Although the Iwakura Astronomical Research Institute was controlled by Papitungu this morning, just like Grandinu felt the approach of Grundi, the Iwakura Astronomical Research Institute observed the approach of the dark planet last night.

Asteroids have been accused of being the culprits of the destruction of the dinosaur era for a long time. Naturally, when hearing that an asteroid was approaching the earth, Xun World suddenly became alert and hurriedly sat in front of the computer in the living room. After quickly browsing yesterday's emails, it connected with the Iwakura Astronomical Research Institute.

"Dr. Iwakura, what's the situation with the asteroid yesterday?"

The other end of the communication was a middle-aged man with a stiff expression: "Our researchers made a mistake in the observation data. No asteroids were observed near the solar system. Don't worry, there is no danger."

Dr. Iwakura's fingers mechanically tapped the keyboard, and the whole person was as stiff as a puppet.

However, because of the low-definition video communication technology in this era, Xun World did not notice this weirdness, and even became more careless after hearing the good news.

"It turned out to be a false alarm. I feel relieved that you are watching me from the sky." Xun Shijie, who expressed such emotion, would never have thought that his friend was being controlled by the disaster beast.

At this time, Xun Liushui finished his research and walked down from the upstairs. When he stretched his body, he accidentally glanced at Dr. Iwakura on the monitor and squeezed his old father aside with surprise: "Dr. Iwakura, is Dr. Sayuri okay?"

Dr. Sayuri is Xun Liushui's childhood sweetheart and ambiguous object, and also Dr. Iwakura's daughter.

This is something that Papitongu did not know, so in the face of the enthusiastic Xun Liushui, the Dr. Iwakura he controlled just replied indifferently: "She was sent to support other research institutes."

"Which research institute?"

"I don't know!" After saying that, Dr. Iwakura cut off the communication.

Xun Liushui recalled the indifference just now, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly rushed to the door.

"Bang", just opened the door, and bumped into Samba Xiu.

"Mr. Liushui, are you okay?"

"No, no." Xun Liushui ignored the pain and rushed around Sambashu and rushed out of the house.

Sambashu looked at Xun Liushui in confusion and asked, "What's going on?"

Xun Ji shook his head and told Sambashu about the conversation just now.

Sambashu immediately realized that it was the "Dark Planet Grandi" who came: "Miss Ji, Mr. Chan, you guys hurry up and follow Mr. Liushui, the Iwakura Astronomical Research Institute should be attacked by the disaster demon."

After that, Sambashu took out his mobile phone and called Dochikuruga.

"Director Dochikuruga, there is an asteroid approaching the earth. Can you help me observe the data of the asteroid and send it to me? Directly, right? Okay, thank you."

After thanking the phone twice, Sambashu sat directly in front of the computer and logged into his mailbox.

Download a file.

"Dr. Xun World, look, this is the asteroid that is approaching the earth."

"What? There is such a huge amount of negative energy. If this asteroid really hits the earth, it may not only cause the destruction of mankind, but also revive Grandinu!" Xun World was surprised.

Such horrible news made the Xun family brothers and sisters who were about to go out to find Xun Liushui pause.

Samba Xiu asked: "Dr. Xun World, has the development of the new system that can fight in outer space been completed?"

Xun World bowed its head in shame: "It just started yesterday."

Samba Xiu thought for a while and looked at Xun Chan: "Mr. Chan, you go save people first, I will deal with the asteroid."

After that, he rushed out of the Xun family and summoned Daitanix to go into outer space.

Realizing that Daitanix was sprinting towards the dark planet Grandi, Grandinu, who was originally praising Salamandis's operations, suddenly became furious.

"Salamandis, what on earth are you doing?"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 214 What if Cobruda doesn't listen? Call Gilfisa!

The sudden accountability and the curse that followed puzzled Salamadis.

Because at this moment, he had just shot Iwakura Sayuri, who had escaped from the Iwakura Astronomical Research Institute, off the cliff, and was complacent with his own cautious actions. He even thought about how glorious he would be as the biggest contributor when the operation was successful and Grandinu returned to the earth.

"Stupid, look up at the sky!"

At Grandinu's stern reminder, Salamadis raised his head with a sense of grievance, and in a moment, he saw a scene that he would never forget.

A black horned dinosaur was like a rocket, climbing rapidly towards outer space.

"I'll go stop him right away!"

"No need to go. There's already Cobruda guarding Grundi. You'll just cause more casualties if you go there," Grandinu said unhappily. "Let's go back to the Calamity Cave first."

"This..." Salamandis was first thankful for Grandinu's care for him, and then he felt an unspeakable fear.

