Therefore, Wu Jianlong released a golden energy pulse at the unexpectedly light ball of light, trying to disperse it.

But when the twisted golden pulse hit the cyan light ball, the light ball was like a soft and fluffy memory foam pillow. It made funny distortions under the violent impact, and after a period of distortion, it returned to its original state.

Then, like a frivolous and elegant cloud, it drew a playful curve in the cosmic space shrouded in golden light, bypassing the mighty body of the Infernal Dragon, and slowly sank into the Linqi Swallowing Star Pirates .

After a few seconds of silence, a crisp crackling explosion came from among the Linqi Swallowing Star Pirates.

Along with it, Wu Dao and Elise exclaimed: "Samba Xiu!"

Wu Jianlong immediately turned his resentful eyes to the Great Divine Dragon. He was about to express his anger to the other party, but the Great Divine Dragon was no longer there. When he looked up, he found that the huge cyan dragon had twisted its body and left.

"Why all of a sudden? No, Sambaxiu!"

There was no time to think about the reason for the departure of the great dragon, Wu Jianlong immediately turned into a ball of golden light and sank into the Linqi Swallowing Star Pirates, arriving at the control room where Sambaxiu and the others were.

As soon as Wu Jianlong, who had transformed into a human form, stood firm, he saw Samba Xiu, who was wearing Linqi armor, emitting white smoke and falling like a child's doll without electricity, being supported by Martial Arts and Elise.

"What's wrong with him?" Wu Jianlong quickly approached Sangbasiu, grabbed one of Sangbasiu's hands, and began to explore Sangbasiu's condition.

Wu Dao glanced at Wu Jianlong who came forward, his eyes full of resistance.

Although Elise's expression was not friendly, she was friendlier than Martial Arts. She explained: "A ball of cyan energy just rushed into Sambaxiu's body. We didn't even react. Sambaxiu's body and There were explosions one after another in the control room, and it was so sudden that I didn’t even have time to investigate his situation.”

After listening to Elise's description, Wu Jianlong had already sketched out the tragic situation of Samba Xiu in his mind. After briefly investigating Samba Xiu's condition, he added a touch of solemnity on his face: "The old guy who sticks to the rules, actually started... It was so cruel that all the cells in Sangbasiu's body were necrotic. If it weren't for the fate of You Xing, I'm afraid he would have been reunited with Qihab in hell. "

Wu Jianlong looked up at Martial Arts and Elise, and said: "Put him down first and let him lie flat. I want to expel the power of the great dragon from his body. Otherwise, even if the fate of the star can revive his cells, he will still be dead." one."

Hearing this, Martial Arts and Elise did not dare to neglect, and immediately laid Samba Xiu down gently.

Wujianlong raised his hand and placed it on Samba Xiu's heart. A golden warm energy gathered in his palm, and then bloomed like a bud, sprinkling golden "pollen".

The moment the golden powder touched Sambaxiu's body, it penetrated into the armor formed by condensing Lin Qi, melted like butter on Sambaxiu's body surface, penetrated into his pores, dissolved into his cells, and melted into his cells. The cyan light spots symbolizing the power of the great dragon dispersed.

After a few minutes, Samba Xiu's body was almost repaired by the energy emitted by the Star.

And Sangbasiu's spirit gradually awakened.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and weakly waved at Martial Arts.

Seeing this, Martial Arts quickly stretched out his hand to pull Samba Xiu up.

After standing firm with the help of martial arts, Sangbasxiu looked at Wujianlong and thanked him: "Thank you very much, otherwise I don't know how long I would have to sleep."

Wu Jianlong is not a arrogant person who is not good at accepting gratitude. After hearing Sangbasiu's thanks, the corners of his mouth raised and he smiled and teased: "Why, does the touching of upper and lower lips count as repayment?"

"Do I seem like an ungrateful person?" Samba Xiu asked.

Wu Jianlong smiled even more: "Then I have to look forward to it, Mr. God of Destruction in the future."

After saying that, without waiting for Sangbasiu to speak, his figure gradually dissipated and disappeared in front of the three people in less than three seconds.

After Wu Jianlong left, Samba Xiu, whose face was covered by Linqi armor, gave a weird smile and answered the question he just asked in his heart: "I am."

