And as the guy who responded to his speech the fastest, even if the battle failed, Qihabu would not pursue Sambashu's fault too much.

After all, flattery sometimes does not require words, and an action can let the leader know that you are trying to please him.

Sambashu's behavior of pulling everyone in can be said to make Qihabu, who had just issued the "Declaration of Unity", very comfortable, although he may not really believe in unity in the future.

But Sambashu's behavior is like a licking dog with superb licking skills, licking Qihabu can't find any fault.

"But, Sambashu, you are still too naive."

In Qihabu's view, Sambashu only considered the benefits of pulling other people in, but did not consider the disadvantages.

"You plan to unite, but others don't. Your companions are all pirates."

When Wudao and others shouted out their own monsters, how could that tiny action escape his eyes.

Let their men come to help, haha, it's good that they didn't backstab you.

Therefore, as early as the beginning, he could probably guess the final result of Samba Shu's operation.

As for why he didn't say anything, who knows, maybe a miracle will really happen.

However, all of Zihabu's ideas are based on the premise that Samba Shu remains loyal to the Balbon Pirates.

If Samba Shu, who is now riding a motorcycle and enjoying the wind, knew about Zihabu's psychological activities.

I'm afraid he would have laughed out loud early.

He never expected that his operation would be successful this time.

Not to mention that his opponent is a super team that has always been cheating for a living, just his good partners who are disloyal will not let Samba Shu have the naive idea that I want to succeed.

Unity, does not exist.

There is only one thing he wants to do now.

That is, resign.

Ⅰ Balbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 18 The Fiery Spirit of Adventure!

The dry and fresh wind blows on Samba Shu's body, helping him to drive away the dampness and depression brought from the sea.

Looking at the city that was drained of heat and began to snow, Sambashu slowly slowed down his motorcycle and finally stopped sideways in the middle of the road where there were no vehicles.

Picking up the pistol, he pointed at several Yadodo: "You, you and you, follow me to find Liguro here, and the others go in other directions."


Although the miscellaneous soldiers Yadodo of Balbon have language ability, they always like to express their emotions in this way on weekdays. After receiving Sambashu's order, except for the few Yadodos named by him, the others scattered to find Liguro.

Seeing that Yadodo was no longer in his sight, Sambashu turned his head and looked at one of the three Yadodos he left behind.

This Yadodo was not much different from the other Yadodos, except for the logo of the Sambashu Demon Group on his left chest.

He accepted Sambashu's order early and became Yadodo's Gulinki.

"Okay, let's get started."

Sambashu's words confused the other two Yadodo, but Gulingji reacted quickly.

One bullet, one chop.

The two Yadodo, who were still confused, were directly hit, taking away all the health in their fragile health bars.

"Just clean them up, anyway, these guys won't bleed, just find a place to throw them. Move quickly, don't let anyone see you."

Sambashu looked at Gulingji, who had already turned into his appearance, and gave a few simple instructions, then put on the camouflage clothes he had prepared early.

Although he didn't have Gulingji's ability to completely copy other people's appearance, if he just turned into a human and mixed into the crowd, let alone Sambashu, any Yadodo from the Balbon Pirates could do it.


With a crisp snap of his fingers, Sambashu turned into a human.

Thanks to his strong physique, although the human appearance he transformed into was not particularly outstanding, his figure was really amazing.

He touched his belly and felt the evenly arranged abdominal muscles like chocolate. He didn't expect that his changed appearance would be in good shape.

But he thought about it again. When he was in the weird state, his chest muscles were always exposed.

It was reasonable for him to have such strong chest muscles after becoming a human.

"Gulinji, you will command the battle for me in the next period of time. Don't rush to make achievements, just help me delay time."

"Yes, leader."

"As expected, when Xuwuba and others appeared, they had already received the information from Wudao and others. They will probably not help well in this battle."

"And according to Ilias's personality, I just beat up her brother, she will probably let Meiduomeiduo mess up. When the battle fails, you can push the responsibility to them, and you can use this as an excuse to help me delay time for a while."

