The sound of fear and panic came to an end.

Accompanied by the extremely frightened voice, Jiang Yuan immediately cast his eyes out of the window and stared deeply.

But when he looked carefully at everything in front of him, even his tempered mentality could not help but be slightly shocked.

Under the endless black night, many blood flowers bloomed quietly...

Outside the window, there were already several nuns lying dead, and they had lost any signs of life and were lying coldly on the ground.

And their death was exactly the same as that of the wine girl just now, with their skin stained with blood red, forming a bunch of blood flowers.

Their bodies were peaceful, with a faint smile on their lips, but the blood gushing out of their bodies mercilessly announced the cold reality of their death.

Jiang Yuan was shocked when he saw this scene. After all, so many fresh lives were fleeting, just like withered flowers appearing at the same time, which was really shocking.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel scared. Fortunately, he had asked Yao Wenwen and Xiaoyan to leave here temporarily and didn't choose to let them follow him.

Otherwise, if ordinary people like them were also involved in this crisis, they would most likely lose their lives, just like the bodies of the nuns lying on the ground outside the window at this moment.

The situation here was too dangerous... Jiang Yuan could even see clearly that the nun who had performed gem astrology for him and Yao Wenwen not long ago was also among the corpses.

But Jiang Yuan didn't feel lucky for long before he heard the ghost-like whispering of the spiritual practitioner.

"Too bad, if this matter is not handled well, I'm afraid none of us will be able to leave this island, and all the creatures on this island will die!"

Jiang Yuan frowned and asked, "Why do you say that? Will everyone on the entire island die?"

Ling Xiu looked at the corpses outside the window with lingering fear, and said with trembling lips: "The number of dead bodies here is too exaggerated, which means that someone must have done something here. There is a statue of the Muse in the Cathedral of Saint-Lo, but it is useless."

His lips are as pale as paper, and he concluded tremblingly: "Obviously, other places will suffer soon. We must leave this island immediately, otherwise we will just be like lambs to be slaughtered, very passive."

Schubert, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke: "Yes, what we have to do now is to find a way to leave here immediately, and other things will be discussed later."

Jiang Yuan clearly saw that Schubert's eyes were flashing with strong unwillingness.

Schubert said reluctantly, his throat a little dry: "As long as we are alive, there will always be a chance. Sooner or later, we will be able to get the remains of the evil emperor. There is no need to rush. It is better to keep the green mountains alive than to be afraid of running out of firewood."

Jiang Yuan saw that there was a strong unwillingness in his expression. Obviously, this was just a forced comfort to himself.

Once the remains of the evil emperor were obtained and sold, Schubert would be able to become one of the people with tens of millions of New Era coins, which would be an upper-middle-class person in the hidden family.

But such a precious opportunity was right in front of him, but he had to let it go in vain. How could Schubert be willing!

That was a top reward of nearly tens of millions of New Era coins. It was almost impossible for ordinary people to get such an opportunity.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but Schubert had to run away in pain. It would be difficult for anyone to swallow this breath.

But Jiang Yuan didn't think so. After careful consideration, he realized that he shouldn't be greedy for the immediate benefits and put himself in danger in vain.

What he really cares about is actually something else.

Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and asked the question that he had been wondering about for a long time: "Why would someone ask you to take the task of obtaining the remains of the evil emperor? Can't he do it himself?"

This is a question that Jiang Yuan has been wondering about for a long time.

If there is really someone who is capable and qualified to offer a sky-high bounty - nearly 10 million New Era coins as a generous task reward.

The initiator of this task is clearly a peerless figure in the hidden family.

Then, why not do it yourself?

For such a peerless figure, it should not be difficult for him to take the remains of the evil emperor by himself?

Why must Schubert be asked to carry out this task and must Schubert be offered a sky-high price?

Jiang Yuan even had a thought in his heart.

An astonishing guess was made, could all this be a trap, a trap carefully designed by someone with a purpose.

All people, including Schubert, were tempted by huge benefits and designed into this big trap.

"This question, I..." Schubert's eyes were slightly evasive, and he obviously didn't want to answer this question directly.

"Because only I am qualified to complete the task of defeating the evil emperor. The person who offered me the price is indeed very strong, but he is not qualified."

At this time, Ling Xiu suddenly spoke up and interrupted: "Schubert will not tell you the truth, because it is really hard to say. His relationship with the evil emperor is not that simple..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Schubert's somewhat rude words, saying: "Let's go out of this island first, and on the premise of ensuring our own safety, let's talk about other things, okay?"

Ling Xiu couldn't help but reveal a strange look, and his pupils reflected his emotions when he looked at Schubert, with some pity and some contempt in his eyes.

Jiang Yuan was silent for a moment, and then slowly said, "The priest and Tang Zisheng should be able to help us. We should find these two key figures immediately. They should be the core guarantee for whether we can get out of trouble safely."

Since the priest is an expert in astrology and Tang Zisheng is a powerful hermit, they may be able to help them escape.

Schubert's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he smiled bitterly, "Of course I know such an obvious thing... But I have been contacting my priest master since just now, but he seems to have encountered something big and has not replied to my message at all."

