The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

Sen Luozhi opened his eyes wide, full of disbelief.

The red pendant Eternal Flame in his hand had been cut off by Jiang Yuan's black sword and fell into Jiang Yuan's hand.

And Sen Luozhi's trembling hands covered his chest. The pride in his heart still did not allow him to admit his failure, but the intense pain that followed tore his spirit and self-esteem into pieces.

His eyes were full of extreme pain, as if he was suffering from some great torture.

Jiang Yuan was quite familiar with this look, a bit like the painful look of a beast whose heart was held.

Jiang Yuan knew that his black sword had an extremely strong effect of torment.

The last time he fought against Fa, he weakened his pain point with one sword after another.

Fa's pain seemed difficult to describe in words. Only his almost collapsed eyes could prove the endless torture he had suffered.

It even caused his spirit to completely collapse.

Finally, he handed over his core and chose to commit suicide.

"Don't get close to that black sword, damn it, this sword is weird!" Sen Luozhi sobbed.

His situation was really a bit bad. As a member of the Sen Luo family, he had never suffered since he was a child.

Wealth, honor, and nobility seemed to be innate. He had never felt any pain.

But at this moment, he felt like a beggar without support, wandering in an uninhabited abyss.

This was not just any physical pain, but also an attack on the spirit!

Waves of poverty, barrenness, and desolate emptiness continued to erode his spirit, causing his eyes to gradually lose color, replaced by a dead silence, emptiness, indifference, and emptiness.

At the same time, all kinds of terrifying roars continued to sound in Sen Luozhi's mind, and waves of heart-wrenching pain flowed from every corner of his body.

"It seems that this painful black sword not only causes physical pain, but also creates despair illusions in the mind, torturing people to the point of death." Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up and he made a judgment immediately.

Jiang Yuan's understanding of the effectiveness of this mysterious black sword has risen to a higher level.

As early as the last time he killed Fa, Jiang Yuan was a little surprised.

Just letting the painful black sword stab a few times can make Fa personally hand over his core and choose to commit suicide.

At that time, after receiving Schubert's sacrifice, his eight-part skill had grown explosively.

Obviously, after the amplified eight-part skill of the Painful Black Sword was activated, the level of pain increased exponentially.

Although Jiang Yuan did not receive Schubert's sacrifice this time,

but his eight-part skill had been greatly nourished after completely digesting and absorbing the black light of the punishment last time, which was no longer the same as the last time.

Observing Senluozhi carefully, Jiang Yuan felt not only pain from his eyes, but also a kind of death-like loneliness, a kind of annihilation and terror of coming to the world naked and leaving naked.

This feeling is like a person who went from a royal noble with rich clothes and food to a beggar begging on the street when the dynasty suddenly collapsed one day.

Perhaps the despair of falling from heaven to hell was the real reason why the punishment chose suicide last time.

"This black sword is very strange, don't get close!" The future old man also shouted to remind.

He couldn't help but get anxious at this moment. Even his real trump card, the dying death energy, could not threaten Jiang Yuan, and he was completely immune to it.

The old man's life span was about to run out, and he was about to reach the end of his life.

So he just concealed it from the people in the Kuangfeng family, secretly united with the Ghost Hand family, and secretly contacted people from the other three families, trying to kill Jiang Yuan and divide up the remains of the evil emperor.

Once he got the bones of the evil emperor, he could spend a huge price to increase his life span a little, so that he could get a chance to be reborn.

The dying death energy is an extremely powerful substance. Countless masters have died under the conspiracy of this death energy.

Unfortunately, Jiang Yuan seemed to have an extremely rare treasure, which made him immune to his dying death energy.

Otherwise, anyone who was hit by the dying death energy,

All of them would move stiffly and slowly like an old man who was about to die. I'm afraid Jiang Yuan had already died from the attack of the eternal fire.

『What on earth...what on earth is on Jiang Yuan?』 The face of the future old man gradually became a little gloomy.

