"Martial Arts, Ilias, Bartbas."

Just like a student who was absent from class and was suddenly called by the teacher, the weirdos who were called by Zihabu were obviously stunned for a moment.

"You are not allowed to interfere in the battle against Sambashu."


Although these pirates each had their own little calculations, at this moment, they all booed unwillingly.

But there was no way. On this ship, the orders of Captain Zihabu were the iron rules that must be followed. If you disobey, no matter how great your achievements were before, you will become food for sharks in the sea.

After expressing their dissatisfaction a little, the three of them looked like they were about to leave.

"Wait. You can't leave yet."

"Sambashu, what do you mean by this."

Without answering Bartbas's slightly angry question, Sambashu looked at Zihabu.

"Captain, since I am now the captain of the operation to revive Daitanix, I can freely mobilize the resources on the ship."

"That's true," Qihab nodded, and did not refute Sambaxiu's words, "But if you use this power to suppress Wudao and others, I will not agree."

"Captain, what are you talking about? We are partners, we should be united, right? What's more, I don't want to repeat the mistakes of three thousand years ago."

I don't know how Sambaxiu said such a shameless thing.

"Wow, it's good that you have such awareness, so what is your operation?"

"Old man, it's your turn. After so many days, have you found out how to revive Daitanix?"

Although according to the development of the plot, Sambaxiu also knows that the energy needed to collect for this operation is heat, but such words should not be proposed by him.

Once he says it, he has to add reasons. He doesn't have a knowledgeable personality. Such words must be said from the mouth of Bukladis to be appropriate.

Although Sambaxiu spoke to Bukladis in an extremely arrogant tone, and it could even be said that he was giving orders, Bukladis, who was very self-regulating, was laughing secretly in his heart.

He was so arrogant just now, but in the end he had to ask me, a scholar, for advice.

"Heat, I remember that Daitanix was born on a hot planet. Heat may revive Daitanix."

"Yes, if it is heat."

Sambaxiu was about to call out his subordinate who could absorb heat.

"Sambaxiu, are you leaving us here to see how arrogant you are?"

"Ha, of course not, after all, we have to unite, and how can we do without you in this battle."

After saying that, Sambaxiu looked at the three Wudao with some ill intentions, and he didn't know what he meant. He said in a rather servile tone: "After all, the credit belongs to our Barbon as a whole."

"Humph, Void Eight."

Wudao was the first one who didn't believe Sambaxiu's weird emphasis. He turned around and called a person's name before leaving.

Soon, a guy with a bamboo basket on his head and several octopus tentacles on his shoulders appeared from a corner of the room and knelt down respectfully to Wudao.

"Here, General Yu."


"Yes, General Yu."

Seeing Wudao's strange look, Xuwuba understood something, and after a very respectful response, he stood up and watched Wudao leave the cab.

It was obvious that he had been hiding in this room and listened to the whole process.

It was just that his communication with Wudao, which was like a divine communication, made Samba Xiu a little bit angry.

Sure enough, Wudao's subordinates were not only seafood spirits like him, but also liked to show off.

Not only Wudao, the other two also called their own subordinates.

"Meiduo Meiduo."

Accompanied by Ilias's soft call, a green female monster with a head full of venomous snakes appeared in the room.

"It's my honor that you can call me, mother."

Obviously, this person with a strong mythological style is Ilias's subordinate.

Bartbas was no exception. Even Wudao and the other two were unwilling to lower their status and work for Sambashu, so how could he be willing to be Sambashu's thug?

Space pirates are all very proud.



A very spirited hum, accompanied by a huge movement that shook the earth with every step, as the name suggests, a huge "tank" appeared in front of everyone.

"Leave it to you, Tanks."

"Don't worry, Captain."

After a few cadres briefly explained to their monsters, they turned around and left. After all, they and Sambashu were all cadres.

It was difficult to cooperate with Sambashu, let alone obey Sambashu's command.

Leaving a monster behind was already for the sake of Captain Zihabu's face.

As for whether there were any strange and unnecessary hints to his monsters, no one knew.

However, Sambashu didn't think that they would take action personally at the beginning, so all this was within his expectations.

"It seems like it's my turn."

Since those guys have called out their subordinates, Samba Shu naturally has to call out his subordinates. He can't fight with these weirdos.

Otherwise, he would lower his status, and he has other plans.

"If you want to absorb heat, that guy is the most suitable. Come on, Ligu Luo."

After that, Samba took out his revolver and fired a few shots at the door not far away.

A chubby weirdo appeared in the sparks splashed by the collision between the bullet and the door panel.

"Here I am, leader. If you want to collect heat for Daitanix, I'm just right for you."

A somewhat shrill voice with a hint of complacency.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, I'll simply arrange everyone's tasks."


Except for Li Gu Luo, Samba Xiu's subordinate, the other people didn't respond very enthusiastically, but Samba Xiu didn't care about that.

"Li Gu Luo, you are responsible for absorbing heat."

"OK~ leader, leave it to me."

"Xuwu Ba, you lead a team of Yadodo and are responsible for protecting Li Gu Luo. If there are Galaxy people coming, don't let the Galaxy people affect Li Gu Luo's operations. This little thing, the guys of the Martial Arts Demon Group should be able to do it."

