However, if they just chatted for five hours, they couldn't continue chatting, so they fell asleep. When they woke up, it was pitch black outside the window. The car had stopped on a country road. Song Xiang woke them up one by one and gave each of them a headgear. Except for Yang Yue and Reba, the remaining four people each wore a headgear. The headgear only played a simple shielding role, and it didn't affect breathing and vision very much. "The program will be recorded from the moment you get off the car, so everyone should pay attention to your words and actions."

Wang Cong was a little surprised, "It will be edited anyway, so it doesn't matter if you say something wrong, right?"

Song Xiang smiled obscenely, "I suggest you pay attention to your own words and actions."

Wang Cong frowned immediately, this kid must be hiding something.

I have to say that Song Xiang is really cruel. He said he would go to the countryside and really took them to the countryside. This kind of countryside is not the kind of countryside in the city village, but the kind of countryside in the ravines. Although the country roads are asphalt roads, they are pitifully narrow.

The houses on the roadside are scattered here and there. Not to mention supermarkets and restaurants, even small shops are hard to find.

There are a few lights in the mountains, which should be the lights at the door of the residents on the mountain.

Qin Yin was shocked as soon as he got off the car, "Director, are you serious? What can I eat in a place like this? I only prepared two sets of clothes when I came here, and I didn't even bring a piece of compressed biscuit!"

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing about recording a reality show is to be real!"

He Yucan scratched his head and said something nice, "Although I have never cooked since I was a child, I have watched some food shows. I think cooking shouldn't be that difficult, right?"

Qin Yin followed suit, "Okay, from now on you will be the head chef of our team, and cooking will be left to you."

He Yucan, "..."

"Ahem, please hand over your backpacks and mobile phones. Everyone will spend the next five days in this small village. Each person will be given 200 yuan for living expenses. In addition, they can also have a set of clothes to change. You are not allowed to bring anything else."

Listening to Song Xiang's words, everyone was reluctant.

Chu Jiang was the first to hand over his mobile phone and backpack.

With him taking the lead, everyone had already signed the contract anyway, so they could only agree to this fucking rule.

After the last round of looting, everyone was left with only a backpack and a set of clothes inside the backpack, as well as 200 yuan of living expenses sponsored by the director team.

Song Xiang was very satisfied, "Okay, everyone, take a good rest tonight. We will officially start shooting tomorrow. I hope everyone will have a good sleep tonight and be refreshed. There are many challenges waiting for you tomorrow!"


After the director finished speaking, two farmers appeared. The director team borrowed their houses this time. The two farmers were neighbors. Their families had moved out. Next, their homes were occupied by two groups of people.

The first farmer brought Qin Yin, He Yucan, and Yang Yue to his home, explained the location of the bedroom to them, and then rubbed his hands and left.

Qin Yin took a look at the simple room. Although it was really simple, it was clean and tidy. Sleeping was not a problem, so he randomly chose a room, threw his backpack in, tidied up and prepared to go to bed.

But Yang Yue and He Yucan stood at the door with a look of embarrassment, "This... This place is too simple, right? It's impossible for people to live here!"

He Yucan looked at the various things in the room in disbelief, "Isn't it said that the current rural areas have developed very well? I have seen a lot of pictures of rural areas before. Every family has a very beautiful small villa with a garden. How can this place be a rural area? This place is clearly a slum!"

Yang Yue was also picking and pulling his quilt, "This quilt cover is old. It must have been slept by someone before. I am not used to using things that have been used by others."

Qin Yin casually grabbed the bed sheet and smelled it. Although the bed sheet was old, it exuded the scent of laundry detergent, or the smell of Blue Moon. It smelled okay. At a glance, it was known that they were coming to live here and the host had washed it in advance.

"It's okay. The sheets are clean. Just sleep like this."


"Although the sheets are clean, they are old. This family

You're too stingy. You knew we were coming but you didn't buy us a new bed sheet to sleep on. "

Yang Yue found a place to hang up his backpack. He didn't want to stick to this place at all, as if there was a virus in this place.

Qin Yin looked at her strangely, "Don't you have two hundred yuan in your hand? Why don't you go find a place to buy a new bed sheet now..."

Qin Yin ignored her, and He Yucan would only chat with her.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Yang Yue was still honest.

After He Yucan yelled for a while and found that no one was paying attention to him, he went back to his room and went to sleep.

On the other side, Wang Cong, Chu Jiang and Reba also came to the house next door.

Although Chu Jiang's family used to live in a small county town, his grandmother and some relatives lived in the countryside. During the New Year and other festivals, they would take him to the countryside to play. Sometimes it was inconvenient to come back, so they just lived in the countryside. He used to have many friends in the countryside to blow firecrackers together, climb trees and dig bird nests together. It can be said that he had a very happy time in the countryside.

So after seeing this house, he felt quite cordial.

He thanked the guide, "Thank you, uncle."

Feeling that the other party was quite hard-working, he gave the other party the two hundred yuan in his pocket, "Thank you for your hard work. "

The uncle glanced at the photographer, wondering if he could take the money...

The photographer nodded.

After the uncle took the money, his attitude became even more enthusiastic, and he introduced the functions of the room to them.

When Reba saw Chu Jiang gave the money to the other party, she generously gave all the two hundred yuan in her pocket.

Wang Cong wanted to pay, but after half of it, he thought of Song Xiang's sinister and cunning face, so he only took out one hundred yuan and kept the other one hundred yuan in his pocket for safety, "Thank you, uncle."

"Okay, you stay here tonight, I'll leave you a phone number, you can call me if you don't know anything."

After the uncle got the five hundred yuan, he was obviously in a very good mood and gave a phone number directly.

... He didn't care whether they had mobile phones or not.

Chu Jiang grabbed the note with the phone number in his hand and put it in his pocket.

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