The two of them were so confused that they had to wait for a long time.

Jiang Yuan did not choose to ask further questions.

Because Schubert's face had gradually written a little confusion and sadness.

Jiang Yuan knew that even if he asked, he would probably not tell him anything.

"Where is the second person now?" Jiang Yuan asked.

Schubert pointed to a stone arch bridge not far away, on which stood a man wrapped in a white cloth.

The man's face was almost completely covered with all kinds of strange lines, making it difficult to see his face.

The third person had arrived!

"I had contacted him in advance. Their spiritual practice is usually like this, with strange lines on their faces and taboos - they can hardly communicate with people from the outside world." Schubert whispered.

Jiang Yuan nodded and said, "Since the three of us are all here, shall we go and look for the remains of the evil emperor?"

Schubert shook his head and said, "No, we are not looking for the remains of the evil emperor, but the remains of the evil emperor will come to us on their own initiative."

Jiang Yuan asked curiously, "Why?"

Schubert explained, "Once the three types of people who can most touch the evil emperor gather together, he will naturally come to us on his own initiative. Now we just need to wait."

Jiang Yuan knew that he should have a complete plan, so he followed his words and took the three people back to the Cathedral of Saint-Lo, quietly waiting for the so-called evil emperor.

In the Cathedral of Saint-Lo, a slightly remote branch church.

Jiang Yuan looked at the three people around him and couldn't help but have some thoughts.

Wine girl, spiritual practice, Schubert.

If according to what Schubert said, the evil emperor was an extremely licentious emperor during his lifetime, so he persecuted the ancestors of the wine girl.

At the same time, the evil emperor was also an extremely greedy emperor. Because of his failure in seeking immortality, he killed many spiritual practitioners in anger.

What about Schubert?

Has he also been persecuted by the evil emperor... For example, he is the descendant of the so-called sinner?

The bright moon outside the window gradually sank to the west, and the dark clouds gradually covered the bright moon, and the moonlight falling on the ground was obviously dim.

The wine girl suddenly said: "How much are you going to pay me?"

Schubert said lightly: "Don't worry, you can't do without you, just wait here obediently."

The wine girl's face suddenly became a little nervous, and said: "You can't do without me, so how much is it exactly?"

She is not a naive and romantic girl, who is easily fooled by some exaggerated words.

The more vague the words, the more she will deepen her sense of uneasiness. Only specific numbers can give her a sense of security.

"Giving you two million should be enough for you to live here for ten years. Is this reward enough?" Schubert said helplessly.

Secular currency is really of no value to him.

But two million should be enough to satisfy the greed of an ordinary bartender.

But the bartender is obviously not so easy to satisfy. She is very smart and knows how to read people's expressions.

People who can easily offer two million will usually not object even if they are asked to offer a higher price!

"I want three hundred... no, I want five million!" The bartender said loudly.

She didn't expect Schubert to agree at once, but waited expectantly for Schubert to bargain, and added carefully.

"Otherwise I will leave immediately."

Schubert rolled his eyes helplessly, and just when he was about to say something, Jiang Yuan suddenly spoke.

"The evil emperor...did he really ban intermarriage among the common people and search for beauties?"

Schubert opened his mouth, but the words shrank back. After a while, he laughed and said, "Of course it's true, but it's hard for ordinary people to believe it!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "After all, it happened hundreds of years ago, right? What if someone was willing to spend a lot of money to bribe those women back then and made up rumors that those women were forcibly taken into the harem and intermarriage among the common people was banned?"

The red lips of the wine girl opened, and her eyes drifted towards Jiang Yuan's face uncontrollably.

The spiritual practitioner who had been shrinking in the corner with his eyes closed and not saying a word suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Jiang Yuan.

Schubert asked in an unnatural voice, "Why do you suddenly have such a strange idea? Ha, it's an interesting guess, but after all, this guess has no basis at all."

Jiang Yuan said calmly

He said calmly: "If this bartender inherited all the habits from her ancestors, then my guess is reasonable."

"After all, hundreds of years ago, information was extremely closed. If it was just a rumor from one person, it would be difficult to spread, but what if thousands or tens of thousands of people were bribed?"

The whole church was silent, and only a few words that Jiang Yuan said lightly echoed. The faces of the other three people changed slightly.

They had to admit that the cost of fabricating and slandering a person was actually much lower than everyone imagined.

Tonight, Schubert could casually offer a price of two million and order the bartender to stay here for one night.

The bartender not only did not question Schubert's motives, but also did not doubt Schubert's purpose. She was just curious whether she could get more money.

Who knows if her ancestors would be like her hundreds of years ago?

She only considered whether she could get more rewards, but ignored whether the evil emperor would be cursed for eternity.

Schubert laughed even louder, saying, "But this is just your guess. It can be used as a topic of conversation after dinner, but without substantial evidence, I think it's better not to speculate."

At some point, the bartender had already sat back in her seat.

She had just been about to threaten Schubert with a five million reward by leaving immediately, but for some reason she had given up the move.

She just lowered her head and fell into an almost inconsolable silence.

The spiritual practitioner in the corner suddenly said, "The evil emperor...actually did a lot of good things back then, but it seems that everything was quietly wiped out, leaving only the bad things about him."

Schubert frowned and said, "Don't you spiritual practitioners have a customary rule that you can't talk to outsiders? Hmm?"

When he said "Hmm", his tone was obviously questioning and cold, and even the temperature around him seemed to drop a little, which made people feel cold.

Ling Xiu was not frightened at all, but smiled calmly and said, "Our rule is not to communicate with ordinary people, but if we meet some people with extraordinary wisdom, then we can communicate."

After that, he looked at Jiang Yuan, nodded slightly and smiled.

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