Feeling the coolness of the syringe on her neck, Ilias said with a bitter face: "Maybe I've been running around these days and destroyed the transmission structure of the magic circle. I'm very happy now."

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 50 Qihabu's men are all loyal

"The situation here is very complicated. The task assigned by the captain has not been completely completed. Let's disconnect the communication first."

"Oh, okay." Although there are still doubts, Disphias, who is afraid of delaying Ilias's meritorious service, still cuts off the communication.

"Are you satisfied with this, Sambashu?" Ilias twisted her neck stiffly and looked at Sambashu, her mind full of the abnormal movements of Daitanix that Disphias just mentioned.

If there is nothing wrong with her memory, Sambashu's emotions just now are a little out of control.

Could it be that...

Sambashu did not respond immediately. He lowered his head and thought.

After a while, he took back the syringe and asked, "How much did Zihab give you for this mission?"

Ilias didn't understand why Sambashu suddenly asked this, but she still answered honestly, "One box of gold coins."

"Only one box of gold coins?" Sambashu was a little unbelievable. Although the gold coins in his small treasury were far less than those of Ilias, who was obsessed with money, there were at least 17 or 18 boxes. "That's all. Daitanix is ​​only worth one box of gold coins?"

"No one can guarantee that the energy you call 'excitement' can remove the seal of Daitanix." Ilias defended Zihab, but she still listened to Sambashu's questioning to some extent, and there was a little dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Yes, Daitanix was always mentioned, but in the end, such an important mission only gave such a few gold coins, and even refused to draw a pie for the vice captain.

Suddenly, Samba said confidently: "I can guarantee it."

If Samba had only doubted that his practice could affect Daitanix's actions before, then Disphias' message confirmed it.

Samba even dared to speculate that with the deepening of his beast fist practice or the increase of the amount of excitement in Daitanix's body, he might be able to completely control Daitanix's actions.

Samba put his face close to Ilias, captured the emotions in her eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Ilias, let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"A deal that will allow you to earn at least two more boxes of gold coins."

"Let me make it clear first, I won't do anything too dangerous." Because Samba lacked respect for Qihab in his words, when Ilias heard that Samba was going to make a deal with her, she always felt that the other party was instigating her to do something dangerous.

"Don't worry."

Samba still had a faint smile on his face, but Ilias did not dare to take it lightly.

She remembered clearly what terrifying words Sambaxiu said after saying "don't worry".

However, this time Sambaxiu did not say anything shocking, but just asked a simple question: "Ilias, you should have mastered the magic of collecting energy."

"Of course."

"Very good," Sambaxiu nodded with satisfaction, and continued, "I will regularly provide you with a large amount of energy, enough for you to deal with Qihabu's tasks, so that you can get a box of gold coins from him every time."

"So what do I need to do and what do I need to pay?" Although Ilias looked at Sambaxiu with a little vigilance, she was still shamefully tempted by the considerable income.

"Half of the gold coin dividends, and concealing the fact that I'm still alive."

Ilias's ruby-like eyes were extremely penetrating, and she smiled: "Just these two things? So easy?"

"Otherwise, do I have to kill you so that your soul can return to Balbon and reveal my whereabouts? Or really turn you into a concrete pile and let you live in a daze with anesthetics? Or hand you over to the Space Police Earth Bureau and let you be punished by the iron fist of justice?"

Except for the first method, the other two are good choices, but they cannot maximize Sambaxiu's interests.

"You said it so nicely," Ilias smiled, a bright look on her face, "Don't think I don't know, you want to try to increase your control over Daitanix in this way."

"So you plan to refuse this deal?"

"No, I agree to this deal, but if you successfully control Daitanix in the future, the captain's treasure will be divided into 10% for me."

"You said it as if one of me and Zihab was destined to die."

Ilias rolled her eyes: "From the moment you were able to influence Daitanix, you and the captain have been in a life-and-death relationship. Besides, I don't think you can resist not attacking the captain after you completely control Daitanix."

"So I understand that you plan to stand on my side?"

"No, I stand on the side of the actual controller of Daitanix."

"Hahaha, you are such a greedy and cunning bastard." Regarding Ilias, Sambaxiu has the same opinion as Zihab.

