"You guys, we'll beat you!"

After that, five rays of light of different colors flew in front of the guys from the distant mountains.

Then, the guys shouted loudly.

"Galaxy Reincarnation!"

After this shout, the clothes on their bodies began to dissolve, replaced by tights of various colors.

This posture instantly reminded the cadres of the Balbon Pirates of the memory of being beaten three thousand years ago.

"This posture..."

"It's right, I will never forget it..."

"Galaxy Man!"

Ⅰ Balbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 5 BGM+Dead Brother+First Appearance=One vs. Five?

Tights, helmets, black goggles.

These three can be said to be the three most important elements of the suits of the Super Sentai series warriors.

But with these simple three elements, more than 40 teams with distinctive styles were born, and each team has different memorable points.

Maybe after watching the team for several years, you will gradually forget the cute faces of the female warriors, the tough bodies of the male warriors, or the gorgeous suits of the monsters.

But you will always be impressed by this group of violent people in tights.

Samba Shu is such a guy. When he was sealed, he started playing Super Sentai-related works in his mind from about the 100th year, and continued until the first 500 years of the unsealing.

Although these videos have been played in his mind for a long time, Samba Shu, who has completely given up thinking about it, has already sealed that annoying movie-watching memory. As for the slightly complicated monster shapes and the delicate faces of the warriors in the film, he has long remembered them unclearly.

Even the plot of the story, without deliberately recalling it, he only knows a rough idea.

But he is impressed by the suits of each team of the Super Sentai, perhaps because compared with the faces of the actors and the appearance of the monsters, the suits of the team warriors are really a minimalist symbol.

It was full of a wonderful charm, and Samba Xiu deeply engraved the appearance of these leather suits into his mind.

"Galaxy Man", when he heard this name, Samba Xiu knew that his plan to make up for the enemy was going to fail.

"I wonder why the Star Beast Team started playing in my head a thousand years ago. Is it a reminder for me..."

After carefully looking up the Star Beast Team, Samba Xiu felt a headache. If it was any other team, he might be able to try to make up for the enemy before they grew up.

But the Star Beast Team was different. In the first episode, these cadres, including himself, were almost killed by the opposite side, the Galaxy Red.

If they were not pirates who were quite proficient in escaping, the first episode might have become the finale.

For some reason, the sound of the Star Beast Team theme song in his ears became louder and louder.

But at this moment, Samba Xiu no longer had much time to think about it, because the Galaxy Red with a MAX anger value was already rushing towards him with the Star Beast Sword.

No, to be precise, it was them.

After all, the target of the Galaxy Red was them.

"Wow, you're coming here alone to die? How arrogant." Captain Qihabu grinned and walked quickly towards the flat ground.

On the one hand, he planned to delay the direct conflict with Ginga Hong, and on the other hand, he planned to go to a place where he could do things better.

After all, Ginga Hong's condition at the moment didn't look easy to mess with, and Qihabu was not a careless person.

Samba Xiu followed Qihabu helplessly, after all, if he was alone, he would be the one to be beaten.

You know, in the first episode, this guy was fighting four cadres and a BOSS alone. If he was alone, Samba Xiu couldn't guarantee that he could survive under the furious Ginga Hong.

The world of Super Sentai is ultimately a world of idealism. The BGM that kept ringing in his ears at this moment is the best proof of this.

Samba Xiu looked at Qihabu, who was relaxed and smiling. He obviously didn't think that Yinhehong was that powerful. Although Qihabu showed a serious attitude, Samba Xiu knew that this boss was still quite arrogant in his heart.

I really hope he can tell me what he thinks after being beaten by Yinhehong.

After arriving at the right place, Qihabu stopped, turned around, and took off the hook on his left hand with his right hand.

His left hand was cut off in the battle three thousand years ago.

Losing a left hand is naturally not a good thing for ordinary people, but for Qihabu, it gives him the opportunity to transform his body and strengthen his abilities.

Although for him, this left hand has become an indelible shame for him.

I saw a thick gun barrel extending from the sleeve of his left hand, just like a cannon on an old wooden warship.

Seeing Qihabu's actions, Samba Xiu knew that he couldn't just sit there and do something.

He raised his arm, pulled the trigger, and aimed at Yinhehong's head.

He knew very well that with the help of BGM, the opponent would dodge 100% at this moment.

Sure enough, he fired several shots, but all of them missed.

I swear to God, Samba Xiu was seriously aiming at the opponent's head. After all, if he could shoot Yinhehong away here, he wouldn't have to worry about his own safety.

Seeing that all his bullets were empty, Samba Xiu finally understood how ruthless and unreasonable the protagonist's aura was.


Not to mention him, even one of Qihab's cannonballs, apart from adding excitement to Yinhehong's somersault, did not cause even a trace of damage to the opponent.

The harm is indeed not his problem.

If there is an administrator in Super Sentai World, Samba Xiu would like to call the administrator and say something.

Of course, crooked, someone is cheating, come out and take care of it.

But unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world.

And even if there is, it is very likely that it is on their side.

Speaking of which, Samba Xiu became more and more glad that he didn't say any weird and taunting words just now.

Otherwise, the first one to be burned by the galaxy-red flames at this moment would not be Butterbass who just owed something.

Sure enough, the enemy will attack units with taunt skills first, which is common in any world.

With a little teasing in mind, Samba Xiu dodged Galaxy Red's attack and ran to the side.

If I remember correctly, there will be a solo plot between Yinhehong and Captain Qihab. Although it only lasts a few seconds, Sambaxiu felt that only Qihab, the big BOSS, could handle the output.

And if you stand farther away, it will be easier for you to run away later.

"Flash of Fire!"

