The sky was dark, and the sky was dark.

『Where is this?』 Jiang Yuan looked around in confusion.

Everywhere he looked was dark.

Darkness like the abyss,

Endless darkness.

If it weren't for the Eternal Fire Pendant in his hand, which could slightly illuminate the surroundings, Jiang Yuan would be like a blind man, unable to move in this dark place.

But the field of vision was also very small, only about three meters.

He didn't know what material the ground he was standing on was made of, and even if he stepped on it, it didn't make any sound.

This is an unknown place.

『What kind of secret methods do the people of the Ghost Hand Family have?』 Jiang Yuan's face gradually became solemn.

『I was in that 600-meter-high central building just now, how come I'm here all of a sudden.』

『Where exactly is this place?』

Not far away, a very resentful voice came, which immediately attracted Jiang Yuan's full attention.

『You're done, you're all done, hahahahaha, all of you are waiting to die here!』

This voice is very familiar, it should be from Sen Luozhi of the Ghost Hand Family just now.

His voice was full of pain, but also with a sense of pleasure after revenge.

The contradictory but reasonable voice was full of relief.

Jiang Yuan was surprised, could this be the so-called strange method of the Ghost Hand Family?

I don't know what method Sen Luozhi used, but he actually moved himself to an extremely dark space.

If it weren't for the Eternal Fire Pendant in his hand that could temporarily illuminate the darkness, I'm afraid it would be easy to get lost in this darkness.

『Go to the direction of the sound and look for it, should I be able to find something? ' Jiang Yuan made up his mind.

He followed the direction of the sound he had just heard and walked slowly and carefully.

But Jiang Yuan's field of vision was too small, so he had to try his best to control his speed and keep alert all around.

Jiang Yuan stopped only when he came to a somewhat melted wax figure.

The face and limbs of the wax figure had been completely melted, making it impossible to see its true appearance.

Jiang Yuan's first instinct was that it looked a bit like melted ice cream.

Who knew that the wax figure suddenly spoke human words.

'Jiang Yuan... I am the old man of the future.'

Jiang Yuan's sense of vigilance rose greatly, and he wanted to leave quickly immediately.

This scene was too weird!

A melted wax figure suddenly spoke human words, and even claimed to be the old man of the future.

'Wait a minute! Jiang Yuan, please, do me a favor, I am willing to give you anything, I can promise you anything you want. 'The wax figure of the future old man said weakly.

Jiang Yuan stopped walking when he heard him say that.

'Then tell me, where exactly is this place?' Jiang Yuan asked with concentration.

This is the question Jiang Yuan wants to know most at this moment, where exactly has he been taken by Sen Luozhi's strange means.

Only after figuring this out can he think about countermeasures.

If he doesn't even know where he is, it's really too dangerous.

Who knows that Jiang Yuan just asked this question,

The wax figure of the future old man cried out like a crying dog.

Some gelatinous water drops appeared on its wax face, some of which looked like tears, and some of which looked like ordinary wax glue.

'I heard that this place is called Tartarus, and the people of the Ghost Hand Family have a way to communicate with the entrance here. '

'Sen Luozhi dedicated everything he had, and at the same time, he controlled us with unknown methods, and controlled us and dedicated everything, and teleported us all here. 』

Jiang Yuan frowned, listening to this answer, and was extremely dissatisfied!

『What is Tartarus? 』Jiang Yuan frowned and asked.

『Also, what about you? How did you become a wax figure? 』

The wax figure of the future old man spoke intermittently, and it seemed that every time he said a word, the wax figure on his body would melt a little more, and his strength to speak would become weaker.

『Rumor has it that Tartarus is an unknown place. There is no light here, only darkness. Everything is full of unknowns. It is a place secretly used to exile special criminals. 』The wax figure of the future old man said weakly.

『The Ryan family created the Ryan Prison based on this place. 』

『As for my situation... I was plotted against by Sen Luozhi and completely sacrificed myself.

