Starting tomorrow, I think the main content will be new content. I will try to update twice a day. After catching up with the previous progress and deleting the previous chapters, I will probably box this book. After all, no one reads it and I really have no motivation to write. After updating every day, there are not even a few posts. I can't judge whether I have revised it well or not. Some logical and common sense errors also need to be corrected in time.

Ⅰ Barbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 34 The Gaze of the Incomparable Dragon

Samba Xiu's memory has become stronger. This is the conclusion he came to after reading books related to the code all night.

No matter how obscure and difficult the sentence is, as long as he glances at it, it will be engraved in his mind like data transmission.

Although Samba Xiu failed to fully understand most of the laws and regulations, and could not flexibly apply them in actual situations, Samba Xiu never expected that he could become an outstanding law expert by studying hard for one night.

He just wanted to compare the black and white words on the code with his own bottom line standard to confirm whether his heart had deviated from the right track in the three thousand years of "prison life".

And the answer he came to was - it deviated, but not much.

Compared with the lawless pirates in Balbon, Sambaxiu's bottom line can still keep up with most people.

"After solving the identity problem, try to follow the rules in the future." After closing the code, Sambaxiu raised his head and happened to meet the morning light that penetrated the window.

Waking up Gulinji who was still sleeping on the floor, Sambaxiu took a few gorgeous jewelry from his small vault in Balbon and headed towards the jewelry store in the city.

Perhaps it was because most of the weirdos in Balbon had a high level of treasure appreciation, even if Sambaxiu just picked up a few pieces from his warehouse, they were all top-notch.

Naturally, Sambaxiu's plan to exchange jewelry for start-up funds was easily realized.

"Gentlemen, if you have gems of this quality in the future, please remember to take care of our store. This is my business card. You are welcome to contact me at any time."

At the back door of a jewelry store, the manager handed over his business card respectfully.

Sambashu politely took the business card, but did not agree to the manager's request for long-term cooperation.

Although the amount of money the store gave him was far more than Sambashu's initial valuation, it was not enough to support Sambashu to return to Balbon to retrieve his collection at the risk of being exposed for faking his death.

Besides, with the corporate culture of the Balbon Pirates, Sambashu's small treasury might have long gone into the pocket of Captain Zihab. Sambashu would have to be crazy to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

After walking along the alley behind the jewelry store for a distance, Gulingji, who was carrying two boxes of money, whispered, "Finally, the things were sold. Leader, I thought those necklaces would rot in my hands."

"How could the quality of jewelry that could be collected by the Balbon Pirates be bad, not to mention that they were taken out of my small treasury," Sambaxiu also carried two large boxes in his hands, "If you and I hadn't solved our identity problems, the first store would probably have taken them all."

"In the human world, it's still difficult to move without an identity." Gulingji sighed, and then looked at Sambaxiu, "Leader, where should we go next?"

"Before, the manager of a store introduced me to a place, saying that it can solve the household registration problem. After hiding the money, we will go and have a look."

Suddenly, Sambaxiu took a step and was about to walk towards the rental house. An inexplicable sense of being monitored ran through his body like an electric current.

He turned back suddenly and almost bumped into Gulingji.

"Leader, what's wrong?"

"I always feel like someone is peeking at me." Sambashu's eyes swept from top to bottom, and from left to right, observing every detail in the surrounding environment, but he found nothing.

"Leader..." Seeing Sambashu's increasingly solemn expression, Gulingji said with some worry.

Hearing this shout, Sambashu immediately realized that he must not panic. Even if he was really nervous and scared, he must not show it in front of his subordinates.

After adjusting his expression a little, he said coldly: "Don't worry, it's not Balbon. I can feel that it should be the guys who maintain the order of the human world."

Gulingji exhaled a heavy breath of relief: "As long as it's not Balbon, there's nothing to worry about."

Hearing this, Sambashu had to smile bitterly. Gulingji had never seen the horrible record of the Showa team, so he was so heartless.

"Forget it, there's no need to pay attention to the sly people hiding around."

