Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 177: Tatsumi Matsuri’s Courage

Samba Shu’s initiative to volunteer surprised the Tatsumi brothers and sisters.

They had long regarded the elimination of the disaster demon as their mission and responsibility, so even if Samba Shu had the ability to resolve the crisis, they never forced Samba Shu to join the front line against the disaster demon.

Although Samba Shu often appeared at the scene of the battle with the disaster demon, it was only to stop the "controlled" Gil, so as to prevent the other party from making a big mistake without his will.

Samba Shu also understood this, so he had a high impression of the Tatsumi brothers and sisters, after all, the other party had never used the grand propositions of the earth and human beings to morally blackmail him.

Therefore, Samba Shu actually couldn’t understand why Tatsumi Matsuri was so persistent towards Miss Mitsuki who accidentally absorbed the ability of Go Pink.

In the original plot, in order to encourage Miss Mitsuki to join the battle, Tatsumi Matsuri even dragged a lame leg to fight monsters in the flesh. But Xun Ji was so badly injured this time, he probably won't run out again.

While thinking, a loud shout pulled Samba Xiu back from his distraction.

I saw a sword between Samba Xiu and the suction disaster monster, it was the sword of darkness.

Just like every time Gil appeared, he was accompanied by Samba Xiu's support.

This time Samba Xiu's active attack in exchange for Gil's uninvited visit.

Samba Xiu was a little annoyed, he forgot to remind Gil not to come over first.

Looking along the sword of darkness, I saw that Gil had completed the transformation and became the beast hunter Dark Sun.

Since he was here, Samba Xiu could only cooperate with the performance, took out the sword of shadow, transformed into the beast hunter Shadow Moon, shouted Gil's name and then tangled with him.

As for the suction disaster monster, Samba Xiu naturally did not forget him.

In the intervals between the fight with Gil, Sambashu observed the position of the suction disaster monster from time to time, estimating how far he had to let the other party run away so that he could summon Daitanix to step on it so that it would not affect him.


Seeing that the time was ripe, Sambashu was ready to summon Daitanix.

But the next second, he had to stop summoning.

It was because GOGOV was there.

What puzzled Sambashu was that next to Xun Chan and others who had already finished wearing GOGO protective suits, there was Xun Ji who had not transformed.

"This is too messy."

Sambashu believed that with the wisdom and technological level of Xun World, he would be able to figure out a way to separate the power of Go Pink from Miss Mizuki in a few days.

At the very least, it would not be too troublesome to make a new set of Go Pink protective suits.

Maybe Tatsumi had some other ideas. Samba knew that this was not a good time to ask questions, so he could only bury his confusion in his heart, continue to fight with Gil, and pay attention to the battle situation on GOGOV's side.

Tatsumi, who could not transform into Go Pink, was just an ordinary person, not to mention that she was still injured at this time. Although she was supported by her tenacious will after a simple bandage, it was still too difficult for her to face the disaster.

The suction disaster beast pinched Tatsumi's neck and laughed triumphantly: "You are so stupid. If you don't have the ability of Go Pink, you should be a cheerleader for others in the back."

After that, he threw it hard.

Tatsumi was like a glutinous rice ball, rolling in the glutinous rice flour called sand and stone.

Although she was embarrassed, her eyes were extremely firm: "If I lose the courage to face the disaster because of losing my strength, then I will lose that strength forever!"

"You only know how to say nice things," the suction disaster beast raised his hand and slowly approached GOGOV, "The last blow."


Suddenly, a shout came.

Miss Mitsuki hit the back of the suction disaster monster with a beautiful flying kick, interrupting the opponent's spell.

"I will try to fight on behalf of Matsuri. Although I don't know how far I can go, I will try my best!"

Looking at Miss Mitsuki, who had a brand new spirit, Samba Xiu more or less understood why Tatsumi Matsuri was so chaotic.

He habitually weighed the pros and cons and forgot that the members of the Super Sentai not only had to defeat evil and save the earth, but also had to protect and heal broken hearts.

When Miss Mitsuki put on the orange-yellow GOGOV uniform instead of Tatsumi Matsuri, temporarily took over the duties of Go Pink, and confronted the suction disaster monster head-on, Samba Xiu's ears rang with the exciting theme song of "Rescue Team GOGOV".

The suction disaster monster got up from the ground and clenched his fists: "Damn, it's getting in the way again."

However, as soon as the voice fell, it ushered in GOGOV's counterattack.

GOGOV took out the V-laser and turned it into a staff mode. Then Go Red and Go Blue jumped up and swung it hard at the suction disaster monster, while Go Green and Go Yellow stabbed straight on the ground.

