"Ancient boxing skills...and chatting up?" Xun Ji looked confused.

Although when she becomes GO PINK in the future, Sunda Matsuri will personally face all kinds of monsters and monsters from the disaster demon clan, but now she is just an ordinary nurse who is temporarily seconded, and she has not encountered too many weird things.

So she racked her brains and couldn't figure out how "ancient boxing" was related to "picking up".

I always feel like it’s not a serious boxing technique.

Thinking like this, Sundaji looked at Samba Xiu and thought: Mr. Hiyama seems to be quite serious, so it shouldn't be some strange boxing technique.

Aware of Xunji's doubts, Sangbasiu explained: "That is an ancient boxing method called 'Beast-Exciting Fist', which emphasizes the trinity of 'body, skill, and heart'. My friend has an extremely withdrawn personality. This is what Master gave him." A happy practice arranged.”

"I see." Although Sundaji had a new question, that is, how "happiness" is related to "catching up", since Sangbasiu was willing to explain and his tone was so calm, he knew that the practice was formal. Ancient boxing techniques.

Sambaxiu murmured: "But it doesn't look like the effect is very good, striking up a conversation."

Sundaji followed Sambaxiu's eyes and looked at Kil.

I saw that Keir was next to a woman, communicating with her politely. After a while, he saw the woman take out a note and pen from her small bag, and after a while she stuffed a piece of paper with something written on it. Kiel's pocket.

"Isn't this going well?" Tatsumi asked puzzledly. She believed that what was written on the piece of paper must be the contact information of the woman.

Sambaxiu pointed to the corner of his mouth: "Whether the strike-up was successful or not is not the point. The point is whether Keir gained happiness in the process."

"That's it, so now you are helping Mr. Keir find something he is interested in?" Tatsumi was thoughtful, as if he also wanted to contribute to the "friends of Hiyama View". As he was thinking about it, he suddenly I saw Kiel coming to another woman's side. After saying a few words casually, I got another piece of paper with contact information, "So fast!"

"It evolves so fast!" Not to mention Sundaji was surprised, even Samba Xiu was shocked by Kil's progress. This guy looked very unfamiliar a few minutes ago, how could he suddenly become a wanderer? .

In doubt, Kil had stopped chatting and walked towards the coffee shop with Hong Jinbao.

Soon he came to Sangbasiu's side.

"Xiao Jing, who is this?" After all, Xunji is such a big person here, and it is difficult for Hong Jinbao to ignore her, let alone she is a cute girl.

"This is Miss Xunji, my friend." Sangbasiu stood up and introduced, "This is Master Hong Jinbao, one of the masters who teaches us ancient boxing techniques. The other one is Kil, who is also my friend. ”

After a brief exchange of greetings, Hong Jinbao started talking about Kiel's practice: "Little Kiel is not very keen on chatting up, what should we do?"

"Why don't you go to the game arcade and try playing games?" Sambaxiu suggested.

Hong Jinbao quite agreed: "You can give it a try, let's go, little Gil."

"Okay." Kil decisively turned around and walked out of the coffee shop.

Hong Jinbao quickly followed.

Samba Xiu did not leave in a hurry, but sat down and drank the coffee.

Xunji was a little stunned. During the exchange of greetings, she shook hands with Hong Jinbao: "It turns out it's not a doll costume..."

"Well, goodbye, Miss Sundaji." After drinking the coffee, Sambaxiu stood up and said goodbye.

But Xunji shook his head, took the package, and asked, "Can I follow and have a look?"

I have to say that Tatsumi's curiosity was a little piqued.

The Fist Saint originally hoped that the Beast-stimulating Fist could be promoted. Since Sundaji had become curious about the Beast Fist, there was no reason for Sambaxiu to refuse.

He took the heavier package from Xunji's hand and said, "Let's go together then."

Xunji nodded and followed Sambaxiu out of the coffee shop and into the game room.

As soon as he entered, he saw Hong Jinbao teaching Kil the fighting game carefully, and Kil had a faint smile on his lips.

Sundaji tugged on Sambaxiu's sleeves and said, "Mr. Hiyama, maybe you don't have to look for me any more. Mr. Kil is quite happy now."

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 105 You and I are the same kind of people

One word awakens the dreamer.

Tatsumi did not deliberately lower his voice.

Naturally, her words fell into the ears of Hong Jinbao and Geer.

Hong Jinbao, who was teaching Kier how to use his ultimate move, paused. He looked up at Kier's face, and there was indeed a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Kil, who was studying the arcade game with all his heart, also paused. He carefully recalled the feeling just now, and his heart was indeed very satisfied.

"Hehe, he also said that Little Kil's practice is too purposeful, and I am not much better." Hong Jinbao smiled and held the joystick of the arcade machine again, "Little Kil, let's play this battle first, Let’s go play that racing car together later.”

Although Keir still had a dead face, there was a bit more joy in his eyes.

