"Stop dawdling, come in quickly."

Sangbasiu yelled at Yinhehong with some ferocity, and Sambaxiu thrust the gun into Gulinki's face again.

At the same time, he motioned to the two Yaduoduo to follow Yinhehong.

In fact, the matter of getting things can be left to Yaduoduo. After all, the role of the Galaxy is just to open the stone wall.

But considering that there may be some mechanism inside, although in the original drama Yinhehong got in and got the box with almost no harm done.

However, after hearing the BGM and feeling the bonus of the roll call to the Galaxy people, Sambaxiu had to wonder if it was the blessing of the protagonist's halo that allowed Galaxy Red to get the box so smoothly in the original drama.

But obviously, he thought too much.

After a while, Yinhehong came out with a box.

It turns out that there is nothing sinister except that the box is placed a little deep.

Not to mention that the Milky Way was red, even the two Yaduoduo who followed were not doing anything at all and were jumping around.

So much so that when Galaxy Red came out, there was even a complacent expression on his face that said, "This is it, and I have to go get it myself."

"Give me the box."

Although he still didn't let go of Gulinki, Sambaxiu still put down the revolver and stretched out his hand.

"No, you let my brother go first."

Although Yinhehong was still surprised that he had gotten something so easily, he somewhat understood that the box in his hand was what Samba Xiu had spent so much effort on.

How could he hand over something so important so easily.

"You throw the box over, and I'll let your brother go. I'll count to three, and we'll be together."

Arguing about who comes first is just a waste of time. Sambaxiu didn't have that much time to spend with them.

Originally, he wanted Yinhehong to hand the box to Yaduoduo aside, but considering the opponent's impatient fighting power, it would only add more trouble to himself.


Galaxy Red nodded, seemingly agreeing with Samba Xiu's statement, but in fact it was giving a hint to other Galaxy people behind Samba Xiu.

To deal with the evil party, it doesn't matter if you use a few dirty tricks.

After all, this is how a righteous hero adapts to circumstances.




The moment Sambaxiu shouted "three", the two of them let go at the same time.

One threw the box high, and the other threw Gulinki down.

Galaxy Red threw the box high, not only to buy herself time to grab "Hinata", but also to make it easier for others to grab the box.

Seeing the box being thrown high, Sambaxiu jumped up and stretched out his hand to get it.

But the moment he took off, Galaxy Green also jumped up.

As a warrior of the wind, high jumping is by no means a shortcoming of Galaxy Green.

All of a sudden, it passed over Samba Xiu's head and grabbed the box.

"I don't know what it is, but I can't give it to you."

The Galaxy man who got the box was naturally extremely proud, as if he had once again foiled Balbon's conspiracy.


Although he also knew that heroes of justice were not rigid heroes, Samba Xiu really didn't expect to be tricked twice by the righteous galactic people today.

"Your plan is ruined, Sambaxiu, admit defeat."

Supporting her "brother", Yinhehong said a quite classic and decent line.

However, things are not that simple.


Gulinki suddenly opened his eyes, stopped his paddling behavior for a while, pushed Galaxy Red away, took out a long sword, and slashed Galaxy Green who was holding the box in the back.

Galaxy Green, who was suddenly stabbed in the back, naturally let go of his grip on the box, and Gulinki took the box and rolled over to Samba Xiu's side.


"Brother, why?"

It unfolded unexpectedly, looking at "Hinata" who was standing next to Samba Xiu at the moment.

A thunderbolt exploded directly in Yinhehong's mind, like a victim who had been patronized by the tauren chief, with disbelief and collapse of faith written on his face.

However, Gurinji, who was still wearing Hyuga skin at the moment, ignored Ginga Hong's words.

He just handed the box to Sambasho.

"Leader, the light of the galaxy is here."

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 30: Revealing the Cruel “Truth”

Sambaxiu has always felt that those honest villains who always answer every question are really full of flaws.

But at this moment, in order to attract the galactic people to snatch the box in his hand, he had to become the character he once liked to complain about most.

"Galaxy Light, what is that?"

Facing the words that popped out of Hinata's mouth, which was the most important thing in their eyes, the people of the Galaxy were full of curiosity about this "Light of the Galaxy".

"Hahaha, forget it, let you guys understand. This box contains one of the best treasures in the galaxy, the light of the galaxy. This thing came to the earth three thousand years ago, and it was originally intended to be enjoyed by yourself. But, Because of your troubles, now I can only..."

"Are you going to use this to resurrect Titanicus?"

Questioning, but mixed with feelings of loss and anger.

It's no wonder. After all, this box was snatched from their hands by their former partners and handed over to their enemies. How could they not be disappointed or angry?

