The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Jiang Yuan's heart was shocked, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

Jiang Shaotian... Is it a coincidence?

This man's name is the same as that of the deceased Dragon Country God of War!

Is this man in front of him just a person with the same name?

Or is this man the God of War who dominated the world in the past?

But it is rumored that he has been dead for many years, even his body is probably turned into ashes,

How could he appear alive in front of him!

This dark place called Tartarus is really weird.

"You..." Jiang Yuan opened his mouth, but still did not say a complete sentence, instead he looked at this man carefully.

In the deep darkness, Jiang Yuan gradually saw the man's appearance with the faint light of the Eternal Fire Pendant on his hand.

His back was as straight as a mountain, his eyes were as sharp as a hawk, and his facial features were sharp and angular.

The most eye-catching thing was undoubtedly the cross-shaped scar at the corner of his eye.

Instead of destroying his appearance, it made him full of the charm of a mature man.

Although Jiang Yuan had no interest in men, he couldn't help but think that this tough guy must be very popular at first sight.

There was a sense of security in him, giving people a feeling that as long as he was there, he would support the sky even if it fell.

"Young man, what's your name?" Jiang Shaotian smiled.

His sharp hawk-like eyes swept over Jiang Yuan's body, as if he wanted to see Jiang Yuan through.

After scanning up and down three times, he just retracted his gaze.

But after retracting his gaze, he couldn't help but take an extra look at Jiang Yuan, and his face became a little weird.

"The Nine Palaces Flying Stars Map is actually on you? And you are a Dragon countryman, it seems that we have a deep connection." Jiang Shaotian smiled.

Jiang Yuan's heart was shocked. The fact that he had the Nine Palaces Flying Stars Map was a great secret.

There were very few people who knew about this.

Although the future old man learned about this matter by some means when he was dying, he was already a dead man after all, and Jiang Yuan was not afraid of him knowing it.

But such an important thing,

Jiang Shaotian actually saw it at a glance?

Jiang Yuan guessed that although the future old man had become a wax figure, his body and spirit were destroyed, leaving only a trace of spiritual imprint, but the future old man also gained an extremely sensitive spirit and sensed his own Nine Palaces Flying Stars Map.

But Jiang Shaotian sensed the result so easily, which was enough to show his extraordinary sensitivity.

Combined with this mysterious three-headed dog with extraordinary abilities, and calling him its master,

it can only mean that Jiang Shaotian is probably unfathomable in strength, far beyond what he can currently fight.

『Nice to meet you, my name is Jiang Yuan. 』 Jiang Yuan sighed lightly, put down the painful black sword in his hand, and then introduced himself.

Jiang Shaotian repeated "Jiang Yuan" twice, and his eyes immediately fell on the black sword in Jiang Yuan's hand, and he made a slightly unexpected sound.

『Where did you get this sword? The black color on it is completely dyed by the blood of countless strong men after cooling and solidifying, and it also comes with many kinds of painful curses. 』 Jiang Shaotian said.

『If this sword is cut, I'm afraid that the spirit of a normal person will be tortured and collapsed, right? It's really a vicious magic sword. 』

Jiang Yuan thought for a moment and said: 『I got it by chance. 』

Jiang Shaotian knew that Jiang Yuan was unwilling to elaborate on his origins, so he did not force him.

He just flipped his palm, and Jiang Yuan felt a strong force coming, and the painful black sword in his hand automatically slipped out of his hand and fell into Jiang Shaotian's hand.

Jiang Yuan was silent. The difference in strength between him and the other party was too great. Even if the other party wanted to forcibly take his black sword, he had no way to do it.

Who knew that Jiang Shaotian had no intention of snatching it.

He just took the black sword, stabbed his arm three times quickly, and then returned the black sword to Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Shaotian's arm was stabbed three times by the painful black sword. According to Jiang Yuan's previous experience, I am afraid that the person who was stabbed would have been in so much pain that he would rather die than live, and begged him to end his pain quickly.

But Jiang Shaotian just slowly closed his eyes, letting three streams of blood continue to flow and drip on the ground, and there was no movement on his face.

It was as if these three swords were not stabbed in his body,

No feeling,

No feeling at all.