Facing four simultaneous attacks, the suction disaster monster didn't know how to resist and could only take it.

After being hit by GOGOV and the others, Miss Mitsuki, whose physical fitness was already different from that of an ordinary person, kicked the disaster monster directly in the air.

"Take advantage of this moment, everyone, V attack."

Accompanied by Xun Ji's command.

No matter how many times Samba Shu saw it, he would feel that the skill of the grass was released.

"Senior, jump!"

Miss Mitsuki leaped up two meters easily, then spread her arms and stretched her legs in the air as if flying.

Then the four brothers of Xun family raised their hands, grabbed Miss Mitsuki's limbs, and threw Miss Mitsuki like throwing a bomb.

If this move is to hit the monster with the head, Samba Shu can barely understand it.

But the actual use of this move is to take out the gun and shoot two shots after being thrown out, and then switch the V laser gun to the staff mode and poke it hard.

After that, the monster that eats this "V attack" will have continuous and intensive explosions.

It is indeed a somewhat abstract attack method. Samba Shu observed it several times before he found that the key point of this move is actually that the four people acting as turrets below first transfer the energy in their protective suits to the body of the person who becomes the turret above, and then transfer it to the body of the disaster demon through the V laser gun in the staff mode through physical contact.

Because the negative energy that maintains the life of the disaster demon is incompatible with this energy, a rejection reaction will occur in the body, causing an explosion.

The suction disaster beast once again struggled to get up from the ground, and shouted to GOGOV and Miss Mitsuki: "Damn it, look at me and absorb all your abilities in one breath."

"Ji, it's now!"

Miss Mitsuki shouted, and the other GOGOVs instantly dispersed, leaving Miss Mitsuki alone to be absorbed by the disaster beast.

As the crystal symbolizing Go Pink's ability gradually condensed in the palm of the suction disaster beast, Samba Shu slashed at the disaster beast with a sword and knocked the crystal down.

Tatsumi looked gratefully in the direction of Samba Shu, picked up the crystal, and absorbed Go Pink's ability.

Then pressed the transformation button of the GOGO bracelet: "Dress up!"

"Go Pink!"

When Tatsumi shouted his own name, the life of this disaster beast also ushered in a countdown.


No matter how many times I look back at the emergency team, the V attack is indeed very abstract. I tried my best to explain it.

I just remembered that I didn't miss the picture of the train emperor before, so I'll also post the picture of the train boy later.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster (Rescue Team): [New] Chapter 178 Good night, Mr. Jing

"When five people gather together, the trust between family members will burst out with powerful power" is one of the themes of the special drama "Rescue Team GOGOV". Even the Xun world wrote this setting into the program when developing the GOGO protective suit.

So naturally when Xun Festival regained his power and returned to the team, the suction disaster monster, as an ordinary unit monster, naturally could not make any waves.

Seeing that the suction disaster monster was blown up by Xun Festival with the Life Bird, Samba Shu knew that it was time for him and Gil to end their performance. He gave Gil a look, and the other party left after saying a cruel word as usual.

And Samba Shu helped Miss Mitsuki, who had lost the feeling of her legs again because of returning the power of Go Pink, and drove her back to the hospital and then hurried back to Wangan Territory 55 to continue the maintenance of the train emperor.

Although Samba and Xun World had already repaired the No. 1 and No. 2 emergency trains before the suction disaster monster appeared, the remaining three emergency trains were severely damaged, especially No. 3, which served as the trunk. Nearly half of the parts needed to be replaced or repaired. When Samba and Xun World repaired the entire train, night had already fallen for a while.

Leaving Bayshore Territory 55 on the shuttle, Samba looked at the clock hanging in the living room of the Tatsumi family and was a little surprised: "I didn't expect it was already nine o'clock."

Tatsumi Matsuri walked out of the kitchen. Today's meal was not her responsibility, but the "heavy responsibility" of washing the dishes fell on her. She wiped the water droplets from her fingertips, took out a pack of transparent-wrapped biscuits from somewhere, and stuffed it into Samba's hand: "Mr. Hiyama, you've worked hard, take these biscuits to fill your stomach."

Through the packaging, Samba saw the irregular appearance of the biscuits: "Handmade?"

Tatsumi Matsuri nodded: "Well, I tried to make it myself in my spare time. The taste may be sweet."

Samba is not very particular about food. He is an easy-to-feed guy. Hearing Tatsumi Matsuri's modesty, he smiled and waved his hand: "As long as it's not spicy. By the way, Miss Tatsumi Matsuri, are your injuries okay? Although I have reabsorbed Go Pink's energy looks like it's fine, but it's better to check it out. "

"Well, I've checked myself with my father's instrument. There's no big problem. In fact, my physical fitness has improved a bit." Xun Ji smiled, but it was not very natural, as if he was testing with some caution.