After Tinas, will Cobruda also be sacrificed? Then, will it be his turn next?

Salamandis couldn't help but have such a rebellious idea. He raised his hand and took out the card of Calamity Beast Godey, wanting to get a sense of security from this card that can revive the dead.

He looked up at the sky. Although the dark planet Gulandi could not yet be observed with the naked eye from the earth, he seemed to see his silly third brother in the sky.

"Brother Kebruda, may the souls of Brother Gilfisa and Sister Tinas protect you."

Saying the last tenderness in his heart, Salamandis will eventually return to the cold Calamity Cave.

At the same time, Kebruda on the dark planet had a nose and had the idea of ​​sneezing.

"What's wrong with me? Am I sick?"

Although Kebruda was confused, he didn't have much time to think.

Without him, just because Titanicus, with his mouth wide open, has arrived at the dark planet.

For Sambasio, who can control Titanic, the quickest solution is to use Titanic's star-eating instinct to swallow this asteroid full of negative energy in one gulp, and then transform it into a sparkling planet. small marbles.

But when Sangbasiu planned to do this, Yingfei's sigh successfully stopped Sangbasiu from taking action.

"It is really a treasured place for practicing Linshu Fist. If you practice here for a year and a half, with your qualifications, it will not be difficult to surpass the Xiong Gou in its heyday."

Just staying there for a year and a half will have such an effect. If he controls Titanicus to swallow the entire dark planet, I'm afraid he will become a three-fisted demon in the next second.

Is this okay?

Samba Xiu didn't want to finish practicing the Beast Fist today, practice the Phantom Beast Fist tomorrow, and become the God of Destruction the day after tomorrow.

If you are a dead Taoist friend and not a poor Taoist, let Rio be the protagonist of the Infernal Dragon game.

After controlling Titanicus to transform into Galactus, Sambasio realized a big problem.

That is, Daitanix is ​​only a "mechanical monster", not a "numerical monster". As a star-devouring monster, he has the ability to destroy stars with one mouthful of stars and the ability to resurrect host planets, but its own combat power is far from being destroyed with one blow. There is still a gap between the stars, but fortunately, after being supported by Samba Xiu's energy, the gap is gradually narrowing.

"At this time, I guess I can't contact Dr. Sunda World on my mobile phone, so I have to trouble Kil." Sambaxiu thought, and immediately used telepathy to contact Kil.

Naturally, Geer would not give up this opportunity to tease Sambaxiu: [Well, you Sambaxiu, you were so handsome in front of Dr. Sunda World and GOGOV, but in the end, you left the most embarrassing thing to me, right? 】

In the face of such ridicule, Sambaxiu was unable to fight back most of the time, but fortunately after arriving on the dark planet, Sambaxiu saw Kebruda rushing towards him not far away.

[If you don’t want to help me, forget it. The worst I can do is turn back again. Anyway, Daitanix is ​​very fast, but I don’t know what will happen to your silly good brother Kebruda later. 】

[Is Kebruda on that asteroid? 】

[He was running towards me, shouting, probably sent by Grandinu to find out. 】

【What a secret! He was obviously sent to die. I'm going to find Dr. Xun Shijie right now. You should take it easy and don't hit him on the head. He's not smart in the first place. 】

In just a few words of instructions from Kil, Sambaxiu and Kebruda were at war.

"Damn you, you've ruined my mother's good deeds again, get out of Glandi!" Kebruda waved his short staff at Galactus while shouting and proclaiming his loyalty. .

Samba Xiu calmly controlled the Enki Galaxing to fight back, trying his best to satisfy Kil's instructions and not to hit the opponent's head with his fist.

After a few short rounds of fighting, Kiel's heartbeat rang out.

[I got the bomb. There are a lot of bombs. I am now in the state of summoning the Energized Beast. Can you try to see if the summoning still works. 】

Samba Xiu silently recited [Hell's Summons: Dark King Kil], and not long after, a door fell from the sky and hit between Galactus and Kebruda.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and the dark beast walked out.

"I didn't expect it to work." Kil was a little surprised. He was ready to grow in size and then carry the bomb through the gate of hell.

However, Samba Xiu didn't have many surprises: "The excitement is the product of practice. The excitement beast is essentially the externalization of the beast boxer's heart. In the final analysis, it is a part of the beast boxer. It is not unusual to be summoned. "

After hearing Sambaxiu's explanation, Kil nodded seriously with an instructive expression.

At the same time, Ying Fei also praised: "You can understand Beast Fist so far. It seems that I underestimated you. You don't need this planet. You can catch up with the peak of Xiong Gou now if you switch to Beast Fist."

