The piano was played in the middle of a long tunnel.

Just as Jiang Yuan was happily playing ten consecutive draws.

Tang Chenxin's performance was going on quietly.

Her delicate hands played like flowing water, and all kinds of gorgeous notes extended from her fingertips.

Almost everyone at the social gathering looked at her Heinzmann crystal piano with extremely hot eyes, and was deeply impressed by her piano sound.

Most of the people who came to this social gathering had an artistic background, and naturally understood the precious value of Miss Tang's superb skills.

And the Heinzmann crystal piano refreshed their knowledge and horizons. For Jiang Yuan and the other two, they immediately felt some shock and admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

Among the crowd, a tall, handsome man with a flickering gaze looked at Tang Chenxin and her sister, revealing a somewhat greedy look.

His name is Yin Tiansheng, Yin Tianqing's brother.

As early as the first time he saw Tang Xiaoyi, he felt that Cupid had shot him in the heart. Now seeing Tang Chenxin's piano and superb skills, his heart was immediately burning.

Originally, he wanted to pretend to be poor to avoid some unnecessary trouble.

But now, he wanted to show his cards.

He wanted to show off his strength a little to attract the attention of Tang Chenxin and Tang Xiaoyi.

As for Jiang Yuan beside them...

As for Jiang Yuan, he actually thought in his heart that he was just a little follower and it was unlikely that he was Miss Tang's brother.

After all, Yin Tiansheng had already done a survey in advance and met all the direct descendants of the Tang family, and Jiang Yuan was not among them.

But since Jiang Yuan claims to be Miss Tang's brother, and he basically knows all the second-generations with a little bit of family background in Beijing, among whom there is no such person as Jiang Yuan.

So considering all the above, there is no doubt that Jiang Yuan is just pretending.

This world is always so magical. An interesting phenomenon is that rich people like to pretend to be poor, and poor people also like to pretend to be rich.

Yin Tiansheng's background is quite extraordinary, so he is naturally well versed in this. He knows very well that rich people like to pretend to be poor, just because of the instinct to seek profit and avoid harm.

His father and family have been teaching him tirelessly since he was a child to keep a low profile in everything. This is not because the Yin family is weak and incompetent, timid and afraid of things.

It's just because wealth should not be exposed. Once it is exposed, it will inevitably cause many insignificant people to waste their time and energy.

If one person asks you to borrow money from the east and asks you to do something from the west, if you agree to them one by one, it will inevitably be a waste of money. But if you refuse them one by one, it will inevitably end up in your own mouth and add unnecessary troubles.

Besides, such people are naturally not short of compliments, so they don't really need to fill their vanity.

Therefore, most rich people who are not so vain often choose to pretend to be poor. Yin Tiansheng follows the teachings of his father and naturally tries to be low-key and chooses a restrained lifestyle.

"As for this boy surnamed Jiang... he actually claims to be Miss Tang's brother. He is probably a distant relative of the Tang family who came to make friends and deliberately made friends. He also claims to be Miss Tang's brother. He is probably a poor man pretending to be rich." Yin Tiansheng thought to himself.

He guessed that Jiang Yuan was just a poor pretender. After all, out of vanity, many poor people are afraid that rich people will know their poverty, so they often choose to bluff and pretend to be rich.

The typical manifestation of this is that they like to make friends. This happens to coincide with Jiang Yuan who is next to Miss Tang at the moment.

Yin Tiansheng was quite disdainful in his heart, but he was also secretly happy. This means that the only person who can cause him resistance is actually easy to deal with. Most of these people are greedy for money and can be bribed with money.

Just as he was thinking about it, Tang Chenxin's performance had quietly ended.

The whole venue was filled with long-lasting applause, which was like thunder. Almost every man and woman looked at Miss Tang with great admiration.

Yin Tiansheng suddenly spoke at this time. He walked up to everyone and said solemnly: "Everyone, I, Yin Tiansheng, love art all my life. This time I brought an artist Zhou Tingsha to communicate with you."

When he said this, there were still many people who didn't take it seriously. After all, inviting foreign aid in this kind of interest exchange session is actually a tricky thing, and it is not very convincing.

But when the three words Zhou Tingsha came out,

When he said this, the place suddenly fell silent, as quiet as a deep valley. But then, there was a discussion like thunder.

"Zhou Tingsha! The young leader of the Chinese painting world, she debuted three years ago and swept the young painting circle with an almost invincible attitude. She is recognized as the young painter with the most potential to catch up with the old predecessors."

"Whether it is fine brushwork or freehand brushwork, her level is top-notch, and a famous Chinese painting master once said that her future is limitless. And not only Chinese painting, her origin is extremely mysterious and extraordinary. It is said that even many lost skills, such as complete ancient murals, are used to perfection."

"More than that, it is said that someone has seen her printmaking and watercolor skills with their own eyes, which are not inferior to her Chinese painting level. This person is simply a genius who came out of nowhere and amazed every painter in the painting circle."

"Who is this Yin? The Yin family is extremely low-key in the entire capital. I didn't expect that he could invite a top genius like Zhou Tingsha to help him!"

At this social gathering, the people who came were not ordinary people. But what no one expected was that the Yin family had such a terrifying strength and foundation, which was far from what it seemed on the surface.

And this hobby exchange session was originally the so-called Versailles session, which meant to show one's strength and ability. Although it looked like finding people with similar interests, in fact, the essence was to show oneself.

If the quality of the foreign aid invited was low, then there was no doubt that it would not have any effect at all. But if some real masters came to help, then the meaning and taste would be completely different.

Others called for many times, even offered sky-high prices, but they still couldn't invite masters, but I summoned them at will and waved them away. This is undoubtedly the best display, but it only shows one's own strength and status.

Yin Tiansheng was full of joy and clapped his hands, and a tall female artist with a proud and cold face and wearing black glasses came out.

Her appearance was all top-notch, and she was immersed in the ocean of art for many years, which made her body full of elegant temperament. As soon as this woman appeared, many male compatriots swallowed their saliva, because her temperament, coupled with her proud look and deep eyes, formed a unique sense of charm.

Coincidentally, Jiang Yuan also woke up at this time. When he saw this proud female artist, his eyes also lit up slightly.

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