The ancestor worship ceremony was held in the capital, but the ceremony was held in the capital.

Even Yang Yanfei, who was far away in Beijing, had heard about it. When people she knew mentioned Jiang Yuan, they could hardly hide the pride and pride on their faces.

At that ancestor worship ceremony, all the influential people in the entire South City gathered in the small Qinghe Township, just because they heard that Jiang Yuan would attend the event there, and the ancestor worship ceremony had the habit of attracting outsiders to participate, especially the higher the status and wealth, the better.

This good opportunity to flatter was naturally equivalent to spreading a handful of honey in front of the ant nest, attracting a large group of big figures in the South City to gather.

Just hearing the name of Jiang Yuan made countless South City heroes crazy, and each of them brought generous gifts to offer.

Such a strong influence was naturally regarded as a legendary story, praised everywhere, and became one of the topics of conversation for many people after dinner. This is the pride of the people of Qinghe Township.

As a fellow villager of Jiang Yuan, Yang Yanfei naturally has deep admiration and pride for Jiang Yuan in her heart.

However, no matter how glorious all this is, it is just what happened in the countryside of Nancheng after all, and the situation here is not quite the same!

This is the capital, the glorious and peak area of ​​wealth and power in the entire Dragon Country. Even if Jiang Yuan can get whatever he wants in Nancheng, but when he comes here, I am afraid it is still not good enough.

A player who is thriving in the silver game and killing and abusing indiscriminately can't kill and abusing indiscriminately in the king game, right? It's a completely different thing.

In Yang Yanfei's heart, even if Jiang Yuan, a proud figure of the same hometown, has had some opportunities and luck, he is too young after all. How can he go against the Tang family, which is famous in the capital.

Even if he could, how could he risk offending the Tang family and confront Tang Long for a woman from the same hometown whom he had never met?

Jiang Yuan was obviously unlikely to help him, and would not help him.

She had already accepted her fate, and she was already very open-minded about marrying Tang Long.

Hearing this, Tang Long's tiger eyes narrowed slightly, and his pupils smiled like the abyss.

"Did you hear that? Chen Xin, I know you are very tired recently, but you can't say that about your father in front of outsiders, it's too rude."

Tang Long's voice was solemn, especially the more he spoke to Tang Chen Xin, the more he spoke directly to her, and his words were as sharp as a knife and sword, revealing his sharpness.

Jiang Yuan knew that if he didn't handle today's matter well, he was afraid that Tang Chen Xin would be severely punished by Tang Long after he left.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan was no longer polite. He smiled slightly and said calmly: "Voluntary? This word is probably the funniest joke I have heard in recent years."

"The boss forced employees to work overtime, and the employees also kept saying that they were voluntary. This is because the employees' food, clothing and daily expenses are all in the hands of the boss's salary."

"The mother-in-law forced her son-in-law to give a sky-high betrothal gift, and the son-in-law said that he was voluntary. This is because the lifelong happiness of others is in their hands."

"Old Tang Long, you are old and still force the young girl to marry you, and you even force her to say that it is voluntary, just because the safety of her family is in your hands. You do such a shameless thing, don't you blush?"

Jiang Yuan's words were well-reasoned and powerful, and his words were even more sarcastic. He just wanted to slap Tang Long in the face. He almost mercilessly exposed all these things.

This is like the emperor's new clothes. Everyone knows the inside story behind it, but no one dares to expose it.

It's just because this matter involves Tang Long, one of the four great heroes in the capital, a contemporary rich and powerful person.

Even if ordinary people are given a hundred courage, they dare not ask about Tang Long's affairs.

When they see Tang Long, they either greet him humbly or flatter him to please him.

But Jiang Yuan was so confident that he told all of this in detail.

After saying this, Tang Chenxin was a little stunned. Although he knew that Jiang Yuan's temper was extremely arrogant and he would definitely get a result for himself.

But what she never expected was that Jiang Yuan people would actually take this approach, so simple and direct. Almost in a crushing manner, he mocked Tang Long in person.

This matter is really too incredible.

As for her ears, when she heard these words, she almost couldn't believe it, and even suspected that there was something wrong with her ears or brain!

This is Tang Long! Tang family, Tang Long, one of the four major families in Beijing.

Even as strong and bold as Jiang Yuan, he had to rely on the power of other big figures to suppress Tang Long last time.

This is not entirely his own strength, but today Jiang Yuan was forced to mock Tang Long in person and face to face. This is already a provocation and a fuse for triggering a war.

Yang Yanfei was also stunned, her body trembled, and she looked at Jiang Yuan with eyes like looking at a monster.

Is he going to die?

This is Tang Long, and Jiang Yuan dared to mock him for being shameless in person!

Especially this is in full view of the public, in front of Tang Long's daughter, in front of Tang Long's fiancee, Jiang Yuan dared to say such a thing, is he crazy?

Even Tang Long himself was stunned after hearing this, and then his face changed.

He was extremely grim, almost exuding an aura like the abyss of hell, and said slowly word by word: "It seems that you are not a guest today."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan was not affected at all, and nodded as if he was eating and drinking water, as if he was looking at an old friend he had known for many years, and said calmly and freely.

"Yes, I am not a guest, so what do you think I am here for?"

Tang Long took a deep breath, his face was as cold as deep ice, and he said coldly: "You are here to die!"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, actually I am here to discuss cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Tang Long was directly laughed out of anger.

"You are talking about cooperation with this attitude?"

Jiang Yuan spread his hands and nodded naturally.

Then, he clapped his hands.

This time, he did not come to the Tang family empty-handed without any preparation. He had already arranged everything when he was on the road.

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