Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 976: Invest 30 billion, since it was won from playing games


Not long after, another 10 billion was added to Ye Yang's account.

"Haha, congratulations Mr. Ye."

Zeng Ningqun and others all raised their hands to congratulate him.

The last trace of doubt in their minds disappeared.

A person may be lucky once, but it is unlikely that he will be lucky again and again.

There is only one explanation!

That is, Ye Yang really relied on pure strength to crush the Li family...

"This, this is incredible..."

They all couldn't believe it, couldn't believe it.

This Mr. Ye is really too unfathomable.

Stephen smiled slightly and said that it was completely as expected.


"what is going on!?"

Li Jiazi asked angrily.

"I'm sorry but I can't comment."

Ma Wenhou also knew that he couldn't continue the deception, so he simply turned off the phone.


Li Jiazi was so angry that his teeth ached. When he called again, he found that he had been blacklisted...

"How dare you, a horse-watcher, Bi Mawen! You dare to join forces with that man named Ye to trick me!"

Li Jiazi roared angrily: "Do you think my Li family is just a living wage!? I will go directly to your racecourse owner and have you fired!!!"



"Boss Cheng, did you watch tonight's race at Xiangwan Racecourse?!"

"No, what's wrong with Mr. Li!?"

Li Jiazi was extremely angry and told all his guesses. He felt that Ma Wenhou and Ye Yang were working together to trick him.

After Boss Cheng laughed, he said directly: "Mr. Li, what's the use of telling me this?"

"What's the meaning!?"

Li Jiazi asked with a frown.

"I am no longer the owner of Xiangwan Racecourse. If you want to question, you should go to Mr. Ye in your mouth. However, you and I are working together. In view of our friendship over the past few years, let me give you a few words. ...Don’t fight with Mr. Ye, your little arms are not up to par.”

Boss Cheng laughed and turned off the phone.


Li Jiazi was stunned.

Ye Yang? !

The owner of Xiangwan Racecourse? !

When did this happen? !

This morning he just discussed with Boss Cheng the correct winning and losing numbers for tonight...

At that time, Boss Cheng was definitely still the boss! ?

Could it be that? !

Ye Yang completed the process of acquiring the racecourse today! ? And he didn’t pass by their Li family at all! ?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his whole body became cold.

After being stunned for a long time, he put away his phone.

He knew very well that Boss Cheng's background power was many times deeper than that of a rising rich man like Zeng Ningqun.

If even he said that, then Ye Yang really couldn't be provoked openly...

He was holding his cell phone, his veins showing with anger: "Damn it, it seems that this kid came to Xiangwan, ostensibly for a family trip, but in fact he came to buy the Xiangwan Racecourse!!!"

To be able to acquire the racecourse so quickly and quietly.

The energy is so strong that it is really frightening.

He paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

After thinking clearly, he took a long breath, straightened his appearance, and walked back to the VIP table.

"The third game has begun, shall we place a bet?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Li Jiazi changed his previous attitude and laughed loudly: "Mr. Ye is joking. I was too ignorant before. I shouldn't provoke Mr. Ye just because my incompetent son received a little lesson that he deserved."



Is this a change of gender?

The operation was completed in ten minutes? It’s a bit fast! ?

This one and the other, Li Jiazi's change was really too fast.

He flashed to the waist of Zeng Ningqun and the others.

Li Xuanji looked friendly on the surface, but sneered in his heart. He knew the character of this boy very well. He became better with age, and the one who fought with him in the early years was his father, Li Laocheng.

When things go to extremes, they must turn against each other. If you really don't dare to cause trouble again, this will definitely not be the case.

"In this third game, I think there is no need to gamble anymore. The remaining 10 billion has been transferred to you, Mr. Ye."

Li Jiazi laughed: "These 30 billion should be considered as compensation to Mr. Ye. Please don't be offended."

Zeng Ningqun made his fortune in technology and was a technology-oriented boss, so he didn't have too many twists and turns in his mind. Seeing that Li Jiazi had such a good attitude and he was from the Xiangwan rich camp, he still wanted to save some face for him.

At this time, he also came forward and said: "Haha, the world's businessmen are one family, there is no need for us to embarrass each other! This little misunderstanding is all in this glass of wine."

Ye Yang looked at Zeng Ningqun and smiled.

He is now considered to be well-informed. Although he is not like Li Xuanji who can tell at a glance that Li Jiazi is evil-minded, he still feels that there must be a demon when something goes wrong.

He just raised his glass and agreed.

Not to mention Li Jiazi, even including Li Laocheng and the entire Li family, the assets are only two to three trillion, and the Li family only holds 20% of the shares.

No matter how much you act like a monster, with this little energy, you can't do anything wrong in front of him.


"Ha ha……"

The atmosphere suddenly became lively and seemed to be harmonious.

They exchanged cups and cups and talked about business with each other.

"I wonder what Mr. Stephen wants to invest in Xiangwan?"

Zeng Ningqun asked.

"Well, it's like this..."

Stephen stated his grand plan.

Ye Yang was also listening.

Stephen Kelly is a legendary figure. Of course, if he is not legendary, he would not be one of the only three gambling gods in the world.

He revitalized Las Vegas, the first of the world's four major gambling cities, to a certain extent. Before, it was just a small town in the wild desert of the West, but now, Las Vegas has become world-famous, dazzling, and one of the synonyms of luxury and prosperity.

He has speculated on land, opened casinos, hotels, circuses, and has been entangled with the international underworld and the retired FBI forces in the United States. At the same time, he has been engaged in charity, donated schools, and donated to poor areas...

His life can be said to be extremely exciting.

In recent years, China has risen, and he came to Xiangwan and Aowan.

He believes that this is the future of the world.

"I plan to build a super resort in Xiangwan and Aowan, which will echo each other. These two resorts have all the facilities, including casinos, hotels, restaurants, spas, business centers and shopping centers..."

"Of course, the initial investment is huge. As a cooperative project, everyone will get corresponding shares, etc..."

The business plan was explained.

The overall investment is about 150 billion in cash.


Ye Yang looked around and smiled slightly: "I will give 30 billion, which happened to be won from playing games tonight."


Li Zijia, who was standing by, felt that he had been blocked more tonight than in the first half of his life.

It was almost like a myocardial infarction.


The other wealthy people looked at Li Jiazi with a smile, muttering in their hearts: It's too miserable...

(First update)

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