"I have given up everything I have and exiled you here."

Jiang Yuan had already heard about the strange methods of the Ghost Hand Family, but he did not expect that there was such a magical method that could turn people into wax figures and teleport himself to this place called Tartarus.

Jiang Yuan saw that he was quite cooperative with him, so he said: "Then what do you want me to do for you? "

"Please, kill me, otherwise I will be worse than death." The wax figure of the future old man said in great fear.

"The real great terror is imprisoned here. Even all the patriarchs of the hidden families combined cannot get out alive. Living will only be tortured like an inhuman for eternity. Please give me a relief. "

Seemingly afraid that Jiang Yuan would not agree to his request, he immediately added.

"Jiang Yuan, you want the New Era Coin, right? My card number is 64126548***, and the password is *******. There are all my New Era Coins in here, a total of 15 million. If you want, I can give it to you. Please agree to my request. '

Jiang Yuan silently memorized his card number and password, and then asked in confusion: 'Why don't you try harder? Maybe you can find a way out. '

The wax figure of the future old man cried: 'Once I become a wax figure, I will never be able to recover. In fact, my body and spirit have been sacrificed long ago. Now I only have a trace of spirit left and am suffering. '

'But you are different! Jiang Yuan, you did not become a wax figure, which is enough to show that the Nine Palace Flying Stars Chart recognizes you, and you have the Eternal Fire as an auxiliary light source. Maybe you can find a chance to escape. Please, after killing me, don't take revenge on the Kuangfeng family. This has nothing to do with them, okay? '

As the saying goes, a dying man speaks well.

Since the future old man is dead, what is left at this moment is just a trace of spirit suffering from torture. Jiang Yuan also swung the painful black sword and directly cut his wax figure into three sections.

'For the sake of 15 million New Era coins, I will not vent my anger on the Kuangfeng family. 'Jiang Yuan said lightly.

"Thank you..." The freed future old man expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

Then the wax figure completely melted into sticky water and continued to merge with the ground.

The last spirit of the future old man also completely passed away.

After his death, his body was constantly devoured by this dark place, as if it had turned into its nutrients.

I don't know if it was Jiang Yuan's illusion, but he felt that the darkness around him seemed to be even more gloomy.

Jiang Yuan felt that this place was really weird and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he was holding the Eternal Fire Pendant in his hand, so he could see a little bit of the surrounding situation.

"There seems to be a white mark on the ground... Is this a direction signal left by someone?" Jiang Yuan was surprised.

On the dark ground, there were shallow white traces, some of which looked like chalk powder, and a little like milk powder.

It is said that if you get lost in the wilderness, the lucky ones have the opportunity to find some marks left by your companions, which means that someone exists.

This should be the signal left by the other survivors.

Jiang Yuan decided to follow these signals and he should be able to escape.

Not long after he walked, Jiang Yuan heard a familiar voice and three wax figures.

『Jiang Yuan, please help us get out of this...』

『We can't stand it anymore. There is a real terror here. It will come at any time!』

『Help us get out of this. Our bodies and spirits have already been sacrificed. Only a trace of spirit is left to suffer.』

Jiang Yuan recognized them at a glance. These three wax figures should be the young men from the three hidden families who ambushed him before.

But he didn't expect that Sen Luozhi's methods were so vicious that even they were sacrificed.

And their requests were exactly the same as those of the future old man. They all asked Jiang Yuan to end their last trace of spiritual imprint.

After all, the real body and spirit had already been destroyed. Only a trace of spiritual imprint was left to suffer. It was too desperate.

They seemed to be afraid that Jiang Yuan would not agree, and they rushed to bring out their trump cards and good things as rewards.

"Here are my card number and password, as well as our family's guidance technique. I can give you all of these things."

"Our family has a glove that has a magical effect. I'll give it to you. "

"I have a branch on my body. It can bring a lot of benefits. I'll give it to you. Please help us."

