Feeling the pain in his chest, Sambashu slowly moved towards the coast along the direction of the tide.

When he fell into the sea with the motorcycle, Sambashu activated the motorcycle's self-destruct device and used the rainbow anti-matter to transform into a small fish and escaped from the scene.

Although Galaxy Red's attack caused great damage to his body and brought great pain to his body and mind, Sambashu was even a little exhausted.

But because the form transformed by the rainbow anti-matter will have the best of the form, naturally, Sambashu became the fastest swimming fish on earth.

It took only a few breaths to leave the explosion range far away and successfully escape the range that Balbon's group of people could monitor.

Dragging his tired body, Sambashu has come to the land, in a cave that was hidden by the erosion of the waves.

The salty and humid breath blew on his chest. Although Sambashu was protected by the rainbow anti-matter, his chest was still burned.

A red "X" was particularly dazzling on his white chest.

"Fortunately, the nipple is fine."

He lowered his head and looked at his charming pectoralis major. The most sensitive part was not injured.

Otherwise, the strange tingling feeling when the injury recovered would make him feel so happy.

"Huh, it's finally over."

It was like a long-awaited "decision" fell from his buttocks, and Samba Xiu felt unprecedented comfort.

Although he had to face an unknown future in the future, it was indescribable to think that he could walk in the sun as a human being in the future.

This excitement even made him forget the pain in his body temporarily and reached the peak of his spirit.

His palm came into close contact with his hair, feeling the smell of the sea in the sea water wrapped in his hair. Samba Xiu knew that he must be very embarrassed at this moment, like a homeless kitten.

But, who cares.

Let's take a nap first.

After a busy day and acting for so long, I was so sleepy.

He didn't care whether he would be slapped into the sea by the waves and have a mouth-to-mouth contest with the beautiful girl of Atlantis.

Samba Xiu leaned against the reef and fell asleep.

The corner of his mouth was like the moon tonight, a beautiful arc.

His breathing was regular and orderly with the rise and fall of the tide.


No, you can't touch there, um...ah..., it will make strange sounds.

It was hazy, like a pool of water with a soul, swimming around in his chest.

It soaked every inch of his skin and every pore, bringing coolness and warmth, and carefully nourishing the injured body.

It was like the gentle caress of his mother when he was young, taking away the worries and pain at the same time.

It was like a sliding match in winter, and like a road roller on the streets of Egypt, always making people feel inexplicably at ease.

Suddenly, it seemed that something crossed the most sensitive area of ​​his chest.

At that moment, his originally somewhat chaotic mind suddenly became clear.

Like an adult who suddenly recalled the dark history of the second year of middle school, a chill and a tremor spread from the fingers to the scalp.

Suddenly awake.

That's it.

Their eyes met.

I have to admit that this is a pair of extremely clear eyes, very beautiful. The sky that can be enjoyed on a clear and sunny autumn day is just like this.

However, the black pupils reflected his embarrassed appearance.

Even though Samba Xiu is a shameless villain, he still lowered his head in shame when he saw his undignified appearance in the eyes of others.

However, this time he lowered his head, he saw something he shouldn't see.

This is a charming arc, as eye-catching and exciting as the teacher's gossip in the classroom.

Although it is not as magnificent as the pictures or resources, it can be regarded as just right.

Excuse me.

I didn't expect it to be a swimsuit.

Hey, it's normal for girls wearing women's clothes to appear on the beach.

No, I can't stare at it anymore.

He moved his eyes down again.

Ah, what a nice pair of legs, very beautiful.

Wait, my attention has been so strange since just now.

However, it seems that this is the normal reaction of a normal person.

No, no, no, I am not such a greasy guy who doesn't respect others.

Just as he was constantly playing the game of morality and instinct in his mind, the soft touch from his back made Samba Xiu raise his head.

"Sorry, I need to wait a little longer to complete the bandage."

"Thank you."

