Although Gulinji looks savage and has a fierce voice, he is good at disguise and is never a fool. He can always calmly analyze the pros and cons of the situation.

Samba Xiu nodded slightly: "Yes, the last operation failed because of the interference of the Galaxy People and Star Beasts. Although I don't know what battle plan the old man Bukladis will give next time, there will always be someone in that group of guys who can do it. At that time, we just need to let others hold back the Galaxy People and Star Beasts."

"Leader, they can't hold them back. Based on my understanding of those bastards, they will only let the Galaxy People go. Resurrecting Daitanix is ​​a great achievement, and they will not let others." Gulinji has been disguised in Yadodo for many years, so he naturally has plenty of opportunities to observe every weirdo in Balbon. "As for the punishment after the mission fails, the captain has you, the leader, to bear it."

"And I can't be too harsh on them. What if it causes dissatisfaction among everyone, and other demon groups happen to intervene and encourage them to betray me..."

Thinking of this, Samba Xiu gave a bitter smile.

If it really came to that, without the Galaxy people taking action, he would be executed by Zihab with the excuse of "incompetence".

He was still too impulsive.

The fear of facing the end of death caused him to misjudge the fundamental cause of death.

Recalling everything that happened at the wine table just now, and savoring Gulinji's sincere speech, Samba Xiu closed his eyes and recalled the plot of the Star Beast Team again.

Before, he always felt that he was heading for destruction because he couldn't beat the Galaxy people's cheating idealistic power, so when he reviewed the plot before, he was busy thinking about how to deal with the Galaxy people.

According to Samba Xiu's original idea, first destroy the free sword machine blade in Bakuda's hand, so that the star beasts can't merge into the Silver Kai King, and then let Takuredo release poison gas, forcing the star beasts to release power to disperse and turn them into stone.

In this case, Samba Xiu only needs to deal with the Galaxy people.

But even if the Galaxy people are defeated, can Samba Xiu really sit back and relax?

Impossible, as the villain in the world of Super Sentai, even if they really defeat the Galaxy, there are other teams.

Besides, who really caused Samba Shu's death was the Galaxy?

It was the scheming Balbon Pirates, and Captain Zihab who could sacrifice all his men for his goal.

Balbon is not a place to stay, and Zihab is not a wise leader.

Leave, you must leave, leaving the Balbon Pirates is the best choice to save your life.

"Gurinji, you have run a long way. Tell Neka and the others that the team battle is cancelled. Whoever wants to get the next chance to fight should perform well recently."

Gurinji didn't know what bold choice Samba Shu had made in his heart at this moment, but even if he knew, he would probably firmly follow Samba Shu on the road to escape from Balbon.

In any case, he has been following Samba Shu for longer than Samba Shu joined Balbon.

"Yes, leader!"

Gurinji, who turned back into Yadodo, left the room, leaving Sambashu alone to figure out how to get out of Balbon.


I watched Galaxy again and realized some logical loopholes. It was not appropriate to send all the troops out.

Ⅰ Balbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 15 The position of action leader is in Sambashu's pocket

Sambashu has had a bad rest recently.

It was not because of the fatigue accumulated from practicing new skills, nor because of the decline in status and treatment caused by the failure of the first operation, but because he was a little nervous, especially today.

Today is the second combat meeting. In the original plot, it was this meeting that determined Sambashu's command.

This also means that from today, Sambashu will implement his "Balbon Escape Plan" that he has been planning for a few days.

Before this, Sambashu can be said to have been following the original plot, just acting out his own script.

Whether it is quarrels or combat failures, they are all things that have been determined in the plot.

However, when the time came for him to make a change, he could not help but hesitate.

"Hesitation will not bring a ray of hope, and fear will not save your life."

Samba Xiu encouraged himself and exhaled. It seemed that Xiu had spit out the fear in his heart. He was no longer cautious, but confident and calm.

He pushed the door open and entered. His real battle was about to begin.

However, there was no one in the cab.

