Fortunately, Kil and Gilfisa quickly sensed the mood of their troubled brother and quickly comforted him.

Gilfisa was the first to speak out, and spoke softly: "If there were no torso connecting all parties, we would be a mess. Kebruda, you are the most important existence among us."

Kiel followed closely: "Don't worry, we will take your share and get it back from Grandinu one by one."

After being comforted softly and hardly by his two brothers, Kebruda lost his temper and apologized to Sunda Chung.

Xunzhong's generous expression is okay.

Then the two men united in belief, and Kebruda's power was completely integrated into the No. 3 emergency train.

Influenced by Kebruda and Sunda Bell, the remaining four groups further reached a consensus after a brief exchange, and achieved a deeper integration of the already integrated technology and magic power.

In an instant, the already astonishingly powerful Disaster Relief Emperor emitted a dazzling colorful light.

Ten men shouted in unison: "Be judged, Grandinu!"

Having said that, the Disaster Relief Emperor raised his arms. Amidst the roar of the engines, the shadows of five emergency trains headed straight for Grandinu. On each train, stood one of the Disaster Demon brothers and sisters. Holding his own weapon, he slashed at Grandinu.

"No one is qualified to judge me!" Grandinu witnessed with his own eyes the scene of GOGOV and the disaster demon brothers and sisters cooperating. His eyes were splitting. Hearing the verdict of everyone, he was even more angry. He immediately centered on himself and used The negative energy in the body is released to the surroundings at once in a way that is almost like dying together.

Affected by the negative energy, whether it was the emergency train, the phantoms of the disaster demon brothers and sisters, or the disaster relief emperor himself, there were continuous explosions.

But the Disaster Relief Emperor still kept his arms raised, and the energy shadow had no intention of stopping.

Grandinu, who still had a way out, not only failed to gain his own chance of survival, but also lost his defense for a moment.

And it was this momentary mistake that resulted in an irreversible outcome.

The energy shadow penetrated Grandinu. Although it did not leave any scars on Grandinu's hideous body, everyone knew that Grandinu's end was determined.

Sure enough, there was first a crisp click, like the sound of glass breaking, and then these sounds were dense and continuous. Fine cracks also appeared on Grandinu's body, and then there were continuous explosions from these. Cracks appeared, making Grandinu crackle like a string of firecrackers.

By the time the explosion was over, Grandinu's body was covered with tiny wounds.

"No, I won't give in!"

After gritting his teeth and leaving his last words, Grandinu slammed to the ground like a bookcase being pushed down.

After the muffled sound caused by falling to the ground, there was a deafening bang.

Like a volcano erupting or a nuclear bomb exploding, the fallen Grandinu turned into a bright firework.

At this point, the earth has added another invisible grave of careerists.

"Finally, Grandinu has been dealt with. Let's go help Sambaxiu repair them next." Now that Grandinu revealed Sambaxiu's real name, Kil stopped calling Sambaxiu the awkward "Hiyama".

But to GOGOV, the name "Samba Xiu" is unfamiliar, so except for Sunda Matsuri, the other four people still choose to call Sang Basiu "Mr. Hiyama".

Tatsuma nodded repeatedly and said hurriedly: "Yes, although he is a derelict god, he is by no means an easy guy to deal with. Let's go help Mr. Hiyama quickly. Dad, can the Disaster Relief Emperor conduct space operations?"

"No." Xun Shijie's helpless voice came from the GOGO bracelet.

Xuntang was immediately in trouble. If the Disaster Relief Emperor could not conduct space operations, then the only way they could go to outer space was the extreme shuttle transformed by Train Boy.

However, the Extreme Victory Robot was seriously damaged by Grandinu's attack, and it is not yet known how intact Train Boy, an important component, is.

Xunmaang thought for a moment and asked: "Dad, you said before that the new system was developed for space combat, right? Can you work harder to develop the new system?"

Xun Shijie was almost choked by his eldest son's speech. He glanced at the newly created folder on the computer desktop with a solemn expression: "The damage to Train Boy is not too serious. If you hurry up and repair it, maybe it can be repaired in half an hour." Go to space. Liu Shui, please come back and help."