The other party was bending over to bandage him, which was obviously a strenuous job.

Even though the clothes were cool and there was a slight breeze from the sea, one or two beads of sweat still oozed out of the other party's forehead.

What a cute girl.

Her hair was not very long, just short hair that reached her neck, and the slightly curly hair revealed a cute intellectuality.

The curve of the chin was not as round as most cute girls, but there was no sense of dominance.

There was even a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

Admittedly, it was impolite to look at the kind girl who was bandaging his wound with an impudent and appreciative look.

But it was precisely because of her beauty that he could not look away.

"Have we met somewhere before?"

Facing his gaze, she was not annoyed, but instead smiled, as if lovers were warming each other's milk tea in autumn, and asked sweetly.

"Yes, a few weeks ago, at the shrine."

He nodded and returned the same smile, but in his current appearance, he didn't look very handsome.


After tying a neat and beautiful knot, the girl looked at him with a smile.

"My name is Tatsumi, and I'm a nurse."

"Thank you. My name is... Hiyama Kage. I am a person who has regained his life."

Although Tatsumi was surprised by Samba Xiu's self-introduction, he never showed any rudeness. He just smiled lightly, clapped his hands and said, "Then I will first congratulate Mr. Hiyama."


There aren't many things that need to be changed in the part about suspended animation, which is great.

There are many things that need to be changed later, sad.

Ⅰ Balbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 33: The first thing to do after feigning death and landing ashore - study hard

Samba Xiu, who had just escaped from the war by feigning death, was still alert in his heart. He simply sighed in his heart about the wonderful fate between himself and Xunji, then glanced at Xunji and observed the surrounding environment.

There are no hard and sharp rocks, no rough and ferocious waves.

Instead there is soft, fine gravel and gentle, slow waves.

This is an empty beach with few people, not the seaside cliff where he and the galactic people fight.

Apparently he drifted here along the sea water.

Sambaxiu reached back and touched a smooth stone. He stood up slowly while holding on to the stone. He held back the pain in his chest and gave Xunji an apologetic smile: "I'm sorry. There are still some urgent matters that need to be dealt with, so I can’t repay Miss Xun for saving my life at the moment.”

"Mr. Hiyama, you're serious. It's my job to save people," Tatsumi waved her hands in embarrassment. She didn't want anything in return for saving Samba Xiu. She stepped forward and helped Sang Bashiu, who was extremely weak after just going through the war. , "Compared with those, Mr. Hiyama's current condition is a bit worse. My brother has already called an ambulance. Let's go to the hospital."

Although he successfully broke away from the Balbon Pirates, Samba Xiu could not change the fact that he was a weirdo. Naturally, he would not allow Tatsumi to go to the hospital. He casually lied: "I have a private doctor, so I don't have to occupy public medical resources." ”

Pushing aside Xunji's arm that was supporting him, Sangbasiu staggered towards the city. That was his new life.

Xunji still wanted to step forward, but her arm was grabbed by a big hand. She looked back and saw her eldest brother Xunji standing behind her at some point, followed by several other brothers, all with expressions on their faces. Solemn, as if facing a powerful enemy.

Xun Ji tried to pull his hand away: "Brother Matang, he is seriously injured and needs to go to the hospital for examination."

"Satari, that man has his own concerns, don't force him." Tatsumi explained, his eyes full of vigilance. After all, Samba Xiu's horrific wound looked very much like a Yakuza member who had participated in a fight.

Samba Xiu didn't know what Tatsumatsu was thinking, but when he heard that Tatsumatsu stopped Tatsumaki from taking him to the hospital for examination, he felt even more grateful to the future "GO RED".

After using the Rainbow Anti-Object to transform into a set of ordinary casual clothes, Sambaxiu rushed to the meeting place agreed with Gulinki - the single room he rented when he went out to look for the Rainbow Anti-Object.