"Brother, why do you do such a thing?"

Unexpected ending, Ginga-Hong only felt that his nasal cavity was blocked by an unknown air, and even breathing became difficult.

The doubt and confusion in his eyes were swirling in his eyes with tears.

Why, why do such a thing.

"Hey, don't look at me with such eyes."

After noticing Ginga-Hong's eyes, Gulingji also said with a smile, although Samba Xiu had specially instructed before that he should try not to anger the Ginga people.

But he really couldn't help but want to mock these righteous partners.

"I am an only child, not your brother, idiot."

With a grin, his expression became wretched. Even if he was wearing the face of Ginga-Hong's handsome brother Hinata, the greasiness on Gulingji's face was difficult to cover up.


In the angry expression of the Ginga people, Gulingji removed his ability and changed back to his original appearance.

"You guy..."

No matter who it is, being deceived will produce a flame of anger, even a righteous hero is no exception.

However, before they could vent their anger, they were interrupted by a sudden bullet.

Samba Xiu pulled the trigger and shifted the attention of the Galaxy people from Gulingji to him.

"I saw through your plan from the beginning. You thought I couldn't see your secret code. Just now, your eyes clearly passed me, Yinhehong."

Turning sideways, he walked to a slightly higher stone, like a king inspecting his own land, looking down at the Galaxy people who fell to the ground because of Gulingji's attack.

"You are still so naive. Don't you think it's ridiculous to play tricks in front of the villains?"

Samba Xiu mocked very naturally.

"Don't you think it's suspicious? What underground cave, how can it be such a coincidence?"

It's true that he was confused because of his concern. In fact, as long as he calmed down and thought about it carefully, he would understand that the hostage in Samba Xiu's hand was fake.

Since Hinata has been captured, why bother to use Hinata to threaten them to open the stone wall of the cave.

"Brother, where is the real brother?"

Hinata is fake, not only did he play with their feelings, but he also announced that Hinata had a low chance of survival.

"Who knows, maybe he is really in the underground cave."

Samba Xiu, who is familiar with the plot, naturally knows that Hinata is still alive, but at this moment he can only tell the truth in such a joking tone.

He is a weirdo, he can't tell the other party the whereabouts of his brother warmly.


Seeing that these people were hit so hard and had no intention of coming to rob things, Samba Xiu hurriedly turned around and signaled Yadodo behind him to go up and give a few heads to remind the other party of his mission as a super team.

"Cheer up, everyone, we can't let Samba Xiu bring the light of the galaxy back to Balbon, otherwise the monster Daitanix will be resurrected."

"Cheer up, you still have the mission of protecting the earth."

The anxious voice of the supporter Mok came from the other party's transformation device.

Pull them back from loss and add a bit of anger to them.

Yes, their current mission is not to sit on the ground and be in a daze, but to stop Balbon's conspiracy and protect the peace of the earth.

"Damn Balbon, how dare you... how dare you!"

To be honest, Samba Xiu's operation is quite bad.

Although Hinata is not dead, in the eyes of the Galaxy people, Hinata is already dead.

His operation is tantamount to whipping the dead body.

Judging from the surging anger of the Galaxy people at this moment, and the BUFF that has really increased behind the blood bar.

It is a wise choice to implement this plan after the other party has finished a fight.

"Fortunately, the plan was advanced. Even with residual blood, there is such momentum. What about full BUFF?"

Just when Samba Xiu was sighing at the wisdom of his decision.

The angry mane of fire rushed towards him.

Feeling the burning sensation in his chest, Samba Xiu compared it with the first episode when they were collectively beaten.

Well, it didn't go wrong. Everything went on in an orderly manner according to the plan.

Next is to play the game of grabbing boxes.

No, to be precise, I knocked the Galaxy down and then opened the box.

After finding that the box was empty, I launched a suicide attack on the Galaxy and was killed by the Red Warrior.

Well, it was a very clear step.

So what I need to do now is to fight!

[Back Jump]

[Floating Bullet]

The two skills are as smooth as sticking up your butt to wipe your butt. After hundreds and thousands of trainings, Samba Xiu has long been able to connect the two very smoothly.

However, sometimes, there are some rules that you can't resist.

You can only use a humiliating tone to ask the other party to be gentler and play cards according to common sense when adapting to these fucking rules.

Just like Samba Xiu at this moment, even if his set of operations is very handsome, very smooth, and very cool as the cadres of the villain organization should be.

But unfortunately, five consecutive floating bullets did not hit.

"No way, brother."

Samba Xiu finally understood, and the GM adjusted the opponent to 100% dodge.

Good things are always as hard to find as the real drama of garbage resources.

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