Seeing that GOGOV did not have the machinery to go to outer space, and considering that the five GOGOV people could only exert limited combat power in outer space, Keir led the Disaster Demon brothers and sisters to break away from the train emperor: "We will go to outer space to support first, and you will go first. Repair the equipment."

Xunmao nodded helplessly: "This is the only way."

However, just when Keir and others were about to spread their wings and break through the atmosphere and fly into outer space, a stream of light came from the sky and fell directly in front of everyone's eyes.

It's not a new enemy or a new challenge, but the Geki Eater Pirate, which is a combination of the Geki Beasts of Samba Xiu, Budo and Elise.

"Sambaxiu? Are you back?"

As soon as Keir's question came out of his mouth, the Gekigata Pirates released their fusion. After the fusion was released, the three Gekimons turned into a burst of light and dissipated directly, leaving behind the Geki armor that was then released. There are three people in Sambaxiu.

Upon seeing this, Keir and the others also de-enlarged themselves and ran towards the three of them together with GOGOV who got off the emergency train.

When everyone came to the three people and saw Samba Xiu and the other two who were safe and sound, for some reason, they felt that the three people in front of them were a little strange.

Although GOGOV and the brothers and sisters of Zaimu were not familiar with martial arts and Ilias, they had an intuitive feeling at this moment that the temperament of these three people, including Samba Xiu, had changed a little.

"Mr. Jing, are you okay?" Xun Ji was the first to speak and asked tentatively.

Samba Xiu responded and looked at Xun Ji, showing the same smile as usual: "Miss Ji, I made you worry, I'm fine."

With a brisk tone, Samba Xiu regained his former tolerant momentum and temperament.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Xun Chan even spoke directly: "Mr. Hiyama, so where is the Great Dragon?"

"The Great Dragon," Samba Xiu paused, and then said, "It left."

"Left? That's great, but how could it leave so easily?" Xun Zhong first cheered, and then fell into thought.

Sambashu kept smiling and shook his head, saying, "I don't know. Maybe it's because Grandinu was defeated by you."

"But didn't you say, Mr. Hiyama, that the Great Dragon was coming for you? Why did it leave after Grandinu was defeated?" Xun Liushui questioned Sambashu's statement.

Sambashu didn't show any panic and explained, "Maybe it just doesn't want me to defeat Grandinu."

"Ah? It's really a puzzling god." Xun Damen couldn't understand.

Xun Ji didn't pay too much attention to the reason why the Great Dragon left, but smiled at Sambashu and said, "Anyway, I'm glad that Mr. Hiyama is okay."

Hearing this, everyone stopped pursuing the departure of the Great Dragon, and the atmosphere gradually became joyful.

But Gil looked at the smiling Zhong Ren, but his expression didn't relax at all.

These people didn't feel it because they didn't practice Beast Fist, but as a fighter of the Beast Fist, he could clearly feel that the aura of these three people was no longer exciting aura.

Although he quickly completed the disguise, Sambashu still revealed some flaws when he mentioned the Great Dragon, which made Gil once again realize that Sambashu's Qi had changed.

"Could it be that it is the Lin Qi that is opposite to the Ji Qi? Sambashu and his friends have switched to practicing the Lin Beast Fist?"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 224 The Curve of Fate Cannot Be Changed

To answer Gil's doubts, we need to turn our perspective to outer space and turn back the time to not long ago, when Wujian Dragon appeared in outer space to block the Great Dragon, when the golden glow illuminated the surrounding space, and when Sambashu heard Wujian Dragon's arrogant and conceited voice.

"You rigid and conservative idiot, did you ask for my opinion before you attacked the candidate for the God of Destruction that I carefully selected!"

Recalling Wu Jianlong's words, confusion easily occupied Samba's mind like bacteria growing on summer leftovers. He couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Wu Jianlong dared to bully the Great Dragon? Is it my illusion or imagination?"

It's no wonder that Samba was confused. After all, Wu Jianlong's performance in "Beast Boxing Team Gekiranger" was not very impressive. Near the end, Black Lion Rio killed Wu Jianlong once by self-explosion. If it weren't for the fact that it was not clear what methods Wu Jianlong, who had the ability of immortality, had accumulated over the long years, Samba would probably not have too much fear of Wu Jianlong.

In the interval of Samba's doubts, the Great Dragon slightly moved his huge body.

