In the hospital, Jiang Yuan sat alone in a room and sipped his tea calmly.

He looked through the window at the people coming and going in the hospital. Famous doctors were anxiously coming in and out, eagerly discussing the treatment plan for this allergic disease.

They looked extremely anxious, as if they had encountered some unsolvable problems, and they looked a bit overwhelmed.

The allergic disease suffered by the old man from the Feuerbach Consortium was extremely special and the symptoms were extremely strange.

In theory, general allergic diseases only need to stay away from allergens, apply some anti-itching lotions, and take some specific drugs orally to recover.

But for this allergic disease, it is impossible to find the allergens at all.

Ordinary anti-itching lotions are completely useless.

After a certain number of tests, they even found that even special allergy drugs were not only ineffective, but also had a tendency to aggravate the condition!

"What exactly is this damn allergen? We have tested everything suspicious around us as much as possible, but we can't find anything suspected of being an allergen."

"Now it's not a question of whether we can find the allergen, but all the drugs for allergies are ineffective. If this continues, I'm afraid we must evacuate here urgently."

"Emergency evacuation? Don't be ridiculous. Each of us may have an allergic disease. Who knows if this disease is contagious? What if it mutates? If it mutates and can be transmitted through other channels, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Master Liu! I think only Master Liu can save us now."

"Yes! Since Master Liu has claimed to have found a way to cure this allergy, we just need to admit that he is the best, let him complete the task first, and ask him to make the solution public."

All the famous doctors were helpless and felt a huge pressure.

Almost all of their hopes were placed on Master Liu.

Seeing this scene, Dillens was so happy and proud.

The more difficult the situation here, the more like a savior Master Liu, who represented his side, would act, and it was a bit like saving all living beings.

Then his status and voice would naturally rise.

"After the World Banquet, it will be time for the 17th World Financial Conference, which is the highlight!" Dillens narrowed his eyes and planned.

"Once we can force these consortiums to sign a medical agreement here and regard our Heaven Consortium as the leader, then our status at the World Financial Conference will be the highest."

"After that, our Heaven Consortium will erode and swallow up the five major consortiums and become the world's leading consortium, waiting for the opportunity to expand its territory. It is probably just around the corner to establish a small country in the future."

Dillens' ambition is really not small.

Not only did he attempt to unify the world's five best financial groups, he even planned to buy a large piece of land and build his own country if he had the chance in the future.

What he wanted was not only to be a rich man, but to be a king, a real king.

And the starting point of all this would start from today when he forced the people of the five financial groups to sign a medical concession agreement.

Once this agreement was established, it would be almost certain that he would cannibalize and swallow up the five financial groups.

Just as Dillens was full of pride and high spirits waiting for Master Liu to announce his victory.

Master Liu's assistants also rushed to the hospital.

But they looked hurried, as if they were very anxious.

"These young people are really eager for quick success." Dillens smiled slightly.

"It's obvious that they are just for the bonus, and they are already a little impatient."

The other famous doctors also noticed that Master Liu's assistants had come.

Suddenly, everyone in the field focused their attention on them. At this moment, the only person who could act as the savior was Master Liu.

Even if he had a bad character and no medical ethics, at this time, even if he had medical ethics, what was the use if he didn't have the ability?

Almost all the hopes of famous doctors were placed on Master Liu.

When the assistants arrived, they also saw Dillens and rushed over in great joy.

Dillens smiled and said, "Where is Master Liu? But it doesn't matter. It's okay if he doesn't come. You should

You must be here to deliver the medicine on his orders, so bring it here."

The assistants were embarrassed when they heard this, and said in a low voice: "Master Liu's current condition... is not very good, he asked us to come and find someone."

Direns frowned, and a bad premonition rose in his heart, wondering: "What happened to Master Liu? Who did he ask you to find?"

The assistant said with a stiff upper lip: "Master Liu is suspected to be infected, and his physical condition is not good now... He asked us to find someone named Jiang Yuan. "

Hearing this, the famous doctors present, including Dillens, were stunned on the spot, like a stone sculpture unable to move for a long time.

Master Liu... also fell? And he lost to this mysterious allergic disease, and even his own physical health could not be guaranteed!

He couldn't even come in person, which shows how bad his physical condition was. He could only ask his assistant to invite people!

At this time, among the crowd, the fastest person suddenly woke up.

"No wonder Jiang Yuan said that within an hour, Master Liu would regret it and come to him. It turned out that this was not an angry or cruel word, it was true!"

"Maybe he has already seen some clues in Master Liu!"

"Find Jiang Yuan, find Jiang Yuan immediately. This is an incredible person. He can actually observe Master Liu's complexion with his naked eyes and find that he has hidden dangers. Even none of us can do this. Maybe he has a way! "

Suddenly, a carpet-style search for Jiang Yuan was launched.

When everyone found Jiang Yuan's room, they saw Jiang Yuan supporting his lower body with one hand, looking at the group of natives who were kneeling on their knees outside, seeking medical resources for their parents.

Jiang Yuan's eyes gradually turned gentle. Everyone has parents. These natives are willing to give up their dignity for their parents. Naturally, he would not stand by and watch them die.

It's just that Master Liu has evil intentions and a false reputation. He only wants to treat those powerful and wealthy families, and treats ordinary people as ants and grass.

Then I am not so kind and willing to repay evil with virtue.

A gentleman repays evil with tooth for tooth.

For kind people, there are naturally kind means.

For greedy people, there are naturally greedy means.

This is fair, isn't it?

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