As the real me reeled in the rod, the fishing rod in my mind also began to wrestle with the big fish under the lake.

When the real Sambaxiu sat cross-legged, the big fish in my mind was finally pulled ashore.

It was the beast in Sambaxiu's heart, the planet-eating monster, Daitanix!

Suddenly, Sambaxiu burst out with increasingly strong aura, which directly overturned the stunned Hong Jinbao and Gil, and hovered and accumulated in the sky.

Gradually, the image of a vicious beast was outlined.

With a roar, the ground shook, and Daitanix stood on the earth.

Sambaxiu opened his eyes and looked at Hong Jinbao in surprise: "Master Hong Jinbao!"

"Here!" Hong Jinbao was startled by this call.

"Master Hong Jinbao, thank you for your guidance, I can summon the aura beast!"

Originally, Sambaxiu's trump card against Qihabu was nothing else, but Daitanix, who was transformed into an aura beast. But after using the Qi-stimulating armor, Samba found that Daitanix was like a lazy guy who liked to stay in bed and refused to come out.

Otherwise, he would not have relied on the Rainbow Antimatter to achieve the final comeback in the duel with Qihabu that day.

To be honest, Samba had planned to let Daitanix stay in bed for the rest of his life, but he didn't want to follow Kiel to participate in the training, and he actually mastered the skills to control Daitanix.

"Ahaha, that's great, everything is the result of your own efforts," Hong Jinbao waved his hand modestly, with a guilty tone, "Xiao Jing, you should put away the Qi-stimulating beast first, don't cause unnecessary panic."

What a hell! Hong Jinbao complained in his heart: Didn't Xiao Xiafu say that these two children usually stretched themselves too tight, and asked me to take them to relax under the pretext of practicing, why did they make such a big fuss?

Gil couldn't read minds, so he naturally didn't know the turbulent waves in Hong Jinbao's heart at this moment. He only saw that Samba Shu's strength jumped up after catching a fish, and his fighting spirit was instantly high.

Since Samba Shu summoned him in a non-combat state, Gil's activity time in the human world was extended to 8 hours.

In other words, Gil still had a lot of time.

He stood up, patted the dust on his body, straightened the small stool, and began to fish with full concentration.

At the same time, the tree of wisdom Mok also opened his eyes wide and called the galaxy people.

"Everyone, the monster Daitanix appeared, and then... um... the monster Daitanix disappeared again?"


I came up with this chapter while slacking off at work for several days, hey~

Ⅰ Barbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 103 Galaxy Red's Premonition

Although due to the intrusion of the unexpected factor of Samba Shu, the original ending of the Barbon Pirates' annihilation has changed a little bit.

But the evil space pirate "Zihabu" was still eliminated by the righteous hero, and the evil Balbon Pirates were also nominally wiped out.

This is an indisputable fact, and it is also the merit of this generation of Galaxy people who have fought hard for a year.

It stands to reason that these young warriors have completed their mission that has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is time to "retire" and enjoy life.

But there is a problem that cannot be ignored that has always troubled the Galaxy people, that is-where is the Warcraft Daitanix?

That is the biggest reliance of the Balbon Pirates to dominate the universe, and it is the biggest memory point of the Balbon Pirates!

How dare the Galaxy people relax without finding the Warcraft Daitanix and destroying it.

"Mok, what's going on, Daitanix disappeared?" Galaxy Red Ryoma asked.

Mok, the Tree of Wisdom, lowered his eyelids: "I don't know the specific situation. Daitanix appeared for too short a time. I just received the news from the trees over there, and Daitanix disappeared."

Yinghe Huang Guanghui immediately said: "Could it be a mirage?"

"It shouldn't be. Although it appeared for a short time, judging from the feeling transmitted by the trees, it is not an illusion."

Yinghe Honglongma nodded: "Let's go and see it on the spot. Maybe we can find clues about Daitanix."

"It's always right to be careful," Mok, the Tree of Wisdom, blinked. He had no neck and could only express his agreement in this way except by tone. He shook his body, and a few leaves fell from the thick trunk. "Everyone take this, you can sense the breath of Warcraft."

Most heroes of justice have strong execution ability. After taking the props given by Mok, the Tree of Wisdom, several people set off to the place where the abnormality occurred.

But when the Galaxy people rushed to the last place where Daitanix appeared at the fastest speed, the leaves given by the Tree of Wisdom Mok did not move at all.

"It seems that we have come for nothing." Galaxy Huang Guanghui put his hands on his hips a little dejectedly.

Galaxy Pink Saya, who was looking around for something unusual, raised his hand and said, "Look over there, there are people."

Looking in the direction pointed by Galaxy Pink, the Galaxy people saw Samba Xiu and the other two who were fishing, and they were immediately overjoyed.