"You are worthy of it, leader."

"Okay, there is no need to flatter. If you can't delay, just let it go, don't let the captain and others see the flaws, if you really can't delay, notify me in advance. You are so smart, I don't need to say more."

"I understand, leader, I will definitely live up to your trust."

Without saying anything more, Sambaxiu waved his hand and walked towards Tokyo. He couldn't ride away on the motorcycle. This motorcycle was Sambaxiu's symbol.

Without the motorcycle, how could Gulinki pretend to be him?

Fortunately, most of Balban's operations will be carried out in large and populous cities.

The city chosen this time is not far from Tokyo.

Otherwise, the little time Gulinki delayed would not be enough for Samba Xiu to go back and forth.

Speaking of which, Sangbasiu came out this time with a bit of a gamble. After all, what he came out to find this time was not an indispensable part of his plan to fake death.

It's just that with that thing, it will be much easier for Sangbasiu to do many things in the future, and that thing can also increase his combat power a lot.

Yes, Samba Xiu had no intention of fighting to the death with the Galaxy people.

He was not a gambler at the gambling table. Apart from betting on the slim chance, he might as well take a detour.

Sangbasiu thought that there was no bonus of world luck. He had been an old unlucky guy for as long as he could remember, otherwise he wouldn't have been sealed for three thousand years inexplicably.

Moreover, after witnessing Yinhehong's incredible explosion, Sangbasiu did not dare to risk his own life or act recklessly.

This kind of god can be beaten by anyone who likes it.

Maybe at the beginning, Sangbasiu had the idea of ​​​​recklessly killing the young people opposite him.

But since he knew what kind of weirdos Balbon's guys were, Samba Xiu would only think of helping Balbon against his righteous partners if he was crazy.

Choosing to fake his own death and escape instead of backhand stabbing him was already the end of Samba Shuren's righteousness.

Although the real situation is that Sambaxiu is not the opponent of captain Zihab yet. But Sangbasiu swore to God that if he didn't go back to Qihab's mentality in the future, he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Originally, this was not such a vicious oath. After all, life only lasts for a few decades, and a bachelor can be a bachelor.

However, considering that Samba Xiu's body seems to have nothing but a long life, then this oath immediately becomes vicious.

After all, Samba Xiu has been sealed for three thousand years and is still alive and kicking like a young man. Looking at this posture, as long as he is not beaten to death, it is a conservative estimate to live for another ten thousand years.

Back to the topic, Samba Xiu’s destination this time is Tokyo.

Go find a secret treasure called "Anti-Object of the Rainbow".

This secret treasure appeared in the 38th episode of Todoroki Sentai.

According to the original plot description, the Rainbow Countermono is a colorful cloth woven with magical silk threads by Onmyoji in order to suppress monsters. The user can use its power to change his own form and possess the strongest ability in that form.

Combined with the performance in the plot and its description, in short, it is a dress-up and transformation prop.

At first, Samba Xiu remembered this thing simply because that episode was one of the costume changes of female team members or female villains that often appeared in the team plot.

Naturally, this prop was associated with other strange places by Samba Xiu.

For example, stewardess police investigator, JK nurse housekeeper, black silk tights with suspenders, short skirt and white silk apron.

Indeed, as far as the show of the series at that time is concerned, it is indeed not associated with these exciting scenes.

But the Samba Order chose to look for the Rainbow Anti-Object, mostly because of its powerful functionality and accompanying defensive power, as well as the fact that this thing fit so well with his plan.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 19: First Meeting Outside the Shrine

I don’t know how the onmyoji did it. This roll of cloth can not only change your shape, it can also make an ordinary person have a weird form, and even make you giant.

This is not just the reason for good elasticity, this is pure magic, and it is truly worthy of its status as a secret treasure.

