Qihab then continued to issue orders to him: "Martial Arts, your battle will be suspended for now, waiting for the teacher's investigation results."

As a scholar who makes a living in a pirate group, Bukradis knows that his strength and weakness do not matter, but his efficiency must be high.

With the help of his niece Elise, Bukradis quickly completed the investigation against Daitanix.

"Captain, the seal of Daitanix has not been lifted yet."

After hearing the bad news, Qihab did not show too much impatience. Knowing Bukradis's character, he knew that there must be good news waiting for him: "Teacher, don't be so secretive and just tell the truth. "

"Didn't you learn this from some people?" Bukradis glanced at the martial arts, and then talked about another good news he found out, "The reason why Titanic had the strange behavior just now was because he received When it reaches a certain level of energy, although that energy cannot help Daitaniks break the seal, it can maintain Daitaniks' physical condition and enhance Daitaniks' vitality. As long as this energy is sufficient, Daitaniks may be able to survive. Si doesn't need the light of the galaxy to break the seal."

"Teacher, this is an amazing discovery." Qihab was in a good mood.

Selinda on the side asked, "So, do you know how to obtain that kind of energy?"

"I don't know," Bukradis shook his head and pointed at the crystal ball held by Elise before Sherinda got angry. "But Elise has extracted a little bit of that special energy. We You can use this as a clue.”

"Very good," Qihab smiled and looked at Wu Dao. He originally wanted to hand over the task of finding this energy to the current operations leader Wu Dao, but considering Wu Dao's wandering appearance not long ago, he decided to leave it to Wu Dao. His eyes fell on Elise, "Elise, I appoint you as the special operations captain, responsible for finding the source of this energy."

"As you command, Captain," Elise nodded slightly, with a greedy look in her eyes, "Captain, if I can find that energy before Martial Arts finds the Light of the Galaxy, will there be any additional rewards?"

Qihab was not angry because of Elise's greed. On the contrary, he laughed heartily: "You greedy bastard, okay, I promise you, if you can complete the mission before Martial Arts finds the Light of the Galaxy, I’ll reward you with a box of gold coins!”


Even an unpopular theme like Super Sentai can be ranked in the top five clicks, which shows that the gold content of the treasure box is really high.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 48 Elise is extremely efficient

As the successor appointed by Li Xiaolong, the founder of Beast Boxing four thousand years ago, Xia Fu has a rich life experience that has spanned more than three thousand springs and autumns.

But for Titanicus, the star-devouring monster from the universe, his understanding was limited to his name.

How could it happen that when the Balbon Pirates invaded the earth three thousand years ago, they would have coincided with the protracted battle between the Gekiju Fist and the Rinjuu Fist.

However, although he didn’t know much about Daitanix, the basic practice of Beast Boxing was the same, which consisted of three directions: “mind, skill, and body.” Therefore, Xia Fu easily developed a set of highly adapted Sangpaxiu’s spiritual practice plan.

Although the "heart" training in this plan occupies a large part, after Sambaxiu trained step by step for a few days, he clearly felt the increase in agitation in his body.

After once again performing a set of Beast-Exciting Fist routines according to Xia Fu's plan, Samba Xiu was not in a hurry to take back his unique excitement.

Because as long as Sambaxiu continues to release his excitement, his body will return to a state of continuous weight-bearing. In this state, Sambaxiu can gain experience points by practicing skills.

Moreover, ever since Samba Xiu embarked on the path of cultivating the beast-stimulating fist, the experience bar on his left forearm that had been silent has changed. There is a circle at the end near the wrist, and there is a number in the circle. It says "99.99%".

"Just two more practice knee bumps and I should be able to get to 100%."

Samba Xiu ran around like a wild cat twice in his empty living room, and the number in the circle reached 100% as expected.

I saw the words "100%" gradually disappearing, and four branches extended horizontally from the circle. At the end of the branches were four different icons, which were flashing continuously.

"These look really familiar."

With a thought in his mind, Samba Xiu opened the skill tree with many skill icons stacked up after a long time. Sure enough, there was an icon for differentiation at the starting position of each branch, which was exactly the same as the extra icon on Samba Xiu's arm. .

"Do you want me to choose one among the four?"

If possible, Samba Shu would really like to choose them all.

But it was a pity that he couldn't choose. He could only curl his lips with some regret and study which aspects of the four branches of skills he focused on.

"Machines, ammunition, heavy weapons, gun fighting skills..."

Sambaxiu quickly made a decision and gently tapped the icon symbolizing the mechanical branch with his right hand.

Although he is very coveted for the gorgeous gun fighting skills, strange ammunition and grenades, and large firearms that mainly cover firepower, after all, this is the world of Super Sentai, and the priority of these is always higher than that of giant robots.