"Same here, you're no less capable."

Sure enough, greed and cunning are the common compliments of the Balbon Pirates.

"Then we'll have a happy cooperation." Samba extended his hand, and realizing that Ilias was still tied up by the Rainbow Anti-Material, he took it back.

Ilias rubbed her red wrist, extended her hand, and smiled heartily: "We'll have a happy cooperation."

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 51: The unblocking progress of Daitanix is ​​7%

"These should be enough for you to do your job." Samba Xiu put his right hand on the door frame, bent over, and breathed heavily.

Elise's face was rosy, she stroked her crystal ball contentedly, and teased: "It's just so-so. It seems that Mr. Hiyama's endurance needs to be strengthened."

"Let's see if I don't burst your crystal ball next time," said the exhausted Samba Xiu while talking rubbish, while raising his hand and moving it out twice with disgust, "You'd better go back and collect your gold coins quickly. Remember to send someone to deliver my share.”

"Hey." When talking about money, Elise could not maintain the elegant smile on her face. She curled her lips and said with a cold face, "I won't miss you."

After that, he left without looking back.

Seeing this, Samba Xiu stopped saying goodbye and turned around to go back to his room to continue practicing the beast fist that was interrupted by Elise.

But before he closed the door, Ozu Kui's childish voice reached his ears: "Uncle Hiyama, why did you let that bad guy go?"

Looking at Ozu Kui standing on the wall, Samba Xiu sighed in his heart, "Children are full of energy." Then he walked to the wall with a helpless fake smile, hugged Ozu Kui down, and casually pulled one Lie: "She was influenced by my words and surrendered."

Hearing this, Ozu Kui, who was already admiring Samba Xiu's two beast punches, had a little more admiration in his eyes: "Uncle Hiyama is too awesome."

This sincere compliment made Sambaxiu very happy, and he carried Ozu Kui and walked to the Ozu family's large villa.

"Uncle Hiyama, let's start learning how to make our fists shine now." Ozu Kui tugged on Samba Xiu's clothes and urged him eagerly.

"Are you so anxious?"


After all, Sangbasiu himself was just a newcomer who had just come into contact with Beast Fist. How could he dare to accept a disciple easily and mislead others? Faced with the interested Ojin Kui, he said: "Kui, did you know? Your mother is actually capable of magic. Magician."

"Mom is a magician?" Ozu Kui was shocked by Samba Xiu's secret.

"Yes," Samba Xiu said in a brisk tone, like the host of a children's show, "If Kui wants to learn some cool skills, you can ask your mother to teach you magic."

However, Ozu Kui shook his head and said firmly: "I don't want to learn magic, I want my fist to shine."


Looking at the confused Samba Xiu, Ozu Kui explained: "That bad woman just now was also a magician, wasn't she defeated by Uncle Hiyama? It seems that magic is nothing more than that, so I still have to learn how to make my fists shine."

Hearing this, Sangbasiu was speechless and couldn't find an excuse to refute.

The brief silence made the smart Ozukui realize that the conversation just now was Samba Xiu trying to divert his enthusiasm.

He narrowed his eyes slightly with a bit of disdain: "Uncle Hiyama is not going to be an adult who doesn't keep his word..."

"How could it be possible? Uncle, I am the most trustworthy person," Samba Xiu quickly denied that he was a bastard who broke his word and explained, "Practice is very hard. If Kui is only warm for three minutes, Uncle Hiyama It will be very sad.”

"Uncle Hiyama, don't worry, I will definitely persevere."

Feeling the boy's eager eyes, Samba Xiu agreed: "Okay, I can take you to practice together, but only if you get your mother's permission."

"Okay." Ojinkui nodded heavily, jumped out of Sambaxiu's arms, and happily ran home to ask his parents for instructions.

At the same time, in the cabin of the Balbon Pirates.

Elise proudly and proudly displayed her crystal ball filled with Samba Xiu's energy: "Captain, I am very efficient in my work. I have already obtained the mysterious energy you want."

Qihab touched his beard, and the joy on his red face could not be suppressed at all. He did not expect that Elise moved so quickly, and it only took a week and a half to complete his task.

After he tapped the armrest of the seat with the iron hook of his left hand, Yaduoduo walked in holding a box of gold coins.

