The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next moment.

Accompanied by the sound of Jiang Yuan's applause, a young man about 1.8 meters tall and thin walked in.

Although he was quite tall, his muscles were coiled like a dragon, full of strength, but the amazing thing was that this man's steps were very light, like a fish swimming in the water.

What attracted people's attention the most was that if you looked closely, his pupils had no focus, and he was obviously blind.

Although his eyes could not see anything, his ears were very sensitive, and he seemed to have some special means. He walked naturally between Jiang Yuan and Tang Long, and then slowly stood beside Jiang Yuan.

Obviously, he came to support Jiang Yuan.

After seeing the strange features of this man, Tang Chenxin couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"He is so tall and strong, and he is blind. He has almost supernormal mobility and detection ability, and his steps are as light as a swimming fish... Could this person be?"

Tang Long was shocked when he saw this person. After all, he has a broad vision, and his vision is not comparable to Miss Tang.

"Blind Liu? You are Master Liu's secretary, why are you here?"

Master Liu is a top medical expert who is well-known both at home and abroad. His identity and status are extremely special, and he is the one that countless people want to win over.

He has many of the most advanced medical science patents in the world. Once these scientific patents can fall into Tang Long's hands, he can naturally spend a huge amount of money to monopolize these medical patents into a market with him as the core, and make a lot of money in this market.

What is this? This is a living cash cow.

Master Liu is a saint who saves the world and the people in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of countless people who want to make money, he has gone beyond the scope of human beings. He is a living gold and silver mountain.

Even Tang Long once ordered people to conduct a detailed investigation and obtained a document about Master Liu. For the sake of huge benefits, he naturally wanted to cooperate with Master Liu.

But unfortunately, Master Liu's personality is extremely strange and eccentric. Even in the face of Tang Long's lavish expenses, he ignored it. Tang Long was also very regretful and helpless about this.

The only information he knew was that he had a secretary named Liu Xiazi by his side. This person had served in a foreign country in his early years and was fatally injured on the battlefield. He was saved by Master Liu by chance, but his eyes were completely blind.

What made him even more difficult to accept was that Liu Xiazi's hometown had long been destroyed because of the defeat, and he was in a state of being alone. In order to repay Master Liu for saving his life, he chose to stay by his side to take care of him and serve as his servant and secretary for life.

Master Liu is addicted to scientific research and is rarely seen. This blind Liu is his agent, who handles most of the mundane matters on his behalf.

Even though Tang Long has tried his best and used countless methods, the whereabouts of blind Liu has always been a mystery to him.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan brought this person here today!

"This Jiang Yuan... is he related to Master Liu?" Tang Long was full of doubts.

"Otherwise, how could Master Liu's personal secretary listen to him so much?"

Tang Rong couldn't help but straighten her face. If this matter involved Master Liu, then even he would have to start considering changing his attitude towards this matter.

Although Tang Long is the head of the Tang family, his identity, status, power, and money are all top-notch. But there are always covetous people from the other three major families around him. If he makes a wrong move, he will lose everything.

He has even greater responsibilities and burdens. After all, he is not alone. The entire Tang family needs new industries to fight against the other three families.

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "Who is this?"

Blind Liu smiled and said: "I came to see you with Jiang Yuan according to Master Liu's instructions to discuss the mass production of several heart disease drugs."

Tang Long was shocked when he heard this, and then he was ecstatic. The Tang family has many medical industries and medical research institutes under its name. The funds invested in medical research every year are no less than tens of billions, but it is a pity that so much money has been burned, but the results are very small.

In the most ideal situation, it is naturally like now.

If he could get the help of a medical expert like Master Liu, he would be like a fish in water, and his overall status among the four major families would probably rise a lot!

"But... why Jiang Yuan? What is the relationship between Jiang Yuan and Master Liu?" Tang Long felt a little absurd.

Last time the Tang family celebrated their birthday, so many big men gathered, and Tang Long could still think that they came to support because of a big man behind Jiang Yuan.

But if a person like Master Liu could really give up his patent, it would undoubtedly mean that Jiang Yuan had something very special.

Although Tang Long didn't know the specific reason, the situation was stronger than the person. If he wanted to revitalize the Tang family and lead the Tang family to the top of the four major families, he had to seek cooperation.

Making money is not bad.

"Jiang Yuan... what do you want?" Tang Long asked directly.

"We are all adults, let's sit down and have a good talk, there is no need to be hostile!"

Jiang Yuan smiled in his heart, Tang Long's words were open and aboveboard, like a hero. Little did they know that this man was just a wicked man who wanted to forcefully marry a young girl. He was really shameless.

However, Jiang Yuan did not intend to continue to make things difficult for him. He came here to seek cooperation. Besides, Tang Long was Tang Chenxin's father, so it was enough to give him some warnings.

"I have two conditions." Jiang Yuan stretched out his hand and made a two.

Tang Long also stretched out his hand and made a no problem gesture.

"Just say it!"

Jiang Yuan said, "First, these heart disease drugs can be produced by you, but we must split the profits 80-20."

Tang Long was surprised and said, "You didn't do anything, but you still want 20%?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "You are wrong. 20% is yours, and I want 80%."

Tang Long's face changed, "You let us do everything, and you want 80%?!"

Jiang Yuan said, "Just tell me whether you want it or not."

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