The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

『Be good and let me kill you in peace.』 The old man smiled.

『Otherwise you will have to endure unimaginable pain, which is enough to make people live a life worse than death and fall into complete madness.』

『This should not be something you want to happen, right?』

The old man's temples were gray, he carried a white handkerchief with him, and coughed violently from time to time.

His skin was like extremely dry bark, lacking moisture.

His waist and back had long been hunched, his eyes were empty and lifeless, a standard old man who was about to die.

But this old man gradually conveyed an extremely terrifying aura.

"And Jiang Yuan, you don't want your miserable state to be watched live by your friends, right?"

The old man showed a green look, like a beast in the dark night, and the dangerous breath became stronger.

"I heard that old people usually have a bad smell." Jiang Yuan stared at him and said slowly.

"Due to slow metabolism, many skin filth cannot be eliminated from the body through human circulation, and the accumulated odor is formed.

"But I don't reject this old smell, but what you said really makes me sick.

The old man didn't care about Jiang Yuan's contemptuous provocation, but showed a smile unique to the old man.

That smile seemed to say "You are still young, I am an experienced person."

"Jiang Yuan, you may not understand the current situation very well." The old man laughed.

"Ignorance is a kind of happiness, but how long can this happiness last?

"People always pay a high price for their ignorance. '

Accompanying his words, an electronic screen suddenly powered on,

The blazing light was quite dazzling, illuminating Jiang Yuan's face,

On the screen, the picture began to play.

An extremely hidden camera was reflecting a burst of arc light at this moment,

The content of the shooting appeared clearly on the electronic screen in front of him.

Schubert was holding a suitcase solemnly in his hand,

He was very carefully instructing his servants not to waver in the slightest,

Otherwise, if it affected the auction later, it would be too bad.

The things stored in the suitcase were exactly what countless people dreamed of,

The remains of the evil emperor.

'The emperor's bones stained with the blood of the evil god, tut tut tut, this kind of good thing, in fact, I can't help but be moved. 'The old man said with emotion.

"The blood of the evil god is the treasure of the Ghost Hand Family. The remains of the evil emperor are also extremely rare emperor bones. The fusion of the two is not only highly compatible, but also has various unique effects. '

'But it's a pity that the harvest this time was agreed to be divided equally among the five families... I may only get one-fifth of the bones, what a pity. '

Jiang Yuan's pupils shrank slightly,

Four vague figures slowly walked out of the shadow behind the old man again.

Their aura was not weaker than that of the old man at all.

If the old man was like a cunning old fox, these four figures stood side by side,

like four violent beasts from the wilderness,

Aggressive eyes swept over Jiang Yuan,

Like a beast seeing its meal, licking its greedy lips, revealing a cold hunting look.

Prophecy... Even if someone can predict a small part of the future,

then they will be absolutely well prepared.

In order to plan the mission of killing Jiang Yuan, the old man had obviously made full preparations. Five major families joined forces! Even small hidden families are often very proud and rarely rely on each other's cooperation. Unless there is something really exciting, hidden families rarely join forces. It is extremely rare for the five major hidden families to join forces. Obviously, someone has already secretly contacted each other with various interests. This is also the subtlety of prophecy. Others only have one month to prepare for one thing, but the holder of prophecy can prepare for one thing a year in advance. One year to fight one month, this is a completely unfair comparison. "No wonder... No wonder the masked woman of the Tulip Family reminded me that I must join their mission." Jiang Yuan was completely aware of the masked woman's reminder at this moment. "She had already received the news, so she gave me a hint. "No wonder she said that if I didn't join her mission

, I will definitely regret it. It turns out that she didn't want to expose the five major families' face, so she had to give me some hints. 』

While Jiang Yuan was thinking,

Behind the old man, the face of one of the figures slowly emerged from the shadows.

His limbs, face, and facial features are very similar to those of the young man Fa that day.

Obviously, he is Sen Luoying's relative and has a considerable blood relationship with Sen Luoying.

In other words, one of the five major families that surrounded and killed Jiang Yuan today is from the Ghost Hand Family.

『Jiang Yuan, you should want the Eternal Fire very much, right? 』The young man with a face similar to Fa sneered slightly.

He took off a fiery red pendant from his neck and waved it to Jiang Yuan complacently.

It is unknown what material this fiery red pendant is made of.

Some of it looks like diamond, and some of it looks like crystal.

The transparent core of the pendant is somewhat similar to the wick of a lamp.

But if you look closely, you can clearly see that the flame of the core is like a vortex,

an eternal flame vortex!

This flame seems to be able to devour everything, burn everything, and destroy everything.

Even if Jiang Yuan looked at it from a distance, he felt that his eyes were burned.

It was as if he had just stared at the sun for a long time under the scorching sun,

and his eyes were almost blinded.

『I heard that this is a weapon against our Ghost Hand Family, so you should be very tempted, right? 』

『But you would never have thought that the Eternal Fire has already fallen into the hands of our Ghost Hand Family. 』

『The reason why the news that the Eternal Fire will participate in the auction is not just to attract you. 』The black figure's playful voice sounded.

The fiery red pendant in his hand should be the so-called eternal fire, which is the weapon that is rumored to be very effective against the Ghost Hand Family. But he never thought that even the news that the eternal fire was about to be auctioned was just a bait put out by the old man to attract Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan's face was indifferent. In fact, he had already had some doubts about this matter. If the eternal fire could really deal with a hidden family, then the Ghost Hand Family would definitely use any means to get it. How could it be put up for auction so blatantly? Now that I think about it, it's really just a plot designed by others. "I forgot to introduce myself. Oh, it's easy to forget things when you get old." The old man stood up with a smile on his face. "Jiang Yuan, you can call me the future old man, after all, others call me that. " "As for my real name... I think you, a dying person, don't need to know it, right? 』

Jiang Yuan clenched the black sword in his hand,

and the five people, including the future old man, approached him step by step.