The cold and deserted atmosphere immediately dampened Samba Xiu's high morale and enthusiasm.

It seemed that these pirates were all unpunctual pigeons. He had carefully dressed himself before going out. Not to mention his head, even his leather shoes were polished with shoe polish.

Unexpectedly, he was the first to arrive.

Just as Samba Xiu was about to start walking around aimlessly in this room to kill time.

The door of the cab opened, and Ilias walked up to Sambashu with a dignified and elegant lotus step. Her mature and strange voice was mixed with anger, like a provoked queen questioning the rebellious mob: "Sambashu!"

Sambashu and Ilias were not familiar with each other, and they had no intersection on weekdays.

Naturally, when the other party came to him with anger, Sambashu shrugged his shoulders, tilted his head, and put on a confused posture.

Sambaxiu's expression seemed provocative to Ilias. Her hand holding the crystal ball was shaking a little, but she tried her best to maintain her usual elegance and grace: "What did you do to Disphias?"

"Disphias," after being reminded, Sambaxiu remembered that she had beaten her uncle and brother not long ago. "He wanted to stand up for the stinky old man, so he came to me for trouble but was beaten by me. Why didn't he tell you?"

Originally, he thought that since the old man was beaten, the younger one came, and it was normal for the sister to come to get back after the brother was beaten.

But now it seems that Disphias did not tell Ilias what happened. It seems that he was so depressed after being hit that he attracted Ilias's attention.

"Sambaxiu, there must be a limit to bragging." Ilias sneered contemptuously, which was not only a trust in Disphias's strength, but also a contempt for Sambaxiu.

"Believe it or not." Sambaxiu was too lazy to argue, and continued to pace back and forth in the cab with his hands on his hips.


With a cold snort, Ilias exhaled a breath of purple air, and floated into the crystal ball like a ghost, and then a flash of light burst out from the crystal ball and hit Sambaxiu silently.


Sambaxiu was simulating his escape plan in his mind. Suddenly, a purple eye icon appeared in the lower left corner of his vision. He shifted his attention to the icon, and a line of small words suddenly appeared.

[Ilias's attention: Your performance has attracted Ilias's attention. She has planted tracking magic on you. Your every move will be watched by her. Destroying the casting tool can break the tracking magic. ]

"Hiss, that was close!"

Almost shot for resigning!

Sambaxiu took a deep breath, turned around quickly, raised his thigh high, and kicked the crystal ball in Ilias's hand with a clean kick.

"If you want to test my quality, please come face to face."

As he said this, he raised his gun and aimed at the crystal ball rolling on the ground.

"It's useless," Ilias said with a confident attitude, even though there was an obvious shoe print on the white silk middle finger sleeve that held the crystal ball before, "ordinary bullets are not enough to destroy my crystal ball."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Sambaxiu's mouth corners turned up, pulling out a confident smile.

[Silver Bullet]

This is one of the three skills he learned after beating Disphias. After using it, it can enchant bullets and increase the penetration of bullets.

With the pull of the trigger, the silver bullet shot out of Sambaxiu's gun barrel and hit Ilias's rolling crystal ball accurately.

"Bang", the crystal ball exploded, turning into flying ice crystals, like snowflakes falling on Ilias's arrow.

Seeing the expensive crystal ball shattered, the money-loving Ilias's expression was no longer dignified.

With anger, she called out Sambashu's name and activated her telekinesis.

But before the surging telekinesis like the sea wave could control Sambashu, a sharp samurai sword suddenly appeared between the two of them, and then the blade turned and chopped towards Sambashu.

After jumping back to avoid the sudden knife, Sambashu looked at the man with the knife with a question mark on his head.

"Sambashu, do you still have the face to come here after failing in the battle?"

Although the knife came suddenly, the purpose was not to take Sambashu's life.

It was more like a silent provocation and oppression, a show of strength from the squid head of Wudao.

The meaning was very obvious, he wanted Sambashu not to interfere in the next battle.