"Yes." Although Xuwu Ba was a little unconvinced by Yin Yang for no reason, he couldn't say much at this moment.

"I hope it won't embarrass your general."

"Tanks, you also lead a team of Yadodo to monitor the movements of the star beasts. Don't let the hateful star beasts ruin our good deeds."


"As for you, Meido Meido, take it."

Medo Meido was a little confused after taking the thing thrown by Samba Xiu.

"You have the ability to change into someone else's appearance, right?"

Medo Meido was shocked at first and then angry when her ability was suddenly revealed. However, since it was Samba Xiu who revealed her ability and his status was higher than hers, she couldn't say much.

She had to bite the bullet and answer.


"Put on this and become a human. You also follow Liguro. If the Galaxy come to make trouble, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to monitor the movements of the Galaxy and bring back to us the hiding place of the Galaxy."

"Okay, I have written down the missions, then let's start the action."

I Barbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Squadron): [Revised] Chapter 17 Samba Xiu who recognizes the situation

Although Samba Xiu's operation this time is somewhat focused on targeting the Galaxy and Star Beast.

But considering that targeting the Galaxy is only to ensure that the resurrection operation of Daitanix can proceed smoothly, Zihabu did not interfere with Samba Xiu's operation.

"It's a complete operation, no, it should be called perfect."

Although Zihabu appointed Samba Xiu as the captain of the operation, he did not expect Samba Xiu to arrange the operation in this way. Not only did he mobilize his subordinates, but he also dragged people from Budo, Ilias, and Bartbas into the water.

If the operation is successful, there is no doubt that Samba Xiu will naturally receive a very generous reward.

"You did a great job. If this operation is successful, you can command not only the demons but also the martial artists."

The words were full of incitement. Qihabu didn't know how much he would practice this sentence in the future, but no matter what, he had to give Sambashu a little sweetness, or a little motivation to fully implement the operation.

This kind of verbal check is the best stimulant for a proud guy like Sambashu.

And for him, he can solve his biggest worry without paying a penny more in bonus, so it's not impossible to give Sambashu more power.

"Really, Captain, I will definitely complete this mission to show you."

Although Sambashu didn't know what Qihabu was thinking, he cooperated with Qihabu's performance tacitly, even though he was not interested in the power over the other three.

He is not the former Sambashu, who was short-sighted and only obsessed with the victory of Balbang.

Perhaps from the time when Qihabu didn't choose to kill Yinhehong at all costs, Sambashu subconsciously felt that Balbang was not a place to stay for a long time.

The cadres of the same class as him all have their own little calculations and conflicts of interest. Every day, apart from calculating their own gains and losses of treasures, they are trying to compete for credit.

Even the monsters belonging to the same demon group will refuse to cooperate because they cannot monopolize the credit. Does such an organization really have a future?

Moreover, Samba Xiu never understood why he let the Galaxy people go in the beginning.

Was he really frightened by the terrifying momentum of Ginga Hong at the beginning? But Zihabu is a man with the fate of the stars.

The fate of the stars hidden in his chest can provide him with a constant supply of energy. Even if his fighting skills cannot suppress the furious Ginga people, wouldn't it be enough to slowly wear them down?

In the final analysis, Zihabu is just a pirate who is afraid of death and greedy for wealth.

Not only was he afraid of the terrible power that Ginga Hong burst out at that time, he was afraid that he would not be his opponent even with the fate of the stars.

He was also afraid of these subordinates who had been sealed with him for three thousand years, and he was afraid that he would be suddenly stabbed in the back when fighting with Ginga Hong.

Humph, the so-called captain of Balbon is nothing more than that.

In addition, Sambashu is very clear about Qihabu's partiality.

For Qihabu, Sambashu is not his confidant, and Wudao who has no second thoughts about him is not his confidant, and Ilias and Bukladis are not his confidants either.

Only Bartbas, who has been with him the longest, pretends to be confused all day long but can see through his thoughts, and Shelinda, who is responsible for driving the Daitanix, can be barely considered his confidants.

Therefore, Sambashu will not take Qihabu's words that are obviously encouraging and stimulating just now seriously.

But taking advantage of the situation is indeed a good excuse.

Originally, he was going to leave the ship under the name of "supervisor", but now he can show himself to be more eager for quick success.

After all, such a guy is brave but not wise, and will be moved by a little benefit.

That's Sambaxiu, isn't it?

"Okay, Captain, since you said so, then I have to work harder."

Sambaxiu's joy at this moment is not fake. He took out his gun, pushed open the door excitedly, and walked out.

"Bang bang!"

He got on his motorcycle and fired two shots into the sky. Sambaxiu shouted: "Little guys, follow me, charge."

"Captain..." Looking at Sambaxiu's back, it seems that she thought of his arrogant appearance in the future. Shelinda's expression looked as uncomfortable as constipation. She was about to persuade Qihabu to take back his promise.

Qihabu just gave her an inexplicable smile.

This smile fell into Bukladis's eyes, and instantly made Bukladis, who was originally a little panicked, understand that Qihabu was just talking about it and would not really give Sambashu such great power and status.

"It is indeed a perfect plan, Sambashu." Qihabu looked at the sea waves in the distance and murmured.

Indeed, even if the operation failed, the consequences of the failure would be shared equally, and Sambashu would not be punished too much.

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