"Do you feel that way too?"

Listening to the conversation between the Galaxy people and watching their figures disappear at the intersection, Samba Xiu suddenly recalled the look in Budao's eyes when he left.

That look in his eyes seemed to be aware of something.

This made Samba Xiu's inner uneasiness increase again.

Sensing the change in Sangbashiu's heart, Wu Jianlong, who was secretly observing, was full of doubts. Obviously, he, a fun-loving person, had done nothing, so Sangbasiu's fear increased again, and his desire for power became stronger.

"What a timid hamster," Wu Jianlong commented sharply, and the smile on Wu Jianlong's face became even thicker, "It saves me a lot of trouble. Go to the SCRTC club quickly and let me see you practicing in Beast Fist. How high can one’s talent be!”

Wu Jianlong was very anxious. If his premature appearance had not led to the bankruptcy of the God of Destruction training plan, he really wanted to catch Samba Xiu in front of Boxing Saint Xia Fu and let him teach Samba Xiu how to practice beast boxing.

This can't be blamed on him. After all, Sangbasiu would be a thousand times more anxious than Infernal Dragon when he saw that the stock he bought was growing well.

Fortunately, two days after Samba said goodbye to Masaki Miki, he received a notification from the other party, saying that he had arranged a master to guide his practice and asked him when it would be convenient for him to go there and meet.

Naturally, Sangbasiu immediately rushed there with Gu Linji and met his master.

A humanoid orange cat wearing a red training suit, a dark blue mandarin jacket, and a light purple scarf.

That is, the legendary Boxing Saint Xia Fu.

After all, Sangbasiu's current identity is just a somewhat lucky rich man, so when he saw Master Xia, he pretended to be shocked and asked: "Is this the master who taught me boxing?"

"Mr. Hiyama, don't be fooled by Master Xiafu's appearance. He is very strong." Masaki Miki briefly introduced Master Xia's situation.

Sangbasiu also showed a doubtful expression in cooperation, and made a hand-over-hand salute to Master Xia: "Then please give me more advice, Master Xia."

Xia Fu knew how deceptive his appearance was. He smiled and stroked the short beard on his chin, and led Sambaxiu and Gulinki to the open training ground.

"Beast boxing is a boxing technique that feels the heart of the beast and uses the power of the beast to fight. This does not require you to imitate the behavior and movements of the beast. That way you can only learn the most superficial superficial skills. What you need to do is to find the inner strength. Be wild and find the beast within you.”

Xia Fu's words were a bit difficult to understand for Sangbasiu, but Sangbasiu was not a shy person, so he immediately asked: "How can I find the beast in my heart?"

"Don't be anxious," Xia Fu seemed to have anticipated Sangbasiu's words. He walked to Sangbasiu and patted him and Gulinki on the shoulders. "Sit down."

The two of them sat cross-legged.

Fu Xia's instructions came to my ears again: "Close your eyes."

Continue to do so honestly.

Suddenly, Sambaxiu felt a plush cat's paw on his back, followed by a burst of warmth, flowing into his body from the part where his back and the cat's paw came into contact, traveling along his bones and throughout his body.

"Is this anger?"

Following Samba Xiu's guess, a square icon suddenly appeared in the dark corner of his vision, with the Beast Fist Team's logo in the middle - three claw marks.

Focusing your attention on it, a line of small words pops up.

[Intense Enlightenment: You are receiving the baptism of invigorating energy from Boxing Saint Xia Fu. Follow the guidance of invigorating energy and find the beast in your heart. 】

Sambaxiu raised his eyebrows helplessly, thinking: "Can't I give you more specific guidance?"

Xia Fu, who injected the excitement into Samba Xiu's body, sensed Samba Xiu's impatience, and gently reminded him: "Reason is the protective color of wildness, and peace is the inhibitor of mania. Chasing with impatience cannot catch the beast within, only calmness can be achieved." Only then can we wait for the opportunity.”

Although Sangbasiu still couldn't fully understand Xia Fu's slightly riddle-like guidance, he still followed his instructions and tried to calm his heart.

But perhaps it was because he had always had worries about the future and fear of death in his heart. For a long time, Samba Xiu not only failed to calm down, but instead kept thinking uneasily.

So much so that Gulinki had already figured out what the beast in his heart was, while Sambaxiu was still struggling in the calm stage.

Gulinki lowered his voice, but his tone could not hide his anxiety: "What will happen to the leader?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Furukawa. If Mr. Hiyama is still unable to enter samadhi, Master Xia Fu will wake him up." Masaki Miki comforted him.

After another ten minutes, Xia Fu looked at Sangbasiu with a solemn expression, preparing to wake up Sangbasiu.

However, before he could reach out his hand to Samba Xiu, Samba Xiu, who was sitting cross-legged, fell straight backwards.

Sambaxiu successfully entered samadhi.

Although it was still dark in front of him, if Gu Lin Jianeng and Samba Xiu shared their vision, they would definitely find that this was actually the seabed where the Balbon Pirates had been sealed for three thousand years.

