"Godai, that disaster beast? Cobruda, have you not woken up yet? Are you still working for Grandinu!" The disappointed Gil widened his eyes and raised his arms, ready to give Cobruda a big blow.

Seeing that Gil's slap was about to fall, Salamandis decisively took on the responsibility of explaining: "Two brothers, Cobruda and I have recognized the true face of Grandinu. We escaped from the disaster cave when Grandinu was absorbing negative energy and had no time to care about other things. As for why we brought the disaster beast here to make a fuss, it was to revive sister Tinas. The disaster beast named Godai has the ability to revive the dead. It only needs 33 lives to open the gate of hell and call back the dead. So, two brothers, please assist us and assist Godai's actions."

Although Salamandis finished the story as quickly as possible while keeping his words as clear as possible, it still couldn't change the fact that Gil's big ear scraped Cobruda's face.

Therefore, after listening to Salamandis' explanation, Gil looked embarrassed: "I see..."

But Gilfisa was a little excited, holding Salamandis' hand tightly, and confirmed again and again: "Is this true? Can Tinas really be resurrected?"

Salamandis and Cobruda nodded repeatedly.

"Then there is no time to lose, stop GOGOV quickly! Don't let them cut off the possibility of Tinas's resurrection."

As he said, Gilfisa was about to lead Cobruda and Salamandis to escort the actions of the disaster beast.

But soon, Gilfisa noticed that his good brother Gil had a solemn face, without any movement, and his eyes were fixed on Sambaxiu who was listening to their conversation.

"Brother..." Gilfisa was about to persuade him.

But Kil spoke first: "Sambaxiu, you should understand my current mood as you are in tune with me. You should know how much I want to revive my sister, and you should know that I will never miss this last chance."

Sambaxiu nodded, and nodded indifferently: "I know."

Kil continued, with a bit of apology in his tone: "Then will you still stop me?"

Sambaxiu continued to nod, and asked a matter-of-fact question: "Otherwise? Let you make the wrong choice and give up the agreement between you and me?"

Kil lowered his head in shame: "I'm sorry, but I can't give up Tinas."

Seeing Kil struggling, Sambaxiu's expression became a bit weird. Suddenly, he chuckled, and then laughed like a flood.

Under the suspicious gaze of the brothers, Samba Xiu said, "I'm sorry to ruin this solemn atmosphere, but there is one thing I seem to have never told you, that is, there are other ways to revive your sister, and you don't need to do the loss-making business of '33 for one'." "What?" Kil was stunned for a moment, and then gradually came back to his senses from Samba Xiu's performance just now. He immediately raised his hand and gently hit Samba Xiu's chest, with a bit of shy anger, "Why didn't you say it earlier!" Samba Xiu laughed a few more times, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called Bakuda. After learning that the other party was resting at home today, he immediately said to Kil, "Let's go and revive your sister." Samba Xiu had already taken a step, and Kil, who knew that Samba Xiu would not brag about such things, did not hesitate at all and decisively followed Samba Xiu. But for the other three, Samba Xiu's words were a bit incredible. They looked at each other and saw deep suspicion in the eyes of the others. But Kiel chose to believe, and out of trust in Kiel, the three had to follow silently.

Bakuda's home is not far from Central Park. The five people didn't walk for long. They pushed open the door of Bakuda's home when the card disaster monster Godai was blown up by GOGOV using the crushing mode of the life bird.

"Leader, you are here. The saber and magic circle are ready, but this energy... If it is just to revive an ordinary earthling, I have prepared it, but if it is other messy things, it will be troublesome, and it needs..." Bakuda looked at Samba Xiu who pushed the door in and handed Gregory's saber to him.

"No need to be so troublesome."

Samba Xiu took the saber and walked to the resurrection magic circle that Bakuda reproduced one by one, and inserted the saber into the center of the magic circle.

Then he raised his left hand and gently scratched the sharp blade, and suddenly there was a knife mark on the palm, and bright red blood oozed out of it.

Sambashu then pressed his left hand on the groove of the energy block such as the Galaxy Bracelet on the saber, and the blood oozing from the knife mark penetrated into the saber along the groove.

Kiel could see that the saber in Sambashu's hand was absorbing Sambashu's blood, and immediately exclaimed: "Sambashu!"

