"Good night, Mr. Jing."

Seemingly to contrast with Sangpaxiu, Sundanji also added a suffix to Sangbaxiu's name.

Straightening his back, Xunji no longer leaned against the car window.

Sambaxiu started the car and left the street.

Looking at the car driving away, Sundaji raised his hand to cover his cheek: "Sure enough, you can't say these things without the courage."


I struggled with the emotional drama, I tried my best, and I can go faster later, but I will go to sleep for a while, and I expect to wake up at 6 p.m.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 179 How come you have Dr. Sakurada’s contact information?

As the only sister of the Xun family brothers and the only daughter in the Xun world, Xunji has always received the most attention in the family.

Therefore, when Xunji and Sangbasiu changed their names for each other, the men of the Xun family immediately noticed this change.

It's just that the close yet restrained names between Sangbasiu and Sundaji and the unchanged way of getting along with each other seemed to be against some bold conjecture in their hearts.

Xun Shijie sat in front of the computer, his fingers hanging above the keyboard. In front of him was a half-sentence of code composed of a few scattered words. His thoughts were already wandering: "The two of them are probably not in love."

Sangbasiu looked at Sunda World, who was distracted for the first time today, put his hand on the other person's shoulder, and shook it gently: "Doctor Sunda World? Doctor Sunda World!"

After coming back to his senses, Xun Shijie glanced at Samba Xiu in confusion, then looked at the illogical code on the screen in confusion, and pressed the delete key.

Sambaxiu complained: "Dr. Sunda World, if you are distracted again, Miss Ji has prepared dinner, and the basic code of Train Boy's AI program has not been written yet."

Nearly ten days have passed since the last maintenance of Train Emperor. During this period, Samba Xiu came over to help test the Train Emperor with adjusted parameters. It was considered that he had a thorough understanding of the Train Emperor project. Next, it was the turn of the development of the Train Boy project.

When I came here this morning, Sunda World was still full of energy and assigned a task to Sangbashiu, that is, to help write some simple auxiliary programs. The most important AI program was written by Sunda World himself.

However, several auxiliary programs have been written, but the most critical main program has made slow progress.

Samba Xiu asked: "I feel like, Doctor, you have been distracted a lot since Miss Matsuri came in and gave you the fruit platter. Is there any fruit in it that you are allergic to?"

Sunda World didn't know how to answer Sangbasiu's question. He couldn't directly say that his thoughts were affected by "the change in the names of Sangbasiu and Sundaji".

"It has nothing to do with fruit." As if to prove this point, Sunda World quickly threw a few pieces of fruit into his mouth. "It's just that my thinking is a little stuck. There are too many ideas. I don't know where to start and what structure to use to build the foundation." ”

Sambaxiu suggested: "Dr. Sunda World, how about we create Train Boy's body first?"

Xun Shijie shook his head: "The training of AI programs takes time, and there is no need to rush the manufacturing of mechanical entities. Besides, the most important materials have not been shipped yet."

"Doctor, you have to work hard. At this rate, the great witch Grandinu may be resurrected before Train Boy is even created."

Hearing Sangbasiu's teasing, Xunshiji curled his lips in dissatisfaction, turned his head to look at the screen, returned his hands to the keyboard, and his fingers danced rapidly on the keyboard like a nimble dancer.

Holding his breath, Sunda World made up his mind to let Sangbasiu know what it means to be a master in the field of artificial intelligence.

However, Samba Xiu looked at the rapidly rising code, and all that flashed through his mind was worry: "It's probably not a fight out of anger."

Fortunately, I waited until Sunda World finished writing the first phase of the code and tested it, and it ran normally.

Sangbasiu breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone became more joyful: "Dr. Sunda World, you finally exerted your strength."

This gratified tone sounded like a parent urging their children to do their homework.

Sunshijima shook his head: "It's a pity. If there is an auxiliary program written by Dr. Sakurada, the AI ​​​​training speed can be faster."

"Dr. Sakurada?" Samba Xiu was slightly surprised when he heard the familiar name.