"Master Hong Jinbao, I caught a fish again!" Kil pulled the fishing rod with a look of surprise and wrestled with the fish.

How could a mere freshwater fish be the opponent of Lord Dark King? It was defeated in a short while and was caught on the shore.

But the moment the fish entered the bucket, Kil's expression became visibly gray: "Why can't I have an epiphany like Hiyama?"

Listening to Kier's disappointed sigh and looking at Kiel's full fish bucket, Hong Jinbao, who had not caught a single fish so far, was speechless for a moment. He waited for a long time before speaking: "You are too purposeful. Fishing for...cultivation You should be happy and relaxed.”

Kiel, who grew up in the dark hell, did not have much experience in communicating with others, but thanks to his powerful force, he did not become a social terror who dared not say anything.

He looked at Hong Jinbao with burning eyes and said sincerely: "Master Hong Jinbao, are you really happy if you haven't caught a single fish?"

Hearing this, even Hong Jinbao, the most cheerful among the Seven Fist Saints, fell silent. After a while, he replied: "Happiness cannot be quantified."

These slightly tough but extremely sincere words made Samba, who had been holding back laughter for a long time, break his skills.

Hong Jinbao heard the laughter, looked back at Sangbasxiu's fish bucket, and laughed too, because in Sangbasixu's fish bucket, only the fish he caught at the beginning was swimming.

Kiel looked at the two laughing people, put down the fishing rod, crossed his arms with one hand and touched his chin, thoughtfully, and seemed to have some realization: "I probably understand, but Master Hong Jinbao, fishing doesn't seem to make me happy. Is there..."

Before he finished speaking, in order to restore his image as a reliable master, Hong Jinbao immediately turned around, stretched out a thick elephant hand and patted Kil's shoulder vigorously, and said decisively: "Of course! Now, Kil, Do you know what is the most joyful thing in the world?"

Hong Jinbao's sudden enthusiasm surprised Keir, and he asked quietly: "What is it?"

"Of course she's a cute girl!" Hong Jinbao put his hands on his hips and pushed out his round belly.

"Girl?" Kil tried hard to recall the women he had met in his life. The first thing that came to mind was his mother, the great witch Grandinu, who abandoned him.

He raised his hand and patted his head, continuing to recall. The greedy smile that Elise showed when facing money suddenly appeared, startling him.

Keir stopped recalling, and there was doubt in his eyes. Is the word cute really used to describe women?

Seeing the embarrassment on Kil's face, Hong Jinbao nodded with satisfaction, consciously regaining some dignity as a master. He raised his hand to look at the non-existent watch, winked and said: "Hey, little Kil is shy, then I'll wait." I’ll take you to gain some knowledge soon!”

His temperament is a bit wretched, but his momentum is invincible.

Unfortunately, this indomitable momentum soon disappeared like a punctured balloon.

Just because there was a woman standing next to them, it was Galaxy Pink Saya who wanted to ask questions.

The Milky Way fan raised his hand and said hello awkwardly: "Hello?"

Perhaps it was because of his thousand-year lifespan, or perhaps because the beast had transformed into an elephant. Hong Jinbao's face was really thick. In this embarrassing situation, he only paused for a moment, and then immediately switched to a glib expression. Rubbing her hands, she asked, "Has this lovely lady encountered any difficulties? Does she need any help?"

This wave of anti-customers made Galaxy fans who were about to ask about the situation subconsciously take a step back.

Seeing this, Black Knight Hinata took a step forward and asked: "Hello, how long have you three been fishing nearby? Have you encountered any abnormal phenomena?"

"Abnormal phenomenon..." Before Hong Jinbao could answer, Kil frowned and asked, "What abnormal phenomenon? The ground just shook a little. Did something happen?"


The impatient Yinghe Huang was about to explain, but was stopped by the Black Knight. He looked at Keir and smiled: "Sorry to bother you."

The moment the Black Knight spoke, Hong Jinbao understood that the Galaxy Man was coming for the Exciting Beast summoned by Samba Xiu.

Although Sambaxiu did make a lot of noise, Hong Jinbao had long been mentally prepared to be investigated by the relevant departments, but Dai Tanix appeared for a short time, but the Galaxy people came so quickly that Hong Jinbao subconsciously Thinking that the other party is someone from Linshou Hall.

Although there is no Linqi on his body, the Beast Fist Boxer has a wide range of abilities, and he might be someone who is good at disguise.

Therefore, when he realized that Gere was trying to cover up Samba Xiu, Hong Jinbao immediately looked at Galaxy fans and changed the topic: "This lovely lady, can you go have a drink with us?"

Galaxy fans shook their heads quickly.

"What a pity," Hong Jinbao smiled helplessly, turned around and said to Samba Xiu and Kil, "Let's go and take Kil to find happiness!"

"Okay!" Kil responded very cooperatively.

