Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 980 Four Trillion! The First Game in History

"Tomorrow, at the top of Ao Bay, I, Ye Yang, will take on three opponents on one!"

Ye Yang's response came from the presidential suite, and shook Hong Kong Bay!

Afterwards, this response set off the biggest ripple in the past few days!

After all, although the challenge of the three gambling gods had set off the curtain of a war, as long as Ye Yang did not accept the challenge, the challenge would not be established.

But when Ye Yang accepted the challenge, this world-shaking battle was completely established!

It was the sound of the final hammer! ! !

"Ye Shenhao accepted the challenge!"

"As expected of him!"

"Can this man who has been creating legends continue his undefeated myth?!"

"Is the rising star of the world truly brilliant, or is there something wrong with him?"

"I think he will definitely win!"

"Hehe, the above are too naive. Do you know what kind of people and existence the three gambling gods are?!"

"Each of them is an invincible existence in the gambling world! There are countless legends on him. In the past twenty years, the environment has been declining, and there have been no gambling gods. Some people have predicted that this will be the last Three gambling gods, from now on, there will never be another one!"

"So, this Ye Yang is just a futile attempt, and he is destroying himself. He has to rely on others to give up their names to win one gambling god, and he is facing three at the same time?! I think he is just too proud!"

"That's right!"

"He will definitely lose miserably!"

"How do you count as a winner? What is the bet? It has not been disclosed to the outside world at all!"

"It's almost time, Mr. Ye has accepted the challenge, the bet has been decided, and the bet and the rules will definitely be leaked today!"

"That's right!"


Everyone is talking about it.

These few days, all during the Golden Week of October 1st, the heat wave in China is almost overwhelming.

"I've only seen gambling kings and gambling gods in movies before, but I didn't expect that there are real gambling gods in the real world!"

"And Ye Shenhao is actually a gambling god! It's incredible!"

"I don't know if it's possible..."

"Let's not think about it. It's more reliable to watch the live video after the game."

"That's right..."

"If you want to watch it, buy a ticket to Xiangwan or Aowan to watch it live, or go out to travel and watch the live broadcast.


While the countries were discussing it.

The top of Aowan passed down the details of this appointment...

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This time, the gambling will be in the form of Hong Kong-style five cards."

"The three gambling gods, each of them will pay 50 billion US dollars to gamble with Ye Yang."

"On the day of the game, only reporters with sufficient qualifications will be selected..."

"The live broadcast format of this game will be..."


Many rules were revealed, and basically no one discussed the rest.

But the second one caused a huge wave!

"50 billion US dollars per person! ? Are all gambling gods so rich! ? ”

“There is so much cash! ? They are rich enough to rival a country, right?”

“Rival country? Most countries in the world don’t have their cash flow, right?”

“How can they have so much money! ? ”

“A total of 150 billion US dollars, equivalent to 1 trillion Chinese yuan in cash!!!”

“Isn’t this too scary! ? ”


Just when everyone was shocked by the amount of the bet.

Ye Yang’s voice once again shocked the world!!!

“Back then, the Parrot fought a gambling god, betting 200 billion US dollars. Now that three gods have come out, this amount of chips is too shabby!”


“Shabby? !”

“He said shabby! ? ”

“Damn… It’s too amazing, okay! ? 1 trillion Chinese yuan in cash, that’s enough to influence the economic destiny of many countries!”

“Even considering the era and inflation, now, a few hundred billion US dollars can impact an emerging country!!! ”

“One hundred and fifty billion US dollars can even cause a devastating impact on a region, several or even dozens of countries, right?”

“Such a terrifying amount of money was actually called ‘too shabby’ by Ye Yang! ?”

What kind of courage and confidence does this require!?

But after thinking about it, everyone understood.

This is a madman who dares to gamble with the whole world and directly spend 100 million Chinese yuan cash flow just to build a university!!!

One hundred and fifty billion?

It’s just the money for him to build a university!

It’s definitely not enough for him to fight three gods alone!!!

“Boss, are you so sure! ? "

Presidential suite, Zheng Xian said worriedly.

Such stimulation will inevitably make the opponent raise the stakes before the war!

If there is no determination to win, once losing, it means that Ye Yang will lose more money!

That is a one trillion-based additional stakes!!!


The outside world is discussing Ye Yang's response to the 150 billion US dollar bet crazily.


However, he has too much capital, and it is reasonable to be crazy.

"Hehe, I think he is afraid and dare not fight! Saying that the bet is too little is just an excuse!"

"I think so too."

"Nonsense! Ye Shenhao's cash flow is far more than one trillion! Not to mention the option of asset-to-debt. One trillion is too small for this battle of the four gods! Too low-class!!!"

"Not bad!"


Just when the two sides were arguing.

A voice came from the top of the Australian Bay again...

"Double the bet! 300 billion US dollars!"

"However, the rules of winning and losing have also changed! Only if Ye Yangtong defeats the three gambling gods can he get 300 billion. If he only wins two games, he can only get 100 billion US dollars. In other cases, it will be treated as Ye Yang's loss, and he must pay 300 billion US dollars!"


"Hiss! What a big deal! The bet has been doubled!"

"300 billion US dollars!!! 2 trillion Chinese yuan in cash!"

"This... is really unprecedented and will never be seen again!"

"The first round of gambling in the past and present!"

"Even for the three superpowers in the world, this level of gambling is enough to affect the minds of the strongest!"

"Too crazy!"

"2 trillion in cash!"

"You only see the other party's cash pool. Didn't you think that Ye Shenhao himself also needs to pay 2 trillion in cash? Added together, this bet involves 4 trillion Chinese yuan!!!!"


Everyone was sweating.

I have thought clearly about the scale of this asset collision.

All of them are like thorns in the back, deeply shocked!

This is simply the biggest gamble between individuals in the world since ancient times!

(First update)


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