Sunda World did not hear the weirdness in Samba Xiu's tone, and just assumed that the other party lacked understanding of the academic world, and explained: "Dr. Sakurada is a rare genius. He has made great achievements in the fields of artificial intelligence and energy before he was forty years old. He has made great achievements in the research and development field. I heard that he is still researching long-distance transmission recently. If it succeeds, I will buy this technology from him and install it on the Wangan Domain 55. This will further reduce the time required to rush to the scene. ”

"Doctor, what is the auxiliary procedure you just mentioned?" Dr. Sakurada's resume is very clear to Samba Xiu. After all, Dr. Sakurada can be regarded as working for him now.

"I also heard from a friend that Dr. Sakurada once wrote a program when he was in college, which was specifically designed to train artificial intelligence. The efficiency is two to three times that of ordinary programs. Unfortunately, I don't have Dr. Sakurada's contact information, otherwise... …”

Before Xunshiji finished speaking, he saw Sangbasiu slowly raising his cell phone and dialing the number.

"Dr. Sakurada, this is Hiyama Kage. I would like to ask if you have written a program specifically to train artificial intelligence before?"

A voice that was somewhat unfamiliar to Sunda World came from the other end of the phone: "It's just a small game I wrote in my spare time in college. What's wrong, Mr. Hiyama, do you want to use this small program to tease artificial intelligence?"

Perhaps the recent research on item transmission has been going well, and Dr. Sakurada's tone revealed a sense of relaxation.

"Dr. Sakurada should know about GOGOV who has been active recently, right?"

"You know, Mr. Hiyama, the soldiers who are fighting against the troublesome disaster demons are GOGOV. Do you need any help?"

Sambaxiu briefly introduced the situation: "Well, I am currently assisting GOGOV's logistics in developing new equipment and need to train a powerful AI."

As soon as he heard that his earlier works could play a role in protecting the earth, Dr. Sakurada's tone immediately became passionate: "No problem, I will go home and look for the hard drive that stores the program. If Mr. Hiyama is in a hurry, If so, I’ll help deliver it this afternoon.”

Sambaxiu rejected Dr. Sakurada's kindness: "No, I just want to come over and see how your recent research is going, Doctor."

After chatting for a few words, the two hung up the call.

Sangbasiu put away his phone and raised his eyes to find that Xun Shijie was looking at him with blazing eyes.

"Do you know Dr. Sakurada?"

"I funded him a little, and had some cooperation with him by the way." After all, the Earth Defense Force was involved in the research on new energy, so Sambaxiu did not elaborate, but just gave a general summary, "Doctor of the Xun World, I'll go to the Transmission Research Center first and get the auxiliary program, and you can continue writing the program."

Xun Shijie nodded. After Sangbasiu left, he looked at the code on the screen and said with a smile: "Great, the research and development speed of Train Boy can be increased by 50%."

Having said that, Sunda World started writing the follow-up program with high spirits.

Just a moment later, the analysis robot Mingte issued an alarm: "Oh no, computers all over the capital are experiencing abnormalities."

After a while, a string of black characters floated across the screen in front of Xun Shijie. As the black characters moved, the light on the screen was eaten away bit by bit.

Obviously, Wangan Realm 55 has also been tricked.

Looking at the screen that was gradually going black, Xun Shijie was shocked: "I just wrote the code!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 180 Isn’t today Christmas?

Upon arriving at the Transmission Research Center, Dr. Sakurada immediately handed over the hard drive storing the auxiliary program to Sambaxiu, and then briefly reported the recent research results to Sambaxiu.

"The development of Energy Innovation is almost complete. The first round of testing is expected to be carried out in August. If the test results meet the requirements, it should be put into production in December. As for material transmission, the transmission of small and medium-sized materials is no longer a problem, and small organisms Several experiments have been conducted on the transmission, and we are still observing subsequent changes. We have encountered some difficulties in large-scale material transmission, but it should not be difficult to break through, and it is estimated that it can be solved before December. "

After the report, Dr. Sakurada returned to his laboratory and continued to work on the project.