Jiang Yuan asked in confusion: "You didn't feel any pain after being stabbed three times by the black sword of pain?"

Jiang Shaotian was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "Pain? Of course it hurts, but who doesn't feel pain when they are alive? "

"Life is bitter, all living beings are bitter, everything is bitter. "

"Compared with the suffering of all living beings, what is my little pain? "

"Jiang Yuan, when was your most painful time? "

In fact, Jiang Yuan had already thought about this question many times,

so he answered without thinking: "When I had no money in my pocket, but I was very hungry and there was no one around me. "

Jiang Yuan did not lie. Although he had not felt this kind of taste for a long time, the memory of the past was deeply engraved in his memory.

A few years ago, he left his hometown and went to school alone in another province.

From a poor small county, he suddenly walked to a prosperous, bright and bustling metropolis.

A new circle of life, but I haven't made any friends yet.

I saw many new things I had never seen before, such as script killing, escape room, and various Internet celebrity check-in places...

But my poor wallet was empty, and even my stomach was not full.

A thin boy with a thin back, his stomach facing a whole strange world.

Jiang Yuan felt that the feeling at that moment had passed for a long time, but it was still difficult to forget.

Jiang Shaotian smiled and said, "A very sincere answer."

He paused, and after a moment, he changed the subject and said, "But do you know? In fact, many people in our hometown Longguo have the same feeling as you. '

'There will be a dangerous thing in the future. After this thing happens, more innocent people will fall into this desperate state. '

Jiang Yuan has heard this statement more than once.

In the near future, there will be a great change.

Whether it is the secular financial groups or the hidden families with amazing background,

Everyone is secretly planning and carefully preparing for the arrival of this great disaster.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

Jiang Shaotian shook his head and said: "The time is not right. If I tell you rashly, it will only make you fall into real despair. "

"Jiang Yuan, I ask you, are you willing to take on the responsibility of defending the Dragon Kingdom, and are you willing to sacrifice everything for the Dragon Kingdom with lofty beliefs? "

Jiang Yuan said without hesitation: "Of course I am willing, for the beautiful rivers and mountains of our Dragon Kingdom and the millions of people, I am naturally willing. "

Jiang Shaotian clapped his hands and smiled: "Good, you are worthy of being recognized by the Nine Palace Flying Star Map! "

He stared at Jiang Yuan for a long time. Although he admired Jiang Yuan's decisive attitude very much, he sighed softly.

"The guiding technique on you should be derived from the Eight Parts of the Ancient Dragon Kingdom, right? Practicing both the outer eight parts and the inner eight parts has already tasted a bit, but it's a pity that the practice time is too short. Even if I took some shortcuts, I still lack the heat. 』

Listening to Jiang Shaotian's evaluation, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The complete version of the eight parts is also one of his trump cards.

But he only glanced at it a few times and completely saw through one of his trump cards.

This person's strength is really not in the same dimension as his own.

Jiang Shaotian paused and said lightly: "With your current strength, it may be difficult to deal with those hidden families outside, let alone protect Longguo in a catastrophe. 』

"You stay for the time being and complete the three tasks I gave you. When your strength is completely improved, I will find a way to send you out. 』

Jiang Yuan heard that he was willing to improve his strength for him, and to protect Longguo in the future catastrophe, so he didn't intend to refuse.

But there is still a problem now, which makes Jiang Yuan very hard to bear.

"Are you the once powerful Dragon Country God of War Jiang Shaotian?"

"Your current state...are you dead or alive?" Jiang Yuan asked the question in his heart.

Rumor has it that Jiang Shaotian has been dead for many years,

But in this strange Tartarus, he actually saw a person who claimed to be Jiang Shaotian.

This is really hard to accept.

The three-headed dog, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said angrily: "You rude man, who allowed you to call my master's name directly, do you want to blaspheme his glory! "

Jiang Yuan only felt a bloody breath constantly drifting into his mouth and nose, making him feel a little nauseous,

The Eternal Fire Pendant emitted a faint light, and vaguely saw a red beast eye staring at him, and the distance was getting closer and closer,

It was obvious that the three-headed dog opened its huge mouth and kept receiving

Close to himself,

It seemed that in the next second, Jiang Yuan would become the meal of this three-headed dog.