After Sambaxiu made his decision, the green circle began to shrink, and the experience points accumulated in the circle rushed like a river towards the mechanical branch that Sambaxiu had just chosen.

Samba Xiu suddenly felt that he had been completely renewed five times in an instant. In addition to gaining several more skills, he also gained a lot of knowledge about mechanical manufacturing and maintenance in his mind.

Although it was not enough to support him to rub a huge robot that could be combined, it would not be a problem for him to communicate with Dr. Xun World or Professor Makino Morio about the structure of robots in the future.

Sure enough, his choice was not wrong.

Samba Xiu immediately became motivated and prepared to continue to practice a set of beast fists to increase his experience points.

But at this moment, the crisp doorbell rang, and Samba Xiu had to stop his practice.

Samba Xiu didn't have many friends and a small social circle, so there wouldn't be many people who would visit him on weekdays.

With a little doubt, Samba Xiu opened the door: "Excuse me, who is this?"

In front of the door, a blonde girl held a crystal ball in both hands. The dark purple evening dress set off her graceful figure, and the veil with gold wire added a bit of mystery to her. A pair of ruby-like bright pupils reflected surprise.

"Sambaxiu, why is it you? You are still alive?"

However, the blonde girl was answered by Sambaxiu's angry straight punch!

The blonde girl was unprepared and could only raise her arms wrapped in white silk sleeves to try to block the fierce punch.

However, she overestimated her lower body and underestimated Sambaxiu's punch.

With a muffled sound, the blonde girl drew a purple parabola in front of Sambaxiu's door.

Then she fell heavily to the ground.

The blonde stood up and shouted angrily at Sambashu: "You despicable bastard, why did you suddenly attack?"

Sambashu mobilized his anger again, covered his fist with it, jumped high, and smashed the blonde's head: "Don't think I don't know, Ilias, you were going to hypnotize me just now."

The blonde was Ilias who had transformed into an earthling. She never thought that she was only following Qihabu's order to find the source of the special energy that activated the activity of the Daitanix cells, and she would actually see Sambashu who had died in the battle.

It was precisely because of the surprise of seeing the "dead man" that Ilias failed to perform hypnosis in time, otherwise she could have taken Sambashu back to Balbon to collect the reward.

Since Sambashu's attack intention was too obvious, Ilias dodged it easily with a flash: "You are such a daring fellow, you actually dared to fake your death and defect. You will be dead when I tell the captain!"

"You must have a chance to tell Zihab." Sambashu quickly followed, sticking to Ilias tightly.

Ilias's attack method is mainly based on long-range magic, so as long as Sambashu keeps pestering her, she cannot exert her full strength.

"I should have brought Disphias out earlier. Sambashu's strength has improved compared to the past. It seems that he has obtained some treasure after leaving Barbon. It is not advisable to stay for a long time. Withdraw first." Ilias complained and prepared to use teleportation magic to escape the scene.

However, a voice came to her ear: "Knee strike."

Low and confident.

In an instant, Ilias felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and her body took off.

It was Sambashu's knee strike that worked.

Looking at Ilias being knocked away, Sambashu raised his hand, used the Qi to drive the Rainbow Antimatter wrapped around his body, wrapped Ilias into a dumpling, and turned around to take her home.

Before closing the door again, Sambashu poked his head out to confirm whether his fight with Ilias had attracted the attention of other people in the villa area.

As soon as he turned his head to look at the villa of the Ozu family, he saw Ozu Kui holding a football and staring at him excitedly.

"Uncle Hiyama, your fist was glowing just now, so powerful, can I learn from you?"

Yes, the whole process was witnessed by this naughty kid.

Sambashu raised his hand and slapped his face hard, and after taking a deep breath, he said: "Yes!"


My condition is not very good, and it is a bit late. I have one more update to make up after get off work today, and I will try to make it up before 11 o'clock in the evening.

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beasts) : [New] Chapter 49 Talking to his brother in this situation will expose him

After receiving Samba's promise, Ozukui did not push his luck like some annoying kids: "Uncle Hiyama, I will keep the previous events a secret for you. I know that woman is a bad guy."

Samba didn't know how the bratty Ozukui came to this conclusion, and asked curiously: "How did you find out?"

He raised his head proudly: "Who wears an evening gown so early in the morning?"

"You're right." Samba nodded and gave Ozukui a thumbs up solemnly.

The boy was even more excited after receiving the praise, and even walked with a bit of pride. However, when he left Sambashu's yard, he turned around and gave Sambashu an encouraging look with full energy: "Come on, Uncle Hiyama, you must defeat the bad guys' plot!"

Sambashu raised his hand and waved in cooperation: "I will definitely do it."

Sambashu retreated into the room and exhaled a heavy breath. Fortunately, no one else saw it, otherwise Sambashu would not know how to explain it.