In addition, this thing can also allow you to change from organic matter to inorganic matter, allowing you to change from biological body to mechanical body. In the thirty-eighth episode of Todoroki Sentai, the female villain Kaze Shizuka used this thing to transform into a large truck.

"The kitten in the plot at that time turned into a high school girl because she obtained the rainbow anti-object. I remember that she was a wild cat living in the Shiromiyayama area. Since it was made by Onmyoji, it should have been in Enshrined in the shrine.”

Although Sangbasiu was not certain to win this treasure hunt, he could still be said to be very confident.

After all, compared to those episodes that just tell you about the secret treasures in the mountains and on the island. The location of the rainbow's anti-object is relatively clear.

"Even if you can't find it, just think it's time to relax."

Samba Xiu thought optimistically.

Moreover, he didn't just go out to look for things empty-handed, he was still prepared.

Sometimes Samba Xiu really doesn't understand how Balbon, the space pirate group, uses the power of technology.

You have to say that he values ​​the power of technology. Weird people grow bigger by drinking potions, which is a relatively primitive method. What if one day a weirdo drinks the essence of Balban and the bottle is not held securely or the bottle is damaged? If it falls, then the star beast will have no chance to appear.

Besides, what if some weirdos are so incompetent that they get blown away without even drinking the essence of Balbon?

Oh, I remembered that in the original plot, one of the few guys who was beaten up without drinking Balban essence was Samba Xiu.

But if you say he doesn't value the power of technology, he can give you some strange technological props. Missiles and the like are not mentioned for now. The device that can locate monsters is quite outrageous.

The device that Sambaxiu is carrying at the moment is a detection device for special energy waves. I don't know if it is useful, but Sambaxiu is carrying it with him.

I hope it can be of some use.

Although this thing has not made any movement in so many days.

Thinking of this, Sambaxiu walked slowly towards a small hill.

Looking at the shrine hidden behind the trees, this is the seventh shrine that Sambaxiu is going to visit in Tokyo these days.

I hope I can gain something this time.

"Hey, let's look for it slowly."

But to be honest, Sambaxiu didn't have much hope for this shrine. He couldn't even find the anti-matter of the rainbow in those big temples with prosperous incense.

How could such a poor and even somewhat dilapidated shrine have a mysterious treasure?

Although he didn't hold out hope, he couldn't miss any place where the Rainbow Antimatter might exist.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of the time that Gulinji had bought him.

Although Sambaxiu had turned into a human, he couldn't use many tools without a formal identity.

Fortunately, the big screens in those shopping malls occasionally reported some recent disasters caused by Balbon.

"The stone statues that suddenly appeared in the city were made of giant creatures. So, it should be the battle between Tacuredo and Dorubado." Thinking back to the report that he accidentally glanced at when he passed by a nearby shopping mall yesterday.

Sambaxiu had a rough estimate of the battle in Balbon.

He also had a rough grasp of the current progress of the plot.

At the current progress, the seventh episode should have passed.

When he left, it was the third episode. Sure enough, without the motorcycle, his movements were much slower than expected.

But Sambaxiu knew that even if he had a motorcycle, it would only make his movements one or two days faster than now.

After all, when he visited the shrine, it was not just a simple walk around. Many times, he had to take advantage of the time when the clergy in the shrine were concentrating on their work to explore the layout and structure of the shrine as comprehensively and in detail as possible.

When it was night and no one was around, he would visit the shrine again and conduct a more comprehensive search.

Therefore, in recent times, his work and rest schedule can be said to be reversed day and night, as if he was fighting a guerrilla war with a non-existent guy.

Fortunately, Samba Xiu's weird physique cannot be generalized with ordinary people after all. Such a weird work and rest schedule only made his spirit a little sluggish in a short period of time, and his body functions were still normal.

However, when Samba Xiu walked towards the shrine step by step and kept approaching the shrine, he seemed to feel a strange but familiar breath.

Obviously, this breath does not belong to humans. If you want to follow Samba Xiu's intuitive feeling, this breath is more like that carried by weird people.

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