.

Of course, if the hometown can be transformed into a first-tier city by then, there would be no need to move.

It's hard to leave your hometown.

If your hometown is prosperous and wealthy, who would be willing to leave it?


Ye Yang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"Are you going to the racecourse? I guess there will be competitions and you can see the God of Gamblers."

Ye Yang asked Ye Xuanting and Su Shirley with a smile.

"Well, forget it. I still don't feel comfortable with that kind of occasion."

The two have been honest people all their lives. They are afraid of gambling, not to mention going to the inside of a racecourse and seeing the God of Gamblers.

Just thinking about it makes me feel like committing a crime.

Ye Yang smiled, and took the excited Ye Xiaozi to the racecourse...

(Second update)

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