He cast his eyes on Ilias, who was wrapped into a cocoon by his rainbow antimatter: "Then it's time to deal with you, the bad guy."

Although most of the Rainbow Anti-Matter is wrapped around Ilias at this moment, as long as Sambaxiu's body is still in contact with the Rainbow Anti-Matter, his control over the Rainbow Anti-Matter will not fail.

Obviously, the Yin-Yang master who made the Rainbow Anti-Matter should have been a pure love warrior in his life.

Sambaxiu's mind moved, and the big cocoon in front of him disappeared instantly, replaced by Ilias tightly tied with ropes.

Sambaxiu walked behind Ilias and took the crystal ball from her palm: "I ask, you answer, understand?"

Ilias looked at Sambaxiu with resentment as he took away her crystal ball, but she nodded unwillingly because of the formality.

"Did you leave Balbon on your own initiative, or did Zihab assign you a mission?"

"It was the captain's order. He asked me to find a source of special energy."

"What special energy?"

"There is an energy that has never been seen in the body of Daitanix. This energy promotes Daitanix's cell activity, making Daitanix active for a short time. We guess that if there is enough of this energy, it can directly help Daitanix to remove the seal."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu frowned slightly, and sighed in his heart: "This is different from the original plot."

"When did Daitanix's abnormal movement occur?"

"Seven days ago. But when I contacted Disphias last night, I heard him say that Daitanix will be active for a short time at least once a day."

"Did you ask about the time of the abnormal movement?"

"I asked. Except for the vibration that lasted all day yesterday, it basically happened in the morning every day."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu raised his head and carefully checked his recent itinerary. He found that the time when Daitanix's abnormal movement occurred coincided with the time when he practiced the beast fist.

How could there be such a coincidence in this world? Sambaxiu drooped his face helplessly, clenched his back teeth, and muttered viciously: "I was wondering why I always dreamed of myself turning into Daitanix and running around in the universe these few nights. I wonder if I have established a connection with my original body by practicing the beast fist."

I am really impressed. I really can't cut off the bad fate with Balbon.

Sambaxiu's emotions were temporarily out of control, and a huge amount of excitement was released from his body.

Although this excitement was fleeting, Ilias was sure that this was the root cause of Daitanix's abnormal movement.

"It's because of you," although it's a little unbelievable, the facts are in front of her, and Ilias can't deny it. She looked at the slightly impatient Sambashu and suggested, "Sambashu, come back to Balbon with me. The strange power in you can help Detanix remove the seal. The captain will not blame you for escaping, and may even let you be the deputy captain."

"It's fine if you lie to yourself, but I won't be fooled. Deputy captain, it's good enough that you don't lock me up and force me to release my anger for 24 hours," Sambashu sneered contemptuously, then took out his mobile phone and called Gulinji, "Gulinji, help me get a bag of cement and an empty oil barrel from the factory, go in person, don't let anyone see you."

"Sambashu, what are you going to do?" Ilias shrank back in fear.

"What else can I do? Of course, I'll make you into a cement pile and throw you into Tokyo Bay. It's impossible to put you back." Sambashu looked at a fool, because it was no secret that Ilias was immortal, and all the cadres in Balbon knew it.

Once Ilias's body dies, her soul will condense into a beautiful gem. It will only take a few days for her dead body to recover.

But after hearing Sambaxiu's plan, Ilias showed a scornful sneer: "You don't think I can't get rid of the shackles of cement, do you? I am..."

Before Ilias finished her cruel words, she saw Sambaxiu take out a syringe from the cabinet and flicked it with his fingers, obviously intending to inject her with something.

"You are the demon emperor Ilias, but I have been working with you for more than three thousand years. I know your ability very well," Sambaxiu approached Ilias with a syringe, "After turning you into a cement pile, I will give you an injection of anesthesia every day to ensure that you are drowsy every day and have no desire to escape. Don't worry, I have experimented with Gulinji, so you don't have to worry about the efficacy of the medicine."

After that, without hesitation, he inserted the syringe into Ilias's white arm and prepared to inject the anesthetic into her body.

At this moment, the crystal ball that was disarmed by Sambaxiu began to flash purple light.


"It's a message from Disphias," Ilias' eyes instantly showed a little more pride and confidence, "If you don't receive it, he will be suspicious."

"How to receive it?" Sambaxiu asked.

"Just use your left hand to stroke the crystal ball clockwise."

Sambaxiu took the crystal ball and said coldly: "You should know how to behave."

After that, according to what Ilias said, he connected to Disphias.

"Sister, did you find the source of that energy? Just now, Daitanix roared and opened his mouth!"

Ilias glanced at Sambaxiu and replied: "Yes."

"That's great, Wudao can't be the deputy captain anymore!"

"Yes." Ilias echoed.

But because the tone was too quiet, it attracted the attention of Disphias: "Sister, are you unhappy?"

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