Sambachiu, on the other hand, visited the Transmission Research Center under the guidance of Decius, and asked about Decius's current situation: "How does it feel, life on earth?"

"Thank you for your concern, leader. For me, it's good to have something to do to kill time and not let myself think blindly. I'm a martial artist. I don't know anything about inventions. I can only try my best to ensure that Dr. Sakurada's research is not interfered with. . "The human image of Decius is originally an old man with gray hair, and when combined with this passage, it gives the impression of an old hero in his twilight years.

It stands to reason that Samba Xiu should say something to comfort Decius at this time, but unfortunately this kind of job is not his turn.

Just hearing a brisk "da da" sound in the long aisle, a short little girl rushed over with short legs and shouted affectionately: "Grandpa Decius."

Behind her, there were two young men with clear eyes, one was seven or eight years old, and the other was fourteen or fifteen years old. They were all looking at this hot-tempered girl anxiously.

I saw the fourteen-year-old boy shouting: "Yoko, don't run in the aisle."

However, the girl named Yoko showed no intention of slowing down.

Fortunately, Decius bent down, picked up the little girl, rubbed her little head and said, "Little troublemaker, don't run so fast next time, or grandpa won't be able to catch you."

It obviously meant the same thing, but this time the little girl nodded obediently: "I know."

Decius turned to Samba Xiu, lifted the little girl in his arms and introduced: "Leader, this is the child of the researcher in the research center, Usami Yoko."

Then he looked at the two teenagers walking slowly towards this side and continued to introduce: "The little boy is Dr. Sakurada's son Hiroshi Sakurada, and the boy is a student from a nearby school, Iwasaki Ryuji, who is interested in mechanical engineering. I am interested, so I will come to the research center for internships when I have free time. Everyone, this is Hiyama Kage, Uncle Hiyama.”

"Hello, Uncle Hiyama." Usami Yoko called out obediently.

The two teenagers showed some restraint and shouted: "Hello, Mr. Hiyama."

Iwasaki Ryuuji had seen Sambash's report in the newspaper, while Sakurada Hiroshi knew that Sambash was his father's leader, so they couldn't let it go.

After listening to Decius' introduction, Sambaxiu instantly realized that these three children were the initial trio of the Toko Sentai that would fight against Bagulas in the future.

He looked at Decius and asked, "It seems like you are quite familiar with them."

At this moment, Decius's face became a little more angry and he said with a smile: "These children come to the research center often, and they become familiar with them as soon as they go there, especially the child Yoko."

Usami Yoko raised her little finger and pointed in the direction she came from, and said: "Grandpa Decius, go over there. There are yellow rabbits, blue orangutans and red cars over there."

Iwasaki Ryuji added: "They are the three robots used to assist large-scale material transfer experiments."

Decius looked at Sambaxiu and asked for his opinion.

After all, he is Samba Xiu's subordinate first, and then he is the kind old grandfather in the eyes of the children.

Sambaxiu had no objection. It was just a visit anyway, and there was nothing wrong with the visit.

Suddenly, a researcher rushed out from the front laboratory with a solemn expression and shouted anxiously: "Oh no, the computer in the research center has been attacked by a virus."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu was startled. He looked at the three children next to Decius, thinking of the future special team's partner robot that he was going to visit later: "Could it be Bagulas? No way. , isn’t it still early for Christmas?”

"Yes, it's been a long time until Christmas. Uncle Hiyama, do you want a gift?" Yoko Usami, who was in Decius's arms, heard Sambaxiu's muttering, took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to him. Give Samba Xiu, "Here, a gift."

Sambasio took the candy dumbfounded, and most of the tension in his heart was swept away. He looked at Decius: "Dechius, have you told Dr. Sakurada about the virus life form Messiah?"

Since he chose to get involved in Energy Innovation's business, Samba Xiu naturally wanted to ensure the safety of Dr. Sakurada as much as possible.

Therefore, when he sent Decius to the Transmission Research Center, he told him about the existence of the Messiah.

After all, according to the background setting of the Tokusatsu Sentai, it was during Christmas of the year when the Emergency Sentai was active that the virus life form Messiah was born at the Transmission Research Center.