"Master Yingfei, if you say this, I will be afraid of Linshou Fist."

“It’s great to have fear.”

Sangbasiu's original intention was to say that Ying Fei's praise would make him increasingly reject Linshou Quan, thus delaying his conversion. But Yingfei was obviously wrong, happy instead of angry, and he was really making money no matter what.

"Sambaxiu, go plant the bomb and let me and Kebruda talk alone."

As he spoke, the Enraged Dark Beast began to transform. Its originally rickety back straightened, its head rotated 180 degrees to reveal a human-like face, its lower body split, stretched, and folded into legs, and its tentacles were retracted due to the lower body turning. into the hollow formed by folding.

Agitated and dark, he made a grand appearance.

After looking at the little change in the arousing darkness, Samba Xiu took the bomb handed over by the other party and left the battlefield to the two brothers.

"I have nothing to say to you!" Kebruda shouted.

Kil didn't waste any more time talking to him, and asked directly: "There's nothing to say to me, so what about him?"

Kil waved his hand, controlling the dark energy, and a magic circle lit up beside him.

Then a figure that Cobruda had been thinking about came out of it.

"Brother Gilfisa! You're still alive!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Rescue Team): [New] Chapter 215 Cobruda is the best courier

Q: What kind of existence is Gilfisa to Cobruda and Tinas?

A: Probably like a white moonlight.

This can be seen from the original drama of "Rescue Team GOGOV" where these two people competed to exchange their lives for Gilfisa's resurrection.

Therefore, when Gilfisa was summoned from the dark hell by Kiel, Cobruda's mood was no less than that of the dying Zhu Yuanzhang seeing Empress Ma.

"Brother Gilfisa, is it really you? Am I dreaming?"

Gilfisa raised his hand to wipe away the tears from his brother's eyes, and his anger at Grandinu's inappropriate motherhood was also reduced a little: "It was me, my brother saved me at the last moment and placed me in the dark hell."

"It turned out to be you..." Cobruda's eyes turned extremely complicated when he looked at Gil. On the one hand, he was grateful to the other party for saving Gilfisa, but on the other hand, he resented the other party's betrayal.

Seeing this, Gilfisa said quickly: "Cobruda, don't work for Grandinu anymore, she's not worth it."

Gilfisa's words were naturally important to Cobruda, but his blind loyalty to Grandinu was still effective: "Brother Gilfisa, did you betray me too?"

"Cobruda, Grandinu is not a competent mother. She killed her own child with her own hands. She occupied Tinas' body!"

"So what? Mother said that as long as she reshapes her body, she will exchange it with Tinas' soul."

"You were deceived. A month ago, she said in front of us that Tinas was dead." Gil immediately refuted, which made Cobruda look unbelievable.

"This is impossible!" Cobruda looked at Gilfisa helplessly.

However, the other party nodded: "Yes, my elder brother shared his vision with me, and I saw it too. So, don't deceive yourself, Cobruda."

Cobruda has always been very convinced by Gilfisa's words, so he remained silent.

After the silence, Cobruda raised his short stick towards Gilfisa as if he had accepted his fate: "Maybe you are right, elder brother Gilfisa and elder brother Gilfisa, she is indeed not a good mother, but now only she can revive Tinas. Sorry, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I can't give up. Leave, two brothers, I don't want to hurt you."

"Cobruda..." Seeing that his silly brother was determined not to turn back until he hit the wall, Gilfisa immediately tried to persuade him again.

But something strange happened.

Several cards of disaster monsters flew out from behind Cobruda. They were the rewards that Grandinu had "strengthened". Just when Gil and Gilfisa thought that a group fight was about to start, the cards all flew towards Cobruda, sticking to Cobruda's exposed skin like leeches.

After a brief burst of light, the cards sank into Cobruda's body.

Then, Cobruda's limbs and torso began to swell and deform.

In the blink of an eye, a huge monster stood on the dark planet.

"This must be the work of Grandinu. Cobruda was really sacrificed by her!"

"Grandinu! You are really not worthy of being a mother."

Although the curse was loud, Gil and Gilfisa did not move at all.

After all, although the monster in front of them was terrible, it was their younger brother after all, and they could not kill him at all.

Gil subconsciously looked for help from Sambasio who was planting bombs in the distance, but the moment he saw Sambasio, Gil thought of Ilias: "Gilfisa, find a way to control Cobruda and bring him back to Earth. Sambasio has a companion who is very knowledgeable in magic and may be able to save Cobruda."

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