There is no other reason, just because at the moment, on the BUFF column located in the corner of Sangbasxiu's field of vision, in addition to the BUFF [Exalted Dragon Has Regret], there are two new icons, one is a green dragon holding a dragon ball in its mouth, and the other is simple and clear. of Tai Chi.

The BUFFs represented by these two icons are respectively named [Gift of the Great Divine Dragon] Peace [Reversal of Yin and Yang].

[Gift from the Great Divine Dragon: You have received the attention of the balanced consciousness of the universe. He planted a seed in your body and watered it with the power of justice and evil. You will have unexpected gains. 】

[Reversal of Yin and Yang: You have reversed your destiny. From now on, who dares to say that rolling down the mountain is not climbing the peak bravely? 】

After reading the introduction of these two BUFFs, Sambaxiu understood that he had won the bet between himself and fate.

Since the curve of fate cannot be changed.

So Sambaxiu's choice is to add a minus sign before the formula of destiny.

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Future Team): [New] Chapter 226 There is an assassin!

A week after the Great Dragon left the earth, Kil gradually settled his younger brothers and sisters with the help of Samba Xiu.

Gilfisa was assigned to the Electricity Bureau, Kebruda followed Nika into the Earthquake Research Center, Salamandis went to work in a metallurgical factory, and Tinas opened a sewage treatment plant with the support of Sambasho. .

As for Kil, he led a group of tireless Dark Dead to add a new assembly line for Samba Xiu.

And when the lives of the disaster demon brothers and sisters gradually settled down, Kil also had the opportunity to ask Samba Xiu what the changes in them were about.

So, after reporting the basic situation of the assembly line, Kil looked at Samba Xiu, Martial Arts and Elise in the office and raised his own question: "Samba Xiu, why did you suddenly switch to Linqi?"

Sambaxiu briefly summarized his experience in outer space a week ago and explained his current situation of needing to absorb the evil spirit of the evil party, but he concealed the fact that the curve of fate had reversed.

After all, in Wujian Longyan, Sangbasiu has crossed the peak of his destiny and is falling towards the abyss.

"I see," Kil nodded thoughtfully, "Salamandis and Tinas still have some disaster beasts on hand, I will ask them to send them over."

Sambaxiu shook his head and refused: "The disaster beast is the incarnation of disaster. The disaster itself does not have evil energy, evil deeds are the source of evil energy. I have absorbed the evil energy of Gilfisa and others, but because of your tip-off, Their evil spirit is not huge.”

Hearing this, Kil opened his mouth and took out his mobile phone to call Salamandis and Tinas. He said happily: "Then I will let them release the disaster beast to cause trouble?"

Sangbasiu quickly took away his mobile phone: "No, if you do this, the evil will not gain much, but it will invite justice. No matter how much you pay, you will not be able to make up for your mistakes."

"I'm sorry," Kil first apologized for his impulsiveness, and then felt ashamed of his incompetence, "But what should I do about the evil spirit?"

After hearing Kiel's worries, Sambaxiu's expression gradually softened, and he slowly lay back on his boss' chair: "The most important thing on earth is the evil people who do evil."

"Huh?" Kil snorted in confusion.

Elise, who was sitting on the sofa and looking at her newly made nails, slowly got up, came to Sambaxiu's side and knelt down, opened Sambaxiu's drawer and rummaged around for a while, then took out a thick booklet and put it in Put it in Keir's hands: "See for yourself."

Keir glanced at the cover: "Super Sentai Encyclopedia..."

After flipping through a few pages with doubts, one after another information about the villain organizations was known to Kil, and Kil also roughly understood what Sambaxiu and Elise wanted to express: "So soon the earth will usher in another A new pretender?"

Sambaxiu recalled in his mind the information about the Rondaz family, which succeeded the disaster demon clan and came to earth to cause mischief, and his expression became a little strange: "They are not necessarily ambitious people who want to occupy the earth, but they are definitely not good people. In short, when the time comes, I will use the Rainbow Anti-Object to disguise myself and try to join the other party. Then I will have to ask you to pass on information to the Space Police Earth Agency and the Earth Defense Force on my behalf."

Gere was quite looking forward to the future of this kind of role reversal, and immediately patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry."