"That's great," Xunji is a girl with strong empathy. Although she and Kil are not familiar with each other, she is also sincerely happy to see that the other person can get what she wants. She turns sideways and looks at Xiang Sambaxiu, "Yes, Mr. Hiyama."

But she saw that in addition to her package, Sambaxiu had a small basket in her hand. The basket was full of game coins. Sambaxiu lifted the basket and shook it, like a black cat claiming credit after catching a mouse: "You're already here, why don't we play together for a while, Miss Tatsumi?"

Xun Ji waved his hand: "But I don't understand."

Sambaxiu said: "It's okay."

Just when Sundaji thought that Sambaxiu was going to show off his masculine charm, he said something like "I'll teach you."

Sangbasiu said: "I don't understand either, let's explore together."

Xunji chuckled lightly, his eyebrows gentle: "Okay."

After a lot of fun, Kil's summoning time is almost over.

Therefore, even if the meaning is still unfinished, the four of them can only go back to their respective homes.

After driving Xunji and Hong Jinbao home, Sangbaxiu drove at full speed and returned to his home before Keir's "return to the city special effect" was triggered.

Looking at the rising skeleton gate in the courtyard, Samba Xiu looked at Keir and asked: "Are you satisfied with today's practice?"

Keir, who had regained his monstrous appearance, pushed open the door with a slight smile on his ferocious face. Although he looked a little scary, he was not ferocious.

This was not the usual sinister smile that Kil had put on to show off his strength, but the joy from his heart after a day of practice.

"Beast Fist, it's really a good thing."

With such a sigh, Keir walked into the door.

The moment his feet crossed the threshold, majestic anger emerged from his body.

Keir instantly realized that one of the layers of shackles in his heart had loosened.

He had an epiphany.

Keir subconsciously wanted to find someone to share this joy, but unfortunately the door began to become illusory and blurred, which meant that the door was about to disappear.

Although he had never tried what would happen if the door disappeared and stayed in the human world, Kil's intuition told him that it was best not to try it easily.

Therefore, Keir can only bring this joy back to the cold, desolate and dark hell.

Fortunately, the excitement that was constantly flowing out of his body became particularly active due to today's experience, and Kil rarely felt that the dark hell was a little warmer.

Before the skeleton door was completely closed and disappeared, Kil turned around and looked at Samba Xiu: "Say thank you to Miss Sundaji for me."

Sangbasiu did not agree to this request: "It would be better to say thank you in person."

"You're right," Gil thought, and immediately imitated Tatsumi's tone and raised his voice, "Good night, Mr. Hiyama~"

Samba Xiu knew that Gil was avenging himself for imitating Hong Jinbao in the morning, so he chuckled angrily and returned to the house.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Wu Jianlong lying on his side on the sofa in his house, holding his head in one hand and holding an apple he bought from the supermarket last night.

"Long time no see, Mr. Hiyama of Qiangyun." Wu Jianlong straightened the hand holding the apple and waved, with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you here?"

Wu Jianlong's figure disappeared from the sofa and appeared next to Samba Xiu in the next moment. He raised his hand and put it on Samba Xiu's shoulder: "You don't seem to welcome me."

"It is indeed not welcome." Sangbasiu did not hide his rejection of Wu Jianlong. Anyway, there is no point in lying in front of this guy who likes and is good at playing with people's hearts. "Besides, I have already said that sooner or later, I will change my mind." Are you practicing Linshou Fist? I can’t think of a reason for you to come here.”

"It's obvious to say that, but you have contributed a lot of fun to me. The good show some time ago - 'Resigned employees beat up the unscrupulous boss' was very exciting, I liked it very much, and the follow-up 'True and False' "The Captain" is also very good, but the ending is a bit cliche, with another fake death. "

"You came here just to complain to me about why I wasn't beaten to death? You really have a bad character." Samba Xiu calmly removed Wu Jianlong's hand from his shoulder.

Wu Jianlong seemed to be interested, and his tone was full of playful grievance: "Don't say that, after all, we are also the same kind of people."

Sambaxiu smiled: "A kind of person? You are too humble. How can I be so virtuous and capable?" You are as beastly as you.

"Don't deny it. You've had a lot of fun watching today. You must have enjoyed it." Wu Jianlong's figure disappeared again. In the blink of an eye, he was sitting cross-legged on the table. He raised his hand to signal Samba Xiu to stop talking. "Don't rush to refute or deny, time will prove everything. Okay, it's time for me to get down to business."

"Business?" Samba Xiu raised his eyebrows. It was really strange that this word would come out of Wu Jianlong's mouth, which was so idle.

"Think of it as the ticket I owe you, and the sympathy between people of the same kind," Wu Jianlong smiled, raising his finger to point to the bright galaxy outside, "There is something that has released the seal and is rushing to the earth. It seems to be something like Balban. Related, do you think he will come to find you, the traitor of Balbon, when he gets to Earth?"

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 106: Gregory has one more unforeseen disaster

From the universe, sealed, and related to Balban.

