Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 978: Three Gambling Gods Appear

Attracting worldwide attention!!!

The second day after the news came out.

In Aowan, the gambling god Zhou Dexing walked out of the Fengyun Villa, and countless shots appeared wherever he went.

This news is destined to become a hit. I don’t know how many media people are staring at Aowan, waiting to shoot the figure of the gambling god.

“Mr. Zhou, can you tell me whether the news that you will come back to the arena and challenge the new gambling god is true?”

“Mr. Zhou, you have been in seclusion for 20 years. What force made you come back to the arena!?”

“What was the real purpose of the thirteen saints of various countries back then?!”

“Excuse me, can you tell us the truth of that year!?”

There are too many secrets in Zhou Dexing. Once he appeared, countless secrets that had been accumulated for decades and could not be solved came out, causing a frenzy of questions.


However, no one dared to really stop the gambling god from moving forward, but just asked along the way.

Zhou Dexing smiled slightly: “When the time comes, you will naturally know the truth.”


The reporters were obviously not satisfied with such an answer.

Just when they were about to ask something else,

Zhou Dexing had already boarded a Rolls-Royce and drove out along the way...

"Follow us and see!"

"Go, go, go..."

Everyone followed by taxis or cars...

The Rolls-Royce led the way, followed by a huge convoy.

The God of Gamblers has been in seclusion for many years, and once he appeared, he was very popular.

After all, there are too many topics about every God of Gamblers, not to mention that Zhou Dexing fought against the thirteen saints of various countries and protected the reputation of China in his own special way, which was moving and respectful.

Finally, the car drove to the top of Aowan.

This is a palace on the top of Aowan Mountain. In fact, it is a casino with strong symbolic significance. In terms of casino style in China, it should be the first.

The reporters wanted to squeeze in for an interview.

But they were stopped outside.

"Why don't you let us in!"

The security guard smiled slightly: "You need assets of over 100 million to be qualified to set foot on the top of Aowan."


The reporters were silent in an instant.

Just when everyone was embarrassed, the palace servant stood up and announced: "Three days later, Mr. Zhou Dexing will challenge Mr. Ye Yangye on the top of Ao Bay."


"A duel of the God of Gamblers!!!"

"The rumor has come true!!!"

"A battle of the God of Gamblers will finally break out in Ao Bay again!?"

"This kind of duel has not happened for decades!!!"


The reporters were all very excited, and then the news spread through the Internet and the front pages of newspapers...

I don't know how many people in the world cheered and excited for this.

The Parrot was on the high seas, and Stephen was a recognized God of Gamblers at the time. Everyone thought he would win against a fledgling kid. It was nothing more than the gimmick of a 200 billion US dollar bet that was moving.

And this time, the real hidden God of Gamblers came out and declared war on the new God of Gamblers!

Still in Ao Bay, where there is security.

At this moment, I don't know how many people booked tickets to come to Ao Bay to see it!

The flights that were occasionally vacant were instantly full...


During these days, everyone was looking forward to Ye Yang's response.

After all, if Ye Yang was afraid of fighting, the bet would naturally be invalid.

But, until that night, there was no response from Ye Yang.

"What's going on!?"

"Is he really afraid of fighting!?"

"Is the rumor true! When Stephen the gambling god was on the Parrot, he saw Ye Yang's potential and deliberately gave up his name, wanting him to be his grandson-in-law!?"


The entire public opinion field was extremely noisy.

There were all kinds of things said.

Li Jiazi, the initiator of this incident, sat in the middle of the villa, sipping red wine, with a smile of success on the corner of her mouth.

The next day.

A ferry docked at Ao Bay.

Soon, someone recognized this famous ferry...

"It's ECLIPS. Judging from the model, it's the top of the series!"

"Oh my god, this cruise ship is worth 1.5 billion US dollars, more than 10 billion Chinese yuan!!!"

"10 billion Chinese yuan!?"

"Who is so extravagant!!"

"Could it be..."

Someone guessed the owner of the ship.

"The gambling god in Monte Carlo has been intoxicated with traveling around in recent years, and he is riding this ECLIPS!"

"Could it be another gambling god going ashore!?"


More and more people gathered at the port, looking at the super yacht worth more than 10 billion Chinese yuan.


Reporters all rushed over, and the crowd surrounded the port.

It took a long time on purpose.

Someone got off the ferry.

Two teams of black-clad bodyguards looked imposing.

Dozens of people stood on the shore.

Of course, to be able to sail around the world, you need some military power. After all, the outside of China is not as peaceful as the inside. However, they were confiscated when entering.

The guns and bullets must be returned to them when they leave the country. Only people were left when they got off the ship.


A fat foreign gentleman with white hair and blue eyes, who looked extremely showy, walked out of the ship door with a golden cane and an extremely loose suit.

"It's him!"

"No doubt about it!"

"Monte Carlo Gambling God: Abdul Menassis Abbas!!!"

"He has been traveling around and enjoying life these years. He has gained dozens of pounds and has aged, but his wealth has not decreased!"

"This is what life is! It's really enjoyable..."

"That's right..."


The crowd cheered.

Among the three gambling gods, Menassis has the least reputation in Asia.

Because of his place of fame: Monte Carlo.

This place name has not been promoted in Chinese film and television works.

But it is an internationally recognized gambling country.

In the international gambling world, it has a status no less than that of Australia Bay and Las Vegas.

Being able to sit first in the gambling country, his name of gambling god is well-deserved.

"Still so fond of showing off..."

In the crowd, an ordinary-looking old man with white hair and purple eyes smiled slightly.

He is Stephen Kelly.

He and Menassis have not seen each other for several years. The last time they met was when they were doing business in a country in West Africa.

Soon, someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"Stephen, the gambling god, is also here!!!"

Everyone's eyes turned over...

There are two gambling gods in such a small harbor!

Everyone pushed aside involuntarily, leaving a path between Stephen and Menasis...

Menasis walked down like a meatball.

Shakes hands with Stephen.

"I haven't seen you for several years!"

Cameras and flashes flashed, recording this moment.

Menasis and Stephen stood on the left and right, looking at the reporters.

It was very powerful!

"Today, the two gambling gods, we, have made an invitation to Ye Yang. Two days later, we will have a showdown at the top of the Ao Bay!!!"

(First update)

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