And Bakuda also shouted immediately: "Leader, if this happens, the saber will absorb your energy until it is enough to revive the person you want to revive. Let go quickly. I will find a way to steal some energy crystals from the warehouse of the Space Police Earth Bureau!"

"Don't worry," Sambashu did not tell Bakuda directly that he had transplanted the life of the star because there were unfamiliar guys present, "It's just a drop in the bucket."

Seeing that Sambashu looked normal, Bakuda didn't say anything more, but took out an instrument and kept an eye on Sambashu's physical condition.

With the injection of Sambashu's blood, the saber emitted a dazzling light, and this light quickly sank into the magic circle along the saber.

After a while, a stone door appeared on one of the walls of Bakuda's house.

And Samba Xiu recited the spell that Gregory once recited: "The evil souls who fell to hell, Evil Spirit Girl, Tinas, for Yixue's hatred of GOGOV, please resurrect here now! "

The stone door slowly opened, thick smoke ran out, and what came to the world with it was the beautiful figure that the disaster demon brothers had been waiting for for a long time.

"Huh? Who summoned me from hell?" After setting foot in the human world again, Tinas' head was still a little confused. She looked directly at Samba Xiu, ready to sign a devil's contract with the guy who resurrected her. " In return, you can ask for a wish from me."

Sambaxiu didn't expect that there would be such a party, but he was not interested and said directly: "Okay, my wish is to give your brothers a hug."

After that, Sambaxiu walked aside and threw the sword at Bakuda.

It was only at this moment that Tinas noticed the existence of Kil and others. After a brief daze, she strode towards her three brothers and hugged them one after another.

Just when she was about to hug Salamandis, whom she was not familiar with, she found that her younger brother was no longer behind her cheerful brother, but had approached Samba Xiu with a sincere expression.

"Salamandis, what are you doing?" Kebruda didn't understand. At such an important moment as Tinas's resurrection, it would be fine if Salamandis didn't give Tinas a good hug. Why? Run in front of Samba Xiu.

Due to the ease of resurrecting Tinas, Sambaxiu was already a sacred and inviolable existence in Gilfissa's heart. He quickly shouted: "Salamandis, don't be rude to your benefactor."

However, Salamandis seemed not to hear the shouts of his brothers. Under the gaze of everyone, he slowly bent over and finally knelt down on one knee.

Then he put his right hand on his heart, looked up at Samba Xiu, his eyes were wild: "Thank you for your miracle, which brought my sister back from the dead. Please allow me, Dragon Prince Salamandis, to offer you my high respect and Loyal, from now on, I will serve you as Lord.”

Ⅱ Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 218 Grandinu’s Reappearance

The sudden allegiance caused the originally cheerful atmosphere to suddenly freeze.

Especially Kiel, when he looked at Salamandis who knelt on one knee and swore allegiance to Sambaxiu, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Should he go over and pull Salamandis up and say, "My brother is ignorant and only plays on his knees", or should he kneel down and shout out the long series of shameful oaths?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Sambaxiu reaching out and helping Salamandis up, with a polite and restrained smile on his lips: "I don't need your allegiance. I will help resurrect Tinas because I I have an agreement with Keir. If you really want to thank me, thank you for having a good brother."

Although Salamandis took the initiative to betray Grandinu, because Salamandis's performance in the original plot was too despicable, Sambathio did not dare to believe the other party's loyalty. Therefore, almost subconsciously, he directly He dragged Keir over as a shield.

However, after hearing what Sambaxiu said, Kilden immediately understood what choice he should make.

Glancing back at the other brothers and sisters, he immediately led Gilfissa, Kebruda, and Tinas to Samba to get their face paint done, and then they all knelt down on one knee.

"Salamandis is right, you are kind to us, and we are not ungrateful guys. From now on, the deal between you and me is void," Kil glanced at Samba Xiu's face. The proud Bakuda had firm eyes and a sonorous tone, "Leader, please accept our allegiance."

Samba Xiu didn't know what to do. He never thought of using Keir as a shield, but the shield broke as soon as he took it out.

I had to say a few words of agreement casually to end this awkward atmosphere quickly.

He immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed the phone numbers of Budao and Elise in turn, and informed the two of them that they would meet at Bayside Area 55 later and immediately changed the topic: "Salamandis, since you and Kebru Da left the Disaster Demon Cave on his own initiative, so there should be a way to go back, right?"

When he heard about Samba Xiu culture, Salamandis acted very positively, but he did not make people feel flattering: "Well, although the Disaster Demon Cave has been moving, if there is no human interference, the movement of the Disaster Demon Cave will be certain." There are rules. As long as you know the rules, you can easily locate the Disaster Demon Cave."

"Well, Gil, Gilfisa, it seems it's time for us to catch Grandinu off guard."

Having said that, Sambaxiu immediately led the Disaster Demon brothers and sisters out and rushed to the Gulf Coast Realm 55 to meet with GOGOV, Martial Arts, and Elise.

However, as soon as he walked out of the courtyard of Bakuda's house, he heard the "clang" of the door closing. When he looked back, he saw Bakuda following him with a smile, and asked Sambaxiu: "Leader, can I come with you?" ?”

Samba Xiu didn't mind more than one person. He nodded and acquiesced to the other party's joining.

When the group arrived at Bayside Area 55, GOGOV saw Kebruda and Salamandis who were causing trouble in Central Park not long ago. They were startled and almost took out their GOGO bracelets and put on protective clothing.

Fortunately, Sambaxiu and Kil explained in time and the conflict did not break out.

And with the help of Salamandis, the problem of locating the Calamity Cave that had troubled Ilias for a long time was quickly solved.

"Cobruda, your current physical condition is indeed not suitable for participating in the crusade against Grandinu, otherwise..." Gilfisa looked at her brother who was seriously injured and had not recovered, and said with some heartache.

However, Cobruda was determined. He shook his head and said, "With the magic power transmitted by Salamandis, I am not forced to do this. The abominable Grandinu actually treated us like this. If I can't help to kill her, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Let him come with us. At most, we can all transmit some magic power to him. If we fight later, try not to let him rush to the front." Gil could understand Cobruda's hatred at the moment. He stretched out his hand, put it on Cobruda's shoulder, and transmitted part of his magic power to this brother who had already stepped into the teleportation array.

Seeing this, Gilfisa and the newly resurrected Tina also sent their magic power to Cobruda.

GOGOV, who was standing by, was a little touched when he saw this heartwarming scene, but when he thought that the other party was going to kill his mother, these feelings turned into strangeness.

Besides, they really didn't expect that the five brothers and sisters would have a day to cooperate with the five brothers and sisters of the disaster demon.

As they were sighing, Ilias had already cast a teleportation magic. After a while of spinning and changing, everyone was no longer in the Bayshore area 55 full of modern technology, but in the cold and damp disaster demon cave.

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, Ilias chuckled: "From the palace to the temporary palace, from the temporary palace to the cave, has the great witch fallen from grace?"

Ignoring Ilias's ridicule, Salamandis raised his hand and pointed to Grandinu's room: "The soundproof magic I cast before has not disappeared. It seems that Grandinu is still absorbing negative energy in it. This is a good opportunity to attack."

Hearing this, Xun Ji glanced at Samba Xiu and asked: "Grandinu should still be pregnant with Mr. Jing's child. Will a rash attack cause accidental injury?"

Ilias immediately said confidently: "Don't worry, I have already applied protective measures to the child. Go ahead and attack, and the child will not be hurt at all."

With Ilias's guarantee, Samba Xiu raised his hand and patted Xun Ji's shoulder, saying: "Miss Ji, don't worry, Ilias will not brag about this matter. Opportunities cannot be missed, otherwise changes will occur. Let's seize the opportunity."

This is equivalent to the agreement signed by the family members before the operation, and Xun Ji naturally won't say anything more.

He immediately returned to GOGOV's team and assembled the Life Bird that was teleported with him together with his brothers.

Seeing that GOGOV had already set up his posture, the rest of the people also gathered their strength and prepared their own special moves.

After seeing Sambashu swung out the shadow of Detanix, he launched the attack towards Grandinu's room.

"Boom", there was a loud bang and an explosion.

Before everyone had time to observe the follow-up, the narrow and crowded Calamity Cave began to collapse like a star entering the end.

"Retreat first!" Ilias looked at the shrinking Calamity Cave and immediately activated the transfer array to transfer everyone.

