"Ah, this..." Samba Xiu turned his head and was about to complain to others when he saw the weirdo woman who looked like Cleopatra jumping onto a large clay pot, and the clay pot flew up as if it was out of control of Newton.

"What's wrong, Samba Xiu?"

"Ah, Captain..."

"You kid, you didn't fall asleep, did you?" Qihabu smiled and patted Samba Xiu's shoulder, as if encouraging a six-year-old child to ride a bicycle without training wheels, and pushed him in front of a motorcycle, "Don't be stunned, go and make trouble as you like."

"Ah, okay." Samba Xiu is still in a state of stagnation after being shocked by "adults, times have not changed", so his reply looks a little dazed.

However, when he was pushed onto the motorcycle by Qihabu, his mind suddenly became clear.

"This, is this my motorcycle?" Gently stroking the streamlined body of the motorcycle, the smooth curve, Samba Xiu instinctively straddled it and twisted the throttle.


The buzzing sound of the engine made Sambaxiu's heart ripple, and the whole person and the motorcycle flew out like a summer meteor.

The salty and wet sea breeze slapped Sambaxiu's cheeks, making him feel so comfortable that he wanted to shoot randomly.

He took out his pistol and pointed it at the sky, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang", "bang", "bang"!

Unknowingly, Sambaxiu caught up with the pirates and rushed towards the land and the city.

It seemed that the moment he touched the handsome black motorcycle, Sambaxiu's most ruthless and violent factor buried in his heart was stimulated, or it could be said that it was the violent gene engraved in Sambaxiu's body.

For a moment, he even wanted to point the muzzle of the gun at the high-rise buildings in the city to test the power of his pistol.

But such a terrifying idea only existed for a moment, and he quickly suppressed this absurd thought.

He just needed to vent his anger after being imprisoned for three thousand years and exercise his body. There was no need to involve innocent poor people.

He was not a great saint, but he could still distinguish these simple grievances.


When the roar of the motorcycle began to sound on the streets of the city, Samba looked at the people fleeing on the streets and the damaged buildings.

"Why does it look like a building from the end of the 20th century?"

He was the guy who was defeated three thousand years ago. Even if the one who defeated him was the earliest super team, the city should not look like this at this moment. It should be more technological.


It seemed that something hit his head hard, and Samba understood something instantly.

"Could it be that... now is the beginning of the story, and the guys who sealed me before are just the background of the story!"

Ⅰ Balbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Wars): [Revised] Chapter 4 Samba Shu can hear the BGM

"If this is the beginning of the story, then I am dead. There are very few monsters who survived in the Super Sentai world. What's more, I look like a cadre now. Finished..."

Samba Shu's role positioning does not seem to be a think tank type of guy. And his thinking was soon interrupted.

"Samba Shu, Samba Shu!"

I saw a group of orange-yellow sailor-like guys waving their arms and standing in the middle of the road, trying to stop Samba Shu's motorcycle with their bodies.

Samba Shu knew these guys, they were the miscellaneous soldiers on the ship, Yadodo. In other words, they were the fighters of their evil organization.

Their fighting power is similar to that of Shocker's soldiers, but they have more human rights than Shocker's soldiers. At least they can still speak, instead of being tools that can only scream "ehhh".

However, these guys obviously have some problems with their intelligence, otherwise they would not do such a stupid thing as blocking a motorcycle in the middle of the road.

After all, Samba Shu is just an ordinary weirdo with a motorcycle, and his control of motorcycles is not as good as that of the Kamen Riders of Showa.

He can't play a motorcycle well. In such a short distance, even if he starts to brake when he hears someone shouting.

But inevitably, he still knocked down a few unlucky Yadodo.

"What's wrong?"

"Master Sambashu, the captain and Master Bukradis have discovered the descendants of warriors from three thousand years ago. He asked us to inform all the lords and ask you to go over and teach them a lesson." As if he had noticed that Sambashu's tone was a little cold, Yaduoduo explained the matter at a very fast speed, pointed to Sambashu in a direction and said no more.

After all, the cadres of his own organization are all guys, and Yaduoduo, who lives at the bottom, should not know too much. At this time, they will not rush forward to offend Sambashu.

"Fuck!" After listening to Yaduoduo's report, Sambashu's face suddenly became ugly.

Sure enough, everything is the same as he just guessed.

Now the plot has just begun, and those guys who sealed him at the beginning should be the so-called "warriors".

And the real protagonist of the story is the "descendants of warriors"!

Turning the front of the car, heading in the direction pointed by Yaduoduo, he drove at full speed.

Regardless of whether there is a road or a sidewalk ahead, Sambashu doesn't have that much time at this moment.

"We have to kill those guys quickly." Thinking of this, Sambath tightened his grip on the revolver.

While the story is just beginning and those guys haven't grown up yet, we have to kill them quickly.

The captain is also here, and judging from the look on Yaduo's face, he should have informed more than just himself, and other cadres should have been informed as well.

As he rushed over there, Samba Xiu calculated.

"That chubby old man should not have much fighting power, but that revealingly dressed sister should be quite capable, but she doesn't seem to have gotten off the boat. But counting the 'Squid Head' and the others, and the captain, we should have a big boss and four cadres on our side."

Such a luxurious package is always enough to deal with a group of young warriors who are still wet behind the ears.

It stands to reason that this plot has just begun, and those guys will definitely not be able to beat us.

It's stable!

Thinking this way, Samba Xiu's originally gloomy heart also brightened a little.