In order to prevent computers all over the world from being infected by Messiah and causing the earth to be assimilated into a data world by virus life forms, Dr. Sakurada will choose to teleport the entire research institute into subspace, except for Sakurada Hiroshi, Iwasaki Ryuji, and Usami Apart from Yoko's three children and three companion robots, there will be no other survivors.

"Don't worry, leader, I have warned Dr. Sakurada a long time ago, and Dr. Sakurada has also made preparations for this." Decius looked at the nervousness flashing in Sambaxiu's eyes and asked, "Could it be that the Messiah Appeared?"

Sambaxiu shook his head: "Bagla didn't show up. It might just be a false alarm. Let's go to Dr. Sakurada first and ask what's going on."

Decius nodded and immediately led Sambaxiu toward the largest laboratory in the research center.

As soon as he walked in, Samba was about to ask about the current situation, but received Kil's telepathy.

[Sambaxiu, the person fighting this time is Gilfisa’s computer disaster monster Cybergirudo. His ability is to use the disaster monster virus to invade human computers, thereby causing chaos in human cities. As for the location where he will appear, I cannot provide it because Gilfisa suddenly thought of this battle. 】

[This information is enough. 】

After learning from Kiel that the virus that attacked the computer was created by the Disaster Demon, Samba Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. It would be fine if he wasn't the Messiah.

After all, if the Messiah appears, then he must be prepared to lose an entire research center. Although it can be rebuilt, it will be a huge expense.

It’s just that Sangbasiu couldn’t figure it out.

[Kiel, why do the disaster demons have such technologically advanced disaster beasts? Aren’t the Disaster Demons practicing magic? 】

After hearing Samba Xiu's telepathic question, Kil pondered for a moment and gave the answer.

【I have no idea. 】

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 181 The Birth of the Messiah

It's just Sambaxiu's own curiosity, and it doesn't matter if it's not satisfied.

After telepathically complaining about Kiel's unreliability, Sambaxiu came back to his senses and watched Dr. Sakurada methodically direct his researchers to rescue the computer.

Calm down in times of crisis, it seems that even if Dr. Sakurada does not engage in scientific research, he will make great achievements in other fields.

As the computers in the laboratory gradually returned to normal, Dr. Sakurada came to Samba Xiu and asked with some uneasiness: "Mr. Hiyama, is the virus this time the kind of virus life form you mentioned?" Messiah?"

"No, I just got the news that this virus is the work of the disaster demon."

Although Dr. Sakurada made preparations as soon as possible after learning about the existence of this viral life form from Decius, the overall preparations are still somewhat insufficient because the current transmission research has not been fully understood.

Although he is still confident that the Messiah and the entire research center will be teleported to the subspace if he attacks, he cannot guarantee that everyone in the research center can be teleported outside.

So when Sambaxiu shook his head, he felt relieved and immediately asked a very important question: "I remember that the disaster demon is the kind of monster that can cast magic. Why can it create computer viruses?"

Sambaxiu thought for a moment and gave his guess: "Could it be because disaster demons are the embodiment of disaster, and their existence has evolved with the progress of human society?"

Dr. Sakurada agreed with Sambaxiu's conjecture and nodded: "If possible, I really want to capture the disaster demon who caused trouble this time and study it carefully."

Hearing this Frankenstein-like speech, Samba Xiu smiled and said: "Let's not trouble GOGOV. Are all the computers in the research center back to normal now?"

Dr. Sakurada walked to a computer, dragged the mouse and clicked, and an intuitive chart appeared on the largest screen in the laboratory: "Currently only here and next door have returned to normal, but you can see that other areas are gradually recovering."

Samba Xiu patiently stared at the chart, and the background color of the cells with different areas on each floor gradually changed from red, which symbolizes danger, to green, which symbolizes safety.

Suddenly, a researcher said in surprise: "Great, there is only one area left, and the virus has been cleaned up."

This statement that sounded like a FLAG instantly attracted Samba Xiu's attention: "Where is the last area?"

Dr. Sakurada replied: "It is the laboratory where the Star's Life is stored."

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