After saying that, Samba Xiu continued to walk towards the rental house.

However, not long after Samba Xiu and Gulinji left, a man suddenly appeared in the dark of the alley, wearing a red, black and gold robe, a golden hood and blonde hair.

It was the Wujian Dragon, a fantasy beast that existed in ancient times and possessed the ability of immortality.

Because of the depression and boredom brought by the long years, he had the idea of ​​"cultivating a destroyer to destroy the world", and this idea quickly turned from the initial flash of inspiration into a complete plan. The plan is currently in the first stage - the early stage of preparation.

"It's surprising that you can detect my eyes. I've obviously hidden it well." As he spoke, Wujianlong walked to the place where Sangbasiu had stayed and sniffed it with his nose. "He's a cosmic person. The earth has been here for more than three thousand years. It just experienced a war yesterday and escaped from the original organization by feigning death. "

After briefly understanding Sambaxiu's information, a smirk appeared on the slightly childish face: "Fear urges him to move forward. In this way, he is more suitable to be cultivated into a God of Destruction than that little lion. That's right. I don’t know what his qualifications are, so let’s find a way to create a chance encounter between him and the Beast Fist.”

Wujianlong rolled up his sleeves, revealing his left arm covered with dragon scales. He stretched out his right hand and pulled off a piece of dragon scale. He was about to take aim and throw it to Sangbasiu for surveillance.

But remembering Sangbasiu's keen insight just now, Wu Jianlong still chose to take the dragon scales back in his hand: "It would be terrible if our timid back-up man, the God of Destruction, was frightened."

Ⅰ Balbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 35: What kind of company should I start?

A long life gave Wu Jianlong a lot of patience.

Even at this time, it is like a hyena that has locked onto its prey in the wilderness. It can no longer suppress its inner desire and wants to drag Sambaxiu into the endless abyss on the spot, forcing Sambaxiu to sink into destruction that will destroy everything in despair and unwillingness. god.

Because he understood that Sangbasiu had just crawled out of the abyss called "Balban" at this time, and his life of great progress had just begun. Although taking action at this time could inflict pain on the other party, it was far from the level of pain that he had to endure. Its depravity.

It may even be self-defeating and give you the adversity of transformation.

At noon when the sun was high in the sky, Wu Jianlong stood at the traffic light at the intersection in a remote neighborhood, looking down at Samba Xiu and Gu Linji who had just walked out of the building, with golden light flashing in his blood-red pupils.

After running around for a week, Sambaxiu and Gulinki were laughing heartily after finally solving their identity problem.

"Smile, smile, my dear candidate for the God of Destruction, you still have many good days ahead of you."

This is not a vicious curse or a bitter sarcasm, this is the most sincere blessing from Infernal Dragon to Sangbasxiu.

After all, only by falling from the peak can one be shattered into pieces.

"In the next period of time, please accept my gift well, Mr. Hiyama, hahaha."

Like a young child who got his favorite toy, Wu Jianlong raised the corners of his mouth and smiled heartily, so wildly and freely that he almost fell off the traffic light.

Wu Jianlong, who was complacent about the interesting plan in his mind, did not consider the possibility of failure. After all, the immortal life not only gave him infinite patience, but also overflowing arrogance.

Although Wujianlong had used trivial magic to isolate his voice, Sambaxiu, whose senses had been transformed, still felt the laughter that portended danger in the flow of the wind.

Stopping and looking around, Samba Xiu frowned slightly and asked Gulinki in front: "Toru, did you hear any laughter?"

Like Sambash, Furinji also gave himself a pseudonym, Toru Furukawa. And since the two decided to integrate into human society, it was naturally impossible for Sangbasiu to directly call Gulinki by his real name.

"Laughter?" Gulinki also fell into confusion. He closed his eyes and tried to use his ears to catch the weird laughter in Samba Xiu's mouth, but found nothing. "I didn't hear it."

"Did Yinhe Hong's attack cause any sequelae to me?" Samba Xiu guessed casually, but there was no trace of confusion on his face. He just thought that the laughter just now was his hallucination.

