After a long time, the two sides of the river were full of flowers.

Jiang Yuan got off the car and stepped onto a rather luxurious street.

This is the first commercial street in China, Longguo Avenue.

Yao Xianxian and Yao Wenwen's eyes were shining. The women came here and couldn't hide their shopping desires at all.

Whether it is high-end luxury goods or affordable goods for the people, everything is available here.

Jiang Yuan came here to relax and shop casually, and to see if he could find some suitable gifts for the ancestors of the Tang family.

After all, the relationship between Tang Chenxin and himself has made a breakthrough since the last time.

In fact, Jiang Yuan went to attend the Tang family's birthday this time, which also had the flavor of visiting his mother-in-law and father-in-law.

For this first visit, gifts are a must.

"I don't know what to give?" Jiang Yuan pondered.

Just when Jiang Yuan was hesitant, Yao Wenwen and Xianxian had already strode into a jewelry store full of jewels.

Although they knew they could not afford it, it did not stop them from entering the store.

Shopping and shopping are often two different things.

Jiang Yuan touched his nose. In fact, he did not like this kind of jewelry store very much.

His eyes were attracted by a store next door.

On the antique sign, the store name was written in a majestic regular script.


"Art store? People in places like Tangjia probably prefer elegant art? Maybe there will be something I want here." Jiang Yuan thought.

And he glanced at it and saw that Yao Wenwen and her sister had happily started to try on the jewelry in the jewelry store.

This posture should require a lot of effort.

"You guys stay here, tell me which piece you like, I'll go to the store next door." Jiang Yuan ordered casually.

"Okay, boss." Yao Wenwen winked playfully and cutely.

Jiang Yuan temporarily separated from Yao Wenwen.

He turned and walked into the art store Xuanlinyi.

As soon as he entered, he was attracted by the dazzling array of artworks.

"There are so many sculptures and paintings, it's so spectacular." Jiang Yuan exclaimed.

But at the same time, he also saw a lot of foreigners around.

These people kept communicating in foreign languages.

But I don't know what the dispute was about.

There was even a red-faced debate.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuan also passed the Level 4 test. Although he can't say that he is very proficient in foreign languages, he can listen to them calmly and understand what they say.

"My dear, look at this great sculpture, Apollo and the Lyre. I dare say this is definitely the most valuable thing in this store."

"No, no, no, I think this Spear of Odin is the most expensive sculpture here."

"Hmph, stop arguing. This Yamata no Orochi is obviously the most expensive artwork here."

After listening for a while, Jiang Yuan finally understood what they were arguing about.

It turns out that there are many kinds of artworks collected in Xuanlin Art, from all over the world.

And people from every country try to prove that the artworks of their culture are the most valuable.

If you want to talk about this, I won't be sleepy.

When it comes to the value of artworks, of course the artworks of Dragon Country are the highest.

What Greek mythology, Norse mythology, or other mythological artworks are just so-so.

The artworks left by our ancestors, just some of the defective ones that are almost half damaged, are of unlimited value.

Jiang Yuan began to search with his eyes.

Soon, a simple, majestic, solemn and solemn mural came into view.

Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up: "Is this the painting of gods and Buddhas in Fahai Zen Temple?"

A few years ago, Jiang Yuan also accidentally saw information about this mural on TV news.

There are 77 figures in this mural, men and women, old and young, gods and Buddhas everywhere, preaching, sitting in meditation, walking and flying, with different postures and expressions.

This is exactly the same as what Jiang Yuan sees now.

Obviously, what can be displayed in such a place is definitely not an ordinary fake.

Even with Jiang Yuan's current vision, he feels that this mural is extremely amazing.

This feeling is very wonderful, just like a person looking at the vast ocean from the top of a mountain, and a sense of pride will burst out in his chest.

"This is a treasure..." Jiang Yuan was moved.

And the other foreigners were still arguing.

"I think even if it is not Apollo and the seven-stringed lyre, it is better than Athena in the port of Elefs."

"Stop joking. This painting of Asgard depicts the scene of the God's Domain. Thor and the hammer are also of extraordinary value. They can't be defeated by you."

"Be quiet. Here is a sword, Kikuichimonji, which is definitely not inferior to anything you have."

Jiang Yuan was too lazy to get involved in the quarrel of these frogs in the well.

He wanted to touch the mural with his own hands as if he had found a treasure.

But at this moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

The people who were still arguing just now fell into silence.

Jiang Yuan felt something was wrong and turned his head to look.

He saw a slender girl wearing a mask, walking into the store leisurely.

Her figure was quite well-proportioned, neither too slender nor too plump.

Just the right figure.

When other people saw her, they couldn't help but make way for her, as if they didn't dare to contact this person at all, as if they were afraid that she would eat them.

"Who is this woman? What a grand show?" Jiang Yuan couldn't help but be curious.

And the direction this woman was walking was actually towards Jiang Yuan.

When she came closer, Jiang Yuan looked at her starry eyes from a close distance, like a dot of paint.

"These eyes are so beautiful... If this girl takes off her mask, she will probably be a girl who will bring disaster to the country and the people." Jiang Yuan praised.

However, the girl did not look at Jiang Yuan, but stared directly at the mural next to Jiang Yuan.

She nodded with satisfaction, and then planned to buy it.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly. This was something he had seen first, how could he let her catch up later.

But he didn't have time to speak yet.

The clerk apologized and said, "Sorry, this painting is not for sale. It is just a decoration placed here by our owner. We don't plan to sell it."

The woman leaned close to the clerk's ear and said something. The clerk's face changed immediately: "I can't make the decision here. I'll ask the boss to come."

After the clerk said that, he quickly contacted the owner.

Jiang Yuan frowned even more. He had taken a fancy to this mural first, and he was determined to buy it today.

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