Hearing such good news, Gilfisa found motivation: "Brother, let's fight quickly."

Because he knew through Gil's eyes that Cobruda had already grown huge, Gilfisa took the lead in growing huge before being summoned again. At this moment, in order to control the runaway Cobruda, Gilfisa had to grow huge again, forcing his body size to be equal to that of the monsterized Cobruda.

The younger brother had fought hard, and Gil, the older brother, was no exception. He immediately took back his Qi beast and performed two consecutive gigantic transformations. Poor Qi Darkness, it was eliminated before it had a good performance in its first appearance.

Gil suggested: "Attack his joints, it's okay to break it, anyway, it can be healed by then."

"Yeah." Gilfisa nodded, not holding back any move.

So, Cobruda's body made a rhythmic muffled sound under the attack of his two brothers. If there was a rapper present at this moment, I'm afraid he could improvise to the rhythm.

Unfortunately, apart from these three brothers, there was only Sambashu who was burying bombs.

"Kil, I'm done here, just waiting for the detonation."

"We're almost done here, just waiting to take Cobruda away."

"Is this Cobruda?" Sambashu looked at the meatball-like guy in front of him. It was hard to imagine that this was the third of the Disaster Brothers, and it was also hard to imagine that Kil and Gilfisa were so cruel.

"Okay, then let's retreat quickly." Sambashu quickly controlled Daitanix to return to its original form. After all, this form is the fastest in the universe.

Kil and Gilfisa took out a chain from somewhere, tied up Cobruda, and then grabbed the chain with one hand and Daitanix's feet with the other hand. Driven by Daitanix, they took off and left the dark planet.

However, just as the bomb buried by Sambashu began to count down and Daitanix was about to accelerate to the earth, Kil and Gilfisa seemed to hear a curse.

"Useless thing, can't you stop those guys even if it's like this?"

Suddenly, Cobruda's eyes flashed with a strange red light, and then a series of crisp crackling sounds were transmitted to the ears of Gil and Gilfisa along the iron chain.

The two looked at each other and secretly said that it was not good.

The chain suddenly broke, and Cobruda, who had been rolled into a ball by Gil and Gilfisa, stretched out his limbs again, although these limbs looked like noodles and were limp.

After pulling off the chains on his body, Cobruda opened his scarlet eyes and rushed back to the dark planet.

His hands pierced into the dark planet like the mouthparts of a mosquito.

Afterwards, those flashing bombs rushed over like ants finding beeswax and drilled into Cobruda's body.

"Grandinu! You deserve to die!"

Kil couldn't hide his anger and tried to step forward to stop Cobruda's actions.

But he was still a step too slow. Cobruda had already absorbed a lot of bombs into his body, and the bombs also ended the countdown.

Silent explosions occurred one after another. Gil and Gilfisa could only watch as Cobruda's body was like a decompression toy being squeezed crazily. Under the impact of the explosion, a piece of bulge appeared here and blood plasma burst there.

"Not good, because most of the bombs were absorbed by Cobruda, the dark planet was not completely destroyed, and it was still carrying negative energy to the earth."

Samba estimated the current size of the dark planet: "It should be about the same."

Decisively switched to the transformation of Daitanix into the Qi Swallowing Star, raised his right hand, and aimed Daitanix's bloody mouth at the dark planet.

After accumulating for more than ten seconds, he shot a shot at the dark planet.

After a huge beam of light, the dark planet was completely shattered.

Samba finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief for long, he faintly heard a curse like Gil and Gilfisa.

Then, the monster Cobruda, who was almost killed by the bomb sucked into his body, moved again and rushed into the explosion that had not yet settled, absorbing negative energy into his body like a huge vacuum cleaner.

Then it suddenly accelerated and fell to the earth like a meteor.

Sambashu had to switch back to Daitanix again and began to chase the monsterized Cobruda.