Before he observed what the strange treasure Jiang Yuan was holding, he did not intend to act rashly, but prepared to let others go first.

After all, the fundamental reason why he chose to kill Jiang Yuan was that he needed the remains of the evil emperor to assist him in his remaining life.

The other three people also showed a look of vigilance and did not rush to attack Jiang Yuan.

It is indeed extremely rare for the five hidden families to join forces.

But what really kidnapped the five people into a group was not faith and friendship,

but pure interests, and the purpose was the remains of the evil emperor in Jiang Yuan's hands.

『The emperor's bones soaked in the blood of the evil god are indeed the best goods worth at least 25 million new era coins. This mission seems to be very tricky. '

'It doesn't matter. Even if we fail, we can still get out of this unscathed. '

'The old man of the future stopped, and we'll just wait and see. '

The old man of the future kept wondering what the strange treasure in Jiang Yuan's hand was, and it could actually be immune to his dying aura.

And the other three were not in a hurry, just staring at Jiang Yuan to prevent him from escaping.

Jiang Yuan was not in a hurry, but played with the fiery red pendant in his hand - the eternal fire.

'Is this the eternal fire? It does look very delicate, and it should be worth a lot of money. ' Jiang Yuan shook the eternal fire pendant, then glanced at Sen Luozhi who was twitching on the ground, and smiled contemptuously.

'Your pendant is very good, but it's mine now. '

Sen Luozhi stared, and although he was enduring great pain, his self-esteem and pride forced him not to cry out in pain.

But Jiang Yuan's contemptuous eyes were like a sharp silver needle, which greatly hurt his self-esteem.

Sen Luozhi's eyes gradually calmed down, replaced by a kind of indifference, an indifference that made some determination.

Jiang Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to him. Since he was like a dead pig twitching on the ground, the real important enemies were naturally the future old man and the other three people.

"Jiang Yuan, do you have a rare treasure like a face book in your hand?" The future old man suddenly asked.

"It is rumored that since ancient times, such rare treasures will only fall into the hands of the real king. If so, let's stop fighting for the time being. I am willing to pay any price to make you forgive my arrogance. '

Jiang Yuan frowned. He didn't expect the future old man to suddenly do this.

Is he going to negotiate with me and settle the matter peacefully?

He recognized his Nine Palace Flying Star Map, so he didn't want to attack me?

What does it mean that it will only fall into the hands of the king?

Is it that the future old man feels that his future prospects are limitless, so he decided to give up this action.

Or is it just his conspiracy, and the purpose is just to let himself relax his vigilance.

Jiang Yuan is not a foolish person, it is impossible for him to believe everything others say.

Just now, the future old man was still in high spirits, muttering that he wanted to take his own life,

but the next moment he said that he was willing to pay any price to forgive his arrogance,

this is too abrupt.

"Jiang Yuan, listen to me, the reason why I can practice the prophecy skill is because my master warned me not to provoke people who have obtained the physiognomy book and rare treasures." The future old man raised his hands, like a surrenderer raising a white flag.

"Since you are immune to my dying death, it means that none of my methods will work on you. I think we can sit down and talk.

"Think about it carefully. In fact, only the people of the Ghost Hand Family present have huge conflicts with you, but we are just obsessed because we want the New Era Coin and the Emperor's Bone. 』

『There are no irreconcilable conflicts between us, so there is no need to kill people, right? 』

The three people beside the future old man nodded at the same time, showing a little smile.

These three people are all shrewd young people, representing three hidden families. Naturally, they are all very smart and know how to judge the situation flexibly.

『We were all contacted by the future old man. In fact, our respective families don’t know about you, Jiang Yuan, so you don’t have to worry about our family doing you any harm. 』

『Our goal is very simple, in fact, it is the New Era Coin and the Emperor’s Bone. Since our initiators in this business have already

We have decided to give up the action, so there is no need for us to continue. 』

『In fact, I have admired you for a long time, Jiang Yuan. You dare to deal with people from the Ghost Hand Family. It seems that your future is really limitless. 』

The three people were not in a hurry, but smiled with relief.