Seeing that Sangbasiu didn't care much, Gulinki also had the idea of ​​joking: "Then you have to ask him for compensation."

"Yeah~" Samba Xiu also nodded in agreement.

But if Galaxy Red Dragon Horse was really standing in front of them at this moment, they would never dare to come forward and ask for it.

After all, they have made a fuss about the other party's brother whose life and death are unknown. Who knows if Yinhehong will get any additional anger BUFF bonus when seeing them.

"But let's deposit the compensation with Yinhehong first. Let's go and open a small company." Sambaxiu said briskly.

"Yes, leader!" Infected by his emotions, Gulinki's tone rose and he was very happy, "By the way, boss, what company are you planning to open?"

"Still thinking, do you have any good ideas?"

Gulinki raised his head and thought for a moment, and after glancing at a few buildings, he had the answer: "How about engaging in real estate?"

Hearing this, Sangbasxiu opened his mouth and couldn't help laughing: "You are so bold..."

I just want to remind you that the existence of Gurin Kibal State means that investing in real estate is not a sensible behavior.

A loud noise came from behind the two of them.

Looking against the flow of people running in fear, a short sword was thrust into the building that the two of them had walked out of not long ago.

"It's the dagger of Xuanwu Ba." Gulinki recognized the ownership of the dagger at a glance.

"That's right, it seems that Balbon's current operations captain is the martial arts guy," Samba Xiu suddenly changed the subject, with a hint of teasing in his tone, "So do we still want to do real estate?"

" can't be done," Gulinki suddenly felt embarrassed. He left Balban but forgot that Balban would come out to cause damage almost every seven days. "I can't use insurance. I feel like I will lose money within a week." What kind of company should I start? It’s really annoying, damn Barbon.”

Gulingji suddenly felt irritated. Why didn't he realize that the bastards in Balbon were so annoying when he was a pirate in Balbon before?

At the same time, he really admired those guys who developed real estate. They were really brave and were not afraid that the houses they just built would be affected by the battle between the team and the monsters.

"Hiss," Gulingji suddenly got the idea, clapped his hands excitedly, and looked at Samba Shu, "Leader, maybe we can be suppliers of building materials."


The transition content is so difficult to write, but it's almost done. Next, we can start running the main line.

Ⅰ Balbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 36 Strong Luck Hiyama View

When he was still in Balbon, Samba Shu had conceived the livelihood problem after he faked his death and came ashore. At that time, he came to the same conclusion as Gulingji's proposal at this time-invest in the building materials industry.

After all, the buildings in the Super Sentai world view are like leeks in the field. Every once in a while, they will be cut down by the sharp blades of monsters. I think there is no shortage of market.

Only when Samba Xiu and Gulingji happily completed the process of "application → approval → purchase of land → factory construction → recruitment of workers", they found that the building materials market had become saturated, and the cake left for them was difficult to maintain even the income and expenditure.

If you want to expand the market, you have to find a way to deal with competitors.

But before Samba Xiu and Gulingji used their abilities to fight a business war, in less than a week, the factories of two large groups were affected by the battle between Balbon and the Galaxy people, suffered heavy losses, and the production capacity was directly reduced to zero.

Samba Xiu and Gulingji naturally would not miss this opportunity and hurriedly followed up, but as a junior who had just squeezed into the building materials industry, the inexperienced Samba Xiu could not bite off too much meat, but only stopped the loss.

But perhaps Samba Xiu was favored by the gods. A month later, several companies were exposed to tax payment issues and were investigated, causing Samba Xiu to pick up the loophole again.

This time, Samba Shu, who had learned his lesson and grown, finally grabbed the biggest piece of cake and became the front-page figure of the economic newspaper, known as "Lucky Hiyama Kei".

After several unreasonable hits of luck, the name "Hiyama Kei" became a synonym for luck in Tokyo.

Many people have cut Samba Shu's photo from the newspaper and prayed for it as a koi.