Soon, the nine golden dragons wrapped around his torso turned into several golden mists like broken and vaporized ice crystals, and gathered into a four-legged golden dragon beast in front of Jiqi Tunxing Pirate.

"This..." Wudao and Ilias were confused by this inexplicable development of events. They looked at the real body of Wujian Long blocking Jiqi Tunxing Pirate and cast a puzzled and surprised look at Samba Xiu.

Although Wudao and Ilias had seen Wujian Long before, they were not familiar with Wujian Long's voice, so Samba Xiu explained: "This is the real body of Wujian Long."

"That annoying guy who wanted us to switch to Lin Shou Quan? Why would he come to help?" Ilias asked.

"The naughty child is worried about losing his toys," Wu Dao raised his hand and touched his chin, giving his own guess, but then he looked at Samba Xiu with a worried look and asked, "Samba Xiu, do you think this guy will be a match for the Great Dragon?"

Samba Xiu shook his head: "Most likely not."

"Then he..." Ilias hesitated, probably thinking that in this situation, it is better not to say something to spoil the fun and drive away the rare helper.

"Let's wait and see." In this situation, Samba Xiu couldn't make a good choice.

Wu Dao and Ilias also nodded, and continued to pay attention to the confrontation between Wu Jian Long and the Great Dragon with Samba Xiu.

Strangely enough, the Great Dragon did not make any move after seeing Wu Jian Long reveal his true self, but looked at Wu Jian Long with nostalgia and regret, as if he was looking at a younger generation who had gone astray.

At first, Samba thought it was his own illusion. After all, how could a Great Dragon, the embodiment of the will of cosmic balance, have human emotions?

But Wujianlong's reaction strongly confirmed Samba's intuitive feelings.

"Don't look at me with such disgusting eyes. In short, I just want to say one thing. If you want to attack him, you have to get past me first..."

Before he finished speaking, a serious and warning red light flashed in the scarlet eyes of the Great Dragon.

After Wujianlong received the warning from the Great Divine Dragon, the nine dragon heads on his body were slightly startled, and then he showed a fierce expression like a wild dog that was stabbed in a sore spot: "What do you mean? What does it mean to let Sangbasixiu do whatever he wants? The birth of the ultimate God of Destruction? Then you mean that you didn’t interfere with my plan to cultivate a God of Destruction because I couldn’t cultivate a God of Destruction that could destroy the world from the beginning?”

Hearing Wu Jianlong say this, Sangbasiu and the other three were stunned for a moment.

Elise asked in a somewhat unbelievable tone: "So the Great Divine Dragon came to the earth because Samba Xiu will become the ultimate God of Destruction that destroys everything in the future?"

Without waiting for Samba Xiu to answer, Budo was the first to deny it: "Stop joking, how could Samba Xiu become a ruthless God of Destruction? This so-called god is not only derelict in his duties, but also ignorant!"

Samba Xiu had no intention of listening to the conversation between Wu Dao and Elise. For some reason, Taoist Yu Fan's comment on his fate flashed through his mind.

"A proud dragon has regrets. When my fortune reaches its highest point, it will plummet and fall into the abyss..."

Samba Xiu had already prepared to fight against fate and overcome the inevitable fall, but the appearance of the great dragon and the words of Infernal Dragon seemed to spoil the ending of a movie. The curve of fate is firmly fixed.

"The curve of fate can't be changed, right? Then we have to..."

A deep sense of powerlessness surged from the ends of his limbs, eroding every inch of Samba Xiu's skin like a tide; a thick feeling of irritability squeezed out from the heart of his chest, penetrating through Sang Basxiu like lightning. of every cell.

Hatred, catalyzed by these two emotions, was born.

Ying Fei, who was still dozing in the Boxing Demon Bracelet, suddenly lost his sleepiness after feeling the overwhelming resentment in Samba Xiu's heart, and let out a proud laugh: "Hahaha, great, great, great, That’s it, hate your own weakness, hate your own powerlessness, hate your own destiny!”

Along with Ying Fei's wild laughter, the black anger in Sangba Xiu gradually became manic and extreme.

Gradually, the originally cowardly and greedy anger transformed into Lin Qi of the same nature.


Martial arts and Elise immediately stopped arguing, and quickly came to Sambaxiu's side, raising their hands to stop this irreversible change.

