Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 979: Storms are rising, fans are excited

"Wha...what!? You two!?"

"You two Gods of Gamblers, are you going to declare war on Ye God of Gamblers together!?"


"This is amazing!"

"Doesn't this mean!? The three remaining gambling gods in the world actually declared war on Ye Yang together!"


"This is more evil than advertised!"

“I can’t even imagine it!”

"Are you going to challenge the three gambling gods on your own?! If you win, your name will be famous in the gambling world for hundreds of years. It is unprecedented and will never happen again!"

"Just thinking about it makes my blood boil!"

"Haha, I'm afraid that in terms of true strength, I can't beat anyone. In the end, I lost three consecutive games and fell from the altar and became a laughing stock in the gambling industry!!!"

"Ye Shenhao once defeated the God of Gamblers!!!"

"Luck, or it's just what Mr. Stephen asked him to do!"

At this time, on the Aowan, due to the battle of the God of Gamblers, there was a mixture of fish and dragons. People from all countries came, and everyone looked towards the top of the Aowan.

Arguing over the truth and speculation that he insists on in his heart.


Stephen Kelly, walking side by side with Abdul Menassis Abbas.

Go straight to the top of Aowan!

Outside the palace at the top of Aowan.

They looked up at the palace.

"Even if we look at the international gambling world, the significance of this palace is enough to impress the world."


The two looked at each other and smiled, working together...

this moment.

The three living gambling gods gathered at the top of Aowan, waiting for the new gambling god Ye Yang to come and challenge!

The outside world was excited by this news.

Some people are discussing the glorious deeds of the three gambling gods.

Some people are discussing the inside story of the birth of the three gambling gods.

Some people are discussing how the final battle will turn out...

There are people...

In the Li family manor.

Li Jiazi frowned.

"How come Stephen Kelly, this damn old man, got involved? I didn't even look for him!?"

Holding the spinning ball in his hand, he couldn't figure it out and paced back and forth in the lobby.

Before Menaces landed, everything was under his control.

Until Stephen Kelly appeared, it began to deviate from his initial expectations...

"Did something happen behind the scenes that I don't know about!?"

"Ye Yang has never responded. How can such a young man avoid such a thing!?"

"What happened in this that I don't know about..."

He turned faster and faster. He was originally extremely confident, but at this moment, he began to feel a little unsure.

A bad feeling lingers in my heart...


Presidential Suite at Intercontinental Hotel Xiangwan.

Ye Yang took a sip of ice juice, glanced at the newspaper headlines, and smiled slightly: "The three gambling gods have a fight, what a grand event. These reporters are so capable of writing, it makes my blood boil."

Ye Xiaozi and others looked at Ye Yang worriedly.

After all, these are the three gambling gods!

Each one is a legend, the true pinnacle of an industry.

The existence of the gods!

Facing the three gambling gods at the same time, who in the world dares to win?

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Let the heat fly for a while..."

He stood up and looked at the bustling night view of Xiangwan.

Stephen had already talked to him the night before.

This incident seems to be a battle between the three old gods and the new gambling god to defend their dignity.

But in fact, Stephen has already talked to Zhou Dexing, a close personal friend of the forces behind it, and knows everything about it.

He has already made arrangements for this matter.

There are many disturbances from the outside world.

Ye Yang is sitting firmly on Mount Tai.

No sign of response at all...

The three-day battle deadline is the last day before the war begins.

On the top of the Aowan Bay, the shouts of the Monte Carlo God of Gamblers were heard one after another.

"The new God of Gamblers is as timid as a mouse, so he doesn't dare to accept the challenge?!"

"I, Menaces, dominate the world and am invincible! You have always fought with me!!!"


The provocations made the people from all the countries who came to watch the battle get excited.

Ye Yang's fans were even more furious.

"This is too arrogant!"

"When has our Ye Shenhao ever lost!?"

"But...can he really play cards? I only know that he can do martial arts, cook, do business, and act in movies...if he can also gamble...that would be too awesome, right?"

"You fake fan, don't you know that Ye Shenhao is in the gambling world and is known as the new god of gambling!?"

"Damn, he is indeed the man I like, he is so awesome..."


Ye Yang's rich fans directly chartered several planes and came to Xiangwan, ready to cheer him up at any time.

Lin Yoxi, the newly rising boss of Xiguang, Gu Jueqing, a rising star in China's self-made business world, Zheng Xian, who is twenty-four years old and has a net worth of 40 billion, ranking at the top of China's young rich list, Qin Kelan, the core daughter of the Qin family, the old demon city Xu Xiaoxin, the daughter of the richest man Xu Yuanhong, Yin Qingyue, the princess of the Crescent Hotel, Wang Xiaocong, the son of the former richest man in China, Qin Feng, one of the four young masters...

Come all.

Such a grand event is rare to see in decades.

It gets too much attention.

They may not be able to help Ye Yang on the court, but they can still do it on the platform and cheer for Ye Yang.

"Brother Ye! We are here!"

These people were all crowded into the InterContinental Hotel, if the boss hadn't done his best to accommodate all these people.

Ye Yang was ready to buy several nearby hotels to arrange itineraries for these relatives and friends.

"It's just a small bet, why are you all here?"

Ye Yang rolled his eyes, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He had never made a fuss before, nor did he look for them.

These people just came here on their own...

"Boss, you really can't even stop for a trip, ah~"

Yu Momo was not sure whether to laugh or cry. The commotion here was too big, and Ye Yang didn't have a secretary to manage it, so he couldn't coordinate it at all.

She had to fly over from the Magic City.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, do you miss Momo?"

Yu Momo smiled.


Ye Yang nodded.

"What about us!"

The Xiao sisters and Qin Kelan, Xu Xiaoxin, Chu Haijiao and other girls all came over one after another.

Ye Xiaozi was in the other corner of the living room of the suite, hugging her knees and muttering: "Stinky brother! You left your sister aside when your girlfriend came... I was so worried about you last night."


Father and mother Ye were also dumbfounded.

Sure enough, what their daughter said was right. Xiaoyang was not just lucky in love, but also blessed with great fortune...

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Fortunately, the presidential suite was still very large, and it didn't feel crowded at all with dozens of people coming in.

"Brother Ye, have you decided? Will you accept the challenge?"

Wang Xiaocong asked.

Ye Yang looked around, and the fan representatives and friends who came all looked over.

"Of course."

Ye Yang nodded: "Not only will I accept the challenge, but I will also fight the three gambling gods at the same time!"

This sentence was so powerful that the whole audience was excited...

(Second update)

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