Seeing the scene at this moment, Sen Luozhi was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

Originally, it was agreed that the five of them would join forces to surround and kill Jiang Yuan,

But I didn't expect that the future old man would turn against them at the last minute, and the reason was just because of a so-called physiognomy book treasure.

『As for this person, since the people of the Ghost Hand Family are so rude to you, you might as well hand him over to you for disposal. 』The future old man pointed at Sen Luozhi and smiled slightly.

The other three young men also showed an attitude of not caring about it.

『The people of the Ghost Hand Family are indeed unfathomable, so it is better to deal with them as soon as possible. 』

『Their methods are quite strange. If they are left alone, there may indeed be chaos. 』

『There is no relationship between us and the Ghost Hand Family. At most, we are just a temporary team this time. Let's take this opportunity to get rid of this person. 』

Sen Luozhi's face was livid. Not only was he constantly suffering from the torture of the painful black sword, but he was even more angry at the betrayal of these people.

Fence-sitters and two-faced people who change their stance according to the wind!

This kind of people has existed since ancient times. Just now, they vowed to take Jiang Yuan's life and take away the emperor's bones with me.

But in the blink of an eye, they changed their camp and betrayed me directly.

『You, do you really think that the people of the Ghost Hand Family are all trash? 』Sen Luozhi's eyes became more and more indifferent.

『Sen Luoying died at the hands of Jiang Yuan. Are you planning to sell me to Jiang Yuan? 』

Facing Sen Luozhi's moral accusations, the four people, including the future old man, did not show shame, but instead showed an expression like looking at a fool.

The cooperation between hidden families has always been based on interests, so naturally there will be no real friends.

Others cooperate with you just because they think that they can get a piece of meat by cooperating with you.

But if others can give themselves more meat, then naturally they have to cooperate with others.

"Okay, okay, okay." Sen Luozhi seemed to have made up his mind, and the indifference in his eyes became completely strong.

"You don't want me to have a good life, and you don't take my Ghost Hand family seriously, then no one will have a good life! !"

His extremely resentful voice resounded in everyone's ears, like a curse from the depths of hell, which made people's backs cold.

The five people, including Jiang Yuan, felt a great sense of vigilance in their hearts at the same time, and retreated quickly.

But Sen Luozhi had already bitten his tongue, and his eyes showed the deepest hatred.

"I am willing to give everything I have, please listen to my request and kill this man named Jiang Yuan! '

As the sound rang out, Sen Luozhi's body gradually melted, just like a wax figure melted by high temperature.

Inside the melted body, a burst of black arc light suddenly burst out.

Then the eyes of the future old man and the three young men from the hidden family felt a sharp pain, all of which were hit by the flash of arc light.

As if they were infected, the four people said at the same time: "I am willing to give everything I have, please listen to my request and kill this man named Jiang Yuan!"

But after saying this, the four people regained their consciousness.

Before the future old man could even react to what happened to him, he was horrified to see his body melted like a wax figure.

And the three people beside him were also caught in this weird scene.

"Sen Luozhi, I deceived Jiang Yuan, we all deceived Jiang Yuan!" The future old man shouted.

He was extremely shocked at the moment, because he really didn't know that the people of the Ghost Hand Family had such strange means.

Not only could they sacrifice themselves, but they could even control themselves unconsciously, and even offered everything they had as a sacrifice!

But Sen Luozhi, who was waiting for the reply from the future old man, had gradually turned into a melted wax figure.

And the future old man himself, with a burst of reluctance and pain, gradually became a melted wax figure.

This black arc light was extremely bright, but fortunately, even if Jiang Yuan's Nine Palace Flying Star Map absorbed it, he did not fall into a strange situation like the future old man.

But Jiang Yuan's eyes fell into darkness, and only the Eternal Fire Pendant in his hand barely emitted a little light.

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