However, the waves of air that burst out from Samba Xiu were like two big hands, slapping Martial Arts and Elise away.

If it weren't for the limited range of Gekisei Pirate's cab, Budo and Elise might not have been shot away directly.

"What's going on? Why did Samba Xiu's excitement suddenly turn into Lin Qi?" Elise asked in confusion.

The male hook in the fist demon's bracelet spoke at the right time: "The person who guided that guy is Ying Fei, right? It's naturally because he is dissatisfied with the current situation and has endless hatred in his heart."

Hearing this, Elise looked up at Infernal Dragon and Great Divine Dragon, with anger in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and asked, "So it's all because of those two guys that Samba Xiu became like this."

After saying that, the excitement in Elise began to transform into Linqi under the influence of anger.

Wu Dao got up from the ground, glanced at Elise who was also beginning to turn her anger into Lin Qi, and asked doubtfully and worriedly: "Samba Xiu, are you okay?"

Sangbasiu's expression remained normal, and he even had a bit of a smile in his eyes: "I'm fine, it's just the transformation of Qi, it won't have any impact on the body."

"Indeed, I don't feel any physical discomfort." Elise completed the transformation of her anger and walked slowly to Samba Xiu's side. The anger in her eyes subsided, as if everything just happened unexpectedly.

"Elise, why don't you..." Samba Xiu looked at Elise, who had become a beast-fighting boxer like himself, with doubts on his face.

With a resentful look on her face, Elise teased with a smile: "Isn't it because someone was frightened by someone's sudden change in anger? When the emotions surged, the nature of the energy changed accordingly."

Samba Xiu looked a little guilty: "I'm sorry, I should have told you in advance, but the emotions came so fast. If you miss them, you have to brew them again."

Elise spread her hands: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, converting the excitement into Lin Qi has improved my strength a bit, which is not a bad thing. But you said it, it seems that you are the one who turned the excitement into Lin Qi. Take the initiative on your own instead of being carried away by your emotions.”

Samba Xiu nodded: "Well, this is the method I thought of to break the situation. I don't know if it will work."

Elise was indifferent to this: "Then let's bet. Anyway, we are going to bet."

Sambaxiu looked at Martial Arts and Elise and said solemnly: "Thank you very much."

Elise smiled and nodded.

Although Wu Dao also nodded, looking at the two people chatting and laughing, for some reason, he felt a bit out of place and absurd.

At the same time, Zhe Kui's soft voice came from the fist demon bracelet on his wrist: "Envy, envy, don't you feel jealous at all when you see the two of them walking in unison?"

Following Zhegui's whisper, Martial Arts' eyes gradually became sharper, and the excitement in his body also began to change.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 225 The Gift of the Great Divine Dragon

The Excited Beast is the externalization of Excited Qi, so when the Excited Qi of the three summoners is transformed into Linqi under the catalysis of emotions, the Excited Beast also becomes the Linqi Beast. Naturally, he became a pirate.

Like the other blackened robots in the Super Sentai worldview, Rikikensei Pirates has undergone a slight change in form compared to Rikitensei Pirates. The face that was originally kind and silly now has an eyepatch on it. And a mask, covering the bright left eye and smiling mouth, successfully added a gangster aura to Rinki Swallowing the Star Pirate. At the same time, the bright yellow aura emitted by the entire machine also turned into a light purple aura.

Although Wu Jianlong is not the founder of Beast Fist, but as the saying goes, the only person who knows you best is your own enemy. As a top-notch old beast who has deceived two generations of Beast Fist boxers, Wu Jianlong felt the change of Qi behind him. Then, he burst out into crazy laughter.

"Hahaha, old man, didn't you expect that you thought you could prevent the birth of the God of Destruction, but your arrival has accelerated the birth of the God of Destruction!"

The Great Shenlong ignored Wu Jianlong's pride. He looked past Wu Jianlong's golden body and towards the Lin Qi Swallowing Star Pirate, who was exuding Lin Qi. He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of cyan light.

Wu Jianlong stared closely at the cyan light group heading straight for Samba Xiu, confusion flashed in his eyes. This was a move he had never seen before. However, although it is not yet known what kind of power this light ball has, Wu Jianlong's instinct told him that Samba Xiu must not be hit by this light ball.

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