The money was not enough.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but frown.

No wonder the wine seller kept opening her wallet and checking her banknotes.

Or she would open her mobile bank to check her electronic deposit balance.

So when a person who loves money like his life is in danger, his first reaction is to check if his money is still there?

He is a pure miser.

He actually had to check his money before he felt he was dying...

"Great, the more serious the heart paralysis is, the closer the evil emperor is, and he is obviously not far from here." Schubert clapped his hands and laughed.

"It seems that the speculation is correct. If the three types of people that make him most angry appear at the same time, the probability of him coming to us will greatly increase."

Everything so far is going according to plan. Although everything in the future may not go according to plan, Schubert has a good start after all.

As long as he can get the remains of the evil emperor... he can sell it at an eye-catching sky-high price!

With this as capital, he may have the hope of successfully joining the upper-middle class of the hidden family in the future and compete with his brother Listeren!

The future and hope are always the source of motivation in people's hearts.

Just when Schubert showed some excitement, the spiritual practitioner on the side frowned and urged: "If you don't care about her anymore, this woman will die soon!"

"Save me..." The lips of the wine seller have begun to turn purple, her breathing has become more and more rapid and short of breath, and her chest is so painful that she utters a whisper-like mumbling.

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly. The corners of the woman's eyes even had a layer of black texture, and her lips looked like white paper without color, which was quite scary.

This was clearly a sign of a dying person.

If left alone, the wine seller's fate would most likely be like that of a nun who died of heart failure for no reason... Such a miserable death is a pity for a beautiful girl.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Schubert smiled with a wise expression.

"If she dies too easily, the resentment of the evil emperor will probably dissipate, which is inconsistent with my purpose."

He looked carefully at the wine seller who was half lying on the ground and dying, and saw that her eye sockets had gradually been stained with an extremely ominous black color. Schubert's eyes unconsciously showed a trace of caution and solemnity.

Then, Schubert took out a small box of about two inches from his arms, opened it quickly, and revealed a gem that was shining with azure blue light.

"The quality of this gem... is pretty good!" Jiang Yuan saw the extraordinary thing at a glance.

As early as when he was in the Gem Astrology Room, Jiang Yuan had heard the nun talk about gem astrology.

The most important thing is that the more precious the gem, the greater the effect it can exert.

From Jiang Yuan's current perspective, the blue gem in Schubert's hand is so valuable that even if all the gems in the Gem Astrology Room are added together, the value is less than one percent of it.

Schubert had prepared a lot of such precious gems in advance.

He kept taking them out from his bag, and he had seven in total!

Schubert skillfully placed the blue gems in a specific order and arranged them into a miniature star disk.

The astrolabe was illuminated by the brilliance of seven azure gems, and a solemn and solemn atmosphere lingered in the whole church.

And just after the astrolabe was slightly formed, the bartender's originally extremely cyan face obviously improved a little.

Before, the bartender's heart was like being tightly grasped by a big hand. As long as the big hand exerted a little force, the bartender's blood and breathing would be temporarily stagnant. The most annoying thing was that the big hand was pulsating at an irregular speed-a slow torture that could be called torture!

But after Schubert's astrolabe was slightly formed, the pain of the bartender was obviously improved a little, and even the dark blue on her face was lighter.

"You are so skilled in using gemstone astrology? And the medium used is the extremely precious and top-grade aquamarine?" Ling Xiu's body was shocked, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

"The people of the Ryan family are really monsters. Not to mention Liszt, even a young man like him...

Young people all have such a strong talent. "

Schubert couldn't help but hum slightly when he heard his extremely shocking evaluation, thinking that this spiritual practitioner was really a frog in the well.

However, young people always like to be praised, and this disguised praise from spiritual practitioners also made Schubert feel a little happy.

"Regarding gem astrology, my teacher is the priest. So far, he has only taught for less than a few days." Schubert said with a little pride.

"But the master's evaluation of me is that my understanding is much deeper than those of his stupid apprentices who have studied hard for several years. "

Ling Xiu was silent. As for astrology, within his knowledge, he naturally understood that talent determines everything.

If it is other things, such as physical exercise, there will basically not be much difference between different adults as long as they are willing to work hard.

For many things, it is difficult to make a difference as long as you work hard, and the gap between people has not widened.

But astrology is a matter of talent only. People with talent can quickly leave people without talent behind.

Really talented people practice for several days in a row, and even many masters who have studied hard for many years cannot catch up.

Nu It is impossible for astrology to catch up with geniuses with strength.

