The old man was very angry.

Jiang Yuan's words, like a spell, kept ringing in Master Liu's ears.

"You will regret it within an hour!"

What exactly does Jiang Yuan mean by this sentence?

Could it be that his observation ability is so amazing that he has just seen that there may be something wrong with him?

Looking at the red spots on his feet, Master Liu was sweating coldly in an instant, and felt like a basin of cold water was pouring down from his heart, which made him feel cold.

In fact, Master Liu has always been very concerned about his physical condition. He will do a complete full body check regularly to keep track of his health status at any time to avoid accidents.

In this season, given Master Liu's physical fitness, it is basically impossible for so many red eczemas to grow on his feet.

The only possibility is that he was also infected because of carelessness when treating the old man from the Feuerbach Consortium.

"My protective measures were so thorough, could it be that there was really a slack?" Master Liu's heart trembled violently.

"Damn it, was I really careless?"

Even if Master Liu was willing to accept that he, who had experienced many battles, had his moments of mistakes, the facts were in front of him after all.

He was very likely to have been exposed to allergens and infected with this allergic disease, just like the old man from the Feuerbach Consortium and many natives on the island.

But even if that was really the case... how did he see that young man named Jiang Yuan?

Could it be that he was a man of extraordinary talent, hiding his true abilities on the surface?


Master Liu shook his head violently, thinking that this was just his own psychological effect, and it should be just a coincidence.

Jiang Yuan had not used any equipment to diagnose himself. He did not even know the basic qualities of his body. How could he tell that he was suspected of being infected with this allergic disease?

In any case, Master Liu was unwilling to admit that Jiang Yuan might be right.

The assistants on the side were surprised: "Master Liu, why do you have so many eczemas on your feet? Did you accidentally get infected with allergies just now?"

"Damn, what is this ghost disease? Master Liu took such thoughtful protective measures, but he was accidentally infected?"

"Master, why don't you take the medicine you just prepared immediately."

Master Liu pondered for a moment, his eyes fell on the light blue medicine he had just prepared in his hand.

Originally, he promised Dillens to cure the old man from the Feuerbach Consortium as quickly as possible.

And he had to race against time to complete this task before everyone else.

This bottle of medicine should be the first to complete the task.

But now the plan can't keep up with the changes. Since I have unfortunately been infected with this allergic disease, I should take it for myself first.

Who in the world is not afraid of death?

There is often great fear between life and death.

Master Liu, a famous doctor, seems to be detached from the world and puts death aside.

But in fact, it is precisely because he has seen too many separations of life and death, so when the disease really infects his head and his life is in danger, the fear in Master Liu's heart is actually much greater than that of ordinary people.

"Well, I'll try the effect of this bottle of medicine first." Master Liu followed the assistant's words.

"The effect of the medicine prepared for the first time is actually not very stable, and it still needs to be tested. Well, let me test it first."

The assistants naturally did not dare to refute, they naturally knew that this was just an excuse for Master Liu.

They have been with Master Liu for several years, and naturally know that the medicine prepared by Master Liu with his unique method is actually very mature, and the instability is actually just a cover-up.

The truth is, of course, that Master Liu is also afraid of illness.

Although he is a famous doctor and a well-known genius, he is ultimately just an ordinary person with a mortal body, and of course he is afraid of illness and death.

Gulp Gulp~

Master Liu raised his head and drank the potion in one gulp. He felt a little relaxed only after the potion flowed down his throat into his stomach.

"Hurry up, we'll take a little more time to prepare another bottle of potion." Master Liu instructed his assistant.

"Hurry up, if you delay, be careful of your reward... uh"

Master Liu hadn't finished speaking

After that, he felt a violent dizziness, the world was falling over and over again, the surrounding space seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and there seemed to be a strange roar of wind in his ears.


Master Liu slapped one hand heavily on the table, and at the same time, the other hand tightly grasped his forehead.

Cold sweat gradually dripped down his forehead.

The assistants were all shocked.

"Are you okay?"

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with this medicine?"

"Impossible, Master Liu has never failed!"

"But... what's going on now?"

The assistants were panicked, like a flock of geese that had lost their leader, flying around in a mess.

"Calm down." Master Liu whispered.

"There is a problem, a huge problem... This is not an ordinary allergy, this disease is strange, the medicine I prepared according to the method of allergy is not only ineffective, but also reacted with the pathogens in my body."

The assistants were even more panicked when they heard it.

In the past, any emergency situation was handled by Master Liu, who was experienced and invincible.

But this time, even Master Liu fell!

"Then... what should we do?" The assistants were almost at a loss.

"Or let's go out and find someone else to help. There are many famous doctors in other consortiums. They may have a way!"

Master Liu sighed heavily. He supported the table with one hand and barely stood up, but his heart gradually became cold.

Famous doctors from other groups?

No matter how powerful they are, they can't be better than me.

Now even I have lost to this mysterious allergic disease, what can I do to find them?

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan's words rang in Master Liu's heart again.

"You will regret it within an hour!"

Regardless of whether Jiang Yuan was bluffing or he was really hiding his true strength, it was obvious that Jiang Yuan was the last straw.

Let's try it out!

Master Liu gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

The assistants were puzzled and asked, "Where to?"

Master Liu said, "Look for the young man just now, the one called Jiang Yuan."

The assistants were even more puzzled and asked, "Looking for him...what do you want to find him for?"

Master Liu said angrily, "Go find him quickly, don't ask so many questions!"

Seeing that Master Liu was really angry, the assistants didn't dare to say anything and immediately went to find Jiang Yuan as ordered.

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