The old man was very serious, but he was still very serious.

Jiang Yuan saw that his expression was extremely serious, and he couldn't help but focus a little.

"The Nine Palace Flying Stars Map is a priceless treasure. Even the seven great sages of astrology in the West are eager for it." Tang Zisheng's expression was very serious, and his throat was a little dry.

"We physiognomists also regard it as a treasure passed down from generation to generation. It is rumored that the Nine Palace Flying Star Chart is not only one of the top three prophecy techniques, but also has the ability to break the curse of loneliness, poverty and inheritance."

Jiang Yuan asked in confusion: "What are loneliness, poverty and inheritance?"

Tang Zisheng smiled bitterly for a while and said: "Lonely means a lonely person."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but understand. Every year on May 20th, or special holidays such as Valentine's Day, some bad friends would order a frog service with the sound of "loneliness" for him.

Probably something like being a single dog for life?

That's really terrible.

"Every slightly successful astrologer and physiognomist must not get married and have children. Loneliness is the fate of people like us." Tang Zisheng smiled bitterly.

"Maybe it's because we leaked too many secrets, so God punished us."

Yao Wenwen asked playfully, "What if someone forced a marriage?"

In her opinion, rules are dead, but people are alive.

Even if there is such a rule, what will happen if someone cheats secretly?

Tang Zisheng shook his head silently, and sighed after a long time: "People are not plants, who can be ruthless? There are actually many people who have a lucky mentality, but unfortunately the final result is often difficult to escape the cycle of fate."

Yao Wenwen puzzled: "Please explain it more clearly. What do you mean by unable to escape the cycle of fate?"

Tang Zisheng couldn't help but show a trace of confusion on his face, and said faintly: "In the past, there was a war god Jiang Shaotian in Longguo. He actually also possessed a very rare physiognomy, which was not inferior to the Nine Palace Flying Star Chart!"

"But it's a pity that heroes can't resist the beauty. After all, he was willing to take risks for a woman to see if he could break the curse of loneliness, but in the end he died tragically at the hands of a mysterious hidden family."

Tang Zisheng became more and more helpless as he spoke, as if he was extremely unwilling and painful to this kind of fate that was difficult to change.

Jiang Yuan nodded. He had heard a lot about Jiang Shaotian, but he didn't expect that there was such a reason in his death.

But it is also true that if Jiang Shaotian is really so strong, he would not die in the hands of the hidden family for no reason.

The curse of Gupin Chuan... I didn't expect that even Jiang Shaotian could not break this terrible curse. In the end, he suffered the backlash of fate because of a woman and died tragically at the hands of the Ghost Hand Family.

Yao Wenwen asked curiously: "Since Gu means lonely, then Pin must be poor?"

Tang Zisheng nodded and said: "The priest and I both live in extreme poverty. Even if someone spends a lot of money to ask us to do something, we will only charge some symbolic handling fees. Most of the exchanges between us are personal relationships, and there are rarely any specific interests involved."

"As for Chuan, it is naturally the so-called technique... Gupin Chuan must be one of the three. This is an unchangeable curse. Except for the rumor that the Nine Palace Flying Star Map can break this curse, it is almost without exception."

After hearing this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but be very speechless. Gupin Chuan must be one of the three. This kind of thing is too depressing.

Can't get a wife, can't enjoy the happiness brought by small money... Then what's the point of this technique?

Yao Wenwen even complained directly: "Since there is such a curse, I won't learn it even if it's free. I only envy the mandarin ducks and not the immortals. I don't want to spend my whole life being single and poor in exchange for this so-called technique!"

Tang Zisheng shook his head and chuckled, saying: "To establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a life for life, to inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to open peace for all generations, there must be some people who make sacrifices. Otherwise, once this unique knowledge is lost, I'm afraid that countless innocent people will be harmed between heaven and earth."

When she thought of being single and poor for a lifetime, Yao Wenwen couldn't help but shudder, waving her hands repeatedly, looking like she didn't want to touch this kind of thing at all.

Jiang Yuan said with a bright look: "The curse of Gupin Chuan can be broken by the Nine Palace Flying Stars Map. Can you tell me more about this rumor?"

Tang Zisheng looked at Jiang Yuan with appreciation and then introduced.

"Seven hundred and fifty years ago, a

After the fortune teller had learned the Nine Palaces Flying Stars Chart, he wanted to find a few people to try out the results. "

"But strangely, although the people he found could successfully deduce the first half of their lives, they could not deduce the second half of their lives."

"The fortune teller thought that he was not good enough, so he did not take it too seriously."

Yao Wenwen was puzzled and said, "That's true. Some people don't learn things so quickly. I think being able to deduce some things in the first half of life is already a very powerful thing."

Jiang Yuan was very keenly aware of something and asked suddenly, "Did all these people die suddenly, so they can't deduce the second half of their lives?"

Tang Zisheng liked Jiang Yuan more and more, and couldn't help but feel more and more appreciative of his intelligence and said, "Yes, it was the Little Ice Age at that time, and the climate conditions were extremely bad. Many people suffered accidents because of the bad climate."

Jiang Yuan was silent for a long time and asked, "Could it be that the Nine Palaces Flying Stars Chart can crack the secret of the Gupinchuan curse, and it is related to this kind of thing? "

Tang Zisheng nodded seriously and said, "Whenever the world changes drastically, many people will suffer unexpected events, but the worse the environment, the more opportunities it contains. It is said that the Nine Palace Flying Stars can absorb the luck in the dark and break some curses of fate and reincarnation for its owner."

Jiang Yuan asked back, "Then what is the price?"

Tang Zisheng said solemnly, "The Nine Palace Flying Stars are firmly bound to the luck of the Dragon Kingdom. It is very important. If you want to inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, you must bring peace to the world. Do you understand the meaning of this sentence? "

Jiang Yuan is not a dull person. He understood the meaning after a little thought.

The Nine Palaces Flying Stars Chart can certainly bring great benefits to the owner, and even the vicious curse of Gupin Chuan can be completely broken, but the price must be to fight for the destiny of Dragon Country.

Only the meritorious officials who bring peace to the world can inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints!

Jiang Yuan said seriously: "I understand, then please tell me the secret of the Nine Palaces Flying Stars in detail."

Tang Zisheng shook his head and said: "I also heard the secret of the Nine Palaces Flying Stars from my master. I am afraid that only the top figures of his time can crack this physiognomy book. I really can't do anything."

Jiang Yuan asked: "Where is your master now?"

Tang Zisheng said: "He is currently living in the Ling'en family. Since you are also going to the Ling'en family, you might as well take my letter with you. I will recommend it to you. "

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