Schubert is a genius with the Wood-Phoenix Fate. He has only practiced astrology for a few days, but he has made a lot of progress. He can even control seven top-grade aquamarines with ease.

For other so-called masters, it would be a great achievement to control one top-grade aquamarine, but he can easily control seven at the same time, which shows his extraordinary talent.

But at this moment, Jiang Yuan's mind was quite sharp and he immediately realized something wrong.

He frowned and asked, "Something is wrong! Look carefully at the situation of this wine girl! "

Schubert and Ling Xiu were slightly stunned, and then they followed Jiang Yuan's words and cast their eyes on the bartender.

But after seeing this, the two of them were immediately shocked and broke out in cold sweats, and even their bodies became a little stiff.

Although the dark blue color on the bartender's face faded, a series of tiny sounds gradually came from her body.

Jiang Yuan felt that this sound was very familiar, a bit like the sound of countless raindrops hitting the window on a rainy day.

The white skin of the bartender was gradually stained with a layer of red, her breathing became weaker, and her pupils gradually became dilated... Not long after, she had completely lost any signs of life.

Jiang Yuan put his hand between her nose to confirm again. Unfortunately, Jiang Yuan slowly shook his head and said, "She is dead."

"Impossible! How could the gem astrology controlled by seven top-grade aquamarine stones not even save her life? "Ling Xiu lost his voice, his voice full of disbelief and fear.

"The situation has changed, the situation has changed, something must have changed in this evil emperor, he can't be so terrible!"

Schubert's face also showed a little surprise, which was quite rare. Although gem astrology was not an extremely rare astrology, relying on his extraordinary qualifications and top-grade aquamarine, it was absolutely impossible for him to not be able to save even an ordinary person's life.

Unless...something happened to the evil emperor, and his power was greatly enhanced.

Seeing the tragic death of the wine girl, Ling Xiu grabbed Schubert's neck in anger and shouted: "Don't you have a foolproof plan? Why is someone dead now? Huh? Or is this actually within the scope of your plan! "

Schubert's heart was gradually getting uneasy at this moment.

He was a direct descendant of the Ryan family, one of the hidden families. He had extraordinary knowledge. Moreover, his elder brother, List Ryan, was a famous figure on the world's strongest list and often taught him carefully.

He believed that his estimate of combat power could not be too far off.

The evil emperor had not officially arrived yet, so how could he take the life of the bartender out of thin air, not to mention that she was under his protection.

Unless this evil emperor had been manipulated by someone, his power had increased dramatically, and it was not a situation that his group could handle and solve.

"It's useless to say these now. Let's be realistic and think about what to do now." Schubert coldly slapped Ling Xiu's hand on him.

Ling Xiu's face showed uncontrollable anger, but he did not immediately find Schubert to argue, but walked to the body of the bartender and began to lower his head and silently recite for him.

The scripture of salvation came, hoping that she could be reborn in a good way in the next life.

Schubert walked to Jiang Yuan's side and whispered: "Some changes have occurred. If I take off the blindfold in a while, you will run away immediately. No matter who you see, don't care. If you want to survive, don't try to save anyone, including me."

Jiang Yuan saw that his expression was very serious. It was obvious that he was really telling himself to avoid death. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Originally, his purpose was to get the remains of the evil emperor and sell them at a high price.

But unexpectedly, the evil emperor showed a strength far beyond his expectations for some mysterious reasons.

Schubert now also lost his expression of wisdom. Obviously, the situation has greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Okay, I will do as you say." Jiang Yuan said lightly.

At the same time, he took out the Jiupi knife he carried with him. Last time, this knife was able to perfectly restrain the Japanese evil knife. Perhaps it can be used this time.

Jiang Yuan touched the black sword on his waist and found that it was slightly hot.

Last time, in the book recording the Eight Parts of Kung Fu, it was obviously relying on this black sword to crack the mystery. Obviously, this black sword is quite extraordinary, so Jiang Yuan carried it with him, perhaps to protect himself at the critical moment.

Schubert's heart was beating violently at this moment, like an electric motor running at high speed, and he was a little uneasy in his heart.

Originally, his plan was to show some of the methods of the Ryan family in front of Jiang Yuan, to subdue the evil emperor, so as to make Jiang Yuan convinced of him.

But now all this has changed... The primary goal now is to survive!

As for other things, compared with surviving, they are already insignificant things.

"Not good, you see!" Ling Xiu was still silently reciting the scriptures for salvation, but he seemed to notice something scary, and immediately shouted in fear.

"Outside the window, look outside the window!"

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