The first time, the second time.

Jiang Yuan originally had a good feeling for some women with unique temperament. After all, he was used to seeing beautiful women, so his heart would not speed up when he saw a woman.

But beautiful skins are all the same, but attractive expressions and temperaments have their own charms.

Jiang Yuan only felt that it was really good. Now he was interested in collecting girls with different temperaments and letting them join his villa to form an art team.

He had already booked the Gu sisters in Xiacheng before, and he had some ideas at that time.

For example, Zhou Tingsha was obviously very suitable as a painter in the art troupe.

"Wouldn't it be great if I could have this female artist draw some handsome portraits for me every day, or draw some paid customized content that I want to see?" Jiang Yuan thought about it and felt that Zhou Tingsha was quite useful.

At least it could give me more novel experiences in my daily life.

Why not think of a way to buy her too?

Isn't it too much?

It shouldn't be too much.

Jiang Yuan's eyes turned and he immediately came up with a plan.

A while ago, his game company Yuanmei happened to spend a lot of money to hire several master artists of the hall level. Maybe he could use these people to do something and convince Zhou Tingsha, the arrogant female artist.

Jiang Yuan looked at her a little more. She chose a bright red lipstick color, which can only be controlled by extremely confident women, such as the black widow that Jiang Yuan saw in the movie before. The real-life actress is an independent and confident woman in reality.

Her favorite lipstick color happened to be quite similar to the one in front of Zhou Tingsha. After applying it, it had a fascinating charm.

Compared with the lipstick makeup, what made Jiang Yuan more interested was the deep and profound eyes. Even if you were right in front of her, it seemed as if you were separated by the universe. This was a woman with secrets in her eyes.

There is an old saying that secrets can make women more charming.

Jiang Yuan felt the meaning of this sentence at this moment.

After Zhou Tingsha appeared, she frowned slightly and said to Yin Tiansheng beside her: "Don't forget to pay enough remuneration for letting me come this time."

Yin Tiansheng smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I have plenty of money, I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

Zhou Tingsha snorted and said: "If my father was not sick and needed money for surgery, I would not bother to help you."

Yin Tiansheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "You are still so proud. I felt that your personality was very special when I was in school."

Zhou Tingsha asked back: "If people who study art don't have a little ambition, how can they Maybe you can draw a good work? "

Before Yin Tiansheng could answer, Zhou Tingsha said as if she had suddenly realized something: "I'm sorry, I forgot that you had already given up this path. Maybe you won't understand what I said to you. I'm just talking to a cow."

Yin Tiansheng raised his eyebrows violently, but still forced a smile and said: "You can go up and do what we discussed before. I will pay you enough according to the contract."

Zhou Tingsha didn't say anything, and didn't even look at him, and walked gently to the center of the crowd.

After she walked up, Yin Tiansheng's eyes were almost full of angry flames.

He and Zhou Tingsha were classmates in their school days. At that time, she was the shining star of the whole class and even the whole school. There was almost no male classmate who didn't admire her, including herself.

Unfortunately, Zhou Tingsha's proud personality made her say that she would only consider men who could crush her in the field of art. The most important thing for any art is talent. Only those who have really worked hard can understand the importance of talent.

Unfortunately, Yin Tiansheng's talent was far inferior to hers, so although he was quite unwilling in his heart, this young secret love ended in vain.

This time, Yin Tiansheng took advantage of the opportunity and knew that Zhou Tingsha's father was suffering from a serious illness and urgently needed a large sum of money for surgery. Zhou Tingsha was a strange and arrogant person, and she always spent all the money she earned.

She said that I was born to be useful, and I will get it back even if I spend all my money.

She also donated a large amount of charity to children in poor mountainous areas until they graduated from college.

Therefore, at this social gathering, Yin Tiansheng took out a lot of money very arrogantly.

With a large sum of money as a bargaining chip, he invited his former classmate, who could also be said to be his goddess, to come to his aid.

Zhou Tingsha reluctantly agreed to this matter for the sake of her old classmate and the cost of her father's surgery.

As long as she was willing to paint a work, she would naturally earn money. As a guest at this social gathering, she could earn much more money, and she also had the relationship with her old classmate, so she reluctantly agreed.

However, Zhou Tingsha's attitude towards him was naturally completely condescending, even rude.

Although Yin Tiansheng was unhappy in his heart, after all, his goal was in front of him, so he had to choose to endure it.

After Zhou Tingsha walked to the center of everyone's sight, she took out a carbon pen and an ordinary sketch paper.

She looked at Tang Chenxin and Tang Xiaoyi, smiled and said, "How about you two ladies be my models?"

Tang Chenxin looked at her slightly, and Tang Xiaoyi asked curiously, "Why do you want to draw us?"

Zhou Tingsha smiled and said, "I just listened to Miss Tang's wonderful performance, and now I still feel the lingering sound. I really can't help but want to draw a sketch for you two."

Hearing her words, Tang Chenxin couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Zhou Tingsha is proud, but when facing people with real strength, she often treats them as peers. This attitude is friendly and natural, which really makes Tang Chenxin quite useful.

Tang Chenxin hesitated for a moment, then took Tang Xiaoyi's hand and sat down, but she pointed at Jiang Yuan and asked, "Can you draw him in too? He is my brother."

Zhou Tingsha glanced at Jiang Yuan and shook her head slowly, "I never draw sketches for men. This is my principle. Sorry."

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