After simply extracting the information from Wu Jianlong's words, Sangbasxiu guessed what the other party was warning about.

The BOSS who appears in the movie version of "Star Beast Sentai Galaxy Man VS Electromagnetic Sentai Million Company" is Captain Gregory, the brother of Captain Chihab of the Balbon Pirates and a great pirate who is notorious throughout the galaxy.

To be honest, Sambaxiu didn't find this very difficult.

Although this Gregory also controls the star-devouring monster Germadis like Qihab, and unlike Qihab who leads a group of villainous demons, this pirate always fights alone, so In terms of setting, this person is much stronger than Qihab, but in terms of the performance in the theatrical version, this person's sense of oppression is not even as good as Qihab in the TV finale. After all, Qihab brought three fierce battles to the Galaxy people.

Not to mention the activities of the Galaxy and the Million Linkers.

Therefore, the arrival of this person did not bring any sense of urgency to Samba Xiu.

However, considering the bad character of Infernal Dragon, he would probably come to Gregory and tell him his address after he arrived on Earth, which meant that there was an 80% chance that Samba Xiu would meet Captain Gregory.

As the saying goes, "Arrogance leads to defeat." Samba Xiu briefly reflected on his arrogance and then briefly thought about possible situations and ways to solve it.

After a moment, he looked up at the clock on the wall. It was only half past eight.

"She must not be asleep yet," Sambaxiu took out his mobile phone and dialed the alarm hotline of the Space Police Earth Agency, "Director Dochikuruga, the great pirate Gregory who was sealed by the star beast like Balbon has revived. , is on its way to Earth now, can the space police try to stop it? If the police force is not enough to stop it, please find a way to notify the galactic people and let the star beasts be on standby on Earth for a while to prepare for the attack. "

Dochikuluga was excited to receive a call from Sambaxiu.

After all, every phone call from Samba Xiu means a lot of credit, and every deepening of cooperation between the Space Police and the Earth Defense Force.

Only after hearing the second half of Sambaxiu's words, Dochikuluga's dog face darkened.

What does "if the police force is insufficient to stop the attack, you can notify the Galaxy people"? Is it possible that in the eyes of this little Balban defector, the Space Police is such a weak organization?

No, if even an alien views the space police in this way, Dochikuluga would not dare to guess what the Earth Defense Force's attitude is towards the space police.

We have to show off the power of the space police!

Dochikuruga slammed the table hard and made a sonorous and powerful voice: "Please rest assured, Mr. Hiyama, we will let the great pirates of the old era see how powerful the power of justice in the new era is!"

"Okay, Director Dochikuruga said so, then I will wait and see."

Samba Xiu said a few words of compliment.

However, after hanging up the phone of Dochikuluga, he dialed Bukradis’s mobile phone number and asked the old man to find an opportunity to ask someone to bring this key information to the Galaxy people. It’s not that he didn’t believe Dochikuluga. Determination, but he has more confidence in the magical beast Germadis.

After doing all this, Sangbasiu looked at Wujianlong and waved his hand: "Thank you for coming all the way from the Beast Hall just to bring you this news. I'm sleepy, so I'm going to bed first. Good night."

After that, with Wu Jianlong's stiff smile, he walked upstairs and went to bed.

Sangbasiu's two phone calls made Wu Jianlong extremely depressed, and his indifferent attitude was more like an invisible needle, which slightly stung Wu Jianlong's glass heart.

So that night, Li Yang couldn't have a good dream.

Of course, unlike Li Yang, Sangbasiu had a fairly "comfortable" dream with Ying Fei's help.

In the early morning, Sangbasiu got out of bed, shook the boxing magic bracelet on his wrist, and said: "Ying Fei is not a master, I am tired of cannon executions."

Considering that in the future, in order to deal with the Wujianlong, he would turn to the Beast Fist, Sangbaxiu changed his tune early and gave Yingfei the title of master: "Next time, can you arrange a novel way for me to die in my dream? "

"There are so many demands." Ying Fei said in a loud voice.

Sangba Xiu patted Ying Fei's bracelet and asked, "Think carefully about it, Master Ying Fei. What if I'm scared by you? Then the task assigned to you by Wu Jian Long is not without progress, right?"

Ying Fei didn't say anything, he just felt that if he stayed with Sangbasiu any longer, sooner or later he would awaken to anger.

Little did he know that the male hook next to Elise had become so angry that he ran away several times.

Of course, it was useless no matter how angry Xiong Gou went, it only doubled Elise's jewelry output, making Elise, a money-lover, a little happier.

As for Zhe Gu around Martial Arts, he has almost evolved a brand new Lin Qi.

If we were to name it according to the attributes of Linqi, it would probably be called "Licking Linqi". In order not to be nagged by the martial arts, Zhegui, an old girl who was over a few thousand years old, could only endure the shame and transformed into a powerful general of the Qin Dynasty to lick the martial arts. .

After briefly tidying up his makeup and appearance, Sambaxiu went downstairs to summon Kil.

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