After taking a deep breath, Samba Xiu felt that the bruises on his face seemed to be smeared with spicy oil, and the burning pain was transmitted to his head through every cell on his face.

"It's outrageous. The guys in the Super Sentai are really cheating. Hiss..."

Feeling the burning pain from his left face again, Samba Xiu really wanted to take off his hard shell, revealing his soft tender flesh, and use a boiled egg to rub his ravaged little face.

Unfortunately, he couldn't take it off. Not to mention that according to the plot, the martial arts at this moment had excluded the Void Eight and stared at him closely.

Samba Xiu would not let his subordinates see his embarrassed appearance.

Fortunately, although his face suffered a little, for Samba Xiu, he had a general understanding of the current strength of the Galaxy People, so this beating was not too bad.

According to the situation just now, he could probably tie with the Galaxy People with the double bonus of BGM and roll call.

But once the opponent has some strange BUFF, such as the love BUFF on Galaxy Blue just now, he is no match for the five gangsters on the opposite side.

"This love BUFF is too powerful." Thinking back to the punch on his handsome face just now, Samba Xiu was a little envious.

If this kind of BUFF is also effective for him, he doesn't mind having a love relationship.

Forget it, women are so troublesome.

Samba Xiu shook his head and didn't think about the love BUFF. LOVE POWER may be a positive BUFF for heroes of justice, but for monsters, this thing is like arsenic, whoever touches it will die.

For villains, love is the most taboo area.

Throughout the ages, the cadres of the hostile organization with love lines basically did not end well.

And those monsters who have a longing for female warriors have all been killed by the organization.

In the past, there was Gu Lei, the robot cadre who had a love line in the Birdman Team, and in the recent past, there was Zombiela, who became kind because of the influence of the collection in the Kaitou Team VS the Police Team.

After so many Super Sentai, maybe the CPs in the teams are real.

But the love between monsters will never have a happy end.

Samba Shu is very clear about this.

Long before he arranged the plan, he summed up several rules for how he, as a monster, should survive in this fairy tale world built for children.

Looking at more than 40 Super Sentai, the surviving monsters all have the following characteristics.

First, they have not caused too much harm to humans. The world of Super Sentai is still relatively simple, and generally gives not-too-bad villains the opportunity to turn over a new leaf and turn to the light.

Secondly, there are no characters with deep hatred and tragic plots. Once you have a miserable background, you will be used by the screenwriter to highlight the cruelty of the villain and earn the tears of the audience.

Of course, the most important point is that you have to be a comedian. Only a heartless and simple comedian can survive in this world that is extremely friendly to humans and extremely fucked up to monsters.

Samba Xiu has also thought about whether to satisfy the above three points to try to whitewash himself.

But just a simple thought found that these points do not apply to the Balbon Pirates.

Not to mention that in order to maintain his own personality and prevent Zihabu and others from discovering clues, Samba Xiu has to cause harm to humans.

Moreover, although Samba Xiu has the talent to become a comedian, this is not what Samba Xiu wants.

He can't let him rely on being cute and stupid like a puppy to get his own life.

Maybe he can give in for the smooth progress of the plan, but that is only temporary. He doesn't want to live in a cage and surveillance like a captive animal for the rest of his life.

In Samba Xiu's view, those comedians have gained life but lost their freedom.

To put it bluntly, for Samba Xiu, this is a choice between being a dog or a human.

"I won't say more. You just need to act according to circumstances and find a way to bring Ginga Red to this location."

Standing on a high rock, Sambashu pointed to a crack in the distance and said to the back.

"Yes, leader, don't worry, it's safe."

The one who responded to Sambashu's words was a human. If Ginga Red Ryoma was here, he would recognize the guy following Sambashu at this moment.

It was Hyuga who was initially driven into the ground by Qihabu, the man who was supposed to become Ginga Red.

But it's not the real person, just a fake one that Gulingji turned into.

"It's not obvious now, but as the earthquake intensifies, the hole will appear."

"But, Gulingji, you don't look like someone who has escaped death. Let's deal with it later. Anyway, Neka is still fighting now."

After Sambashu said that, he went to find a place to rest.

In fact, there was no need for him to say what he just said. Sambashu had already told Gulingji all the plans behind. After all, he was going to leave Balbon with Gulingji.

However, he still needs to reveal some information to the guy who is monitoring him, to paralyze his vision and interfere with his thoughts.

In fact, according to the original plot, after Neca's death, he will return to the Balbon Pirates, and then beg for the last chance to fight like those guys who like to say "next time".

But because the plot has progressed to this point, there is no need to continue acting step by step, and Samba Xiu doesn't want to go back and see the bad faces of those guys.

Just connect the content of the two episodes in the original plot directly. Anyway, it is a coherent battle, right?

Taking out his revolver, Sambaxiu took out a handkerchief with great care and carefully wiped every part of the pistol.

"Hey, you and it are the only ones on the whole ship that really make me feel at ease."

Because someone was watching him, Samba Xiu couldn't express his affectionate confession about pistols and motorcycles, but just sighed silently in his heart.

When he thought that this pistol would no longer be usable and the motorcycle would explode in a while, Sambaxiu suddenly felt sad.

Forget it, if the old doesn't go away and the new doesn't come, there will definitely be something better in the future.