Jiang Yuan listened to their extremely terrified requests, and the painful black sword in his hand fell, sending them all to the underworld.

And they did not complain at all, but were full of gratitude, and said to Jiang Yuan sincerely.

Thank you.

『Thank you very much. It is said that Tartarus has a three-headed dog who likes to torture people for fun. Fortunately, I didn't fall into his hands. 』

『Although Tartarus claims that you can never get out, you can only enter but not get out, but you should still try. 』

『Jiang Yuan, I hope you can find a way out. 』

After the three people finished their last words, they turned into pools of sticky water and completely merged with the ground of Tartarus.

The darkness around them seemed to be even deeper.

Jiang Yuan received a total of about 27 million New Era coins from the three people, plus 15 million from the future old man.

A total of 42 million New Era coins, as long as Jiang Yuan can escape from this ghost place, then he will undoubtedly be able to return to the auction to spend freely.

There are also some items and guidance techniques collected by major families. If they can be auctioned, I am afraid they can be sold at an astonishing price.

But the premise of all this is that you can get out.

"A place that is said to be absolutely impossible to get out of... Do these people want to scare me before they die? Or is it a kind reminder?" Jiang Yuan shook his head.

"And since this is a place where criminals are exiled, and there is a three-headed dog, I'd better be more careful."

Jiang Yuan held the idea of ​​trying his luck and continued to walk forward.

I can't just lie down and wait for death.

The eternal fire in his hand seemed to be firmly suppressed by the rules of Tartarus, and it could only emit a very weak light.

Just half an hour after Jiang Yuan walked, something really desperate happened.

"This is too coincidental." Jiang Yuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Under the weak firelight in front of him, a huge animal footprint appeared in front of Jiang Yuan.

According to common sense, this animal footprint should be the footprint of a canine.

But if estimated according to normal proportions, this dog may have the size of an elephant.

"I just heard that there is a three-headed dog here, and I met it so soon? 』 Jiang Yuan was helpless.

The huge beast's footprints were still fresh, and it was obvious that the beast was nearby.

Jiang Yuan had tried it, and he could not leave any footprints on the ground of Tartarus no matter what.

Obviously, only some truly terrifying monsters could leave traces on the ground of Tartarus.

Jiang Yuan immediately decided to leave here. Once he fell into the mouth of the beast, he would naturally become someone's meal.

But just after he moved three steps, a gloomy and indifferent voice suddenly rang in his ears.

『Hello, stranger, first meeting. 』

Jiang Yuan heard this voice, and it felt like the harsh sound of metal chains rubbing against each other, which was completely unlike what humans could make.

Jiang Yuan did not choose to speak, but chose to hold his breath, trying his best not to make any sound.

At the same time, he clenched the painful black sword in his hand, and the eight parts of his body flowed wildly, ready to launch the most powerful attack at any time.

In the darkness, a strange voice came again, but it was full of doubts and puzzlement.

『You and my master have similar smells. 』

『Come with me. 』

Of course Jiang Yuan would not agree!

Although he was somewhat curious about who the other party's master was, following someone who came from an unknown place was simply courting death.

What's more, the other party was very likely the so-called three-headed dog.

Following this kind of monster casually was simply tired of living.

But Jiang Yuan just turned around and was about to run at full speed, but he unexpectedly found that a black chain was wrapped around his feet at some point.

Then, a very proud and boastful word came.

『The chain of order is just what my master taught me. How about it, isn't it good? 』

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to follow the other party with caution, knowing that there was a big gap between his hard power and the other party.

Although Jiang Yuan couldn't see the other party's true appearance, he could listen to the footsteps and find the direction in the darkness.

The black chain on his feet seemed to be able to constantly drain his strength. After only walking for more than ten minutes, Jiang Yuan felt that his physical strength was completely overdrawn.

Fortunately, it seemed that he had reached the destination and the other party had stopped.

In front of Jiang Yuan, a man also appeared.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jiang Shaotian." The man smiled and said.

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