To put it bluntly, this guy wanted to steal the credit. It's just that this dull guy likes to pretend and doesn't like to speak human words, so he used this way to warn Sambashu.

But, even so, he also wanted Sambashu to give up his plan and withdraw from the competition for the command of this battle. What was he thinking?

What's more, it's better to lose the battle than the opponent.

The former Samba Xiu would not give in, and the current Samba Xiu would be even less so.

"Sorry, I have plenty of face."

He took out his revolver and fought back. The other party greeted him in this way, so he naturally had to respond with a corresponding attack.

He quickly pulled the trigger, and several bullets flew out of the barrel.

I don't know which genius invented it, connecting the magazine of the revolver in Samba Xiu's hand with the bullet library of Barbon. As long as one bullet is fired, the bullets in the bullet library will fill the missing magazine.

So Samba Xiu's revolver can shoot continuously as long as he wants.

It's more durable than those tough guys who claim to be invincible.

However, having said that, a pistol is a pistol after all, and it is impossible to fire as fast as a machine gun.

Otherwise, no matter how good Wudao is at blocking, he can't stop the continuous shooting.


Such a low roar is not uncommon when a swordsman makes a move, and this roar is not for showing off, but for better unification of muscles, breathing and spirit, so as to make a powerful slash.

However, when a weirdo like Wudao who is proficient in swordsmanship makes such a low roar, it is not a simple slash.

Instead, it is a sword energy, a swirling sword energy, flying out from Wudao's blade and flying straight towards Samba Xiu.

Faced with such a move that is obviously not received by the body, Samba Xiu naturally chooses to dodge.

"Now you know that you can't take my move."

"Why should I take your move?"

Samba Xiu really didn't want to pay attention to this squid head. If he hadn't considered that the whole scene would become extremely weird if he suddenly took out a Gatling machine gun, Samba Xiu would have let him experience what the profound Buddhist teachings of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva are.

"If you ask me, let me carry out the task of resurrecting Daitanix."

I don't know where Bartbas came from. Seeing Samba Xiu and Wudao fighting back and forth, he picked up his axe and looked like he was going to join the battle.

"Enough, have you all forgotten why you were sealed three thousand years ago? It's because of the internal strife among you guys. Why do you want to be sealed for another three thousand years?"

Finally someone came to end this farce.

However, the only one on the ship who had the ability to make the four demon leaders quiet down was Captain Zihab and the second-in-command, the helmsman Shelinda.

And this voice was obviously Shelinda's.

But since Shelinda arrived, it means that Zihab is also on the side.

Anyway, since the seal was lifted, Samba Shu has never seen these two separated.

Sure enough, just as Samba Shu thought, Xuelinda had just asked everyone to be quiet, and it was Zihabu's turn to speak.

"Listen carefully, now not only the Galaxy people, but also the Star Beasts have appeared. If there is another internal conflict, the same fate will be suffered. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, I decided to elect an action captain."

Finally, this moment has come. After watching all the episodes of Star Beasts, Samba Shu wants to complain the most.

The internal conflict of the Balbon Pirates has become more serious after setting up an action captain.

Because no matter which cadre wants to monopolize the credit.

In the original plot, Wudao even sent his men to monitor Samba Shu around the clock, just to find Samba Shu's faults so that he could take over.

And Ilias and Bukladis, the uncle and nephew, framed Wudao's monster, the Raging Wave Warrior, when he obtained the Light of the Galaxy, making Zihabu think that Wudao had betrayed.

"Samba, you won't be willing to accept the failure of the last operation, so you will be the captain of the operation first. You must do your best to revive Daitanix."

"Yes, Captain." Samba took a step forward and nodded proudly, looking determined to win.

However, no one knew what Samba was hiding under the black goggles.


The more I look at Iris's leather suit, the more astringent it becomes. Although the snake-like skin is a bit scary, the accessories on her body are really beautiful.

Ⅰ Barbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 16 We, the four great demon legions of Barbon, are of the same blood and as close as brothers!

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