Obviously, the five people did not intend to hold back,

let alone do anything stupid like one-on-one or single combat.

The five people were all shrewd and calculating. Although they constantly provoked and mocked Jiang Yuan with words,

but in fact, they all had a deep fear of Jiang Yuan in their hearts!

The contempt in words was just to weaken Jiang Yuan's mental state.

The five people knew very well how terrible the strength of the young punishment who had merged the remains of the malicious emperor was.

But even the young punishment died tragically at the hands of Jiang Yuan.

If they were not careful and cautious with Jiang Yuan,

I am afraid that the possibility of the five people turning into dry bones is not low.

When the five people approached Jiang Yuan, only five steps away,

the five people stopped at the same time.

Seeing the opportunity, the old man of the future said decisively: "Without Schubert's sacrifice for him, his strength must be much worse than when he killed Fa before. If we go together, we can kill him in an instant! "

As if he had taken a reassurance pill,

Everyone knows the horror of the Ryan family's sacrifice method,

especially the sacrifice ability of the direct descendants, which is enough to increase a person's strength to an incredible level.

Although Jiang Yuan killed Fa, they were extremely afraid,

but this brilliant record was largely due to the Ryan family's sacrifice method.

Now that Schubert has been controlled, it is equivalent to a tiger having its sharp teeth pulled out,

This opportunity is rare!

The first to take action was naturally the old man of the future.

He did not approach Jiang Yuan,

but opened his mouth on the spot,

opened his mouth wide, and sucked it up suddenly!

The future old man's stomach suddenly swelled up like a balloon that was slowly inflating and then rapidly expanding.

Then, his stomach swelled to its maximum, and soon

It became the size of a basketball, round and bulging.

Huh, huh, huh...

The future old man exhaled slowly, and a burst of blue-black gas came out of his mouth.

His big belly gradually shrank, and the room was gradually covered by this layer of blue-black gas.

Jiang Yuan did not smell any strange smell, as if the blue-black gas did not exist.

But he was a little surprised to find that his body was getting heavier and heavier, as if it was as heavy as a thousand pounds!

This feeling is very much like an old man in his twilight years, driving his broken body with little life left, forcibly moving.

The effect of this blue-black gas seems to make the body movement speed of young people become as slow as that of an old man who is about to die.

"Delicious prey is often just bait to attract prey to take the bait." The future old man laughed.

"Jiang Yuan, are you satisfied with my game? But in my dying air, your body should not be able to move at all? '

'Wait for death obediently. 』

The four figures beside the future old man, looking at the blue-black purple gas, couldn't help but reveal an extremely solemn expression.

Although they all came from a hidden family, they all felt a tingling sensation at the strange method of the future old man.

The body of a young man is like the rising sun, dazzling and strong.

But the body of an old man with white hair in his twilight years is as fragile as the setting sun.

The gap between the two is not enough to be compared.

What is really scary is that this blue-black gas is not any poisonous gas.

Even this gas is not a substantial thing.

It is purely an illusion created by the future old man with the unique guiding technique of the Kuangfeng family.

The blue-black gas seen by everyone is actually just an illusion, a kind of eye-catching trick to distract attention.

The truly deadly substance that can make a person's body as slow as a centenarian has already quietly invaded the human body.

The other four strong men from the hidden families all looked at the future old man with some fear.

『If the future old man hadn't given me the medicine in advance, I'm afraid I would have been hit. 』

『This thing is too useful for sneak attacks. If there are no preventive measures in advance, I'm afraid I will have to live the life of an old man for the rest of my life. 』

『Human youth is so precious, but this gas can quietly take away people's youth and make people's bodies as broken as centenarians. It's really vicious. 』

『Even if Jiang Yuan is so powerful, he should have been greatly weakened when he encountered this method for the first time. 』

Everyone felt that the plan to kill Jiang Yuan this time had reached the point where the net could be closed.

The blue-black gas had greatly hindered Jiang Yuan's field of vision.

At the same time, his physical function had dropped to the level of an old man.

With the old man's presbyopia, how could he see the attacks of so many people in the blue-black fog?

The first person to take action was a member of the Ghost Hand Family, his name was Sen Luozhi.

"Jiang Yuan, you dared to kill Sen Luoying of my Ghost Hand Family. I will avenge you. Die!" Sen Luozhi shouted wildly.

"Since you want the Eternal Fire, then you will die under the power of the Eternal Fire."

The moment he clenched the fiery red pendant, the pendant emitted a very bright flame light.

In an instant, his right hand was entangled by the flame, and then the flame was continuously condensed into a weapon.

Accompanied by a violent heat wave,

Everyone saw that

He held a giant sword formed by flames in both hands and slashed it towards Jiang Yuan's position!

In the blue-black mist,

A faint sneer sounded,

The five people suddenly had a violent ominous premonition in their hearts.

Before Sen Luozhi could be happy, the flaming giant sword in his hand had not even dissipated.

A dark black sword light easily tore his chest in half.

Accompanied by a burst of blood madly spurting in the air, like a beautiful dance of death,

Sen Luozhi already had a horrified look, covered his chest with his hands, and made a hoarse sound like a dead duck.

Jiang Yuan held the black sword in his hand, pointed at the remaining four people, and sneered: "Come together!"

The future old man stared at Jiang Yuan,

He clearly saw that Jiang Yuan's movements were not affected at all.

Jiang Yuan, who should have been like an old man in his twilight years, was extremely agile.

"How is it possible? Does he have some rare treasure that makes him immune to my dying death aura?" The future old man was shocked.

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