The old man was in trouble, but he was still alive.

Jiang Yuan had roughly guessed Schubert's idea at this moment.

As one of the contenders for the succession of the Ryan family, he naturally hoped to obtain the remains of the evil emperor and sell them for a sky-high price of New Era Coins to gain bargaining chips for the family inheritance.

If the evil emperor was a bad guy, then he could naturally use various means to subdue him, which would naturally not be criticized and would be convenient for doing things - to put it bluntly, it was a legitimate reason.

But if the evil emperor was an out-and-out good man, and was the kind of good man who was strongly wronged by future generations, then Schubert would probably lose the excuse to subdue the remains of the evil emperor.

Schubert was very keenly aware of Jiang Yuan's thoughts.

After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"Jiang Yuan, calm down and listen to me..." Schubert touched the black eye patch on his right eye and said slowly.

"The so-called good and evil are actually just the front and back of a card. In many cases, what we need to pay attention to is not good and evil."

Jiang Yuan nodded and smiled: "You mean, we only need to pay attention to our own interests. As for the so-called good and evil, we can leave it to others to judge, right?"

Schubert breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Talking to smart people is effortless. You just need to understand the truth."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said: "I don't care whether the evil emperor is a good person or a bad person. After all, he is just a foreign emperor hundreds of years ago."

"I am a Dragon countryman. I only care whether the people of my country can avoid the influence of disasters."

Schubert nodded in agreement. He actually understood Jiang Yuan's thoughts. Whether it is the Heaven Consortium or the Ghost Hand Family, these are all unstable factors that are not conducive to Dragon Country.

The Heaven Consortium is ambitious and hopes to annex the Dragon Country consortium to strengthen itself.

The Ghost Hand Family once used strange means to kill the Dragon Country God of War Jiang Shaotian, with the purpose of strongly curbing the strength of the Dragon Country masters.

Although they have not yet officially taken action, once the world-renowned incident occurs in the near future, it will be hard to say at that time.

Whether it is Miss Qin or Tang Zisheng, too many people have hinted to Jiang Yuan some information-in the near future, there will be big things happening, and there is a great possibility of a huge turmoil.

In order to protect the Dragon Country, Jiang Yuan will naturally do everything he can to develop and strengthen his own strength!

Whether the evil emperor is a good person or a bad person, what does it have to do with him?

After all, the dead are dead, and the living are the most important.

The most important thing at present is to improve the strength of his own side.

Jiang Yuan only wanted to protect everyone in his country. As for overturning the verdicts of ancient emperors of other countries and upholding justice, he had no interest in participating.

"Jiang Yuan, the truth is just a statement..." Schubert seemed to be talking to Jiang Yuan, but also seemed to be talking to himself, as if he was comforting himself.

"Each of us has a statement about a matter, and we will choose the one that is most beneficial to ourselves."

"So the so-called truth is just a statement that is in the interests of most of us."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. He said, "Well, so how sure are you about taking back the remains of the evil emperor?"

"I am 100% sure about this matter." At this point, Schubert's face showed an indescribable confidence and calmness.

"Don't worry, if it really comes to a last resort, I have a way." Schubert subconsciously touched the black eye patch on his right eye.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but take a second look at him. His black eye mask was a bit unique, and he didn't know what material it was made of. Even in this room with poor lighting, it reflected a chilling arc of light.

When he touched the eye mask, Schubert was obviously much calmer.

He was like being given a shot of cardiac stimulant, temporarily suppressing his emotions.

Obviously, there were some secrets in this black eye mask.

The bartender in the corner was completely silent.

She just took out her wallet and counted her banknotes one by one.

From time to time, she took out her mobile phone and looked at her electronic deposit balance.

But at this time, Ling Xiu spoke with a sneer on his face, saying: "Your eye mask should be your grandfather's.

I gave it to you, right? Schubert Lane... The origin of the Lane family is closely related to the evil emperor, but you wore that black eye mask and asked us to gather here. "

There was obviously an accusatory tone in his words, as if criticizing Schubert's ingratitude.

"The origin of the Lane family... is actually related to the evil emperor?" Jiang Yuan heard his words and suddenly figured out a lot of things.

Why did Schubert know so much about the evil emperor?

Why did Schubert seem to be able to do something about the incident that even the priest and Tang Zisheng were helpless about?

Obviously, there is a very deep connection between the Lane family and the evil emperor.

Facing the accusations of the spiritual practitioner, Schubert responded with a sneer that was no less than his.

"The various bad events of the evil emperor can be spread, and he will be cursed for thousands of years in the future. The poems and scriptures created by you spiritual practitioners have contributed greatly. "

Schubert's voice, slightly mocking, continued to echo in this small church, as if it was a question from the soul.

Ling Xiu did not speak, he just put his hands together and began to recite scriptures silently, as if to atone for his sins.

Obviously, what Schubert said hit him so hard that Ling Xiu had to close his eyes and start reciting scriptures.

Jiang Yuan was more and more curious at this moment. If the ancestors of the wine-selling girl participated in fabricating obscene rumors about the evil emperor, Ling Xiu used poetry and scriptures to participate in the various evil deeds of spreading rumors about the evil emperor.

Then what about the Ryan family?

They How did he hurt the evil emperor?

At this moment, Jiang Yuan finally understood the real meaning of why Schubert wanted to gather three people.

If the evil emperor really existed, then he obviously wanted revenge with hatred.

The three enemies gathered in one family... Of course he couldn't sit still.

At this time, the wine seller in the corner opened her wallet and took out a few scattered banknotes.

She stared at the banknotes with a very complicated look, a little like a hungry man looking at precious food, but also a little like looking at deadly poison.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Yuan saw that she was not right and took the initiative to ask.

"Actually, my heart has been a little uncomfortable since just now. I thought it was a small problem and I would be fine after a rest." The wine seller's face became more and more stiff, and her breathing became more and more rapid, which meant that his heart was like being held tightly by a pair of hands.

"But I didn't expect it to hurt more and more, and now it's almost at the limit."

"The evil emperor is here! " Far from panicking, Schubert showed a shining look as if he had caught a big fish.

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