The new technology is still in its infancy.

Master Liu rubbed his hands excitedly, looking forward to which well-known expert had developed a new technology.

There are many well-known industry experts in the Patent Office. If even they cannot complete the review, it means that the importance and value of this thing are extremely high.

Maybe it was Master Liu from Ancheng, who has been studying the subject behind closed doors for many years, and perhaps he has made a breakthrough recently.

It could be Master Zhao from Hucheng. Or it could be Master Zhu from Pingcheng, both of whom are well-known bosses in Longguo.

Master Liu kept guessing that these people were all masters of Longguo without exception, and only under their hands could relatively rare things be born.

When he pushed open the door of the internal conference room, he immediately began to search with his eyes without caring about his manners.

But what confused Master Liu was that the master he guessed was not there.

He couldn't help but ask: "You asked me to help with the review? What about the master who proposed the new technology?"

Hearing this, the senior executives of the Patent Office were a little embarrassed.

"In fact, the person who proposed the new technology this time is not any famous master."

"It's a young man from the folk."

"In order to maintain the authority of the Patent Office, we let him go back and wait for the review, but our technical strength is obviously not enough to fully verify this technology, so we specially invite you to come and assist us."

Master Liu was a little surprised when he heard this.

The person who proposed a super technology was not any master, but just an unknown young man?

This is a bit rare.

But his surprise only lasted for a short while.

Since ancient times, masters have emerged from the folk. Although this saying has not been fulfilled for many years, it does not affect the fact that some masters are among the folk.

Small seclusion in the wild, great seclusion in the city.

Master Liu, who has rich experience, will naturally not underestimate the world. Maybe there are really some young geniuses in the world, who can say for sure?

However, compared with the person who proposed this technology, Master Liu is actually more concerned about the technology itself.

"Give me this person's patent application and review data sheet." Master Liu said lightly.

"I want to see for myself what kind of technology this is. Even you old ghosts in the patent office can't complete the review. Could it be that you have been pampered for so many years and your technical strength has declined?"

Hearing this, a row of experts in the patent office also smiled bitterly, but did not refute.

Because they knew what would happen next.

The three secretaries quickly put a thick file bag in front of Master Liu.

As expected, when Master Liu picked up the file bag and tore open the seal, he carefully reviewed the contents.

His expression immediately performed Sichuan Opera face-changing.

From the initial carelessness and erosion, it soon became a little stagnant, and then became extremely solemn.

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and he even felt that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"Impossible!" Master Liu was shocked.

"This was actually developed by an unknown young man? I don't believe it no matter what. There must be a big man behind this person. How could one person develop such an epoch-making thing?"

The experts in the Patent Office also shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

The value of this patent is too amazing. When they saw it for the first time, they had the same expression.

Master Liu's face was extremely solemn: "Give me the information of that young man. This person can never be an unknown person."

"Every medical technology research and development requires a huge amount of capital investment."

"Which patented pharmaceutical company in the world didn't burn hundreds of billions of medical patents?"

Hearing this, the expert leaders of the Patent Office smiled slightly.

How could they not think of such a thing?

They had already started to investigate Jiang Yuan's background.

It's just that these investigations will take some time.

Master Liu stared at the patent application form, and cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead.

This form is very simple, and there is not even basic pharmacology on it, only some ingredient lists and proportion configurations.

But just relying on these, Master Liu has already noticed something extremely extraordinary.

As an expert who specializes in cardiology, he is well aware of the characteristics of these drug ingredients, but he has never

I never thought that someone could combine them in this way.

At this time, Master Liu seemed to remember something, and his face changed drastically.

"Could it be that guy?" Master Liu was extremely surprised.

He remembered the brief conflict between Jiang Yuan and Zhao Zixing before.

He also remembered that Jiang Yuan told him about his patent very seriously.

So he hurriedly asked about the applicant's appearance, height and other details one by one.

After asking these details, as expected, they matched Jiang Yuan perfectly.

"It's really him... I actually missed such a legendary figure!" Master Liu regretted it.

Just a little distance away, he could get in touch with the legendary figure who proposed this patent.

Even if he couldn't make friends, at least he could get to know him.

Maybe he would be able to provide some assistance if he researched something in the future.

Then, wouldn't he have the opportunity to increase the right to sign a super patent?

This is an opportunity to be remembered forever.

Just like those ancient poets, Li Bai wrote a poem "Presented to Wang Lun", and everyone remembered Wang Lun.

If Jiang Yuan developed a new patent, and gave him a small signature, he could also benefit from it and go down in history.

Thinking of this, the famous Master Liu suddenly felt heartbroken.

He actually missed such a good opportunity.

"It's all that Zhao Zixing, inexplicably, I think he is jealous of Jiang Yuan's talent and slandered him, and led me astray. If I had asked more carefully at the time, how could this happen?" Master Liu was furious.

He felt that he was led by Zhao Zixing, and subconsciously thought that Jiang Yuan's things were unreliable.

Isn't this a delay?

Thinking of this, Master Liu suddenly spoke with a cold expression.

"There is a young man named Zhao Zixing in your patent office. He is not very practical and always wants to open special channels for me to get privileges. I think you will not let him become a regular employee, right?"

When the senior executives of the patent office heard this, they were shocked. It was just an intern who actually offended Master Liu.

"Zhao Zixing's performance is not very good, and his work attitude is not very serious. We will naturally not let him become a regular employee. In fact, we have already prepared to let him pack up and leave." A certain leader said nonsense seriously.

In fact, they don't care about interns at all. They don't even know who Zhao Zixing is, so how can they know whether he performs well or not.

But since he has offended Master Liu, no matter how good his performance is or how serious his work attitude is, he can only say sorry and kick him out.

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