
“Da da da…”

In the last half lap, No. 8 chased.

When it was one tenth of a lap away from the finish line.

It was running neck and neck with No. 6!!!

In the audience, the audience who bought No. 8 were excited and blew their whistles.

The No. 6 clenched his fists and his blood was boiling.

“Go! Go!!!”

“Can’t lose!”

“Give some strength, hold on!!!”



In the VIP seats.

Li Jiazi’s face also darkened.

“What’s going on!?”

Zeng Ningqun and others also had a bright look in their eyes. This No. 8 is not simple!!!

The two horses ran neck and neck.

Finally, when it was only 20 or 30 meters away from the finish line.

No. 8 overtook No. 6!!!

Moreover, it was getting faster and faster, like a black lightning, breaking through the finish line!!!

"Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!!"


The audience was excited.

"Thanks to Ye Shenhao for bringing good luck to our number 8 party!!!"

"Too awesome!"

"Ye Shenhao brought us good luck!"

"It was this Li Jiazi who voted for number 6. We were leading, but then we lost! He is such a rubbish! He ruined our luck!"


"Will you pay me?"

Ye Yang looked at Li Jiazi, who opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe the result at all, and smiled as he tapped his bank card.

"This! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

Li Jiazi stood up suddenly.

"Today's game was clearly my Li Jiahe..."

"Oh? What do you want to say, Mr. Li? I'm recording it, just say it casually."

Ye Yang put his phone on the table, not even bothering to look at Li Jiazi.


Li Jiazi was speechless and roared in frustration: "Fuck!!! Ye Yang, don't be too proud! It's just this one game! Your good luck will end at this moment! In the end, you still have to pay me 10 billion!!!"

He walked down the VIP seat angrily.

There are still ten minutes before the next game.

He wants to use these ten minutes to figure out what happened...


Ye Yang raised his lips and opened a bottle of champagne, pouring a glass for Zeng Ningqun and others who had not yet recovered: "Don't dislocate your jaw, drink a glass?"


Several people came back to their senses.

They all clinked glasses with Ye Yang in a hurry.

This seems to be a story of a dark horse counterattack, but they deeply understand that there are no accidents in the Xiangwan racecourse, all of them are black hands!

This game is an energy duel.

And this energy duel hidden behind the scenes turned out to be the loss of the Li family, who has dominated Xiangwan for many years! ?

You know, although Zeng Ningqun is now the richest man in Hong Kong, he is still a new rich. In terms of the influence of the business tycoons in Hong Kong.

The Li family said it was second, and no one dared to say it was first.

Ye Yang, in the showdown of power in secret, defeated the Li family! ?

They broke out in cold sweat.

For the first time, they felt the real horror of Ye Yang.

That is, no matter how much information you have collected, no matter how much you are confident that you know about this person, he will always be unfathomable...

No wonder Mr. Stephen recommended Mr. Ye so much.



Ye Yang glanced at his mobile phone, and the card had 10 billion transferred into it: "Although this Li Jiazi is slow in doing things and has average eyesight, his efficiency in transferring money is good."


Several tycoons were amused by this and couldn't help laughing.

This is too heartbreaking...


"Ma Wenhou! What's going on with your horse farm! Isn't today's arrangement well arranged!?"

Li Jiazi asked loudly.

Ma Wenhou didn't understand what was going on before, but when he saw the bet on the big screen just now, he deduced the general situation of the matter in an instant.

Could it be that Mr. Ye bought the horse farm directly because he wanted to bet? ?

Moreover, he bypassed the Li family, the most powerful family in the business world of Xiangwan, to do this!

This power and power is too terrifying!

"Speak the fucking sound! Are you dead!?"

Ten billion in cash!

Li Jiazi was hurt and exposed his true colors.

"Ahem, maybe it was an accident? Mr. Li, within this year, it is inevitable that there will be one or two failures in control, you know!"

Ma Wenhou explained humbly.

But he smiled darkly in his heart.

Who knows if the boss and this guy will bet again later?

First stabilize him, and then let him lose more miserably!

Give the boss an assist! ! !

"Your mistake has cost me 10 billion! 10 billion in cash! Do you know!!!?"

Li Jiazi asked loudly.

"Mr. Li's money is all over the world. The Li family is rich and powerful, with trillion-dollar assets. Why would they care about the mere 10 billion? Mr. Li controls a trillion-dollar financial empire. I believe he doesn't care about the 10 billion, right?"

Ma Wenhou flattered him first, and then added: "Besides, we have a secret agreement. Could it be that Mr. Li wants to sue our horse farm in court for not abiding by the agreement?"

Li Jiazi felt comfortable with the flattery at first, and her anger was relieved.

Thinking about it later, it was true.

This thing can't be sued, and if there is an accident, you have to bear it yourself...

"Hmph, I warn you, there will be no next time!"


After hanging up the phone, Ma Wenhou laughed: "If I can't fool you, I won't be named Ma! Humph~"

Calmed down.

Li Jiazi exhaled.

There are still two games, he will definitely win.

In the end, Ye Yang paid him 10 billion, which was almost the same as the original intention.

Thinking of this, he felt better and walked back to the VIP seat.

The second game started.

"Write it."

Ye Yang wrote an 8 casually.

Li Jiazi snorted: "It seems that Mr. Ye just likes the number 8. You want to use this number to beat me twice in a row? The bad luck won't last that long..."

Zeng Ningqun and others were outside the game, and they saw it more clearly than Li Jiazi, who was gambling.

Ye Yang didn't rely on luck...

Li Jiazi wrote a 3.

"In the second game, you will lose!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly and turned to look at the field...

In this game, number 8 took the lead at the beginning!

In one lap, number 8 was first.

In the second lap, number 8 was first.

In the third lap, number eight was first...

There wasn't even one person who could compete with number eight!!!

"Haha, it's just a trick. It will be the same as the last round. My number three will rise against the trend and win the championship directly!!!"

Li Jiazi threatened.

Ye Yang laughed.

Before he could respond, number eight had already crossed the finish line...


Li Jiazi was struck by lightning and was caught off guard.

Ye Yang patted his shoulder: "Transfer money!"


At the last moment, the two bet on each other on the big screen again.

"Good guy, you are indeed a rich man in the Li family. You have lost 20 billion, right? You are so stubborn!"


(Second update)

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