Memories of loneliness and helplessness flooded into Sambaxiu's mind, making him dizzy.

"The beast in me is hiding in a place like this."

At this moment, a dull sound rang out from the dark sea bottom.

"Bang bang", "bang bang"...

It was like something was hitting the rock.

Just hear a loud noise!

The seafloor shook violently, and large groups of bubbles rose from the seafloor.

Apparently something came out of the bottom of the ocean.

Suddenly, a pair of big scarlet eyes appeared in front of Samba Xiu, staring straight at him, as if trying to draw away his soul.

But Samba Xiu felt very calm inside, because he knew that the owner of the scarlet eyes was the beast he was looking for.

Ⅰ Balbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 46: The fierce beast Daitanix Fist Fighter, Samba Xiu!

Like a green plant longing for sunshine, Samba Xiu stretched out his hands toward the scarlet eyes in front of him.

The giant beast with scarlet eyes also took the initiative to approach Sambaxiu, causing the flow of sea water.

The moment Sangbasiu and the giant beast collided, the loud roar began to echo in Sangbasiu's mind.

As if being resonated, Sambaxiu actually opened his mouth and let out a low roar in his own spiritual world.

The sound waves generated by the roar pushed the sea water towards the giant beast in front of them, slapping pieces of ancient rocks.

"Master Xia Fu!" In the training venue, Masaki Miki looked at the dark anger seeping out of Samba Xiu's body, and turned back with a solemn expression.

When Gulinki saw this, he immediately understood that something was wrong with Sangbasxiu, and quickly asked anxiously: "Is there something wrong with the leader's training?"

Xia Fu stroked his beard with one hand and gently pressed down with the other hand to suppress the inner anxiety of Masaki Miki and Gu Linji.

He closed his eyes and felt it for a moment, then said: "It's really a scary color, but it's not Linqi. It should be a different kind of Qi with properties similar to purple Qi."

"Master Xia, do you mean that you don't need to worry about the leader's situation for the time being?"

Xia Fu smiled slightly and nodded.

Gulinki continued to ask: "Then what are the 'Lin Qi' and 'Purple Exciting Qi' you are talking about? Can you elaborate on it?"

Gulinki found the beast in his heart and could barely be considered a beast-fighting boxer. But after all, he was dragged by Samba Xiu to practice boxing without knowing anything about it. Naturally, he had no idea about all this.

Xia Fu was also happy to explain Gu Linji's doubts: "As of today, Beast Boxing has a history of four thousand years. Like many ancient skills that can be passed down to this day, Beast Boxing will naturally evolve into different schools over time. , what I’m teaching you is the Beast Fist’s branch, and the one that’s against our group is the Beast Fist.”

After saying that, Xia Fu looked at Gu Linji and said: "You have embarked on the path of beast fist practice. You should be able to feel that in order to drive the beast in your body, you need the guidance of a kind of 'qi', right? This kind of Qi is 'irritation'."

"So the Qi that drives Linshou Fist is 'Linqi'?"

"It can be understood this way, but there is no essential difference between stimulating qi and lin qi. They both need to be obtained through one's own practice. It's just that Lin Beast Fist was born out of unrestrained venting and destruction, and the lin qi that drives Lin Beast Fist is even more obvious. Violent, if serious, it may even affect the boxer himself. "

"That purple energy is..."

"A very dangerous irritation, which is very similar to Linqi. It is more destructive than ordinary irritation."

After listening to Xia Fu's explanation, Gulinki once again looked at Samba Xiu with worried eyes: "Will the purple energy affect the boxer himself?"

Hearing this, Xia Fu paused and gave the answer: "Yes."

"Isn't the leader very dangerous?" Gulinki said as he couldn't control his inner anxiety and subconsciously took two steps forward.

"Toru, you don't have to worry," Xia Fu stopped Gu Linji who was a little reckless due to anxiety in time, and said, "Although Jing's anger is weird, it has an unshakable stability. Instead of worrying that his anger will be too extreme, it is better to Worried about his agitation being difficult to drive.”

"That's it." Samba Xiu's voice suddenly sounded.

Gulinki's face clearly showed a layer of joy: "Leader!"

"I said why my body feels so heavy, as if I'm wearing a weight-bearing suit." Sangbasiu put away the overflowing light black anger, stood up, patted Gulinki's shoulder, and looked at Xia Fu, "Sorry, looking for Too much time is wasted on the inner wildness.”

"This is the most critical step in practicing beast boxing. No matter how much time you spend, it is worth it." Come out and satisfy the old man’s curiosity?”

Sangbasiu's arousing properties are really special, and even the well-informed Xia Fu has never seen it before.

"Hmm..." Samba Xiu opened his mouth and asked in a somewhat nervous tone, "Master Xiafu, are the beasts in the Beast Boxer's heart all creatures that have ever existed on earth?"

Xia Fu also didn't expect Sangbasiu to hesitate for a long time before asking such a question, but he still maintained the calmness of an elder: "Generally speaking, yes."

