The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Jiang Yuan took a deep look at Tang Zisheng, and saw that his eyes were full of openness, without any intention of lying.

If everything he said was true, then there would be one more goal for his trip to the Ling'en family.

Nine Palace Flying Star Chart!

Once he could crack the mystery and break the curse that one of the three must be in the Lonely and Poor Chuan, then he might have the opportunity to practice physiognomy.

Otherwise, it would be better for him not to touch this kind of thing easily.

Whether being a single dog for life or being destined to live a life of poverty, it is obviously not a choice for a normal person...

Even Jiang Shaotian, the former Dragon Kingdom God of War, attempted to fight for longevity and tried to tamper with destiny with his own strength, but he ended up dying tragically at the hands of the Ghost Hand Family.

The precedent of such things is already in front of him, and he really can't afford to act recklessly.

"Jiang Yuan, to be honest with you, I originally wanted to take you as my apprentice." Tang Zisheng sighed faintly.

"But since you can get the Nine Palace Flying Stars Map, it is obvious that my level is not enough to be your master. I am afraid that only the top figures of the world like my master are qualified to teach you."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said, "It is not beautiful to force the relationship between master and apprentice. Let's just let fate take its course."

Tang Zisheng laughed and said, "Hahaha, you are right. I can meet such an interesting little guy like you before I die. It is really worth my seclusion here."

Yao Wenwen stared and asked, "Before I die? No way, I see that you are healthy and don't seem to have any serious illness."

Jiang Yuan also looked directly at Tang Zisheng. He couldn't tell that he was so healthy, but he was facing a dying situation.

Tang Zisheng shook his head helplessly and said, "In the early years, I was impulsive and reckless when I was young, and did some things that were unworthy of my conscience. In addition, I abused my Ziwei Doushu in my early years, which reduced too many life essences. My life should be exhausted this month."

Jiang Yuan and Yao Wenwen looked at each other, and both of them couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Tang Zisheng's face was ruddy, his hair was shiny, and he exuded a faint and elegant fragrance. His eyes were as bright as a 20-year-old boy.

It's really hard to imagine that such a healthy-looking person only has less than a month to live.

"Are you wrong?" Yao Wenwen really didn't believe it.

"Is it just your psychological effect? ​​No matter how I look at it, you don't look like a dying person."

Jiang Yuan also had a similar question. Generally, people who don't live long are either depressed and dim-eyed, or they are distracted and withered.

Tang Zisheng clearly didn't look like a dying man.

"It's normal that you don't understand." Tang Zisheng smiled bitterly.

"My master has calculated for me that I will almost certainly die this year, and even he can't do anything about it."

No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or an accident.

Tang Zisheng has already accepted his fate, but it's a pity that he has not been able to find a suitable apprentice to inherit his mantle in his life.

People with good qualifications are rare, and those who are willing to bear the curse of loneliness and poverty are even rarer.

"Is there any way to help you, or do you have any wishes before you die?" Jiang Yuan said.

Although this trip did not directly crack the secret of the Nine Palace Flying Star Map, Tang Zisheng was willing to provide him with a letter of recommendation and clues to go to the Ling'en family to find his master, which was also a big favor.

Jiang Yuan was not used to owing favors to others. If he was within his ability, he was naturally willing to provide help.

"Even my master can't help me, what can you young guys do to help me?" Tang Zisheng smiled bitterly.

"Haha, but if I really want to talk about my dying wish, I do have one."

Jiang Yuan said calmly: "You might as well tell me."

Tang Zisheng sighed and said: "I have been alone all my life, so I adopted a daughter, but she is now studying abroad. If I am gone, I really can't let her go."

"Jiang Yuan, if you have the opportunity to take care of her, I hope you can take care of her as much as possible because of my recommendation for you."

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "What's so difficult about this, just give me her contact information, I guarantee that she will have no worries about food and clothing."

Tang Zisheng patted

Zhang smiled and said, "That's great. She's just an ordinary person. I didn't pass on any physiognomy to her, so there's no need to worry about her being lonely and poor."

"I just hope my adopted daughter can live her life like an ordinary person. I hope Jiang Yuan can remember what I said today."

Jiang Yuan nodded. Looking at his posture, he was indeed very serious about his affairs after death.

Tang Zisheng was alone and adopted a daughter. Now she is studying abroad. He hopes to take care of her, find a good partner for her, and ensure that she has no worries about food and clothing.

This request was not excessive, so Jiang Yuan readily agreed to it.

Yao Wenwen asked curiously, "Why don't you entrust this matter to the priest?"

In theory, Tang Zisheng and the priest are good friends. If he wants to entrust his affairs after death, it is obviously more reasonable to entrust it to the priest.

"It's just because the priest's life span is not long... I sympathize with him." Tang Zisheng smiled bitterly.

"His condition is even more serious than mine. I'm afraid he will die before me. How can I entrust him with the responsibility?"

Yao Wenwen couldn't help asking, "If you really need to be saved, did your master give you any hints or something that could help you survive?"

Tang Zisheng pondered for a moment and said slowly, "Master did mention it once or twice. I'm already a lowly person in my later years. As the saying goes, one noble person can break nine lowly people. If I can find a noble person, maybe I can have a chance of survival."

Jiang Yuan asked curiously, "What is a noble person?"

Tang Zisheng said helplessly, "The noble person here has a context. It actually refers to some people who have practiced advanced guiding techniques."

"According to the information provided by my friend, the Ghost Hand Family does have a collection of epoch-making guiding techniques, but they privately announced that the price was more than 30 million New Era Coins."

Speaking of this, Tang Zisheng couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile on his face.

Some poor people can't afford to see a doctor and can only wait to die... and his situation is actually similar to theirs.

Thirty million New Era Coins, this kind of currency is only circulated among the hidden families, and it is extremely difficult to exchange.

Even if I sell myself, I can't get thirty million New Era Coins.

And my only hope is the sky-high guiding technique of the Ghost Hand Family.

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