After pressing the doorbell, the door opened shortly after. An urban white-collar man wearing rimless glasses and business attire cautiously poked his head out. After seeing clearly that the person who came was Samba Xiu, he was very excited.

"Leader, you are here!"

He is Gu Linji who has transformed into a human form.

Ever since he used the smoke generated by the fake Balban Essence explosion to escape from the battlefield and come to this small single room, he had been worried, fearing that Samba Xiu would not be able to escape after he ran away.

Seeing Sangbasiu safe and sound at this moment, my anxious heart was relieved.

After welcoming Samba Xiu into the room, Gulinki quickly closed the door, lowered his voice and asked: "Leader, what should we do next?"

"We need to solve our identity problem first, otherwise it will be inconvenient for us no matter what we do."

After finally escaping from the Balbon Pirates, Samba Xiu couldn't continue to do the business of robbery.

Not to mention that doing so would easily reveal his identity and trigger a pursuit by both the Super Sentai and the Balbon Pirates. Sambasho himself could not accept that he relied on such a way to live.

"Leader, what do you mean, find two earthlings, kill them, and then replace them? I just observed it, and there are two very suitable candidates next door." Gulinki had an idea at once, but this idea Still with a strong villain mentality.

Sambaxiu gave a helpless smile: "Gulinji, we are no longer pirates, so don't do things too extreme."

He walked to the bed, leaned down, reached under the bed, and pulled out a cardboard box.

"I have been prepared for a long time." Samba Xiu opened the carton, which contained gorgeous jewelry. "First convert these into currencies used by humans, and then use the exchanged money to buy us an identity."

"You are truly worthy of being a leader." Even though he has left Balbang, the habits he developed before are still difficult to correct for a while. Gulinki subconsciously flattered Sambaxiu and asked by the way, "What are your plans after you have the identity?" , I guess the leader knows it too.”

"Gulinji, why did you join Balbon?"

"Wealth and status, power and freedom!" Gulinji answered straightforwardly. Although he could hide in the Yadodo group for thousands of years for Sambashu, how could he, who joined Balbang, live an ordinary life peacefully?

Sambashu was the same. He was unwilling to live an ordinary life. He looked at Gulinji with a blazing look and full of confidence: "Congratulations, you can get what you want on Earth. Because there is no essential difference between Earth and Balbang, it's just that Balbang is more barbaric, and Earth is more civilized packaged by rules."

"Leader, I can't help but do a big job!" Gulinji was full of energy, as if he was going to rush out of the room in the next second.

He already trusted Sambashu, not to mention that Sambashu had painted a delicious pie for him at this moment.

"Very good, we will sell the jewelry tomorrow, and then find some special ways to get the identity."

"Okay, leader! But why don't we set off now? It's still early, maybe we can get it done before nightfall." Gulinji has the ability to change into someone else at will, so even if he doesn't use the method of substitution, Gulinji is confident that he can solve the identity problem as quickly as possible.

However, when he was looking at Sambaxiu with expectation, hoping that the other party would agree with his aggressive idea, he saw Sambaxiu moving a thick stack of books from the cabinet behind him.

"No hurry, let's have a general understanding of the rules of the earth today."

As he said, Sambaxiu pushed a thick code in front of Gulinji.

Gulinji turned to the first page with a painful look on his face, and saw the dense small words on it, and he had a headache.

He wanted to grab Sambashu's collar and shout out his dissatisfaction: "If I had the patience to read books, could I still go to Balbon as a pirate?"

It's a pity that all this can only remain in imagination, because Gulinji is not a fool who can't distinguish priorities. He knows that if he wants to get everything he wants, he must make corresponding efforts for it.

Not to mention that Sambashu is already flipping through the book, muttering something in his mouth, very seriously.


After careful consideration, it is decided to delete the content of Ilias discovering Sambashu's whereabouts. It feels unnecessary to add too much drama to her. It's a bit too abrupt, and it will feel like the protagonist is controlled by others, which is very uncomfortable.

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