Hearing this, Ling Xiu immediately urged nervously, "Let's take the initiative to find them in the Saint Luo Church!"

He was already a little worried and scared. The bartender was the first person to die, and the second person was obviously about to die.

Ling Xiu had self-knowledge, and he was not like Schubert who had the final trump card to save his life.

He only had one life, and if it was lost, it was really lost, and it could never be saved.

Jiang Yuan and Schubert looked at each other and nodded at the same time, but then looked at the body of the bartender in silence.

Schubert said, "What about her body?"

Ling Xiu urged, "I have already saved her. As for her body, we don't need to care too much. Let's go find the priest quickly."

Jiang Yuan couldn't help but look at Ling Xiu more. Although this man was indeed compassionate and willing to chant sutras for innocent people who died in vain.

But once it was his turn and he was about to face a disaster, he couldn't help but show some ugly eagerness to escape.

This, maybe it's human nature?

Jiang Yuan and Schubert didn't say much about it. After all, the bartender had almost nothing to do with them. They just had basic respect for a living being.

The two put their hands together, expressed a little respect for the dead, and then set out to find the priest.

About seven or eight minutes later, although Jiang Yuan and the other two did see the priest, their moods also continued to fall to the bottom.

Because the priest they saw was already a corpse lying in a pool of blood.

Under the statue of the goddess of Muse, the priest's body had lost all vital signs, and the cold corpse still maintained the prayer posture before his death.

Even the priest was dead.

"Impossible, how could a person like the priest die so easily?" Ling Xiu couldn't keep calm at all and screamed. .

"Isn't he the core figure here? Dreaming, I am dreaming, why did he die so easily!"

If it was his basic compassion as a person that made Ling Xiu change color just now.

Then what really made Ling Xiu change color at this moment was his basic desire to survive as a person.

As the first person, the wine seller had died, and it was obviously Ling Xiu's turn next... The last straw of life was clearly the priest of St. Luo Cathedral.

But now, even the priest died of an unknown reason.

Ling Xiu felt a chill rushing up his spine, and almost wanted to write a suicide note on the spot.

Jiang Yuan frowned, and he searched around the priest's body. He saw Tang Zisheng had lost an arm under a tree not far away, and he had fainted due to excessive blood loss.

"No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or an accident." Jiang Yuan recalled what Tang Zisheng had said to him not long ago. He claimed that he didn't have much time left, but he and Yao Wenwen saw that he didn't look like a dying man.

So... is all this predetermined?

Schubert's face couldn't help but become more and more

He became serious and said, "The priests are all... They are obviously the masters of this generation - the inheritors of Ziwei Doushu and high-level astrology, but they are not the opponents of the evil emperor at all?"

"What happened to the evil emperor?"

The severity of the situation has completely exceeded Schubert's expectations.

He originally prepared a lot of top-quality aquamarine for this incident.

Top-quality aquamarine, each of which is enough to sell for hundreds of thousands of New Era coins, is a real treasure.

But now, he found that his gem astrology might just be a joke, a complete joke.

Even the priest has died at the hands of the evil emperor, and his little practice is of no use at all.

Schubert touched his eye patch. Fortunately, he still had the last insurance measure, the life-saving tool given to him by his grandfather.

In the eye patch, Schubert obviously had a trump card.

"The evil emperor has obviously been manipulated by someone. This matter is no longer something that any of us can handle." Schubert made the final conclusion.

"Let's leave here immediately and don't care about anyone else."

Jiang Yuan frowned. Don't care about anyone else?

He couldn't just let Yao Wenwen and the others wait for death.

"The evil emperor has been manipulated by someone? You just realized it now?" Ling Xiu was almost crazy.

"It is very likely that we will all die here because of you today!"

Ling Xiu's voice, which was almost like a roar, kept ringing, and the listeners couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.

He felt that he was a pure and innocent person.

"Horror, this is the real horror..." Schubert shook his head. How could he have expected that the situation would take a sharp turn for the worse and reach a desperate situation that was almost irreversible.

"Don't worry, when it really comes to a desperate situation, I can also delay for a while, and there are still means to protect the bottom."

Schubert touched his eye mask again. Obviously, this action can bring him a great sense of security.

"My heart is starting to hurt too. If you have any solution, use it quickly!" Ling Xiu covered his chest and couldn't help but shout anxiously.

Thinking of the fate of the bartender just now, he felt a deep fear.

Schubert hesitated slightly. He could only take off his eye mask once. He actually wanted to keep such an important opportunity for himself.

But it was at this moment of hesitation that Ling Xiu seized this opportunity.

Ling Xiu rushed towards Jiang Yuan and grabbed Jiang Yuan's hand with an unstoppable force.

"Take off the eye mask quickly, otherwise I will kill him! You should value this person very much and want to take him under your command, right?" Ling Xiu almost shouted.

Jiang Yuan was held hostage, but he was not panicked at all. Instead, he looked at Ling Xiu with some pity and contempt.

Then, Jiang Yuan silently operated the complete version of the Eight Parts of Kung Fu that he had obtained not long ago.

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