
"What is Sambashu doing?"

Like the Galaxy people, the people of Balbon are also full of doubts about Sambashu's operations.

After all, without the news from the front line sent back by Void Eight, even Wudao doesn't know what Sambashu's specific "operation" is.

"Isn't it an earthquake? I thought Sambashu was going to wake up Daitanix by earthquake. After all, our seal was lifted because of the impact of the undersea earthquake."

Obviously, in the case of information asymmetry, even the knowledgeable Bukladis couldn't guess what Sambashu wanted to do.


Qihabu's face was a little gloomy when he heard the battle report from Yadodo.

He vaguely guessed that Sambashu was hiding something from him.

"This guy must have hidden some treasure, which should have been intended for himself, but because the resurrection operation of Daitanix failed, he had to take it out to resurrect Daitanix."

If it was the original Sambashu, then Qihabu's guess would be completely correct.


"Hmph, what a sly guy."

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Sambashu's private collection, considering that it was eventually used on Deitanics, Zihabu's expression was somewhat relieved.

But Zihabu still clenched his fists. At this moment, he didn't have much good feelings for Sambashu.

The little appreciation he had originally turned into suspicion at this moment.

Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyal.

"Sambashu, I hope your battle will go smoothly, otherwise... Humph."

For some reason, Zihabu's mind flashed the figure of Wudao, his most loyal subordinate.

Budao, is your loyalty trustworthy?

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 28 The sneak attack of justice failed

Sambashu knew that his plan was full of loopholes.

The Galaxy people didn't even need to make precise calculations and think to find the contradictions and shortcomings in Sambashu's words and deeds.

But Sambashu knew that even with such an obvious calculation, the Galaxy people would not hesitate or escape.

For the sake of their partners, heroes of justice will not be afraid or escape.

Without the dirty and twisted thoughts of the adult world, without the meticulous calculation of interests, the noble character shown by the Galaxy people is exactly what all special effects drama producers want to convey to children.

"Here you are, Galaxy people."

The air around was as quiet as a brain facing a high-level math test paper. Just like the sentence that I loved to use when writing essays when I was young to express the quiet environment, "The classroom is so quiet that you can hear a pin drop on the ground", at this moment, Samba Xiu has a keen perception of any changes in the surrounding environment.

What's more, Samba Xiu's five senses have become extremely sensitive.

Although the other party has tried to lower his pace and reduce the sound of friction and collision between his soles and the ground, Samba Xiu heard and sensed the existence of the Galaxy people the moment they appeared.

But he did not stand up to expose the heroes' self-proclaimed perfect infiltration.

Defeating the hero is not only not the script as it should be, but also not the result Samba Xiu wants.

He turned his head deliberately and pointed the back of his head towards the direction where the Galaxy was hiding.

The heroes of justice are brave, kind and united.

But when facing weirdos, they are habitual offenders who are good at sneak attacks or assaults.

How could they miss such an obvious opportunity?

"Shua" four figures suddenly rushed out, like four colorful rays of light.

They are not here to show their flexible skills and gorgeous figures.

Kicking away the obstructing Yaduoduo, the four Galaxy people simultaneously fired the ability transformed by Yas at Samba Xiu.

However, because of the hostages, they did not use all their abilities, just to attract Samba Xiu.

"You guys, I have hostages."

However, their bold actions obviously show that they have great confidence in their ability to control Yas. If they did not know that there were only four Galaxy people in front of them just to contain his actions, and it was Galaxy Red who really carried out the rescue, Samba Xiuzhen would have suspected that the Galaxy Forest was actually on the Siberian grassland.

"It is precisely because of the hostages that we come to rescue people."

Not noticing the teasing in Samba Xiu's words, one of the Galaxy people responded to Samba Xiu's words seriously and handsomely.

But to be honest, the Galaxy people's acting is really a bit stiff, deliberately emphasizing "rescue people" and adding emphasis on it.

This line is not very good.

"When, there are only four people left in the Galaxy?"

If Samba Xiu still rushed forward stupidly like in the original plot with such an obvious flaw on the other side, it would be too stupid.

He directly took out the M-137 Gatling machine gun and fired at the four people in the distance.

Then he threw away the machine gun and grabbed Gulinji.

"So I told you, I have a hostage."

He moved slowly and hid himself behind Gulinji, as if he was going to use his former companion in the eyes of the Galaxy people as a shield.

But before that,


A bullet shot into the bushes on his right hand side.

"It's a good idea, but it's a bit too reckless."