But then, Jiang Yuan clearly saw that Jiang Shaotian calmly turned his palm over,

A smell of blood and flesh suddenly became strong,

The three-headed dog let out a violent wail, one after another,

Although Tartarus was dark, Jiang Yuan's eternal fire could only see a little bit of the field of vision,

But Jiang Yuan could be sure of one thing,

The three-headed dog was beaten to a bloody mess by Jiang Shaotian's hand.

『This man named Jiang Yuan is my fellow tribesman. 』 Jiang Shaotian said indifferently.

『You have to respect him with the attitude of respecting me, understand? 』

In the darkness, the three-headed dog's respectful and humble voice came.

『Yes, master. 』

Jiang Shaotian turned his head and smiled at Jiang Yuan: 『Tartarus is a very large place, and even I haven't explored it completely. '

'If you want to complete my task, you need to go to several very far special places. You can try to tame the three-headed dog and make it your mount to save your energy. '

Jiang Yuan was silent. He knew that this might be the first task Jiang Shaotian gave him,

to tame the three-headed dog and make it his mount.

'As for your question...' Jiang Shaotian smiled mysteriously.

'When you complete my task and your strength is improved to a sufficient level, I will naturally tell you. It's too early now. '

Jiang Yuan nodded, and did not choose to continue asking, but simply asked directly: 'As long as I defeat the three-headed dog and make it my mount, will you officially start giving me three tasks? '

Jiang Shaotian clapped his hands and smiled and said: 'Smart! But the strength of the three-headed dog is much higher than yours. If you want to deal with it, it will take some effort. '

Jiang Yuan said calmly: 'I will find a way. '

Jiang Shaotian looked at Jiang Yuan deeply and said: 'I hope you can complete my task, for your own good and for all of us. '


Jiang Yuan was placed in a safe room.

There was water and food in the room, slowly restoring his strength.

At this moment, Jiang Shaotian and the three-headed dog were looking at each other in the distance.

'Master, is this human really worthy of your trust? 'The three-headed dog's nose was bleeding. He was just beaten to a bloody mess by Jiang Shaotian, and his nose was still very painful.

'His strength is too weak. Even I can easily defeat him. Can he really deal with those people? '

The three-headed dog's tone was full of disdain and contempt. Recalling Jiang Yuan was like recalling an ant.

Jiang Shaotian did not speak, but just smiled and touched the three-headed dog's head.

After a long time, his eyes gradually became indifferent.

'His fate... I can't see through it. 'Jiang Shaotian said lightly.

The three-headed dog suddenly showed an extremely horrified expression, and said in a lost voice: "How is it possible? You can't even see through his fate, this shouldn't be, shouldn't be, shouldn't be! '

Jiang Shaotian shook his head and smiled: "This world is very big, the area of ​​Tartarus is terrifyingly large, and even we have only explored less than one-tenth of it so far. What's so shocking about the occasional appearance of one or two people whose fate I can't see through? '

The three-headed dog trembled and said: "This is not a coincidence, this must not be a coincidence. Every time before a major disaster, some people with extremely strange fates will appear. This kind of person may be the root cause of the disaster. '

Jiang Shaotian shook his head and said: "But this kind of person is also the one with the most potential and hope. He is also my fellow countryman, so it's hard for me not to take a gamble. '

The three-headed dog almost cried, sobbing: "But your life is almost gone. If you really want to carry out tasks for him and improve his strength, I'm afraid your life will be consumed rapidly, and there will be less than one-tenth left. '

Jiang Shaotian shook his head and gently stroked the three-headed dog's head.

After a long while, he slowly said: "What's a little sacrifice? There will be more sacrifices in the future, but as long as we guarantee the survival of our hometown and race, what does death matter? '

The three-headed dog said incomprehensibly: "What does the life and death of others have to do with us? Why do you have to sacrifice yourself for others? '

Jiang Shaotian shook his head and said self-deprecatingly: "It doesn't make sense. Why would I talk to you about this? It seems that I am really old. '

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