Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 973 Restricted directional ID card

"What you said makes sense."

Ye Yang nodded.

"If we withdraw this bet now, we can avoid a loss of 30 billion."

"It's just a loss of face."

Several of the richest men in Xiangwan still want to make money by doing business with Ye Yang, and they are basically thinking about him.

Just when they wanted to say something else.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "What you said makes sense, but in the end, I am still the winner."

Because not only is Xiangwan so dark, the world is bustling with people competing for fame and wealth. He has been in it for a long time now. As soon as Li Jiazi made the suggestion, he knew what Li Jiazi was thinking.

Although he didn't completely guess the specific situation.

But it's almost the same.

The reason why he agreed so quickly was that he naturally had his own trump card.


Zeng Ningqun and others were all confused.

"Mr. Ye, you..."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and said nothing more: "Just wait for the results."

Stephen pondered.

His sense of Ye Yang's awesomeness was countless times greater than Zeng Ningqun's.

After all, the information collected by Zeng Ningqun, in summary, shows that Ye Yang has a lot of money and a lot of status.

But that day, on the Parrot, he saw thousands of troops, submarines and helicopters, and a military that was powerful enough to dominate anywhere in the world.

Such a person with endless secrets and powerful energy behind him.

No matter what happens, it's not surprising.

"It seems that Mr. Ye is going to impress me again."

Stephen laughed.

Zeng Ningqun and others were even more surprised.

This Stephen seems to have mysterious confidence in Ye Yang...

Ye Yang called Yu Momo.

After verification.

Yu Momo sent a briefing.

The forces behind the Xiangwan Racecourse are indeed complex. If you want to become the owner of the Xiangwan Racecourse, Ye Yang's influence will not be a problem.

But if you weigh the various forces and finally gain control, it will take at least a day.

"What about an hour?"

Ye Yang asked.

"It is not impossible, but it is risky. And a lot of money will be lost. But according to the current operating conditions of the Grand Racecourse, the capital can be recovered in five or seven years."

After Yu Momo was silent for a while, he replied.


Ye Yang thought for a while.

The restricted identity card was dug out from the system inventory.

This identity card is an additional reward when investing in Huaxia Jiuzhou Institute.

As a bonus bundled with the black technology card, its effect is not very strong.

There are restrictions on the identities that can be bound.

He checked the identity of the owner of Xiangwan Racecourse and found that it was close to the limit.

"No need at this time, wait until later."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

At this time, at the entrance in the distance, Li Jiazi had returned with a spring breeze on his face.

Say hello to him from a distance.

Ye Yang did not hesitate and directly used the restricted identity card.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have now become the owner of Xiangwan Racecourse and enjoy absolute control."

The system prompt sound came next moment.


It is indeed a system, and its efficiency is beyond the times.

Sure enough, after a while, a phone call came in.

"Hello, Boss Ye, I am Ma Wenhou, the general manager of the racecourse! Do you know what the new boss's orders are?"

There came a voice of inquiry as reliable as that of an old butler.

The manager looked calm on the outside, but actually he was panicking inside.

He was completely unaware of the boss's change!

The last second he suddenly answered the phone, his previous boss told him that the boss had changed.

He was dumbfounded.

The previous boss had a complicated background, and he, as the general manager, knew it all too well.

You actually called to inform the replacement without any warning?

And the new boss has full control of the new company?

There is no need to take care of the Xiangwan Palace, the Grand Court, the major wealthy people, and the international financial groups. Everything is done as long as the new boss follows his lead.

The shock of these words.

Even at this moment, Ma Wenhou was trembling! ! !

A few casual greetings.

Ye Yang got straight to the point: "What are the results of tonight's three games?"

"Well, tonight's game happens to be between the Xiangwan Li family and our racecourse, and the results are already out."

Marquis Ma Wen explained the original result.

"Change it."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Ma Wenhou just wanted to say that this was an established rule. The racecourse itself was subject to checks and balances from all parties and could not set rules privately.

But when I think about the message on the phone of my former boss.

He forcefully swallowed the words in his mouth back into his stomach.

"Boss, please give me your orders!"


Put down the phone.

Ye Yang also walked back to the VIP table.

At this time Li Jiazi also happened to come back.

The two faced each other, both showing deep smiles.


Zeng Ningqun and others looked at each other, knowing that this was arranged by both parties.

They also want to open their eyes.

How could Ye Yang, who had never been involved in Xiangwan affairs and struggle for supremacy, be able to compete with the Li family, which had dominated the Xiangwan business community for decades, by playing dirty tricks? !

This is simply a fantasy! ! !

Li Jiazi crossed his legs, feeling that the outcome was determined and there was no need to worry at all: "Mr. Ye, I will be disrespectful to refuse your 30 billion."

Ye Yang chuckled: "I'll give you the original words."

"Hmph, you don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

Li Jiazi snorted inwardly. No matter how strong the mainland is, Xiangwan has its own special situation. He is secretly competing with him, but he doesn't even know whose territory this is? !

In Xiangwan's small piece of land, even if the richest people in the mainland join forces, they may not be able to beat the Li family!

Before the game, all kinds of precious fruit plates were served.

A ticket for ordinary seats costs two or three hundred yuan.

A ticket for the best VIP seats here costs three or five thousand yuan.

The service is naturally very thoughtful.

"La la la la la la la..."

The cheerleaders, who are dressed very hot and have nosebleeds, danced in front of the VIPs with golden cheering balls.

The curves are exposed under the light.

It makes people feel relaxed and happy, and they can't help but applaud.

It's so hot!


After the cheerleaders' warm-up performance, the contestants entered the venue.

The cheerleaders' good figures made the audience excited.

The entrance of the contestants directly ignited the whole place.

The first match was a female jockey duel.

The female jockeys wore white slim pants and riding boots. Each of them had aristocratic temperament and perfect slender figures. There were also several European and American horse trainers with blonde hair and blue eyes and big waves.


With the sound of the referee's gun.

The jockey whipped the horse and the horse rushed towards the finish line like an arrow from a string...

(Second update)

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