But then he realized a problem: "But in that case, wouldn't the evil energy those guys can generate be as small as Gilfisa and the others?"

Naturally, it was impossible for Sambaxiu to directly tell Kil that the Londaz family was full of extremely vicious criminals who had committed crimes. He smiled and said, "So what, I can just infiltrate a few more organizations. I'm not in a hurry anyway."

After answering Kil's question, Sambaxiu fell into thinking. If he remembered correctly, the names of the cadres of the Rondaz family were related to the currencies of various countries. The boss of the Rondaz family, Don Dorunello, was named after " dollar", Keen is taken from "yen", and Lila is taken from "lira".

"I feel like I need to think of a fancy name related to money. What should I call it? Wen, Guan, Kaiyuan Tongbao?"

Just as Sambaxiu was thinking about his future plans to join the Londaz family, the cell phone on the table rang.

Sambaxiu grabbed the phone and glanced at it. It was a phone number he didn't recognize.

With slight confusion, he put the phone to his ear and pressed the answer button.

I just heard a strange and chaotic voice coming from the mobile phone. It sounded like a processed voice: "Hiyama Jing, someone is going to assassinate you during the ribbon-cutting ceremony in three days. Be careful."

"Assassination?" After a brief moment of surprise, Sambaxiu quickly turned on the recording function of his phone.

Fortunately, that person made this call not just for a simple reminder, but for a thorough report. However, it seemed that because the situation was urgent, the person did not persuade Sangbasiu to believe his plan, and chose to directly inform the information: " The assassin was a murderer named Mad Blast, and the assassination was carried out by firing a machine gun."

"What kind of assassin is this?" Samba Xiu couldn't help complaining.

Unfortunately, the call has been hung up, and the caller failed to respond to Sambaxiu's complaints.

But Wu Dao, Elise and Kil heard what Sambaxiu said, and they all looked at Sambaxiu with doubtful eyes: "What assassin?"

Sambaxiu did not hide anything and said bluntly: "Someone called me to remind me that someone was going to shoot me with a machine gun at the ribbon-cutting ceremony three days later."

"What?" After hearing this, Elise immediately became furious and stared at Samba Xiu with an expression of disbelief. "Is there any other more specific information?"

"The person who wants to assassinate me is named Marde Blast..."

Upon hearing this, Wu Dao immediately took out his mobile phone: "I will entrust my friends from the police to check this person."

Normally, when Sambaxiu heard Wu Dao's remarks, he would have been curious about when the other party got in touch with the police. But at this moment, Sambaxiu was troubled by doubts after repeating the assassin's name.

There is no other reason than that this guy named "Mad Blast" is a prisoner in Lundaz Prison.

Although the first seven chapters of Grandinu, the great witch, have arrived, you must know that Grandinu's death occurred at least two months earlier than the original plot of "Emergency Sentai GOGOV".

"Has the Londaz family come to the modern age? The plot of "Future Sentai Time Linker" has begun? Also, why do you want to assassinate me?"

One question after another lingered in Samba Xiu's mind.

At this moment, Wu Dao hung up the phone and looked at Samba Xiu with a nervous expression: "Samba Xiu, there is no information about Mad Blast in the police information database."


The plot of "Future Team" can finally begin, Wuhu!

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Mirai Sentai): [New] Chapter 227 Hiyama Orchid

In the world view of Super Sentai, if the regular police system cannot search for a person's basic information, it means that this person is probably not someone to be trifled with.

Therefore, when the voice of martial arts echoed in the silent office, the eyes of Elise and Kil became visibly nervous.

Wu Dao quickly walked to Sambaxiu's side, pulled the back of the boss's chair and turned Sambaxiu towards him, and put his hands on Sambaxiu's shoulders: "I will let the Raging Wave Warriors lead a team to protect you personally."

Sambaxiu waved his hand and refused: "No need. Although I am not good at defense, ordinary bullets can't hurt me. Rather than protecting me, it is better to ensure that the ribbon-cutting ceremony in three days can be officially held. Martial Arts, you sent Let’s have two teams to ensure that the event can be held normally.”

Wu Dao wanted to give some more advice, but seeing Samba Xiu's confident look, he knew that the other party knew something about the assassin, so he nodded and said nothing more.