However, the naive Samba Xiu has not reacted yet.

There is a kind of red warrior, they have a unique and elegant nickname, called-"Masked Rider".



Every time he sees the distinctive way of his companions rushing on the road, he always gives Samba Xiu an illusion that the times have not changed.

His motorcycle was already very fast, and he was the first to arrive here, but he didn't expect that the other people were not slow either.

They were only one or two seconds slower than him.

The guy sitting on the wide-mouthed earthenware jar was fine, magic and the like were still within the scope of what Sambaxiu could understand.

But the "Viking Pirate" who flew here with an axe and the "Squid Head" who ran here on foot were really a little bit wrong.

However, if you have to say it, Sambaxiu was the most wrong. Although he was a space pirate, he had guns and motorcycles three thousand years ago, so he was the one with the most abnormal style.

"Captain, I heard that you found the descendants of the warriors?" With a little curiosity, the purple female monster like Cleopatra asked in an extremely relaxed tone.

Obviously, like Sambaxiu, she didn't think that the descendants of these warriors would be stronger than the guys who sealed them in the first place.

"Hahahaha, here they come, Ilias, Bartbas, Martial Arts, Sambashu," Qihab looked at his men walking towards him with a relaxed look, "but they are not as powerful as before, they are just interesting guys."

Thanks to Qihab calling out the names of several cadres, Sambashu was able to follow Qihab's eyes to confirm the guys corresponding to each name.

Ilias is the only female weirdo among the four of them, that is, the purple one with an Egyptian style.

Bartbas is the big brother with an axe, who looks like a Viking pirate.

Martial Arts is the squid head holding a samurai sword.

As for Sambashu, there is no need to say more, he is referring to himself.

Looking around, sure enough, there are a bunch of people fighting in the distance. In addition to the miscellaneous soldiers Yadodo on his side, there are five guys wearing very conspicuous clothes.

Red, yellow, blue, green, pink, it is really too obvious.

Especially the guy in red clothes, he was lying on the ground, lying on the edge of a crack on the ground, and there was a risk of falling at any time.

These people should be the protagonists.

Sure enough, everything was as he guessed. The lineup of his side was too luxurious, and it was not something that this young warrior who had not experienced growth in the early stage could handle.

Alas, if the conditions allowed, Samba Xiu also wanted to be a righteous partner.

It's a pity...

Looking at the soldiers lying on the ground with their mouths and eyes open, and the red soldier lying on the edge of the cliff, Samba Xiu began to plan the next move.

According to the general routine, the captain felt that these guys were weak and not worthy of being opponents.

So he let these guys go, and such behavior was tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

"I'm sorry, who made me unable to travel through your companions." Samba Xiu silently said sorry in his heart.

His index finger was already on the trigger. As long as the captain had the idea of ​​letting the other side go, he would be the bad guy and add another knife.

However, the next sentence of Captain Qihabu made Samba Xiu dumbfounded.

"Destroy all of you!"


Suddenly, Samba Xiu's inner alarm bells rang.

And a strange sound suddenly rang in his ears, which seemed to be a sad tune.

"Hey, Wudao, did you hear any strange music?" Samba Xiu lowered his voice and asked Wudao beside him.

"Music?" Wudao was stunned at first, and when he was about to answer normally, he turned around and saw that it was Samba Xiu who asked him the question, and instantly put on a stinky face, "What music, there is a limit to playing around, let's see the occasion."

Absolutely, if you didn't hear it, you didn't hear it.

Samba Xiu felt that he should ask someone else, this stinky squid head has never given him a good face.

I don't know if he has any grudges with the original body.

Forget it, he was too lazy to care, anyway, the sad music disappeared soon.

A loud "boom" brought back Sambaxiu's scattered mind.

And Sambaxiu found that the hook in Captain Qihabu's left hand was on a stone not far away.

And the huge crack in front of the red warrior disappeared without a trace.

Wait, this scene, why is it so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

This familiar feeling did not last long, because Samba Xiu's suspicion was soon confirmed.

At this moment, a particularly familiar music suddenly sounded in Samba Xiu's ears.

"This... This is... the theme song of the Star Beast Team!" Samba Xiu was too familiar with this tune.

He quickly looked at his evil accomplices, but the other party's face was full of playful smiles, and it didn't look like he heard this music at all.

As the tune became clearer and clearer in his ears, the memory that had been sealed for a hundred years suddenly became clear, and the film that had been playing in his mind for hundreds of years became clear again at this moment.

The bad premonition that suddenly rose in his heart also reached its peak at this moment.

However, his evil accomplices were still mocking him at this moment.

"What a poor guy."

"It's really embarrassing for our ancestors."

However, Samba Xiu did take a small step back without leaving a trace at this moment.

Because he saw that the man in red clothes who was originally lying on his stomach was slowly standing up and shouting loudly.

Screaming in pain.

At the same time, a red light appeared on the opponent's body, spreading outward with him as the center, bringing with it a terrifying heat wave.

"Not good!" Seeing this, Samba Xiu took another step back calmly, hiding half of his body behind the martial arts.

"Mane of Fire!"

Accompanied by a mournful cry, a huge flame like a mountain swept towards Samba Xiu and others.

The Yaduoduo who stood in front of Samba Xiu were the most unlucky and died instantly.

"Unforgivable!" The man took a step forward with a terrifying momentum, as if he was a lion swallowing and spitting out flames.

He clenched his fists and looked at Samba Xiu and others.

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