Samba Xiu didn't care about Xun Ji's unnatural expression. After all, he was almost the same. The aftereffects of the joke that Ying Fei opened not long ago were still a little bit.

So the atmosphere was shrouded in silence and embarrassment for a while.

Samba Xiu pointed to the door and said: "Then Miss Xun Ji, I will..."

Xun Ji suddenly interrupted Samba Xiu's farewell and asked: "Mr. Hiyama, don't you want to ask?"

"Ask what?"

"When fighting with the suction disaster monster, why did you run out without the ability of Go Pink. "

"I had doubts about this at first, but later I saw Miss Mitsuki regaining her confidence and I understood a little bit more. Although Miss Mitsuki's legs have resumed walking due to Go Pink's ability, sooner or later she will be thought of by Dr. Sunda World There is a way to take it back. Ms. Mitsuki was depressed before. If she returned to the paralyzed state of being unable to walk, she might even lose her belief in living. So Ms. Tatsumi took such a risk to inspire Ms. Mitsuki, right? "

Xunji nodded and said, "Besides, I have some selfish motives."


"Mizuki-senpai is my guide. When I went on a mission for the first time, I was so frightened by the tragedy that I didn't dare to open my eyes. It was Mizuki-senpai who taught me the courage of 'don't close your eyes, don't give up'. So I am both I want to give Mizuki-senpai courage, but I also don’t want my own example to collapse.”

After saying this, the tension in Tatsumi's eyes subsided a lot.

Finally, as if she was relieved, she said with emotion: "It's great that Mr. Hiyama didn't misunderstand."

Samba Xiu was a little curious: "What's the misunderstanding?"

Tatsumi's smile showed a sense of relief: "I have always been worried that Mr. Hiyama would think that I was trying to show off my strength. It's great that I didn't leave a bad impression on you."

Hearing this, Sangbasiu was stunned for a moment. Xunji seemed to have said something outrageous just now.

Sensing Samba Xiu's surprise, Sundaji reacted quickly and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, I said some strange words."

Sangbasiu followed Sundanji's apology and said, "It's human nature to want to maintain one's own image. I also care about what others think of me, but in fact it doesn't matter at all. Just be yourself."

Xunji nodded and did not continue the topic.

Feeling that the atmosphere was awkward again, Sangbasiu felt much more relaxed. He raised his hand and pointed at the door again: "Miss Xunji, it's late, I'm going back first."

"Goodbye, Mr. Hiyama, I wish you a sweet dream tonight."

Xunji sent Sangbasiu to the door.

Standing at the gate of the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center, she watched Samba Xiu open the car door and get into the driver's seat.

Suddenly he said: "Mr. Hiyama."

Hearing the shout, Sangbasiu rolled down the window, slowly moved the car to the side of Sundaji, and asked: "What's the matter, Miss Sundaji?"

"Mr. Hiyama, don't you think the title 'Ms. Tatsumi Matsuri' is a bit strange?" Tatsumi Matsuri asked.

Sambaxiu thought for a moment and didn't think there was anything wrong: "Is there any problem?"

Xunji squatted and leaned against Samba Xiu's car window: "Mr. Hiyama, we have known each other for almost a year. Doesn't it feel strange to call us like this?"

"well enough."

After being told this by Tatsumi Matsuri, Samba Xiu realized that he and Tatsumi Matsuri had known each other for almost a year. He and Tatsumi Matsuri officially exchanged names when he had just faked his own death. At that time, "Star Beast Sentai Galactic" Only a quarter of the story has passed. And now the Disaster Demon has sent out its ninth monster. If you calculate the time, it will indeed be a year in about three weeks. Although they don't meet frequently, they only meet once a week or two on average.

Samba Xiu paused and asked, "Don't Miss Tatsumi also call me Mr. Hiyama?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Xunji's lips, with a hint of cunning: "Then let me take the first step?"


"King," Xun Ji called Samba Xiu's name, and then looked at Sang Bashiu with a smile, "How does this feel?"

To be honest, because Xia Fu only called him by his first name every time they met, Sangbasiu didn't actually have any special feelings: "Is... okay?"

"Then..." Sundaji blinked and looked forward to Sambaxiu with a bit of anticipation.

Although Sangpaxiu has a lot of experience in being called by people's names, he lacks experience in calling others by their names.

Not counting the guys from Balbon, there aren't many people in this group with surnames.

After trying for a long time, Sangbasiu said: "Miss Xun..."

"Well, at least we're closer than before."

"So Miss Xun, am I going back?"

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