On the top floor of Hiyama Building, Samba Shu stood in front of the French window of the president's office, holding a newspaper with "Lucky Hiyama Kei" printed on it in his hand, and his helpless smile hid a bit of complacency.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect that I, a poor guy who almost choked to death when drinking cold water, could get such a title."

Gulinji on the side smiled awkwardly. He still remembered that when he went to eat udon noodles with Sambaxiu before, Sambaxiu almost choked to death on the noodles: "Maybe this is a change of fortune."

"You are right. People can't always be unlucky." Sambaxiu could hardly hide the smile on his lips. He pursed his lips and tightened his face. It took a while for him to show a decent smile.

He looked at Gulinji and asked about his recent work arrangements. After learning that he was quite free recently, he said, "I have something I want to ask you to do."

"Leader, what are you talking about?" Gulinji was startled by Sambaxiu's sudden politeness.

But Sambashu's expression was still serious: "I hope you can help me collect some experts and scholars, especially in archaeology and mysticism."

"Yes, leader!"

Gulinji was very puzzled. Can't the collection of information be done by just finding a secretary? Why should he, the general manager, collect it himself?

However, he was absolutely loyal to Sambashu and didn't ask much, but took the task seriously.

"By the way, leader," Gulinji suddenly thought of something, walked quickly to the office reception sofa, picked up his briefcase, took out a piece of paper from it, and handed it to Sambashu, "You asked me to find that Ms. Tatsumi Ritsuko before, and I have news."

"So fast?" Sambashu turned back suddenly, with surprise and joy in his eyes.

Tatsumi Ritsuko is the missing mother of the five brothers and sisters of the Tatsumi family. You must know that in the original plot, the brothers and sisters of the Tatsumi family could not find their missing mother even with the help of their father Tatsumi, who returned.

It was only after they defeated the final villain BOSS, the witch Grandinu, that the mother woke up from her coma and returned home by herself.

Feeling the affirmation and praise in Samba Shu's surprised tone, Gulingji smiled slightly and thought to himself: "Sure enough, it seems that I did not make a mistake in spending a lot of energy on this matter."

In Gulingji's opinion, Samba Shu must be so concerned about Tatsumi Ritsuko's whereabouts in order to pursue Tatsumi Matsuri.

Although Samba Shu gave the reason to repay Tatsumi Matsuri for saving his life, Gulingji knew very well that although Yas's power was strong, according to Samba Shu's description of his injuries at the time, it was not life-threatening.

Besides, even if he was really on the verge of death, Tatsumi Matsuri's simple bandage would not be enough to bring him back to life.

So: "Leader must have some ideas about Tatsumi Matsuri!"

If Samba Shu could hear Gulingji's voice at this moment, he would definitely cry out that he was wronged.

He did not look for Tatsumi Ritsuko to pursue Tatsumi Matsuri, but to get closer to her father, Tatsumi World.

Xun Shijie is a tough guy who can create "intelligent AI + two combined robots + a huge base" in ten years. If you can get along well with him, it will definitely not be a loss.

Not to mention that Samba Xiu's experience has been rising since the battle with Galaxy Red. Now his level has reached level 20. The skill icons that originally appeared in his mind are no longer just a few scattered ones, but have become like a game skill tree, evolving into four branches.

One of the branches is all mechanical manufacturing skills. Although Samba Xiu is not sure whether these skills only need to prepare raw materials like the previous [RX-78 Chaser], it is always a good thing to master some knowledge of mechanical manufacturing.

"But leader, Ms. Tatsumi Ritsuko's condition is not optimistic. She has been in a coma for six years. Her attending physician said that she was initially treated in a hospital here. But because she has not woken up, and there are frequent incidents of strange people in Japan, she was transferred to the United States."

"For the Tatsumi family, Ms. Tatsumi Ritsuko is still alive, which is the best news," Samba looked at his watch, "It's almost time to get off work, so I just happened to go to the Tatsumi family."


Yesterday, I had a company dinner and drank a lot of wine. I couldn't write when I got home, so I went to bed first. I'm sorry.

I have to get up early for work tomorrow, so I can't stay up too late. I will only update one chapter first.

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