Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 972 Horse racing? Or a game of underhanded tactics?

Horse racing in Xiangwan was once famous in China.

The racecourse is magnificent.

Just one look at it and you can feel the century-old temperament.

"Mr. Ye~"

The waiter at the door came forward and bowed to Ye Yang: "Mr. Kelly has been waiting for you for a long time, please follow me."


Ye Yang nodded and walked in with his sister.

The racecourse is very large, and many racers are riding beautiful and strong horses on the track. The scene is very lively, and the audience is full of shouts, whistles, flags and shouts, filling the entire racecourse.

"Racing is just a new type of speed and passion in modern times, but horse racing is the most original interpretation of speed that the nobles have come from ancient times, the harmony between heaven and man."

Stephen Kelly learned Chinese writing culture in order to do business in China, and the mind of the God of Gamblers is very smart.

However, in just a few years, he has become very proficient in the use of Chinese.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and shook hands with Stephen Kelly.

The two walked into the VIP area, where there were still a few men.

There were a circle of bodyguards sitting around.

Obviously, these people were of very high status.

"Mr. Ye is here."

Several people came over to greet Ye Yang.

They were all the richest people standing at the top of Hong Kong.

Due to all historical reasons, the power and status of businessmen in Hong Kong are much higher than those in the mainland.

These people are some of the top bosses with the highest status in Hong Kong.

Only one person had no intention of taking the initiative to greet him.

"This is Mr. Li Laocheng's son, Li Jiazi."

Zeng Ningqun introduced him and said nothing more.

"Well, hello."

Ye Yang raised his lips, and obviously understood why the other party didn't like him very much.

"Mr. Ye is so powerful. He just came to Hong Kong and dared to attack our Hong Kong rich businessmen!"

Li Jiazi sneered.

"Your son has brought this upon himself."

Ye Yang has always been straightforward, and he didn't give him any face at all at this time.

"What did you say!?"

Li Jiazi's mouth trembled.

"If you also want to blame yourself, I will satisfy you immediately."

Ye Yang sneered. This father and son are really the same.

"You think..."


Zeng Ningqun and others had to come out to offend Li Jiazi.

"Today, I asked Mr. Ye to come to watch the game and talk about business. We should be harmonious. If you are not feeling well, please leave first!"

Li Jiazi snorted coldly: "My Li family's face has been lost, and I will ask for it back no matter what. Let's settle yesterday's grievances and sit down to talk."

"Mr. Ye, this..."

Stephen wanted to explain something.

Ye Yang waved his hand and sneered.

He didn't have a good impression of this man's father, Li Gongtan, and this kid had to jump out and die, so he just helped him.

"How do you want to end it?"

Ye Yang said lightly.

"Since we are in this racecourse, we will naturally compare the way of knights."

Li Jiazi is extremely confident.

They are old nobles. Hong Kong is greatly influenced by England. Children from rich families learn horse riding since childhood.

Although he has a small vision, he is good at horse riding.

Now he is at a semi-professional level.

"Let's have a competition. The bet amount is 10 billion. If you can beat me, I will never talk about yesterday's matter again."

Li Jiazi raised her head.

Ye Yang smiled. Here comes another person to give him money.

Equestrianism is also a sport. He is now an all-rounder.

There is now a horse farm in Yundingshan Manor.

Racing with him?

"This is unfair to Mr. Ye!"

"Let's not talk about whether Mr. Ye has had horse racing experience before. You are already at the level of a semi-professional horse racer."

"Not bad."

Several people were afraid that Ye Yang would suffer a loss, which would lead to Kelly kicking them out of this cooperation, so they all tried to dissuade him.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and shook his head at Li Jiazi: "You are too weak. I am really bullying you if I compete with you."


Everyone else present blinked and looked at Ye Yang. They didn't expect that he would be so confident against a semi-professional racer.

Li Jiazi frowned and saw that Ye Yang's confidence was not fake at all. He was still better than his son. What if Ye Yang had a backhand again? If he rushed forward blindly, wouldn't it be giving money away again?

He directly took emergency shelter.


He coughed a few times and turned to look at Zeng Ningqun and others: "What you said is not unreasonable."


Zeng Ningqun and others couldn't help rolling their eyes in their hearts. You are too obviously cowardly.

"Since Mr. Ye may not be able to race horses, why don't we follow the fine tradition of England and have a bet on horses?"

Li Jiazi said.

The other people were even more frightened.

Just wanted to persuade Ye Yang not to accept it.

Ye Yang nodded and agreed, and this time he didn't even give them a chance to speak...


Li Jiazi laughed: "Great! Mr. Ye is really generous! In an hour, there will be three horse racing betting games here. You and I will bet 10 billion each to see who will be the winner in the end!"

After that, he left the table with a smile...

"Mr. Ye! You shouldn't have agreed to his bet this time!"

"Yes! This is even worse than betting on horse racing..."

The few people who knew the inside story sighed and said to Ye Yang.

"Oh? Is there any other hidden secret in this?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Ye, you don't know... This horse racing is the biggest project in Xiangwan, and there are endless interests and wealth behind it."

"In order to guide the interests and wealth behind it, the forces behind the racecourse are playing games with each other and working hard."

"The final result seems random, but in fact it has been determined..."


"You mean, someone manipulated the game?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"Manipulation, not at all."

Zeng Ningqun shook his head: "The interests involved in horse racing are too huge, and it is not something that a single family can afford. All of Xiangwan, as well as tourists from various countries who come to Xiangwan and mainlanders who come here for fame, will bet. Often, a random horse racing game can determine the direction of billions or tens of billions of cash."

"Over the course of a year, the cash flow in Xiangwan's horse racing field has reached a terrifying level."

"The horse racing industry in Xiangwan has a complex behind-the-scenes operator, and there are even shadows of Xiangwan's public mansion, various wealthy people, and some other forces..."

"The Li family where Li Jiazi is located is one of them. A very important force. "

"So, the winning or losing of this horse racing is not about the rider and the horse. It is the game of energy of the capital behind it."


"In other words, what he wants to compete with me is the influence of each other on the Xiangwan Racecourse?"

Ye Yang nodded, which was almost the same as he guessed...

"Yes, although Mr. Ye is now famous all over the world and his rise is unstoppable, you really don't have the wings of power in Xiangwan. If you want to compete with the Li family behind the scenes of Xiangwan, the result is foreseeable. "

Several tycoons agreed with what Zeng Ningqun said, and no one believed that Ye Yang could win this time.

It will only lose 30 billion cash...

(First update)

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