In the final analysis, people's spiritual world still needs to be based on the cognition and understanding of the material world. Even Xia Fu, who has rich experience, cannot guarantee that he can fabricate a spiritual world that is completely deviated from reality.

"Then it seems that I must have been lucky enough to see alien creatures." Samba Xiu said, asking Masaki Miki for paper and pen, and simply drew the beast in his heart.

Gulinki on the side took a look at Sambaxiu's painting, immediately opened his mouth, inhaled sharply, and desperately pushed the name that was about to pop out of his throat back into his chest.

He closed his mouth with difficulty and put on a normal expression, but his eyes were still wide when he looked at Samba Xiu.

What an inner beast! It’s clearly the monster inside!

What Sambaxiu drew on the paper was the demon beast Daitanix that was still sealed at this moment!


After I opened the treasure box, I was prepared to be scolded by people like "TJ is too embarrassed to update" and "I only opened the treasure box to make money from leeks." However, looking at the comment section, it seems that they are more simply surprised that I updated and sighed. The team literature is sparse.

I'm not so surprised. I remember that there was a fanfic of this team that had pretty good results, even though the protagonist was a knight.

But speaking of it, this book is indeed a bit old. It has been three years and eight months since it was first published, and nearly two years since it was published. It feels like yesterday in a daze.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 47 Special Operations Captain Elise

In the cab of the Balbon Pirates, Budo, who was kneeling on the barrier, stared at a brilliant red flower in front of him, muttering: "Can the broken flower continue, can the dead be resurrected?"

When he heard the news of Sangbasiu's death in battle, this flower was chopped off from the branch with a rain of justice. He later picked it back up, and it still maintains its tenacious vitality.

This was originally a symbol of his superb swordsmanship, but now it continued to inspire his thoughts.

He picked up his sword Yiyu and pulled out the blade. He saw a scratch made by a bullet on the translucent blade, which was very dazzling.

He looked at the familiar traces and thought in his heart: "Sangpaxiu, are you still alive?"

The helmsman Xelinda, who was in the same cab, still had that world-weary face that looked displeased with everyone. She raised her hands and beat the rudder again, then walked to the captain Qihab: "This guy has been flying since he came on board. He's been looking like this since he was ruined by a nosy Earthling. I don't know where he's going."

Qihab waved at Sherinda, but when she saw no movement, he pulled the exposed elder sister in front of him, leaned down, and said in a low voice: "I heard from Yaduoduo, martial arts wants to be in the duel." We tried to get rid of the troublesome Earthling, but we didn’t succeed.”

"No wonder," after hearing Qihab's supplementary explanation, Sherinda suddenly realized, she reminded, "But Captain, Wu Dao is the action captain. It has been a long time since his last battle. If he doesn't urge him, it is very likely that It’s going to be about that thing all the time.”

Qihab nodded in agreement, raised the iron hook of his left hand and lightly tapped the armrest of the chair next to him: "Martial arts, if you have had enough sorrow for spring and autumn, it is time to prepare for the next battle."

Worried that only Qihab's reminder would not attract the attention of martial arts, Sherinda immediately followed up her sarcasm: "Or is it that your so-called place where the light of the galaxy may exist is just nonsense you made to help you seize power? lie?"

Balban's cadres have always been intolerant of excitement, especially this guy in Budo. He immediately came back from thinking about Samba Xiu's life and death, took out his scroll, and spread it out.

I saw it read "The Sixth Place Where the Light of the Galaxy Will Lurk, the Immortal Thing".

Ting Wu Dao slowly read out the content above, and Bukradis, who had been silent for a long time in the cab, said in surprise and pride: "Immortal things, that is to say, hard things, I know, it is a diamond!"

"That's what a layman would think of." Wu Dao arrogantly denied Bukradis's conjecture.

This disgusting tone made Bukradis shout whether Sambasho's character was cuter.

Wu Dao had no intention of comforting the little old man. He just looked at Qihab with burning eyes, as if to express his confidence in this way: "Captain, I have sent someone to investigate..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a violent shaking under his feet.

The little old man Bukradis, who was still angry and ready to leave the cab, was caught off guard by the sudden shaking, and suddenly rolled on the ground together with the wine barrels in the corners.

After a while the shaking stopped, he struggled to stand up straight: "What's going on? Is it an earthquake?"

Qihab knocked hard on the armrest of the seat.

Soon a Yaduoduo rushed into the cab.

"To find out what happened?"

This Yaduoduo received the order and was about to turn around and go out to inquire about the news. The next second, another Yaduoduo rushed into the cab.

After reluctantly stopping the car in front of Qihab, he gasped and reported: "Captain, just now, Daitanix's eyes lit up!"

"This is really good news!" Qihab happily slapped his right hand with the iron hook of his left hand. He looked at Bukradis, "Teacher, please go and investigate the situation of Daitanix."

Bukradis didn't want to breathe the air in the same room as Budo anymore. After receiving this order, he ran out of the cab, called his niece, and went to the lowest level to investigate the current situation of Daitanix.

"Captain..." Wu Dao was about to say something.

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