"Elise, you really impress me. This box of gold coins is yours." After saying that, Qihab glanced at Martial Arts meaningfully, and then quickly let out a cold snort.

Because at this time, Wu Dao didn't notice Qihab's eyes at all. His eyes were burning, staring at the crystal ball in Elise's hand, as if his guess was confirmed, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you, Captain." If there weren't so many people present at this moment, Elise would have really wanted to rush into the gold coin box and caress every gold coin.

"Conquer your inner desires, Elise, and inject energy into Titanic's body!" Sherinda glanced at Elise with disgust, and conveyed the order to Qihab again.

Elise casually asked two Yadodos to carry the box back to her room, lifted up her skirt, and walked gracefully outside to the open deck.

Upon seeing this, Qihab and others quickly followed, preparing to witness the resurrection of Daitanix with their own eyes.

Elise walked to the deck and immediately recited a spell.

Within a moment, majestic energy emerged from the small crystal ball.

For a moment, the monster Daitanix seemed to be inspired. After closing his originally open mouth, he roared again.

"It really works!" Although the ancient stone attached to the surface of Daitanix still showed no signs of falling off, Zihab was very excited to see Daitanix roar again, and quickly ordered, "Ilias, quickly inject energy into Daitanix's body."

Ilias gently exerted force on her wrist, waved her palm downward, and the majestic energy was injected into Daitanix's body.

Then came a violent shaking.

But when this shaking passed, Daitanix stopped moving.

"What is going on?" Shelinda slapped the railing on the deck in dissatisfaction, looking at Ilias fiercely.

At this moment, a Yadodo hurriedly reported: "Captain, half of the seal on Daitanix's tail has been lifted!"

Hearing this, a cadre of Barbon hurried to the back of the castle.

After seeing the pieces of ancient stone peeling off the tail, everyone showed a happy expression except Wu Dao who was still thinking about it.

Qihabu noticed Wu Dao's expression and his face suddenly fell: "Wudao, the seal of Daitanix has been lifted, are you unhappy?"

"Sorry, Captain, I was distracted." Wu Dao hurriedly expressed his apology respectfully.

However, Qihabu always felt that the other party's apology was too perfunctory, and cast a look at Xuelinda.

Xuelinda immediately started to output: "Wudao, you have been distracted too many times recently, are you dissatisfied?"

"I don't mean that..."

Before the voice fell, he heard Yaduoduo shouting in panic: "Stop, the seal will not be lifted any more, and Daitanix still has one-third of its tail sealed."

"What?" This mood fluctuated, which really made Qihabu speechless.

"It seems that the quantity is not enough." Bukladis whispered.

Qihab immediately looked at Ilias and asked, "Ilias, can you still get that kind of energy?"

"Of course." Ilias replied with a smile.

This overly straightforward smile made Qihab realize something. He said with a cold face, "Ilias, what exactly are these energies, and where did you find them?"

Ilias was waiting for Qihab to ask these questions: "Captain, after my investigation, this energy is called excitation energy, which is unique to the earth. It was sealed in various parts of the world with magic circles a long time ago. The reason why Daitanix could receive the excitation energy before was because the magic circle was in disrepair for a long time, causing the excitation energy to leak."

"So the excitation energy you took out before was obtained by cracking a magic circle somewhere?"

"Yes, Captain."

Hearing this, Qihab suddenly felt a headache. After all, those who know magic circles in Balbang are all in Ilias's magic group.

It seems that he can only buy it from the other party with gold coins.

"Ilias, you dare to hide these things!" Qihabu spoke for Xuelinda again, accusing Ilias mercilessly. A series of unpleasant words came out of her mouth, but they did not affect Ilias at all.

It was Qihabu's turn to play the good cop again.

"Ilias, I will not pursue your guilt for hiding these information, but if you come to claim the reward with Qiqi again, I can only give you half a box of gold coins."

"Captain!" Although Ilias knew that this was Qihabu's biggest concession, it would be too inconsistent with her image if she did not show greed.

"You must know how to be content, Ilias."

Leaving a warning, Qihabu left.

The rest of the Balbon people also dispersed one after another.

In the end, only Wudao and Ilias were left on the open deck behind the castle.

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