Samba Xiu remained silent and left the scene with tension and joy.

Just when Samba Xiu and the Milky Way people passed each other.

As if sensing something, Galaxy Red Dragon Horse suddenly turned around and frowned slightly.

"What's wrong, Ryoma?" the other Galaxy people asked hurriedly.

Yinhehong shook his head: "I seem to have seen that person somewhere..."

"Hmm...I remembered, that person is the famous entrepreneur Hiyama Kage. I saw that person's name in the newspaper Mr. Haruhiko ordered." Galaxy Midori Hayate said.

"Entrepreneur?" Yinhehong lowered his head slightly and thought for a moment, "Let's look around again. Maybe we can get some clues."

Nodding, the rest of the galactic people immediately spread out to search for traces of Daitanix's appearance.

But Yinhehong would still raise his head from time to time and look back at the direction where Sambaxiu and others left.

He always felt that he would soon meet the wealthy businessman named Hiyama Kage again.


Something happened at home, so I am short of money. I have already communicated with the editor, and it should be put on the shelves next Friday.

This book will no longer be updated leisurely, like fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. It will be updated steadily from March 7th.

There will be another chapter updated around 1:30.

Ⅰ Barbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 104 What he desires...

As a character who appears in children's dramas for children, although Hong Jinbao always looks slick on weekdays, he will not really do anything illegal and dirty, even though Japan has a developed sex industry.

Therefore, Hong Jinbao's "taking Gil to broaden his horizons" does not mean going to Honglang to get drunk and dream, but talking to beautiful women passing by on the busy streets.

This is a very explosive idea, which is no different from defecating in public for social phobia. Although Samba Xiu is not a social phobia, he is also very resistant to such behavior, so he immediately found an excuse to withdraw from the next "training".

"Well, sometimes the person in charge is confused, but the bystander is clear. Xiao Jing will just observe Ji'er's practice nearby."

Hong Jinbao didn't force it. After all, Sambaxiu was not the focus of Xia Fu's instructions. Besides, the short time together also made Hong Jinbao understand that Sambaxiu was a person with strong self-regulation ability. Unlike Ji'er, who was full of hatred, Sambaxiu just needed proper relaxation.

Hong Jinbao looked at Ji'er: "Little Ji'er, it takes skill to chat up with girls. Girls with different personalities need different strategies. It may be a bit floating just to say it. I will demonstrate it to you a few times."

After that, he tidied his appearance a little and walked towards a woman not far away.

Unlike the greasy look he showed when he met the Galaxy people by the lake before, Hong Jinbao still had a smile on his face at this moment, but he exuded a relaxed humor. Obviously, when it comes to chatting up, Hong Jinbao is definitely not a wretched pervert who can only drool.

Samba Xiu glanced at Gil, who was staring at Hong Jinbao's movements with eager eyes, as if he was studying seriously.

He pointed to a coffee shop and said, "I'll go there and sit for a while. Anyway, I can see you."

After entering the coffee shop, Samba Xiu ordered a cup of coffee and found a seat by the window.

Looking at Gil standing in the huge crowd and Hong Jinbao chatting up the beauty.

Samba Xiu nodded with satisfaction: "Sure enough, this angle looks more impactful."

Just like appreciating the Wujianlong who was having a nightmare in Rio, Samba Xiu smiled very tastelessly at this moment.

"Mr. Hiyama, you come to drink coffee too." Suddenly, a pleasant and light voice came from Samba Xiu's side.

Samba Xiu turned around and saw Xun Ji carrying a few packages: "Miss Xun Ji, are you shopping?"

"Today is not scheduled, it's a rare day off," Xun Ji nodded, pointed to the seat opposite Samba Xiu and asked, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Miss Xun Ji, please." Maybe because they had just eaten and chatted at the same table last night, Samba Xiu really didn't know what to talk about at the moment.

So he simply didn't rack his brains to find a topic, and turned his head to look at Kil.

Kil was no longer standing stupidly in his original position, but was walking towards a tall and handsome woman.

It seems that Hong Jinbao has finished the first round of demonstration and explanation, and it is Kil's turn to practice.

It's a pity that Kil started off badly. He just walked to the side of the woman and said a few words before he was hit by a big slap.

Maybe he said something inappropriate.

Samba Xiu imagined it for a while and laughed out loud without conscience.

Hearing Sambashu's laughter, Xunji paused while fixing his bangs, and asked curiously, "What is Mr. Hiyama looking at?"

"A friend of mine," Sambashu turned around, and after Xunji had simply fixed his bangs, he raised his hand and pointed at Gil, "That's the guy. He and I signed up for a class of ancient boxing techniques together. At the request of the master, he is now practicing chatting up women on the street. Unfortunately, he is not very good at interpersonal communication, so he got slapped in the face."

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