Perhaps it was because the switching of forms delayed time, or Sambashu was shocked by Grandinu's outrageous operation for a few seconds, so that even if Daitanix was running at full speed and almost subconsciously turned the earth into a star, it could not stop the falling Cobruda.

"Boom", with a loud bang, Cobruda arrived on the earth with huge negative energy.

At this time, Sambashu's mobile phone rang after entering the atmosphere.

He took it out and saw that it was Ilias.

"Sambashu, a huge amount of negative energy is coming to the earth. Grandinu will definitely absorb that negative energy for his own use. Hurry up and throw that bottle of powder into that ball of negative energy!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 216 There is an old saying among the Disaster Demons: He who knows the current situation is a hero

Since the expert Ilias has spoken, Sambashu will naturally follow her instructions.

He quickly threw the small jar he had been carrying for almost a month at the shrinking ball of negative energy.

With a crisp sound, the scattered golden powder and shattered glass shards successfully mixed into the negative energy ball and entered Grandinu's body under the storm inhalation.

Perhaps this impurity was not enough to attract Grandinu's attention in such a huge amount of negative energy. After completely absorbing the negative energy group, Grandinu directly issued an order to Salamandis.

"Although those guys can't find the Calamity Cave in a short time, it's better to be safe than sorry. You don't have to plan for battle during this period. Just stay in the Calamity Cave to ensure that my ritual will not be disturbed."

After that, a dark, chaotic energy body with amethyst embryo separated from Tina's body and flew into Grandinu's exclusive room.

Salamandis responded to Grandinu's order in a daze, recalling the scene he had just seen through the magic of watching the battle.

"Gilfisa is still alive, which means that in addition to the foreign aid Sambashu, Gil has the support of Gilfisa and GOGOV. Tsk, can Grandinu and I really lead the Calamity Clan to rule the universe?"

While thinking, Salamandis heard the voice of Cobruda.

"Salamandis, has the mother left Tinas' body?"

Salamandis looked in the direction of the voice, and his pupils suddenly shrank. He couldn't believe that Cobruda was so lucky that he could return to the Calamity Cave alive after experiencing continuous bomb explosions and friction with the atmosphere.

At this time, Cobruda's arms were like wind chimes suspended by two thin lines, as if they could move with the wind and make crisp sounds when they collided. The two thighs were covered with dense blood holes, and at first glance they looked like two beehives. The torso was even more unbearable to look at, and there was not a single piece of good meat on the body.

He walked to Tinas' body with difficulty, and carefully took Tinas' body from the stunned Salamandis' main clock, and an excited smile appeared on his ferocious face: "Great, the mother left, Tinas is saved."

Suddenly, Cobruda's smile froze, because he found that Tinas' body in his arms was losing temperature at a very fast speed.

"No, no, this is impossible! Mother said that as long as she collects enough negative energy to reshape her body, Tinas will come back to life. This must be an illusion. Tinas is already alive!"

Cobruda let out a heart-wrenching cry.

Then, like a snail, he dragged Tinas' body slowly to the outside of Grandinu's room and begged: "Mother, please, please have mercy and save Tinas."

The sincere plea could not win Grandinu's kindness. Cobruda's tears only brought back a wave of air that knocked him away and a rebuke against Salamandis.

"Salamandis, I said, make sure I am not disturbed. Don't make such a low-level mistake again."

If Salamandis had not carefully calculated the combat power of both sides before, he would probably force himself to accept this sudden rebuke.

But unfortunately, Salamandis not only recognized Grandinu's strength but also Grandinu's meanness.

He suddenly felt angry.

Salamandis looked up at Cobruda who was blown away by the air wave. He could see that Cobruda was just hanging on by a breath. If Cobruda fell to the ground like this, no matter how strong the breath was, it would not be able to keep Cobruda alive.

"Yes, mother." After a simple perfunctory sentence, Salamandis threw a sound-isolating magic towards Grandinu's room.

Then he quickly flapped his wings and came behind Cobruda, taking his body and Tinas's body together.