However, before the light of the array shone, everyone's vision flashed a chaos.

Then they saw the sunny human world, a suburb.

"The Calamity Cave collapsed. Was Grandinu destroyed?" Cobruda murmured.

Sambashu felt bad when he heard this classic question.

As if to confirm Samba Xiu's premonition, a thunderclap suddenly sounded in the clear sky.

However, in an instant, the sky and the earth changed color.

In the distance in the northeast, southeast, and due west, three tornadoes slowly formed, and then gathered towards the sky above everyone's heads like three drills, as if they wanted to crush some evil existence with a violent hurricane.

Just as everyone was about to be pulled and swept away by these three hurricanes, a roar came from the place where the three tornadoes converged.

Suddenly, the fierce storm seemed to be slapped away by someone, like fine sand being dumped, scattered in all directions.

Then, a figure slowly descended from the top of everyone's head.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 219 Bakuda's Light of Inspiration

Tsun Chan stared at the figure that appeared in the dissipating storm and asked, "Is this guy the Great Witch Grandinu?"

Gil's expression was serious, and his hand holding the Dark Sword tightly seemed to be about to swing out a sword in the next second: "Such an exaggerated appearance is definitely Grandinu."

"But her appearance..."

Unlike the Grandinu that everyone saw during the first resurrection, the Grandinu who was slowly descending at this moment had long straight silver-white hair, and her body was no longer the gray skin that looked like a latex. It was a strange body like a glass product. The purple body had light spots of different shapes like nebulae, and was dotted with light spots like stars. At first glance, it seemed as if this body contained a small universe.

The first time Samba Xiu saw this body, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and suddenly a terrible guess gradually took shape in his mind.

Kiel and Xunchan did not have the same feeling as Sambashu. After looking at each other, the two brothers sprinted together tacitly, ready to seize the moment when Grandinu landed and launch a fierce attack.

However, just as the two rushed out a distance, Grandinu raised his hand, and a fist-sized twisted black ball appeared in his palm, and then he threw it casually towards the position between the two.

Kil and Xunchan both felt a strong suction force, and there was only a muffled sound, and then the two of them collided with each other like magnets.

To be more precise, both of them were attracted by the small ball thrown by Grandinu, but because the ball was only the size of a fist, Kil and Xunchan had to collide.

Just as the two were trying to get rid of this suction force, they saw that the small ball turned from black to white, and then a dazzling glow burst out, sweeping over Kil and Xunchan and causing a huge explosion.

The two who rushed out first were blown back to their brothers.

"Be careful, Grandinu's tricks are very strange." Kil hurriedly grabbed Gilfisa who was about to rush out to fight with Grandinu, and reminded him.

After glancing at Xunchan and Kiel, Grandinu uttered a discontented sigh: "Tsk, how come I am so incompatible with this body?"

Hearing this, Sambaxiu confirmed his inner guess: "You bastard, you really occupied your child's body again!"

"There is nothing I can do about it. Who told you, dear, not to be swallowed by me? Otherwise, I wouldn't have to rely on occupying our child's body to gain the ability to swallow stars." Hearing Sambaxiu's scolding, Grandinu frowned and showed some dissatisfaction, "Dear, you are really worrying. You let that bitch do something to our child, right? Otherwise, how could I be alienated from our child?"

As he said, Grandinu turned to look at Ilias and snorted: "Hehe, Demon Emperor Ilias, don't think that your magic is so good. It won't take long for me to completely crack this kind of trick, and then I can completely adapt to this body."

"You are dreaming!" Sambaxiu stepped forward and walked in front of Ilias to express his attitude.

Grandinu sneered, "My dear, you don't have the final say in this matter, I have the final say. Look back at the Demon Emperor's expression, the answer is obvious."

Sambaxiu didn't look back, but said, "Then just expel you from this body before you completely disintegrate the protection that Ilias has set for the child. Ilias, find a way for us to expel Grandinu, and we will buy you time."

After that, he used the Qi Armor to rush towards Grandinu.

The rest of the people followed Sambaxiu's steps and raised their weapons to attack Grandinu.

Grandinu threw out small balls of different colors one after another, twisting, pulling, glowing, dark, and various effects appeared in this relatively refreshing suburb, turning this place into a strange and bizarre space in an instant.

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