Sambaxiu pushed away Wu Dao's hands on his shoulders and handed his mobile phone to Kil: "The voice of the person who called me has been processed, but I have already recorded it. You let the computer disaster monster Sebagi Ludo, please help me decipher it, I want to find out who the caller is."

Ever since Gilfisa joined Sambaxiu's camp, Sambaxiu took him to see Sebagirudo who was locked up in a basement. Under the persuasion of his former leader, Sebagirudo showed no signs of betrayal. After hesitating, he chose to serve Samba Xiu and others, and is now the head of the Hiyama Group's network security department.

So after taking Sambaxiu's cell phone, Keir showed a confident smile: "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Seeing this, Samba Xiu also smiled and nodded, stood up, grabbed the coat hanging on the chair and put it on.

Seeing Sambaxiu's movements, Elise frowned slightly: "Where are you going?"

"Go home." Sangbasiu said in a brisk tone.

Hearing this answer, Elise's brows did not relax at all. Although she did not come to Sambaxiu's office very often, she had heard about Sambaxiu's diligence: "It's only four o'clock, so early, unlike you." style.”

Sambaxiu didn't mean to be secretive, he said bluntly: "I have to go home and take care of the children."

Hearing this, before Elise could speak, Kil took the lead and asked, "Didn't you ask Miss Sundaji to be Xiaolan's nanny? And Gilfisa and the others often go there to take care of her, so there's no need to worry so much."

Hiyama Orchid is the name given by Samba Xiu to his and Grandinu's child.

Sambaxiu replied: "Although the birth of this child was not my original wish, since I became a father by mistake, I must shoulder the responsibility of being a father."

After that, Samba fixed his collar, waved slightly to the three people present and walked out of the office.

Kil nodded in agreement and quickly followed Samba Xiu's footsteps.

Samba Xiu, who heard the footsteps, looked back and asked with a smile: "Didn't you just go and see it yesterday?"

"Isn't this the case that Xiaolan will only know you as her father and not me as her eldest brother in the future?" Kil joked, and left the office chatting and laughing with Sambaxiu.

Wu Dao stared at the backs of the two, turned back to look at Elise, who had no sense of crisis, and asked: "Elise, aren't you going to see Xiaolan?"

Elise curled her lips and crossed her arms: "I don't like crying babies."

Wu Dao reminded: "You'd better get close to Xiao Lan more often."

Elise seemed to be resisting this sentence, and became a little weird around her. After a while, she finally said: "But that is the child of the great witch Grandinu."

Hearing this, Wu Dao frowned slightly, but still patiently explained: "But she is also Samba Xiu's child, not to mention she also saved Samba Xiu. Elise, you should know that Samba Xiu values ​​​​love. people..."

"I know, but..." Elise did not continue.

Budo knew that Elise had not overcome the hurdle in her heart, and she still had a grudge against the birth of Hiyama Ran.

After a moment of silence, Wu Dao gave his final advice: "Elise, don't pass on your hatred of the great witch Grandinu to your children. I hope you will understand this as soon as possible, otherwise you will inevitably regret it in the future. , I suspect someone has taken the initiative.”

"Take the initiative? You mean the little girl named Xun Ji, isn't she the nanny hired by Samba Shu?" Ilias frowned, obviously not taking Xun Ji seriously.

Seeing this, Wu Dao didn't say anything more, and walked out of Samba Shu's office in silence.

Seeing Samba Shu about to enter the elevator, Wu Dao hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, Samba Shu."

Then he quickened his pace and rushed into the elevator.

Samba Xiu raised his eyebrows, feeling strange. You know, Wu Dao is usually a calm old cadre. At most, he would be a little nervous when it comes to some things, but it is rare to see him so impatient: "Why, do you want to go see your goddaughter?"

Wu Dao realized that he had just lost his composure when he saw Samba Xiu's slightly playful expression, and adjusted his demeanor: "I am Xiaolan's godfather after all. I was busy with work and didn't have time to go a few days ago. I will go to see her today if I am free."

Samba Xiu was very satisfied with Wu Dao's answer, and teased with a smile: "Then as a godfather, have you prepared any gifts for the child?"

Wu Dao was embarrassed and didn't dare to look directly at Samba Xiu's smile.

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