Grandinu proved with his actions how correct Gil and Gilfisa's words were. Even the stubborn Cobruda finally recognized Grandinu's despicable face: "Gran..."

With a roar, Cobruda intended to use up the last bit of magic power in his body and release a shock towards Grandinu's room to show his anger.

However, just as he was halfway through his words and was covered by Salamandis, the magic power in his body was mobilized a little, and a warm magic power was injected into his limbs and bones, repairing his broken body as much as possible.

"Salamandis, you..."

Cobruda turned around in surprise, but saw Salamandis handing a disaster beast card to Pierlu.

Pierlu was stunned for a moment: "Lord Salamandis, what kind of battle are you going to do? Didn't the great witch just say that you..."

"Pierlu, don't ask about things that have nothing to do with you."

Pierlu nodded repeatedly, threw the card into the devil's mouth, and then began to recite the spell.

Soon, a Disaster Beast with eyes all over its body jumped out.

Salamandis turned to look at Cobruda, and said in the other's surprised eyes: "Brother Cobruda, this is the card Disaster Beast Godai, your Disaster Beast, which has the ability to revive the dead. You can use his power to revive sister Tinas."

To be honest, Cobruda didn't like Salamandis very much. After all, in his opinion, Salamandis, as a younger brother, really didn't look like a younger brother. Not only did he not listen to his orders, but he also always competed with him for credit.

But at this moment, the other party's performance made him put aside this concern. Recalling the advice of his two brothers, Gil and Gilfisa, on the dark planet just now, Cobruda said sincerely: "Salamandis, don't work for Grandinu anymore. She is destroying her own future and the future of the Disaster Beast with her own hands."

"Kebruda!" Pierlu suddenly raised his voice and was about to curse.

But he found that his little master Salamandis fell silent.

He immediately sounded the alarm.

Fortunately, not long after, Salamandis broke the silence and gave a reassuring answer to Pierre: "Don't shake my loyalty to my mother. I chose to help you just because you were pleased with your performance just now." I feel sorry for you."

However, after saying these words of loyalty to Grandinu, Salamandis took out his weapon and stabbed Pierre who was stroking his mustache.

"Lord Salamandis, why?"

When Pierre was confused, he saw that Salamandis did not hesitate at all. While twisting the spear, he injected the scorching magic power of fire. Soon, a loud noise sounded in the Disaster Demon Cave.

And Pierre turned into scattered corpses after the loud noise.

"Salamandis, have you figured it out?"

Salamandis smiled and said nothing.

It's not like he figured it out, he just understood the situation.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 217 Salamandis: "Loyalty! Honesty!"

At the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center, the low air pressure was like a dark cloud, shrouding everyone's minds.

Sambaxiu said apologetically: "Sorry, I was too careless. I planted the bomb and left hastily, without paying attention to Kebruda's changes."

Although it was a good thing to celebrate that he could finally use the bottle of gold powder that he had carried with him for almost a month, failing to prevent Grandinu from absorbing the negative energy in the dark planet was also a major mistake that cannot be denied.

However, everyone in the Xun family did not want to put the blame on Sangbasiu. It was even more shameful to see Sangbasiu take the responsibility now. As the representative of the Xun family, Xunmao said bluntly: "Mr. Hiyama, this is not your problem. Whatever. No one could have imagined that Grandinu could be so cruel that he would ruthlessly treat his own children as disposable supplies. Even if Dad's new system can be developed in time, we can't stop a madman who will do anything. ”

Although Sunshine's words were intended to ease Sambaxiu's guilt, they also reminded Gil and Gilfissa who were following Sambaxiu of Kebruda's tragic appearance "before his death".

"Oh, Kebruda..."

A sigh added a bit of sadness to the already dull atmosphere.

Seeing this, Xunliushui quickly tugged at the corner of Xunmao's clothes. After causing Xunmao to turn around, he quickly used his eyes to signal his outspoken brother to take care of the emotions of the victim's family.