The bullet shot into the bushes, without making a crisp sound of hitting the stone or any other strange sound.

There was only a flash of red light and Yinhehong's painful cry.

The moment he saw Sambashu's action, Longma turned the transformation device and transformed into Ginga Hong.

Although he blocked the bullet in time and avoided close contact between his body and the bullet, the huge force of the bullet at such a close distance still caused Ginga Hong to suffer considerable damage.

The whole person flew out of the bushes directly.

At the same time, Sambashu also punched Gulingji in the abdomen.

It was just a show, Sambashu controlled his strength very well, and Gulingji's performance was even more superb.

"You bastard!"

"Too much."

You see, the reaction of the Ginga people is the best proof of their acting skills.


"If you don't want your most important friend to be hurt again," said Samba Xiu, kicking Ginga Red who was struggling to get up on the ground, "you'd better be honest and follow my arrangements."

"Damn it!"

"Hey, I have a hostage."

Although the hot-tempered Ginga Yellow wanted to shoot an Aus at Samba Xiu's face, he finally held back because of the "Hinata" in Samba Xiu's hand.

"That's right, it would be better to be honest and not resist from the beginning."

Although the same dialogue may be a ghostly development in other plots, it is a humiliating experience for the Ginga people.

Although the righteous hero can use righteous sneak attacks, it seems that he still thinks that the confrontation with monsters is too simple.

"You guys, you still lack the beating of the bad guys."

Samba Xiu sneered and waved his hand behind him.

"Ginga people, it's nothing more than that."

Samba Xiu's tone became more and more annoying, after all, he won't have such a good opportunity in the future.

After faking his death, he would not fight with the Galaxy again. It was so cool to mock these warriors who were not yet fully capable of standing on their own.

Thanks to the existence of the "hostages", the Galaxy did not resist along the way.

They were escorted by Yadodo obediently. Although they were unwilling, they had to bow their heads for their close companions.

They endured it and came to the front of the cave.

On the stone wall, the strange patterns showed the difference.

The Galaxy looked at the wooden pole tied with five-color ribbons inserted outside the cave, and his face was full of confusion.

"You, come here."

Samba Xiu did not let go of the hostage in his hand, tilted his head, and motioned Galaxy Red to move forward.

"Release your Yas to the stone wall with the emblem."

Ⅰ Barbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 29 Unveiling the Forged Mask

This is a fucking setting.

The stone wall that hides the Galaxy Light Cave can only be opened with the power of Yas, and Yas can only be used by the residents of the Galaxy Forest.

This is obviously the power for the Galaxy People.

Moreover, one is called Galaxy People and the other is called Galaxy Light.

This shows that this thing was reserved for the Galaxy People from the beginning.

Samba Xiu knew that the Galaxy Light in this cave had been released long ago, and he also knew that he was tricked by the owner of the Galaxy Light three thousand years ago.

He also thought about whether to look for the Galaxy Light.

But think about it carefully, even if he finds this thing, can he really enjoy it?

No, not to mention that finding this thing means that his fake death plan can be directly declared goodbye.

Maybe the early resurrection of Daitanix can indeed help them defeat the Star Beast Team, and he can also enjoy a great status through this credit.

But, the punishment of justice will definitely come.

The bad guys may not be punished, but the bad monsters, want to escape? Wait for the hammer of justice to fall!

Besides, let's not talk about Balbon's corporate culture. Are you going to stay here and suffer?

As for after faking death?

No, after finally escaping from the sea of ​​suffering, Sambashu is not stupid enough to have any contact with Balbon again.

He is a little envious of Balbon's wealth, but direct confrontation is definitely not a good idea.

Yinhehong has come to the front of the cave and reluctantly released his Yas.

The mane of fire baked the wall.

As if receiving an order, after feeling the power of Yas, the stone wall naturally lifted up.

This cave that Sambashu couldn't open anyway opened the door to him.

"You, go in and take out the things inside."

Yinhehong naturally understood that Sambashu went to such great lengths just to let him help open a cave.

Although he didn't know what Sambashu's purpose was, it was probably not a good thing, but he could only obey Sambashu's instructions at this moment.

"Ryoma, be careful."

Listening to the concern of other Galaxy people behind him for Galaxy Red, even if Samba Shu is a bastard, he can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

My thoughts naturally have divergent associations.

Ah, compared with those guys who are in the same boat with me but have different hearts, the friendship of the team is really enviable.

"Forget it, since I traveled through time and became a weirdo, I don't deserve this kind of thing anyway."

Although this is not a good time to be sentimental, it is somewhat emotional.

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