Whether it's weapons or riding vehicles.


Just as Samba Xiu was wiping his pistol, the earth shook, and where he just pointed, a crack was expanding as the earth trembled.


Sambaxiu stood up suddenly, as if the light of the galaxy was really still in the cave.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 27 Loyalty that is not absolute means absolute disloyalty

The moment the cave appeared, Sangbasiu immediately rushed towards the crack in the ground.

The wooden pole tied with five colored ribbons and this pattern are indeed right, it is here.

After checking that there were no mistakes in the key aspects of his plan, Sambaxiu jumped out of the crack happily.

"Gulinji, let's go!"

After greeting Gulinki who was decorating his face with blood, Sambaxiu knew it was almost time to leave.

However, the appearance of the cave not only meant that it was time for him to take action, it also meant that Nieka was about to get cold.

After a few seconds of hasty silence in his heart, Sambaxiu came to his motorcycle. At the same time, he patted the coffin hanging on the back of Gulinki's motorcycle, indicating that it was time for him to lie down in it.

On the other side, how could Nieka, who was fighting alone, be the opponent of the Galaxy people?

What's more, Galaxy Blue among the Galaxy people also has this strange BUFF bonus, and it is even impossible for Nieka to achieve a comeback against the wind.

However, you still have to struggle.

"Damn it, Balbon Essence!"

He took out a bottle of Balban essence and drank it.

Nieka's body expanded rapidly, but becoming huge could not reverse the decline.

After all, it’s time for the team to show off its carrots.

Regardless of whether you were able to defeat the Galaxy people in a one-on-five battle before, as long as you become bigger, your only fate is to be defeated by King Yinkai.

What's more, Nieka's own strength is not very strong. It is only because of her special ability that she has been hidden by Samba until now.

Therefore, when Sangbasiu saw King Yinkai launch his fatal attack, he knew that Nieka was completely dead.

"Sure enough, only by seeing a huge battle with your own eyes can you feel this kind of shock."

Sambaxiu was already used to Nieka's death and no longer felt the guilt he felt when Kelsiza died.

Maybe it's like the mentality of Captain Ryuya in Time Troopers. He was destined to die anyway, and he just took advantage of it.


Nika exploded after taking King Yinkai's ultimate move, and all the Galaxy people felt a sense of relief and happiness.

Although this is not the first time that they have destroyed Balban's conspiracy and protected the peace of the earth, this simple happiness may be the reason why they can become heroes.

However, this simple happiness cannot last long.

"Galactic Man!"

"This voice..."

There is no doubt that Samba repaired it.

Thanks to the fact that King Yinkai has not yet released the fusion, the Galactic people who are still in King Yinkai's body can use King Yinkai's tall body and wide field of vision to search for the source of the sound.

"You guys know this guy, right?"

Seeing the face of the giant robot turning towards him, Samba Xiu also walked to the side of the coffin, kicked open the coffin lid, and grabbed Hinata disguised as Gulinki.

At the same time, he pressed the revolver against his head.

"It's brother!"

Excited voices came from King Yinkai, and there was no doubt that the one who had such a big reaction was the Galaxy Red Dragon Horse.

It seemed that because of his excitement, King Yinkai's arms were shaking slightly.

"Take a good look, Galaxy people."

Don't worry about whether the other party can hear your voice. After all, the hearing of tokusatsu protagonists is not generally good.

Sambaxiu seemed to feel that his actions just now blocked the opponent's sight, so he raised Gulinki a few points more, and at the same time pointed Hinata's face, which had been transformed perfectly by Gulinki, at King Ginkai.

"It can't be wrong..."

"It's Hinata."

Although I don't know who is speaking, I can feel from the excited tone that the people of the Galaxy attach great importance to Hinata.

"This guy is not a ghost. I picked it up from a hole in the ground."

No matter how many times Samba Xiu practices the term "Underground Hollow", he still feels that it is a word Samba Xiu made up.

But unexpectedly, in the plot, the real Hinata actually fell into the so-called underground cave.

"I thought I would need it one day, so I went to pick it up."

Samba Xiu didn't resist lies at all, and he didn't think it was a bad thing to deceive the protagonist group's feelings at all.

For him, these few words are more like lines than lies.

He is very good at memorizing lines.

"If you want this guy to return to you safely, come to Cape Yangyan to find me in a quarter of an hour."

After that, he stuffed Gulinji back into the coffin roughly.

"By the way, I advise you not to use the star beast to deal with me, otherwise I can't guarantee his safety."

Samba Xiu turned his head with some confidence.

He didn't look like he had just lost a subordinate.

"You can try whether the star beast moves faster or my bullets are faster."

The undisguised threat is enough to make people feel uncomfortable.

What's more, the other party used his closest brother as a hostage.

If Samba Xiu hadn't emphasized that it would take a quarter of an hour, Yinhehong would have jumped out of Yinkai King to Cape Yangyan.

The same is true for the other people. Although Hinata has no blood relationship with them, he is also their most trusted partner.

Abandoning a partner is not an option for the Super Sentai members.

"Wait, don't be impulsive, come back first, this may be Balbon's conspiracy."

However, before the Galaxy people took action, the voice of their supporter, the Tree of Wisdom Mok, rang out in their Galaxy bracelets.

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