Suddenly, a red light effect appeared on the blade of the Galaxy Red Star Beast Sword, and several cadres who had been scattered gathered around Captain Qihab again.

"No, I'm already standing so far away." Samba Xiu was no exception.

Even if he knew he would be beaten early, he would try his best to avoid it.

But a strange force still drove him to Qihab's side. Good guy, we really have to let him become the pretentious tool in the first episode of Galaxy Red.

Damn it, he doesn’t want to lose face?

That's what he said, but Samba Xiu never had a choice at a time like this.

After all, Galaxy Red's angry blow has already arrived.

No, we were standing so scattered. How did you kill five of us with one knife?

This one is not a star beast sword, this one is probably a 40-meter machete.

Moreover, it was clear that only Qihab was the one he chopped down, so why did my side also explode?

Sambaxiu was really speechless. He really wanted to complain to the GM, but there was no such thing.

"Okay, Galaxy people, that's it for today, don't think you won."

Qihab received the most attacks. Although it was not a fatal injury, it was still embarrassing enough.

However, he was able to speak such lines so domineeringly in such an embarrassing state, which Samba Xiu was ashamed of.

Good guy, is this the person who is the BOSS? Sure enough, he has something.

Without thinking too much, watching Qihab jump onto the escape boat with the help of Wu Dao and others, Samba Xiu was not polite and got on his motorcycle.

Escaped happily.

Speaking of which, among the Balbon Pirates, he is the only one with the most ordinary way of escaping.

Everyone else flew away, but he was the only one who slipped away on a motorcycle right under the eyes of the other party.

"Phew, that's exciting."

Ⅰ Balbon's Spear Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 6: Group start, Samba Xiu wants to start a group!

On the sea far away from the land, a towering castle is the base of the space pirate group Balbon.

However, although it looks like a castle, in fact, it is a ship, or to be precise, it is the control center of the ship.

As long as this castle is combined with some ferocious monsters, those ferocious monsters can be controlled and forced to become the pirate ship of the space pirate.

At this moment, in a certain room in Balbon's stronghold, Samba Xiu was sitting cross-legged on the bed, wrapping himself into a rice dumpling with a quilt.

"The sea breeze on this sea is really hard. One day I will get rheumatic bone disease." Although he has been soaked in the sea for more than three thousand years, it is really difficult for Sangpaxiu to live.

The sea breeze brought by the waves, although not cold, still gave Samba Xiu a biting feeling.

"Galaxy Red's performance in the first episode was indeed scary, but it was limited to the first episode. Fortunately, the team during this period did not too deliberately praise the Red Warriors. After that, Galaxy Red's performance was considered normal."

Although the quilt cannot generate much heat, it can prevent Samba Xiu's heat from being lost so easily. It also allowed Sangbasiu to think about some issues fairly clearly.

From the moment he escaped, he had been thinking about whether there was any way to directly avoid his own death. Fortunately, as soon as they returned to the ship, the captain Qihab asked them to go back to rest for a while, and then several cadres would have a meeting together in the evening.

This gives Samba Xiu enough time to quickly browse the plot of Star Beast Sentai Galaxy.

Unexpectedly, even though he stopped playing the team's videos in his head five hundred years ago, he can now play them again whenever he wants. And he can choose the episodes to play according to his thoughts.

It seems that I stopped playing it before just because my subconscious no longer wanted to watch the Sentai series.

But before that, he had played Super Sentai for nearly two thousand years in his mind. Is it possible that he actually loves the "Hero of Justice" and even wants to become a "Hero of Justice"?

No kidding! To be a hero, you need to have noble sentiments and a strong mind. He has neither of these two things, and he can't be a bit of it!

After coming to his senses, Samba Xiu sorted out the plot a little and continued to think about how to make the right choice.

The Galaxy people after the second episode were not as scary as when they just transformed in the first episode. Any monster under Samba Xiu could fight them back and forth.

And the key prop that can make the star beasts merge, the Free Sword Machine Blade, is still in the leather coat of Bakuda, a monster under Samba Xiu.

Gradually, Samba Xiu came up with a bold idea: "Why not just rush in and try it?"

If it succeeds, he won't have to live in fear anymore.

But doing so is not only very risky, but also a little lacking in consideration.

But at this moment, Samba Xiu was too panicked. After all, according to the plot, he would have died in the twelfth episode.

The threat of death oppressed his nerves and made him impulsive.

Speaking of which, his death was really ugly. He fell off a cliff and exploded on an out-of-control motorcycle.

He didn't even have the traditional ability of the Super Sentai, the opportunity to grow bigger and play friendly wrestling games with robots.

It stands to reason that cadres like him are put on the death list in the late stage, that is, in the 30th or 40th episodes.

At the very least, it should be in the middle of the story.

As a result, the Star Beast Team is like cutting a cake, and almost every 12 episodes, a cadre will die.

But thinking carefully, it is not too shameful for me. After all, compared with those unlucky guys later, his death is still friendly.

Wudao was plotted against and died as a traitor under the sword of the Galaxy.

Although Ilias was also defeated by the Galaxy, in the end, in order to protect the vitality of the monster, Qihabu sacrificed the gem condensed from this guy's soul, destroying her possibility of resurrection.

As for Bartbas, it was even more ridiculous. He was eaten as breakfast by the Earth Monster that drilled out of the ground.

"How can I compare my death with theirs."

After a self-relief, Samba was about to get out of bed and go to the meeting.

"Bang bang!" The door was slammed twice.

"Hey, Samba! It's time to go to the meeting!" Such a rude voice, without even a second thought, Squidhead Wudao was ruled out first, and then Shelinda and Ilias were even less likely, so it could only be Bartbass.

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