However, Xunmao followed Xun's flowing eyes and saw the melancholy faces of Gil and Gilfisa. He suddenly became a little angry. He clenched his fists and came to the two of them: "You have such expressions." What's going on? What's going on with Sigh? Can you get your brother back? Can you kill the great witch Grandinu?"

A series of questions were like thunder. Kil and Gilfisa raised their heads and stared blankly at the humans who were scolding them.

"Instead of shedding tears for the dead here, it is better to take action quickly, find a way to find Grandinu, and find a way to kill her!" Sundaimao, as usual, used his "momentum" to encourage Kil and Gilfisa, " There's no point in sighing, show your strength!"

Although they could not understand what this so-called "momentum" meant, Kil and Gilfisa were finally inspired and quickly cheered up from their grief: "We must, we must send Grandinu to hell to ask Dinas Apologize to Kebruda!”

"Very good, that's right!" Xunmao patted the two of them on the shoulders, showing a satisfied smile.

However, at this moment, the image of the analysis robot Mingte appeared through the computer in the living room: "The signal of the Disaster Monster was detected in the Central Park of Linhai District."

"The abominable disaster beast really doesn't stop for a moment! Everyone, let's go!" Tatsumata scratched his hair angrily, gave the order to his brothers and sisters, and then looked at Samba Xiu and the others, "Mr. Hiyama, you guys Just find a way to find Grandinu first, and leave the disaster beast to us first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mingte exclaimed again: "How is this possible!"

"Mingte, what's wrong?" Xunmao quickly stopped rushing towards the shuttle and returned to the computer.

Mingte quickly switched the screen to the surveillance screen, and saw that the person in the screen who accompanied the disaster beast and caused a havoc in Central Park was none other than the object of Geel and Gilfisa's grief a minute ago - Kebruda.

Xunmaang quickly looked at Gil and Gilfisa, hoping that they could answer his doubts. However, when he cast his confused eyes, he found that the two people had disappeared, and only the open door pointed out their faces. Obviously, Keir and Gilfisa didn't understand what was going on.

"It's really strange that he survived after being blown up like that by a bomb and traveling through the atmosphere at high speed." Not to mention Gil and Gilfisa, even Sambathio couldn't understand how Kebruda did it. After going through all these ordeals and still running into the human world to cause trouble, he said, "Forget it, just go and ask."

Hearing Sangbasiu's words, the Xun brothers and sisters nodded one after another, and quickly took Sangbasiu with them, took the shuttle to Wangan Domain 55, and then drove the emergency train to the location where the disaster beast was active.

As the Xun brothers and sisters who had transformed into GOGOV got off the emergency train, an indescribable feeling filled Sambashu's heart. Sambashu immediately followed his heart and whispered: "People who don't know me would think I'm GOGOV's additional fighter or extra fighter."

When they arrived at Central Park, Gil and Gilfisa were confronting Cobruda and Salamandis.

The ugly-looking disaster beast was like a wild horse running around in the spacious Central Park, and threw a card when he saw a panicked passerby.

After a burst of light, the passerby disappeared, and a white ghost appeared on the card.

Seeing this, GOGOV didn't bother to listen to the conversation between the disaster brothers. He cast a trusting look at Sambashu and chased the undisciplined disaster beast. It was obvious that he planned to listen to Sambashu's narration of the conversation after returning.

Sambashu also understood this, and since he was planning to watch the fun, he hurried to the scene of the confrontation between the brothers and became the most loyal listener.

"Cobruda, are you alive or dead now? Are you a walking corpse or a wandering ghost?" Gilfisa reproduced Cobruda's expression on the dark planet before, and was surprised and unbelievable.

Cobruda ignored Gilfisa's question that he thought he was dead, and said impatiently: "Don't stop me, my two brothers, the troublesome GOGOV has appeared again, and we can't let them ruin Godet's actions."

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